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CybOrgasMatrix Love Doll

CybOrgasMatrix is a lifecasting of the body of Big bust model Pandora Peaks, designed to be used as a sex doll for purposes of copulation or masturbation. It is life-like, full-scale, anatomically correct, and cast using a solid elastomeric gel. CybOrgasMatrix is distinguished from the prior art for its realism owing to 2 innovations: the detail of the form, itself, made possible by lifecasting, and for the material properties of the gel used to simulate human flesh.



Lifecasting is the process by which molds are taken from living subjects. The advantage of lifecasting over sculpting, milling, machining, or some other processes is the degree of detail captured by the mold. Mark Prent[1], a lifecasting artist, it is possible to capture a wealth of textural information, such as fingerprints or a model's childhood vaccination mark.

Elastomeric Gel


The elastomeric gel used in CybOrgasMatrix for soft tissue has 2 distinctive properties: elasticity and shape memory (for more on shape memory characteristics, see shape memory alloy). Silicone has long been the material of choice in the film industry for its ease of use and flexibility in modeling human and alien flesh in special effects. Its drawbacks are its cost and low tear strength. Silicone is known to have elasticity of 300-450%, meaning that it tears when the elastic limit is exceeded at 3 to 4-1/2 times its original length.[2] The elastomeric gel material used in CybOrgasMatrix is claimed to stretch 1800-2400% before tearing. [3] This makes it possible to more realistically simulate human flesh and to make the product more durable.

Other Realistic Dolls


RealDoll by Abyss Creations, Inc., based in the US, was the first to release a high-end sex doll. Made entirely of silicone over a poseable, articulated skeleton, Realdoll is known for its selection of interchangeable faces and body types, from showgirl to the girl-next-door look, sculpted by its creator, Matt McMullen.

SuperBabe by N/C Dimensioning, Inc. is similar to the Realdoll in that their product is made from silicone over an articulated skeleton. In order to overcome the relatively low tear strength of silicone, SuperBabe is made of a firmer, more durable formulation that the RealDoll. It is manufactured in the U.S., and it is priced slightly lower than RealDoll. SuperBabe is a hybrid of sculpture and lifecasting (e.g., the face and breasts are anatomically correct lifecastings, but the vagina was moved forward and upward to facilitate intercourse in the missionary position.

First Android is a manufacturer of dolls based in Germany. Also made of silicone over skeleton construction, the Andy is customizable with a variety of optional features. First Android's contribution to sex doll technology is in robotic movement. Although the base price is competitive with other realistic sex dolls, a fully loaded model is more expensive due to robotics and Import tariff.



1. ^ Entry for Russ Meyer's 2001 movie Pandora Peaks at IMDb 2. ^ Frontpage of the CybOrgasMatrix official website (features nudity)
