Mass Fraction of Iron in Marine Species
Category taxa | Representative
Vernacular Nomenclature |
Low Range Value (g/kg) | High Range Value (g/kg) |
Actinopterygii | Ray-finned fishes | 0.073 | 0.324 |
Algae | Seaweed, kelp, algae | 0.050 | 0.737 |
Chondrichthyes | Sharks, skates, rays
(cartilaginous fishes) |
0.163 | 0.163 |
Cnidaria | Jellyfish, sea anemones, corals,
hydra |
0.053 | 0.088 |
Crustacea | Crab, shrimp, lobster, prawns | 0.033 | 0.139 |
Echinodermata | Sea urchins, sea cucumbers,
starfish |
0.020 | 0.046 |
Invertebrate | Invertebrates | 0.415 | 0.415 |
Mammalia | Dolphins, porpoises, seals, whales | 0.012 | 0.229 |
Mollusca | Sea snails, mussels, clams,
squid, oysters, octopi, scallops |
0.245 | 0.245 |
Monocot | Eel grass | 0.022 | 0.022 |
Myxini | Hagfish, lampreys | 0.034 | 0.034 |
Nemertea | Sea Worms | 0.020 | 0.046 |
Porifera | Sponges | 1.537 | 1.537 |
Reptilia | Turtles | 0.522 | 0.522 |
Tunicata | Salps, sea squirts | 0.500 | 0.500 |
Category Number 1
Acoupa weakfish
African forktail snapper
African moonfish
African sicklefish
Alaska plaice
Alaska pollock(=Walleye poll.)
Alexandria pompano
Alfonsinos nei
Allis shad
Amazonian manatee
Amberjacks nei
Amer. plaice(=Long rough dab)
American angler
American conger
American eel
American gizzard shad
American harvestfish
American shad
Anchoveta(=Peruvian anchovy)
Anchovies, etc. nei
Angelfishes nei
Anglerfishes nei
Angolan dentex
Annular seabream
Antarctic armless flounder
Antarctic horsefish
Antarctic rockcods, noties nei
Antarctic silverfish
Antarctic toothfish
Aquatic mammals nei
Araucanian herring
Arctic char
Areolate grouper
Argentine anchovy
Argentine conger
Argentine croaker
Argentine goatfish
Argentine hake
Argentine menhaden
Argentine seabass
Argentinian sandperch
Arrow-tooth flounder
Atka mackerel
Atlantic Spanish mackerel
Atlantic anchoveta
Atlantic bluefin tuna
Atlantic bonito
Atlantic bumper
Atlantic butterfish
Atlantic cod
Atlantic croaker
Atlantic emperor
Atlantic goldeneye tilefish
Atlantic halibut
Atlantic herring
Atlantic horse mackerel
Atlantic lizardfish
Atlantic mackerel
Atlantic menhaden
Atlantic moonfish
Atlantic pomfret
Atlantic puffers nei
Atlantic redfishes nei
Atlantic sabretooth anchovy
Atlantic sailfish
Atlantic salmon
Atlantic saury
Atlantic searobins
Atlantic silverside
Atlantic thread herring
Atlantic tomcod
Atlantic white marlin
Atlantic wolffish
Australian pilchard
Australian salmon
Axillary seabream
Ayu sweetfish
Baird's slickhead
Balao halfbeak
Bali sardinella
Ballan wrasse
Ballyhoo halfbeak
Banded yellowfish
Bar jack
Barracudas nei
Barramundi(=Giant seaperch)
Barred grunt
Bartail flathead
Basketwork eel
Bastard grunt
Bastard halibut
Bastard halibuts nei
Beaked redfish
Bearded brotula
Benguela hake
Big-scale sand smelt
Bigeye croaker
Bigeye grenadier
Bigeye grunt
Bigeye scad
Bigeye trevally
Bigeye tuna
Bigeyes nei
Biglip grunt
Bignose fanskate
Bigspined boarfish
Bigtooth corvina
Black and Caspian Sea sprat
Black cardinal fish
Black cusk-eel
Black driftfish
Black drum
Black goby
Black grouper
Black marlin
Black musselcracker
Black oreo
Black pomfret
Black rockcod
Black rockfish
Black scabbardfish
