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Arm Mission name Shuttle Launch Date Mission Canadarm uses
201 STS-2 Columbia November 12, 1981 Second Shuttle test flight First operational test
201 STS-3 Columbia March 22, 1982 Third Shuttle test flight Used to deploy and maneuver the Plasma Diagnostics Package
201 STS-4 Columbia June 27, 1982 Fourth and final Shuttle test flight Used to deploy and maneuver the Induced Environment Contaminant Monitor
201 STS-7 Challenger June 18, 1983 Anik C2 deployment
Palapa B-1 deployment
Used to deploy and retrieve SPAS-1
201 STS-8 Challenger August 30, 1983 INSAT-1B deployment
RMS tests with Payload Flight Test Article
Used in conjunction with the Payload Flight Test Article to test the limits of the Canadarm
301 STS-41-B Challenger February 3, 1984 Westar 6 deployment
Palapa B-2 deployment
First tests of Manned Maneuvering Unit
Used to assist astronauts during the EVAs
302 STS-41-C Challenger April 6, 1984 LDEF deployment
SolarMax repair
Used to deploy the LDEF, retrieve SolarMax, assist astronauts during the EVAs, and re-deploy SolarMax
301 STS-41-D Discovery August 30, 1984 SBS-D deployment
Syncom IV-2 deployment
Telstar 3-C deployment
Used to clear a clogged waste water port on the Shuttle
302 STS-41-G Challenger October 5, 1984 ERBS deployment
Orbital Refueling System demonstration
Used to deploy ERBS and assist astronauts during the EVA
301 STS-51-A Discovery November 8, 1984 Anik D2 deployment
Syncom IV-1 deployment
Westar 6 retrieval
Palapa B-2 retrieval
Used to help retrieve Westar 6 and Palapa B-2 and to assist astronauts during the EVAs
301 STS-51-C Discovery January 24, 1985 Classified Department of Defense mission Used to assist classified DoD payload
301 STS-51-D Discovery April 12, 1985 Telesat-1 deployment
Syncom IV-3 deployment
Fitted with a "flyswatter" to attempt Syncom IV-3 repair
301 STS-51-G Discovery June 17, 1985 Arabsat 1-B deployment
Morelos 1 deployment
Telstar 3-D deployment
Spartan 1
Used to deploy and retrieve Spartan 1
302 STS-51-F Challenger July 29, 1985 Spacelab 2 Used to deploy and retrieve the Plasma Diagnostics Package
301 STS-51-I Discovery August 27, 1985 AUSSAT-1 deployment
ASC-1 deployment
Syncom IV-4 deployment
Syncom IV-3 repair
Used to assist astronauts during the EVAs
302 STS-61-A Challenger October 30, 1985 Spacelab D1 Used to monitor water dumps
303 STS-61-B Atlantis November 26, 1985 AUSSAT-2 deployment
Morelos-B deployment
Satcom Ku-2 deployment
EASE/ACCESS construction
Used to assist astronauts during the EVAs
302 STS-51-L Challenger January 28, 1986 TDRS-B deployment
Was to have been used to deploy and retrieve Spartan-203
Arm 302 destroyed during launch
201 STS-27 Atlantis December 2, 1988 Classified Department of Defense mission Used to assist classified DoD payload
201 STS-32 Columbia January 9, 1990 Syncom IV-F5 deployment
LDEF retrieval
Used to retrieve the LDEF
301 STS-31 Discovery April 24, 1990 Hubble Space Telescope deployment Used to deploy the Hubble Space Telescope
301 STS-41 Discovery October 6, 1990 Ulysses deployment Used in conjunction with the Intelsat Solar Array Coupon experiment
303 STS-37 Atlantis April 5, 1991 Compton Gamma Ray Observatory deployment Used to deploy the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory and to assist the astronauts during the EVAs
301 STS-39 Discovery April 28, 1991
301 STS-48 Discovery September 12, 1991
303 STS-49 Endeavour May 7, 1992
201 STS-46 Atlantis July 31, 1992
303 STS-47 Endeavour September 12, 1992
301 STS-52 Columbia October 22, 1992
201 STS-56 Discovery April 8, 1993
303 STS-57 Endeavour June 21, 1993
201 STS-51 Discovery September 12, 1993
303 STS-61 Endeavour December 2, 1993
201 STS-60 Discovery February 3, 1994
301 STS-62 Columbia March 4, 1994
303 STS-59 Endeavour April 9, 1994
201 STS-64 Discovery September 9, 1994
303 STS-68 Endeavour September 30, 1994
202 STS-66 Atlantis November 3, 1994
201 STS-63 Discovery February 3, 1995
303 STS-67 Endeavour March 2, 1995
303 STS-69 Endeavour September 7, 1995
301 STS-74 Atlantis November 12, 1995
303 STS-72 Endeavour January 11, 1996
301 STS-77 Endeavour May 19, 1996
202 STS-80 Columbia November 19, 1996
301 STS-82 Discovery February 11, 1997
