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the "original manuscript" linked is dated to the 18th c., throwing doubt on the "early 17th century" date. dab (𒁳) 11:44, 11 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Stanza 1: Sarvagna was made of the same stuff as everyone. However, by learning one word of wisdom from each, he became a mountain of knowledge.

Stanza 2: While borrowing it is like eating a meal of milk and honey. When the loan is due to be paid, it feels as if the bones in the body are broken (This is a warning to credit card debts in particular!)

Stanza 3: A drunkard is like a pig. The poor pig, however, is helpful. The drunk is worse and useless.

Stanza 4: What is the use of circling round the temple without any feeling? It is like the ox which circles round the oil crusher. (Note: In old times oil was extracted in little ox pulled crushers).

Stanza 5: What use is giving advice to a fool a hundred times? It is like raining on a rock for hundred years. Will it ever soak in?

Stanza 6:One who has control over his pants, hand and mouth is like Vishnu and Brahma. He has nothing to worry. (Note: control over sexual conduct, behaviour and speech is what Sarvagna is talking about)

Stanza 7: If fools claim that they jumped over six mountains, agree to it. It is not worth fighting over.

Stanza 8: For one who knows how to speak, it is like water pouring out of Eta from a well. For one who does not know, it is just the rope hanging down. (Note: Eta is a device to draw water from a well. It is a pot tied to a rope).

Stanza 9:Learn somethings from those who know; Watch somethings from those who do; Learn otherthings by self experience.

Stanza 10: Offering food (to the hungry), telling the truth and putting others above oneself is a happy way to heaven.

Stanza 11: A wife who keeps the home warm, watches expenses, knows what is on your mind and acts accordingly is everything. Who cares if the heavens catch fire!

Stanza 12: One who gives (alms) without advertising is superior. One who gives and talks about it is medium. Only a knave talks much and gives nothing.

Stanza 13: The company of good men (women also) is like enjoying sweet honey. The company of evil men is like the stinking stuff in the sewer.

Stanza 14: By wearing a mark of ash (Note: orthodox Hindus wear such marks on their forehead and other parts of the body during religious rituals.) one were to reach heaven, a donkey (that rolls in ash) should reach there surely.

Stanza 15: By dipping in the river everyday ( Note: baths in holy rivers are parts of Hindu rituals.) a Brahmin were to jump to heaven, the frog which is born and lives in water should surely go to heaven.

Stanza 16: By dabbing sandalwood paste on the forehead one were to reach heaven, the stone used to grind the paste should be first to go there.

Stanza 17: No one knows everything. The learned are few. There is no guarantee that the smart bring wisdom. Knowledge is not available for all.

Stanza 18: A service without flowers, the king without a horse and friendship with one who does not know the language (one who cannot carry an intelligent conversation) are a waste. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:27, 20 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]