Black seabass
Black seabream
Black skipjack
Black-streaked monocle bream
Blackbanded trevally
Blackbellied angler
Blackbelly rosefish
Blackfin goosefish
Blackfin icefish
Blackfin snapper
Blackfin tuna
Blackhead seabream
Blackmouth croaker
Blackmouth splitfin
Blackspot(=red) seabream
Blackspotted rubberlip
Blacktip grouper
Bloch's gizzard shad
Blotched picarel
Blue antimora
Blue butterfish
Blue grenadier
Blue jack mackerel
Blue ling
Blue mackerel
Blue marlin
Blue runner
Blue whiting(=Poutassou)
Blue-barred parrotfish
Blueback shad
Bluefin gurnard
Bluefin trevally
Bluenose warehou
Bluespine unicornfish
Bluespot mullet
Bluespotted seabream
Bluestripe herring
Blunt scalyhead
Boarfishes nei
Bobo croaker
Bobo mullet
Bocaccio rockfish
Bocon toadfish
Boe drum
Bonga shad
Bonnetmouths, rubyfishes nei
Boxfishes nei
Brazilian codling
Brazilian flathead
Brazilian groupers nei
Brazilian menhaden
Brazilian sandperch
Brazilian sardinella
Broad-striped anchovy
Broomtail grouper
Brown meagre
Brown-marbled grouper
Brownspotted grouper
Brushtooth lizardfish
Buccaneer anchovy
Bullet tuna
Butterfishes, pomfrets nei
Butterfly kingfish
Cabinza grunt
California flounder
California pilchard
California sheephead
Californian anchovy
Camouflage grouper
Canary drum(=Baardman)
Canary rockfish
Cape bonnetmouth
Cape gurnard
Cape hakes
Cape horse mackerel
Capro dory
Cardinal fishes nei
Cardinalfishes, etc. nei
Carpenter seabream
Caspian shads
Cassava croaker
Catsharks, etc. nei
Catsharks, nursehounds nei
Chacunda gizzard shad
Channel bull blenny
Chilean grenadier
Chilean jack mackerel
Chilean sandperch
Chilean silverside
Chilipepper rockfish
Chinese gizzard shad
Chocolate hind
Choicy ruff
Chub mackerel
Citharids nei
Clupeoids nei
Comet grouper
Common Atlantic grenadier
Common bluestripe snapper
Common cuttlefish
Common dab
Common dentex
Common dolphinfish
Common goby
Common mora
Common pandora
Common silver-biddy
Common snook
Common sole
Common two-banded seabream
Common warehou
Conger eels, etc. nei
Congo dentex
Coral hind
Corkwing wrasse
Corvina drum
Crested bellowfish
Crevalle jack
Croakers nei
Croakers, drums nei
Crocodile icefishes nei
Cubera snapper
Cunene horse mackerel
Curlfin sole
Cusk-eels nei
Cusk-eels, brotulas nei
Daggerhead breams nei
Daggertooth pike conger
Danube sturgeon(=Osetr)
Darkblotched rockfish
Deep-sea smelt
Demersal percomorphs nei
Dentex nei
Devil anglerfish
Diadromous clupeoids nei
Dogtooth grenadier
Dogtooth grouper
Dogtooth tuna
Dorab wolf-herring
Dories nei
Dotted gizzard shad
Doublespotted queenfish
Dover sole
Duckbill barracudina
Dungat grouper
Dusky grouper
Eastern Pacific bonito
Eeltail catfishes
Electron subantarctic
Elongate ilisha
Emperors(=Scavengers) nei
English sole
European anchovy
European barracuda
European conger
European eel
European flounder
European hake
European pilchard(=Sardine)
European plaice
European seabass
European smelt
European sprat
European whitefish
Falkland sprat
False scad
False trevally
Filefishes nei
Filefishes, leatherjackets nei
Finfishes nei
Five-lined snapper
Flat needlefish
Flatfishes nei
Flathead grey mullet
Flathead sole
Flatheads nei
Florida pompano
