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User:Iopensa/Open data repositories

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Open-access repository

It is possible to search for open data repositories through several service:

  • re3data is the registry of research data repositories which provides documentation about existing repositories[1]
  • OpenDOAR is a directory of Open Access Repositories[2]
Repository Owner Access Country Discipline Data Database License Data Licenses Year Persistent Identifier system Preservation Uploads Software Compliance
Dryad Non profit Open USA (California Digital Library / Dryad / National Science Foundation) Generic Data CC0 CC0 2018 DOI Open source SNSF
European Data Infrastructure (EUDAT) Non profit Open Europe (B2FIND Communities / EUDAT / European Commission) Generic Data DOI SNSF
Figshare Commercial Open Company Digital Science Generic Data 2011 DOI < 20 GB SNSF
GitHub Commercial Open Company GitHub, Inc. (acquired by Microsoft in 2018) Generic Software Specific copyrights 2008 No SNSF
OLOS Non profit Open Switzerland (OLOS Association) Generic Data 2011 DOI SNSF
Open Science Framework (OSF) Non profit Open USA (Center for Open Science) Generic Data DOI Also partnership with Internet Archive SNSF
Zenodo Non profit Open CERN / European Commission / OpenAIRE Generic Data 2013 DOI < 50 GB (free) Free software (Invenio) SNSF
Swiss Data and Service Center for the Humanities (DaSCH) Non profit Open Switzerland (Data and Service Center for the Humanities / Swiss National Science Foundation / University of Basel) Humanities Data ARK < 500 GB (free)[3] SNSF
Harvard Dataverse Non profit Open USA (Harvard University) Social sciences Data DOI SNSF
SWISSUbase (formerly FORSbase) Non profit Open Switzerland (FORS / SWITCH / DaSCH / University of Zürich / University of Lausanne) Social sciences Data DOI SNSF
Academia.edu Commercial Registration Articles not open not open 2008 Not open Non compliant
ResearchGate Commercial Registration USA - Germany (ResearchGate GmbH) Articles not open not open 2008 No Non compliant
Google Scholar Commercial Articles Not open Not open None
Mandeley Commercial Not open Not open None

According to OpenAIRE[4], there are several certification instruments to identify suitable Open repositories for research.

  1. CoreTrustSeal (CTS): this is based on Data Seal of Approval (DSA) and World Data System (WDS) van ICSU. All digital repositories that have one or more of these certifications are listed at https://www.coretrustseal.org/why-certification/certified-repositories/
  2. Nestor Seal: verification according to DIN 31644
  3. ISO 16363 certification



According to OpenAIRE and European guidelines for research[4], researchers are requested to deposit in Open data repositories

  1. research data which allow to validate the results presented in scientific publications
  2. data identified in the data management plan
  3. tools necessary to validate the research results

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has a set of criteria for repositories and it provides a list of data repositories which are suitable according to its criteria[5]

  1. ^ "re2data.org registry of research data repositories".
  2. ^ "OpenDOAR".
  3. ^ Rita Gautschy (DaSCH), Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities (DaSCH) in DARIAH-CH Study Day, October 20, 2022, Università della Svizzera italiana, Mendrisio.
  4. ^ a b "OpenAIRE, Guides for Researchers, How to find a trustworthy repository for your data".
  5. ^ "SNSF recommended repositories".