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Talk:October Railway

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Delete the mention of Tsarskoye Selo Zh.D. being part of Oktyabrskaya Zh.D. (October Railway) since 1837. It remained independent 6ft (1829 mm) railway until being purchased in 1890´s by the private Moscow - Vindava - Rybinsk Zh.D to allow the Company have the rail connection also to St.Petersburg, then the capital of Imperial Russia. Tsarskoje Selo Zh.D was regauged by the M.V.R.Zh.D. to standard 5ft (1524 mm) Russian gauge only in 1901 - 1902. The old Tsarskoye Selo railway station in St.Petersburg was then renamed to Vitebsk Railway Station sometime after 1917, but was commonly known as Moscow-Vindava-Rybinsk Railway Station of St.Petersburg as shown in the 1914 offical timetable, or the old name was commonly used at least up to the October Revolution. All older locomotives, except the new tank locomotives, were by then scrapped, only the tank locomotives being regauged to 5ft and remained in service up to the Soviet Period in Russian history. Up to the Bolshevik October Revolution ie Coup d´Etat in 1917 the Railway was from beginning offically Nikolai Zh.D. (Nicholas Railway). It become after the creation of October Railway part of it, but when the Leningrad Zh.D. was created in 1920´s, the Tsarskoye Selo line (which itself being renamed to Pavlovsk by the Bolsheviks), become part of the Leningrad Zh.D.. When the Leningrad Zh.D was amalgamed into Oktyabrskaya Zh.D. in 1950´s the old Tsarskoye Selo line become only then part of October Railway. This is the true history of the Tsarskoye Selo Zh.D. Not the revised history created under the Soviet days in Russia. All these events are clearly documented in old Imperial Russian railway literature, hardly now available even in Russia today. October Railway is the commonly used English version of Russian Oktyabrskaya Zh.D.. Thus October Railway in English text is predominating, not the Russian name. Or at least in this form: Oktyabrskaya Zh.D. (October Railway) former (Nikolai Zh.D) (Nicholas Railway). Just for the knowledge to the editor of this article; When Tsarskoye Selo was founded it was built in the middle of Finnish speaking villages in Ingermanland whose population spoke Finnish, not Russian. The original Pavlovsk was Hietamäki, located south of the Fridental Hof. All the villages in the area had Finnish names just like Suur Kusmana, Rehkola, Kiiskisaari, Kolppana,(Kolpino), Pulkkova, just to mention of few of those as seen in 1922 map. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:54, 25 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]