Flying gurnard
Flyingfishes nei
Forkbeards nei
Four-spot megrim
Fourbeard rockling
Fourfinger threadfin
Fourlined terapon
Fourspot flounder
Frigate and bullet tunas
Frigate tuna
Fringebarbel sturgeon
Fusiliers nei
Gadiformes nei
Geelbek croaker
Giant African threadfin
Giant boarfish
Giant catfish
Giant manta
Giant seabass
Giant stargazer
Giant trevally
Gilthead seabream
Goatfishes, red mullets nei
Gobies nei
Golden grey mullet
Golden redfish
Golden threadfin bream
Golden trevally
Goldsilk seabream
Goldstripe sardinella
Greasy grouper
Great Northern tilefish
Great barracuda
Greater amberjack
Greater argentine
Greater forkbeard
Greater lizardfish
Greater weever
Green humphead parrotfish
Green jobfish
Green laver
Green sturgeon
Green weakfish
Greenback horse mackerel
Greenland cod
Greenland halibut
Grenadier cod
Grenadiers nei
Grenadiers, rattails nei
Grenadiers, whiptails nei
Grey gurnard
Grey rockcod
Grey snapper
Grey tilefish
Grey triggerfish
Groundfishes nei
Groupers nei
Groupers, seabasses nei
Grunts, sweetlips nei
Guinean striped mojarra
Gulf butterfishes, etc. nei
Gulf kingcroaker
Gulf menhaden
Gulf parrotfish
Gurnards, searobins nei
Haffara seabream
Hairtails, scabbardfishes nei
Hakes nei
Halfbeaks nei
Hapuku wreckfish
Hector's lanternfish
Hickory shad
Hilsa shad
Honeycomb grouper
Honnibe croaker
Hound needlefish
Humpback grouper
Humpback red snapper
Humped rockcod
Humphead wrasse
Humpnose big-eye bream
Imperial blackfish
Indian driftfish
Indian halibut
Indian mackerel
Indian mackerels nei
Indian oil sardine
Indian pellona
Indian pompano
Indian scad
Indian threadfin
Indo-Pacific king mackerel
Indo-Pacific sailfish
Indo-Pacific tarpon
Irish mojarra
Jack and horse mackerels nei
Jacks, crevalles nei
Jamaica weakfish
Japanese Spanish mackerel
Japanese anchovy
Japanese eel
Japanese flyingfish
Japanese halfbeak
Japanese icefish
Japanese jack mackerel
Japanese pilchard
Japanese sandfish
Japanese sardinella
Japanese scad
Japanese seabass
Japanese smelt
Japanese threadfin bream
Javelin grunter
Jobfishes nei
John dory
John's snapper
Jonah's icefish
Kamchatka flounder
Karanteen seabream
Kelp greenling
King dory
King mackerel
King of herrings
King soldier bream
King weakfish
Kingcroakers nei
Klunzinger's mullet
Korean sandlance
Lane snapper
Lantern fish
Lanternfishes nei
Large yellow croaker
Large-eye dentex
Largeeye breams
Largehead hairtail
Latchet(=Sharpbeak gurnard)
Law croaker
Leaping mullet
Lebranche mullet
Lefteye flounders nei
Lemon sole
Leopard coralgrouper
Leopard flounder
Lesser African threadfin
Lings nei
Little tunny( skipj)
Live sharksucker
Lizardfishes nei
Long snouted lancetfish
Longbill spearfish
Longfin bonefish
Longfin codling
Longfin hake
Longnose anchovy
Longspine burrfish
Longspine snipefish
Longtail Southern cod
Longtail tuna
Lusitanian cownose ray
Lusitanian toadfish
Mackerel icefish
Mackerels nei
Madeiran sardinella
Malabar blood snapper
Malabar trevally
Mangrove red snapper
Marbled rockcod
Marine fishes nei
Marini's anchovy
Marlins,sailfishes,etc. nei
Masu(=Cherry) salmon
Mediterranean dealfish
Mediterranean horse mackerel
Mediterranean rainbow wrasse
Mediterranean slimehead
