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Period ref Years Works Architects
Romanesque Ref 1050-1250 Aarhus Cathedral, Church of Our Lady
Gothic Ref 1200-1550 Aarhus Cathedral, Church of Our Lady
Renaissance Ref 1550-1650 Juul's House, Mejlgade 43, Mejlgade 25, Vestergade 1, Borgmestergården, Aarhus Mill Martin Bussert
Baroque Ref 1650-1750 Ridderstræde 4, Mejlgade 18, Vestergade 58, Moesgård (Interior), Aarhus Cathedral School, Møllestien Christian Joseph Zuber, Nicolaus Hinrich Rieman, Christian Jensen Mørup
Rococo Ref 1740-1770 Mejlgade 25, Badstuegade 1 B, Raae's House, Klostergade 56, Mejlgade 7
Classical Ref 1790-1850 Aarhus Katedralskole Rector building, Mejlgade 7, Klostergade 56, Badstuegade 1 A, Mejlgade 45, Skolegade 34, Lille Torv 2, Hans Broge's House, Vester Allés Kaserne, Langelandsgade Kaserne Hans Wilhelm Schrøder
Late Classical Ref 1825-1860 Vilhelmsborg, Old City Hall Carl Georg Ferdinand Thielemann
Revivalism Ref 1850-1920 Jydske Asyl, Willemoe's House, Vester Alle 15, Kannikegade 10, Catholic Church of Our Lady, Business- and Agricultural Bank of Jutland, Studestalden, Ceres Brewery, Samsøgades School, St. Joseph's Hospital, Rømerhus Gottlieb Bindesbøll, Gustav Ludolf Martens, Vilhelm Theodor Walther, Ferdinand Meldahl, Vilhelm Dahlerup, Thorkel Møller, Sophus Frederik Kühnel
Romanesque Revival 1850-1950 Frederik's Church, Åby Church, Holme Church, St. Nikolaj Church, St. John's Church, Aarhus Methodist Church, Lyseng Church, Åbyhøj Church, St. Paul's Church Vilhelm Theodor Walther, Harald Lønborg-Jensen, Hjalmar Kjær
National romantic Ref 1880-1915 Sankt Lucas Kirkeplads 6-8, Gerlachsgade 14, Aarhus Custom House, Villa Kampen, Vester Allé 12, Ole Rømer Observatory, Læssøesgades School, N.J. Fjordsgade School, H. Pontoppidans Gade 18, Wormhus, Aarhus Fire Station, Aarhus Katedralskole Red building, Aarhus Teater, Marselisborg Palace, Marselisborg Hospital Sophus Frederik Kühnel, Hack Kampmann, Anton Rosen, Thomas Arboe, Rudolf Frimodt Clausen, Carl Lange, Ludvig Petersen
Neoclassical Ref 1915-1935 Slipvej 4, Kunsthal Aarhus, Varna Palæet, Steen Billes Torv 12, Skansepalæet, Five Sisters, St. Mark's Church, Moesgård, Aarhus Katedralskole White building, Aarhus County Hospital, St. Luke's Church Eggert Achen, Christian Frühstück Nielsen, Hjalmar Kjær, Thorkel Møller, Frederik Draiby, Thomas Havning, Axel Høeg-Hansen, Hjalmar Kjær, Eggert Achen
Functionalism Ref 1930-1940 Strandparken, Skovvangsskolen, Aarhus Cathedral School, Aarhus University, Aarhus City Hall, Klintegaarden, State and University Library, Aarhus Municipal Hospital, Spanien Public Baths C.F. Møller, Kay Fisker, Alfred Mogensen
Brutalism 1950-1980 Højen 13, Hotel Marselis, Scanticon Knud Friis, Friis & Moltke
Modern Aarhus Katedralskole Grey building


Item Style Architect Year
Ole Rømer Observatory National romantic, Arts and crafts Anton Rosen 1911
Aarhus Cathedral Romanesque, Gothic 1300
Church of Our Lady Romanesque, Gothic 1060
Aarhus City Hall Functionalism Arne Jacobsen, Erik Møller 1941
Langelandsgade Kaserne Classicist Sophus Frederik Kühnel 1889
Vester Allés Kaserne Classicist Carl Lange 1878
Egaa Gymnasium Modern Cubo 2006
Villa Kampen National romantic Hack Kampmann 1902
Skejby Church Romanesque, Gothic 1100s
Egå Church Romanesque, Gothic 1100s
Vejlby Church Romanesque, Gothic 1100s
Viby Church Romanesque, Gothic 1100s
Brabrand Church Romanesque, Gothic 1100s
Åby Church Romanesque Revival Vilhelm Theodor Walther 1872
Holme Church Romanesque Revival Vilhelm Theodor Walther 1882
St. Nikolaj Church Romanesque Revival Hjalmar Kjær 1893
St. John's Church Romanesque Revival Hack Kampmann 1905
Aarhus Methodist Church Romanesque Revival 1912
Lyseng Church Romanesque Revival, Modern 1913
St. Lukas Church Neoclassical Kaj Gottlob 1926
Åbyhøj Church Revivalism (Romanesque, Gothic) Harald Lønborg-Jensen 1945