301 STS-85 Discovery August 7, 1997
301 STS-87 Columbia November 19. 1997
201 STS-91 Discovery June 2, 1998
201 STS-95 Discovery October 29, 1998
202 STS-88 Endeavour December 4, 1998
303 STS-96 Discovery May 27, 1999
301 STS-103 Discovery December 19, 1999
202 STS-101 Atlantis May 19, 2000
202 STS-106 Atlantis September 8, 2000
301 STS-92 Discovery October 11, 2000
303 STS-97 Endeavour November 30, 2000
202 STS-98 Atlantis February 7, 2001
301 STS-102 Discovery March 8, 2001
303 STS-100 Endeavour April 19, 2001
202 STS-104 Atlantis July 12, 2001
301 STS-105 Discovery August 10, 2001
303 STS-108 Endeavour December 5, 2001
201 STS-109 Columbia March 1, 2002
202 STS-110 Atlantis April 8, 2002
303 STS-111 Endeavour June 5, 2002
202 STS-112 Atlantis October 7, 2002
303 STS-113 Endeavour November 24, 2002
301 STS-114 Discovery July 26, 2005
301 STS-121 Discovery July 4, 2006
202 STS-115 Atlantis September 9, 2006

Statute Chapter Enacted Title Description
I I June 1, 1789 An Act to regulate the Time and Manner of administering certain Oaths
I II July 4, 1789 An Act for laying a Duty on Goods, Wares, and Merchandises imported into the United States
I III July 20, 1789 An Act imposing Duties on Tonnage
I IV July 27, 1789 An Act for establishing an Executive Department, to be denominated the Department of Foreign Affairs
I V July 31, 1789 An Act to regulate the Collection of the Duties imposed by law on the tonnage of ships or vessels, and on goods, wares, and merchandises imported into the United States
I VI August 5, 1789 An Act for settling the Accounts between the United States and individual States
I VII August 7, 1789 An Act to establish an Executive Department, to be denominated the Department of War
I VIII August 7, 1789 An Act to provide for the Government of the Territory North-west of the river Ohio
I IX August 7, 1789 An Act for the establishment and support of Lighthouses, Beacons, Buoys, and Public Piers
I X August 20, 1789 An Act providing for the Expenses for which may attend Negotiations or Treaties with the Indian Tribes, and the appointment of Commissioners for managing the same
I XI September 1, 1789 An Act for Registering and Clearing Vessels, Regulating the Coasting Trade, and for other purposes
I XII September 2, 1789 An Act to establish the Treasury Department
I XIII September 11, 1789 An Act for establishing the Salaries of the Executive Officers of Government, with their Assistants and Clerks
I XIV September 15, 1789 An Act to provide for the safe-keeping of the Acts, Records and Seal of the United States, and for other purposes
I XV September 16, 1789 An Act to suspend part of an Act, instituted "An Act to regulate the collections of the Duties imposed by Law on the Tonnage of Ships or Vessels, and on Goods, Wares, and Merchandises, imported into the United States," and for other purposes
I XVI September 22, 1789 An Act for the temporary establishment of the Post-Office
I XVII September 22, 1789 An Act for allowing Compensation of the Members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, and to the Officers of both Houses
I XVIII September 23, 1789 An Act for allowing certain Compensation to the Judges of the Supreme and other Courts, and to the Attorney General of the United States
I XIX September 24, 1789 An Act for allowing a Compensation to the President and Vice President of the United States
I XX September 24, 1789 An Act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States
I XXI September 29, 1789 An Act to regulate Processes in the Courts of the United States
I XXII September 29, 1789 An Act to explain and amend and Act, intituled "An Act for registering and clearing Vessels, regulating the Coasting Trades, and for other purposes."
I XXIII September 29, 1789 An Act making Appropriations for the Service of the present year
I XXIV September 29, 1789 An Act providing for the payment of the Invalid Pensioners of the United States
I XXV September 29, 1789 An Act to recognize and adapt to the Constitution of the United States the establishment of the Troops raised under the Resolves of the United States in Congress assembled, and for other purposes therein mentioned
I XXVII September 29, 1789 An Act to alter the Time for the next Meeting of Congress