Mediterranean spearfish
Mediterranean spearfish
Megrims nei
Mexican barracuda
Mexican barred snapper
Mi-iuy (brown) croaker
Minstrel sweetlips
Mirror dory
Mississippi paddlefish
Misty grouper
Mojarras(=Silver-biddies) nei
Mojarras, etc. nei
Monkfishes nei
Monocle breams
Moras nei
Moray cods nei
Mote sculpin
Mountain mullet
Mud sole
Mullets nei
Mutton snapper
Myers' icefish
Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel
Nassau grouper
Navaga(=Wachna cod)
Needlefishes nei
Needlefishes, etc. nei
Needlescaled queenfish
New Zealand blue cod
New Zealand dory
North Pacific hake
Northern kingfish
Northern puffer
Northern red snapper
Northern wolffish
Norway pout
Norway redfish
Obtuse barracuda
Ocean pout
Ocean sunfish
Ocean whitefish
Ocellated icefish
Offshore rockfish
Offshore silver hake
Okhotsk atka mackerel
Orange perch
Orange roughy
Orange-spotted grouper
Orange-striped emperor
Orangespotted trevally
Oreo dories nei
Pacific anchoveta
Pacific bluefin tuna
Pacific bumper
Pacific cod
Pacific cornetfish
Pacific flatiron herring
Pacific halibut
Pacific herring
Pacific jack mackerel
Pacific menhaden
Pacific ocean perch
Pacific piquitinga
Pacific pompano
Pacific red snapper
Pacific rudderfish
Pacific salmons nei
Pacific sand sole
Pacific sanddab
Pacific sandlance
Pacific sandperch
Pacific saury
Pacific sierra
Pacific spadefish
Pacific thread herring
Pacific tomcod
Pacific tripletail
Painted notie
Painted sweetlips
Panama hake
Pandoras nei
Panga seabream
Parassi mullet
Pargo breams nei
Parona leatherjacket
Parrotfishes nei
Patagonian blennie
Patagonian grenadier
Patagonian redfish
Patagonian rockcod
Patagonian toothfish
Peacock hind
Pearly razorfish
Pelagic armourhead
Pelagic armourheads nei
Pelagic fishes nei
Pelagic percomorphs nei
Pemarco blackfish
Percoids nei
Peruvian banded croaker
Peruvian moonfish
Peruvian morwong
Peruvian rock seabass
Peruvian weakfish
Petrale sole
Picarels nei
Pickhandle barracuda
Pike icefish
Pike-congers nei
Pink cusk-eel
Pink ear emperor
Pink maomao
Plain bonito
Polar cod
Pomfrets, ocean breams nei
Pompanos nei
Pond smelt
Pontic shad
Ponyfishes(=Slipmouths) nei
Poor cod
Porgies, seabreams nei
Portly spider crab
Prickly redfish
Puffers nei
Queen snapper
Rabbit fish
Rainbow runner
Rainbow sardine
Rainbow smelt
Rainbow trout
Randall's threadfin bream
Red bandfish
Red bigeye
Red codling
Red cusk-eel
Red drum
Red grouper
Red gurnard
Red hake
Red hind
Red mullet
Red pandora
Red pike conger
Red porgy
Red scorpionfish
Red seabroom
Red steenbras
Redmouth grouper
Rex sole
Ridge scaled rattail
Righteye flounders nei
Rock cook
Rock sole
Rocklings nei
Roudi escolar
Rough scad
Roughhead grenadier
Roughsnout grenadier
Round sardinella
Roundnose grenadier
Roundscale spearfish
Roving coralgrouper
Royal threadfin
Rubberlip grunt
Rusty jobfish
Sabre squirrelfish
Saddled seabream
Saffron cod
Salmonoids nei
Sand fish
Sand flounders nei
Sand gaper
Sand sole
Sand steenbras
Sand tilefish
Sandeels(=Sandlances) nei
Sandpaper fish
Santer seabream
Sardinellas nei
Sargo breams nei
Scads nei
Scaled sardines
Scaly gurnard
Scomber mackerels nei
Sea catfishes nei
Sea chubs nei
