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Talk:Oliver Dulić

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Let's keep this where it belongs: in the personal section. According to the news I heard at B92, as well as http://arhiva.glas-javnosti.co.yu/arhiva/2007/05/18/srpski/T07051702.shtml, he declares himself a Yugoslav and even an Orthodox. Here's an interview with Nova TV where he said

Kako se posljednjih dana u hrvatskim medijima naglašavalo da je Dulić vojvođanski Hrvat, zanimalo nas je kako se sam nacionalno deklarira - odgovorio je da on po nacionalnosti nije Hrvat nego Jugoslaven. Dulić kaže da je podrijetlom samo djelomice Hrvat jer je iz miješanog braka.- Ne znam postoji li u Hrvatskoj nacionalnost Jugoslaven, no ovdje kod nas je to vrlo popularno. I još nešto, ja sam i veliki jugonostalgičar i nadam se da ćemo jednog dana opet biti zajedno, ali u Europskoj uniji, rekao je Dulić.

I guess that should settle the issue. Duja 09:52, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]



He said that he is Serbian Orthodox, not Roman Catholic

He said it in a interview for Kurir. Baks (talk) 23:26, 3 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]