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Incorrect statement


I have a COI as I work for Te Rākau and with Helen Pearse-Otene. I have layed out the information below about the founding of the theatre organisation Te Rākau Hua o Te Wao Tapu with links to evidence below. Many thanks to whomever can address this. I have found this error in a journalists article (the reach of Wikipedia is wide). Pakoire (talk) 20:35, 7 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]


In the article the following statement is incorrect: "In 1999 she and her partner Jim Moriarty founded a theatre company called Te Rākau Hua o te Wao Tapu Trust, which works in prisons, youth residential homes and on marae. " This I assume was surmised out of the reference which says: "As well as acting and social work Moriarty and Pearse-Otene have run their own theatre company for 25 years."

Here is the timeline:

1989 - Te Rākau Hua o Te Wao Tapu started (commonly referred to as Te Rākau)

1990 - Te Rākau produced its first plays

1999 - Te Rākau became a Charitable Trust - Te Rākau Hua o Te Wao Tapu Trust

1999 - Helen Pearse-Otene became a member of Te Rākau

Here is some evidence for the founding (from this evidence is is not clear who apart from Moriarty founded Te Rākau - it was not Pearse-Otene however and it was in 1989):

- Established in 1989 by Jim Moriarty, Rangimoana Taylor, Gabe Giddens, and Rameka Cope (Glassey and Welham 2003; Williams 2007), Te Rākau Hua o Te Wao Tapu is the longest serving Māori community theatre trust operating in Aotearoa/New Zealand. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/347360292_Decolonising_theatre_and_ensemble_training_in_AotearoaNew_Zealand_Te_Rakau_Hua_o_Te_Wao_Tapu_Theatre

- Te Rākau Hua o te Wao Tapu was established in 1989 by Jim Moriarty and Jerry Banse with a trust deed inherited from the Māori Theatre Trust and runs a unique theatre marae model to create theatre productions, run workshops and build capacity and health within the groups and the communities they sit within.


- It was in those early days that Jim identified his ability to enhance Tino Rangatiratanga by using “creative stuff” – theatre performance. In 1989, he set up Te Rakau Hua o Te Wao Tapu Trust. https://creativenz.govt.nz/news-and-blog/2022/06/15/02/24/32/theatre-as-a-tool-to-transform

- In 1990 Jim Moriarty’s new company, Te Rakau Hua O Te Wao Tapu, produced Bruce Stewart's Broken arse and John Broughton's Nga puke at The Depot. The company later worked with troubled young people, using theatre to help them come to terms with their past. Moriarty became a member of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2000. (https://teara.govt.nz/en/maori-theatre-te-whare-tapere-hou/page-2)

- The Charitable Trust rules available on the Charities Commission website:


- As a writer and facilitator Helen has contributed to Te Rākau Theatre Trust’s residential work in prisons, youth residential homes, and on Marae since 1999. https://www.playmarket.org.nz/playwrights/new-author-6/

- Helen is a registered, practicing psychologist, theatre practitioner, veterans advocate, and researcher. Her work as a writer and facilitator has formed the heart of Te Rākau Theatre's creative work since 1999. https://www.terakau.org/ko-wai-m%C4%81tou Pakoire (talk) 20:35, 7 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Kia ora @Pakoire, thanks for the correction! It's clear that the company was founded in 1989 and that Pearse-Otene joined in 1999. Does the amendment to the article address the inaccuracy? Let me know if you have any further suggestions. Ngā mihi, Chocmilk03 (talk) 01:01, 9 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]
@Chocmilk03 many thanks. Yes the amendment does address the inaccuracy. Pakoire (talk) 07:39, 9 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]