Sea trout
Seabasses nei
Seerfishes nei
Senegalese hake
Serra Spanish mackerel
Shads nei
Shallow-water Cape hake
Shi drum
Short mackerel
Short-finned eel
Shortbill spearfish
Shortfin scad
Shorthead drum
Shortjaw leatherjacket
Shortspine African angler
Shortspine thornyhead
Shrimp scad
Sickle pomfret
Silk snapper
Silver croaker
Silver gemfish
Silver grunt
Silver hake
Silver pomfret
Silver pomfrets nei
Silver scabbardfish
Silver seabream
Silver sillago
Silver warehou
Silver-stripe round herring
Silversides(=Sand smelts) nei
Silvery John dory
Silvery lightfish
Silvery pout
Skinnycheek lanternfish
Skipjack tuna
Sky emperor
Slender rainbow sardine
Slender silver-biddy
Slender tuna
Slickheads nei
Slimeheads nei
Smallscaled grouper
Smalltooth emperor
Smelts nei
Smooth callista
Smooth hammerhead
Smooth oreo dory
Smooth weakfish
Snake eels nei
Snake mackerels, escolars nei
Snappers nei
Snappers, jobfishes nei
Snooks(=Robalos) nei
Snowy grouper
Snubnose emperor
Snubnose pompano
So-iny (redlip) mullet
So-iuy mullet
Sobaity seabream
Sohal surgeonfish
Soles nei
Sompat grunt
Sordid rubberlip
South American pilchard
South American silver croaker
South American silver porgy
South Georgia icefish
South Pacific hake
Southeast Atlantic soles nei
Southern African anchovy
Southern African pilchard
Southern blue whiting
Southern bluefin tuna
Southern hake
Southern kingcroaker
Southern lemon sole
Southern meagre(=Mulloway)
Southern opah
Southern rays bream
Southern red snapper
Southwest Atlantic butterfish
Spadefishes nei
Spangled emperor
Spanish ling
Spiky oreo
Spinefeet(=Rabbitfishes) nei
Spiny icefish
Spiny scorpionfish
Splendid alfonsino
Splitnose rockfish
Spot croaker
Spotfin flathead
Spottail spiny turbot
Spotted grouper
Spotted gurnard
Spotted rose snapper
Spotted sardinella
Spotted seabass
Spotted sicklefish
Spotted weakfish
Spotted wolffish
Squaretail coralgrouper
Squeteague(=Gray weakfish)
Squirrelfishes nei
Starry flounder
Starry sturgeon
Steenbrasses nei
Sterlet sturgeon
Stolephorus anchovies nei
Stout beardfish
Streaked gurnard
Streaked seerfish
Striped bass
Striped bonito
Striped marlin
Striped piggy
Striped rockcod
Striped weakfish
Striped-eyed rockcod
Stripped weakfish
Sturgeons nei
Summan grouper
Summer flounder
Surf smelt
Surgeonfishes nei
Surmullets(=Red mullets) nei
Sweetlips, rubberlips nei
Tadpole codling
Talang queenfish
Taquilla clams
Terapon perches nei
Thickback soles nei
Thicklip grey mullet
Thorntooth grenadier
Threadfin and dwarf breams nei
Threadfin breams nei
Threadfin rockling
Threadfins, tasselfishes nei
Threadsail filefish
Three-spined stickleback
Thumbprint emperor
Tigertooth croaker
Tilefishes nei
Toadfishes, etc. nei
Toli shad
Torpedo scad
Transparent goby
Trematomus nei
Triangular rockcod
Triggerfishes, durgons nei
Trout sweetlips
Trumpeters nei
Tub gurnard
Tuna-like fishes nei
Turbots nei
Twaite shad
Two-spot red snapper
Twobar seabream
Unicorn cod
Unicorn icefish
Velvet leatherjacket
Velvet whalefish
Vermilion snapper
Violet warehou
Volutes nei
Warehou nei
Warsaw grouper
Weakfishes nei
Wedge sole
Weeverfishes nei
Weevers nei
West African Spanish mackerel
West African croakers nei