Frederik's Church Revivalism (Romanesque, Gothic) Harald Lønborg-Jensen 1944
Christian's Church Modern 1958
Langenæs Church Modern Johan Richter 1958
Ellevang Church Modern 1974
Hasle Church Romanesque 1100s
St. Mark's Church Neoclassical Thomas Havning 1935
Fredens Church Modern 1960
Vilhelmsborg Classicist, Revivalism (Gothic) 1842
Spanien Public Baths Functionalism Frederik Draiby 1933
Moesgård Neoclassical, Baroque Christian Joseph Zuber 1778
Old City Hall Revivalism (Renaissance Rosenborg-stil) Carl Georg Ferdinand Thielemann 1857
Højen 13 Brutalism Knud Friis 1958
Stykgodspakhuset Neoclassical Frederik Draiby 1926
Domkirkepladsen 1 Revivalism (Italian renaissance, English Baroque) Axel Berg 1926
Det Norske Hus National romantic Martin Nyrop 1888
Aarhus Craftmen's Association's Asylum Vilhelm Theodor Walther 1866
Klintegaarden Functionalism Hans Ove Christensen 1938
Trods Katholm Classicist 1606
Mejlen Revivalism (Gothic) Carl Lange 1768
Jydske Asyl Revivalism (Gothic) Gottlieb Bindesbøll 1850
Vester Allé 12 National romantic Hack Kampmann 1902
Aarhus Central Workshops 1862
Baumann House Neoclassical Povl Baumann 1911
Juul's House Renaissance 1629
Thorald's House 1750
Badstuegade 1H Revivalism (Baroque, Rococo) 1809
Moesgård Forest Mill 1785
Hald's House Classicist 1849
Herskind's House Classicist, Empire style Anton Gert Monrad 1850
Hans Broge's House Classicist, Empire style Hans Wilhelm Schrøder 1850
Mønsted's House Revivalism 1810
Rosensgade 38 Renaissance 1600
Thorup's Kælder Romanesque 1300s
Aarhus Art Academy Revivalism 1881
DOKK1 Modern schmidt hammer lassen architects 2015
Five Sisters Neoclassical Hjalmar Kjær 1927
Isbjerget Modern CEBRA, JDS Architects 2013
State and University Library Functionalism C.F. Møller 1963
Børglum Hall Modern Harald Salling-Mortensen 1967
Elvirasminde Neoclassical Christian Frühstück Nielsen 1912
Hotel Royal Neoclassical Thorkel Møller, Eggert Achen 1901
Willemoe's House Revivalism (Gothic) Gustav Ludolf Martens 1858
Catholic Church of Our Lady Revivalism (Gothic) Frantz Schmitz 1880
Tilst Church Romanesque 1170
Tranbjerg Church Romanesque 1100s
Læssøesgades School National Romantic Revivalism (Gothic) Ludvig Petersen 1921
Samsøgades School Revivalism (Gothic) Ludvig Petersen 1914
Varna Palæet Neoclassical Eggert Achen 1908
Skansepalæet Neoclassical Hjalmar Kjær 1908
Raae's House Classicist, Baroque 1798
Aarhus Katedralskole Red building National romantic Hack Kampmann 1905
Aarhus Katedralskole White building (Baroque, Classicist) --> Neoclassical Christian Jensen Mørup, Hack Kampmann 1763, 1906
Aarhus Katedralskole Grey building Modern C.F. Møller 1957
Aarhus Katedralskole Rector building Classicist C.F. Møller 1808
Business- and Agricultural Bank of Jutland Revivalism (Italian renaissance) Sophus Frederik Kühnel 1900
St. Luke's Church Neoclassical Kaj Gottlob 1926
Lille Torv 2 Classicist, Empire style 1816
Hotel Marselis Brutalism 1967
Aarhus Municipal Hospital Functionalism C.F. Møller, Kay Fisker 1935
Aarhus Teater National romantic Hack Kampmann 1900
Scanticon Brutalism Friis & Moltke 1969
Studestalden Revivalism (Gothic) 1865
Aarhus Fire Station National romantic (Italian renaissance) Sophus Frederik Kühnel 1904
Marselisborg Palace National romantic, Art Nouveau, Classicist Hack Kampmann 1902
Vester Alle 15 Revivalism
St. Paul's Church Romanesque Revival Vilhelm Theodor Walther 1887
Ceres Brewery Revivalism
Mejlborg Revivalism (Renaissance, Gothic Rosenborg-style) Sophus Frederik Kühnel 1898
Aarhus County Hospital Neoclassical, Functionalism Axel Høeg-Hansen 1882
St. Joseph's Hospital Revivalism (Baroque) Thorkel Møller 1907
Rømerhus Revivalism (Italian Renaissance) Sophus Frederik Kühnel 1895

Revivalism (Renaissance Rosenborg-stil)Ceres historicist: http://aarhuswiki.dk/wiki/Bryggeriet_Ceres Marselisborg Palace Jugend, Klassisk: http://www.historie-online.dk/nyt/bogfeature/b241203.htm