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Talk:Speed limits in Germany

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Sources on the minimum speed?



I've tried to find any sources regarding the subject of minimum speed, because I've neither ever heard nor seen of any signs or laws that regulates this kind of thing, other than the 60 kph limit on the Autobahn. I suggest that if there's no actual law presented this section should be deleted from the article.

SkySilver (talk) 13:27, 17 May 2018 (UTC)[reply]

I do not know exactly what is your problem. One picture with minimum speed limit (50 km/h) from France here after:
It should be read as: maximum 80, minimum 50, mandatory lights, (for the tunnel). For the water under the bridge, it is just written "Le gave d'aspe" without different speed. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:18, 17 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]
My problem is that there is no source for the section about the minimum speed. There are no laws dictating the minimum speed for certain lanes on the German Autobahn.
And a picture of a French traffic sign for a tunnel bridge isn't really applicable to the German Autobahn. SkySilver (talk) 00:50, 18 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Indeed there is one source fro Germany. It stands that the 60 km/h limit is not for the driver but for the vehicle. https://rp-online.de/leben/auto/news/mindestgeschwindigkeit-auf-der-autobahn-60-ist-ein-irrtum_aid-13676927
In fact, this was not specific German motorways. For instance at some time vehicle unable to reach 40 km/h were forbidden on French motorways: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichCodeArticle.do;jsessionid=6F4D3B376B7D029EFAF9D3CCCAFDE5BC.tplgfr27s_1?cidTexte=LEGITEXT000006074947&idArticle=LEGIARTI000006875492&dateTexte=20200123&categorieLien=id#LEGIARTI000006875492 while nowadays it is just forbidden to motorized quadricycle (some subcategories of L6 / L7 vehicles)
Such a limit might come from the Vienna convention which states:

Merge History, Public Opinion and Arguments


I'm finding these sections confusing to read and disjointed. Might I suggest that these sections be rearranged into chronological order AND also confine it to opinion about Maximum speed? This would make it easier to understand. Also the arguments put forward wax and wane along with various groups opinion on the matter. The article could then reflect this changing mood as it moves around. Alex Sims (talk) 00:52, 26 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

To be honest, the entire Autobahn section reads like an overlong pamphlet written by an obsessive climate and road safety propagandist to be given out at a protest rally, and probably doesn't belong in an article that, for most other countries, just gives a factual list of what the limits are per road and vehicle type, and a short rundown of any historically significant or realistically proposed changes. Maybe it would be better off as a separate article entitled "collected arguments for imposing a speed limit of between 100 and 130km/h on the Autobahn and also dropping a bunch of other speed limits on non-Auto-bahnen at the same time"? Or published on the author's personal blog and then linked here as a single reference with a note about "there have been many arguments put forwards for reimposition of a blanket limit, but so far none have been enacted"? (talk) 02:36, 1 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

mph equivalents


Is it really necessary to repeat over and over again that 100 km per hour = 62 miles per hour (etc)? How about setting up a little conversion table and deleting all the in-line conversions? Ehrenkater (talk) 16:56, 20 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Use of the word 'Autobahns'


'Autobahns' is mentioned several times in the article but it doesn't really make sense. It's either Autobahn (singular) or Autobahnen (plural). Using a German word and simply creating the plural in an English way is incorrect and shouldn't be done in an encyclopedia. 2A02:C7C:3776:A300:55C8:F8A6:9272:2C18 (talk) 17:10, 10 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]