West African goatfish
West African ilisha
West African ladyfish
West coast sole
Western Atlantic seabream
White barbel
White croaker
White grouper
White grunt
White hake
White margate
White mullet
White perch
White seabream
White snake mackerel
White steenbras
White stumpnose
White sturgeon
White teatfish
White trevally
White warehou
White weakfish
White-blotched grouper
Whitefin wolf-herring
Whitefishes nei
Whitehead's round herring
Whitemouth croaker
Whitespotted conger
Whitespotted wedgefish
Whitson's grenadier
Widow rockfish
Windowpane flounder
Winter flounder
Witch flounder
Wolf-herrings nei
Wolffishes(=Catfishes) nei
Wrasses, hogfishes, etc. nei
Yellow croaker
Yellow snapper
Yellow striped flounder
Yellow-edged lyretail
Yellowbar angelfish
Yellowbelly rockcod
Yellowedge grouper
Yellowfin grouper
Yellowfin hind
Yellowfin notie
Yellowfin seabream
Yellowfin sole
Yellowfin tuna
Yellowlip emperor
Yellowspotted trevally
Yellowstripe goatfish
Yellowstripe scad
Yellowtail amberjack
Yellowtail flounder
Yellowtail rockfish
Yellowtail scad
Yellowtail snapper
Yesso scallop
[Aplodactylus punctatus]
[Arius spp]
[Chionobathyscus dewitti]
[Chionodraco hamatus]
[Dorosoma spp]
[Notolepis spp]
[Nototheniops nybelini]
[Odontesthes smitti]
[Paralabrax spp]
[Raja taaf]
Category Number 2
Aquatic plants nei
Brown seaweeds
Bull kelp
Carragheen (Irish) moss
Chilean kelp
Fragile codium
Gelidium seaweeds
Gigartina seaweeds nei
Gracilaria seaweeds
Green seaweeds
Japanese kelp
Kelp nei
Lacy sea lettuce
Laver (Nori)
Manifold callophyllis
Nori nei
North Atlantic rockweed
North European kelp
Phyllophora nei
Red seaweeds
Sea plume
Seaweeds nei
Skottsberg's gigartina
Tule nei
[Chondracanthus chamissoi]
[Dunaliella salina]
[Gymnogongrus furcellatus]
[Lessonia spp]
[Lessonia trabeculata]
[Mazzaella laminarioides]
[Sarcothalia crispata]
Category Number 3
Angelsharks, sand devils nei
Antarctic starry skate
Arctic skate
Argentine angelshark
Arrowhead dogfish
Atlantic sharpnose shark
Atlantic weasel shark
Barbeled houndshark
Basking shark
Bathyraja rays nei
Bigeye thresher
Birdbeak dogfish
Black dogfish
Blackchin guitarfish
Blackmouth catshark
Blacktip shark
Blonde ray
Blue shark
Blue skate
Bluntnose sixgill shark
Bramble shark
Broadnose sevengill shark
Broadnose skate
Brown ray
Brown smooth-hound
Bull shark
California butterfly ray
Cape elephantfish
Chimaeras, etc. nei
Chola guitarfish
Common eagle ray
Common guitarfish
Common stingray
Copper shark
Cownose ray
Crocodile shark
Cuckoo ray
Dark ghost shark
Dark-belly skate
Devil fish
Dogfish sharks nei
Dogfish sharks, etc. nei
Dogfishes and hounds nei
Draughtsboard shark
Dusky catshark
Dusky shark
Dusky smooth-hound
Eagle rays nei
Eaton's skate
Elephantfishes, etc. nei
Eyespot skate
Finetooth shark
Ghost shark
Giant guitarfish
Great lanternshark
Great white shark
Greenland shark
Guitarfishes, etc. nei
Gulper shark
Hammerhead sharks, etc. nei
Kerguelen sandpaper skate
Kitefin shark
Knifetooth dogfish
Lanternsharks nei
Leafscale gulper shark
Lemon shark
Little skate
Little sleeper shark
Longfin mako
Longnose spurdog
Longnose velvet dogfish
Longnosed skate
Longtail stingray
