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Weird sentence?


This sentence makes no sense to me.

This provision (on-i no sei 蔭位の制) existed in the Tang law, however under the Japanese ritsuryo ranks for which it was applied were higher as well as the ranks obtained by the children.

Maybe it should be rewritten.

Gov't structure under the ritsuryosei


Just for reference, this is a copy of a chart in Kojien that can be used to show how the gov't was organized under the ritsuryo system.

  • 神祇官
  • 太政官
    • 左弁官
      • 中務省(中宮職,左右大舎人寮,図書寮,内蔵寮,縫殿寮,陰陽寮,画工司,内薬司,内礼司)
      • 式部省 (大学寮,散位寮)
      • 治部省 (雅楽寮,玄蕃寮,諸陵司,喪儀司)
      • 民部省 (主計寮,主税寮)
    • 少納言
    • 右弁官
      • 兵部省 (兵馬司,造兵司,鼓吹司,主船司,主鷹司)
      • 刑部省 (贓贖司,囚獄司)
      • 大蔵省 (典鋳司,掃部司,漆部司,縫部司,織部司)
      • 宮内省 (大膳職,木工寮,大炊寮,主殿寮,典薬寮,正親司,内膳司,造酒司,鍛冶司,官奴司,園池司,土工司,采女司,主水司,主油司,内掃部司,筥陶司,内染司)
    • 弾正台
    • 衛門府
      • 隼人司
    • 左右衛士府
    • 左右兵衛府
    • 左右馬寮
    • 左右兵庫
    • 内兵庫司
    • 後宮十二司
    • 春宮坊
    • 左右京職
      • 坊令
        • 坊長
      • 東西市司
    • 摂津職
    • 大宰府
      • 軍団

Bueller 007 (talk) 07:38, 21 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Maybe someone who knows how to do language links could link to Japanese wiki: 律令制? — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 07:41, 29 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]