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Smart Projects is a method to generate a software application so that it can communicate to another computer program by reverse-engineering source code from the computer program’s specification. The source code generated is bundled with the computer and its system software to make up a software project that can be imported into an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to enable further software development.


In building applications, smart projects accelerate software development by generating source code that is required to communicate to all or part of the computer program. Smart projects are typically generated through a No-Code Development Platform that relies on configuration to tell the generator how to generate the smart project.


The first definition of the term smart projects was coined by computer scientist Julie Russell in 2023 to refer to the method of generating a software application from another computer program’s specification. The method was created in 2019 by Diamond Edge IT Inc.


[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

  1. ^ "System and method for generating API devlopment code for integrating platforms".
  2. ^ "Providing an invocable composite network service based on multiple other invocable constituent network services".
  3. ^ "Common message header bearing method and apparatu for converting soap api into rest api".
  4. ^ "System and method for automatically resolving dependencies of java archive files for use with maven".
  5. ^ "Service to generate API libraries from a description".
  6. ^ "Self-documentation for representational state transfer (Rest) application programming interface (Api)".