Lowfin gulper shark
Mackerel sharks,porbeagles nei
Madeiran ray
Mako sharks
Mantas, devil rays nei
McCain's skate
Mediterranean starry ray
Milk shark
Mouse catshark
Murray's skate
Narrownose smooth-hound
New Zealand rough skate
New Zealand smooth skate
Norwegian skate
Nurse shark
Oceanic whitetip shark
Pacific angelshark
Pacific guitarfish
Pacific sleeper shark
Patagonian skate
Pelagic thresher
Picked dogfish
Plownose chimaera
Portunus swimcrabs nei
Raja rays nei
Ratfishes nei
Rays and skates nei
Rays, stingrays, mantas nei
Requiem sharks nei
Rio skate
Round ray
Sailfin roughshark
Sand tiger shark
Sandbar shark
Sandy ray
Sawsharks nei
Scalloped hammerhead
Shagreen ray
Sharks, rays, skates, etc. nei
Sharpnose sevengill shark
Sharpnose stingray
Sharptooth houndshark
Shortfin mako
Silky shark
Small-eyed ray
Small-spotted catshark
Smalleye moray cod
Smallnose fanskate
Smalltail shark
Smooth-hounds nei
Southern stingray
Spiny butterfly ray
Spot-tail shark
Spotback skate
Spotted estuary smooth-hound
Spotted ratfish
Spotted ray
Starry ray
Starry smooth-hound
Stingrays nei
Stingrays, butterfly rays nei
Thornback ray
Thresher sharks nei
Tiger shark
Tope shark
Torpedo rays
Undulate ray
Various sharks nei
Velvet belly
Whip stingray
White skate
Yellownose skate
Category Number 4
Aka coral
Angel skin coral
Angular roughshark
Black corals and thorny corals
Cnidarians nei
Jellyfishes nei
Midway deep-sea coral
Momo, boke magai, misu coral
Nichol's lanternfish
Sardinia coral
Sea anemones
Shiro, white coral
Category Number 5
Aesop shrimp
Akiami paste shrimp
American lobster
Andaman lobster
Antarctic krill
Antarctic stone crab
Arabian whip lobster
Argentine red shrimp
Argentine stiletto shrimp
Aristeid shrimps nei
Atlantic rock crab
Atlantic seabob
Australian crayfish
Australian spiny lobster
Baltic prawn
Banana prawn
Batwing coral crab
Black stone crab
Blue and red shrimp
Blue crab
Blue king crab
Blue mud shrimp
Blue shrimp
Blue squat lobster
Blue swimming crab
Brine shrimp
Brown king crab
Cape rock lobster
Caramote prawn
Carangids nei
Caribbean spiny lobster
Carrot squat lobster
Chaceon geryons nei
Charybdis crabs nei
Chilean knife shrimp
Chilean nylon shrimp
Chinese mitten crab
Common prawn
Common shrimp
Common spiny lobster
Coonstripe shrimp
Crangonid shrimps nei
Craylets, squat lobsters
Crystal shrimp
Dana swimcrab
Danube crayfish
Deep-sea red crab
Deep-water rose shrimp
Delta prawn
Dungeness crab
Edible crab
Endeavour shrimp
Euro-American crayfishes nei
European lobster
Flathead lobster
Fleshy prawn
Gazami crab
Ghost shrimps nei
Giant barnacle
Giant red shrimp
Giant river prawn
Giant stone crab
Giant tiger prawn
Globose king crab
Golden deepsea crab
Golden king crab
Goose barnacles nei
Green crab
Green rock lobster
Green spiny lobster
Green tiger prawn
Guinea shrimp
Hair crab
Harbour spidercrab
Hard corals, madrepores nei
Hokkai shrimp
Horseshoe crab
Humpy shrimp
Indian white prawn
Indo-Pacific swamp crab
Jack-knife shrimp
Japanese fan lobster
Jonah crab
Juan Fernandez rock lobster
King crabs
King crabs nei
King crabs, stone crabs nei
Knife shrimp
Kolibri shrimp
Kuruma prawn
Lobsters nei
Longlegged spiny lobster
Mangrove ghost crab
Marine crabs nei
Marine crustaceans nei
Mediterranean geryon
Mediterranean shore crab
Mediterranean slipper lobster
Metapenaeus shrimps nei
Mola rock crab
Morotoge shrimp
Mozambique lobster
Natal spiny lobster
Natantian decapods nei
New Zealand lobster
Noble crayfish
Northern brown shrimp
Northern nylon shrimp
Northern pink shrimp
Northern prawn
Northern white shrimp
Norway lobster
Norwegian krill
Ocean shrimp
Oceanian crayfishes nei
Oriental river prawn
Pacific rock crab
Pacific rock shrimp
Pacific seabob
Pacific seabobs
Palaemonid shrimps nei
Palinurid spiny lobsters nei
Pandalus shrimps nei
Parapenaeopsis shrimps nei
Pelagic red crab
Penaeus shrimps nei
Pink spiny lobster
Portuguese dogfish
Queen crab
Red claw crayfish
Red crab
Red king crab
Red rock lobster
Red sea mantis shrimp
Red snow crab
Red stone crab
Red swamp crawfish
Red vermillion crab
Red-eye round herring
Redspotted shrimp
Redtail prawn
Rock shrimp
Royal red shrimp
Sao Paulo shrimp
Scalloped spiny lobster
Scarlet shrimp
Scorpionfishes nei
Sculptured shrimps nei
Sergestid shrimps nei
Shiba shrimp
Siberian prawn
Signal crayfish
Slipper lobsters nei
Softshell red crab
Southern brown shrimp
Southern king crab
Southern lobsterette
Southern pink shrimp
Southern rock lobster
Southern rough shrimp
Southern spiny lobster
Southwest Atlantic red crab
Spanish slipper lobster
Speckled shrimp
Spinous spider crab
Spiny lobsters nei
Spottail mantis squillid
Squillids nei
St.Paul rock lobster
Stomatopods nei
Striped red shrimp
Subantarctic stone crab
Swarming squat lobster
Tanner crabs nei
Titi shrimp
Tristan da Cunha rock lobster
Tropical spiny lobsters nei
Tsivakihini paste shrimp
Velvet swimcrab
West African geryon
Western king prawn
Western white shrimp
White-clawed crayfish
Whitebelly prawn
Whiteleg shrimp
Yellowleg shrimp
Category Number 6
Black teatfish
Chilean sea urchin
European edible sea urchin
Japanese sea cucumber
Red starfish
Sea cucumbers nei
Sea urchins nei
Sea urchins, etc. nei
Starfishes nei
Stony sea urchin
Category Number 7
Aquatic invertebrates nei
Category Number 15
Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin
Category Number 8
Abalones nei
American cupped oyster
American sea scallop
American yellow cockle
Anadara clams nei
Angulate volute
Antarctic octopuses
Argentine shortfin squid
Ark clams nei
Atl.jackknife(=Atl.razor clam)
Atlantic bay scallop
Atlantic surf clam
Australian mussel
Banded carpet shell
Basket cockle
Bean solen
Bigfin reef squid
Blacklip abalone
Blood ark
Blood cockle
Blue mussel
Broadtail shortfin squid
Butter clam
Calico scallop
Cape Hope squid
Carpet shells nei
Cephalopods nei
Chilean flat oyster
Chilean mussel
Chilean semele
Cholga mussel
Choro mussel
Clams, etc. nei
Cockles nei
Commercial top
Common European bittersweet
Common edible cockle
Common octopus
Common periwinkle
Common squids nei
Cupped oysters nei
Cuttlefish, bobtail squids nei
Delicate scallop
Donax clams
European flat oyster
European flying squid
European squid
False abalone
Gastropods nei
Gay's little venus
Giant abalone
Golden Cystoseira
Gonate squids nei
Great Atlantic scallop
Great Mediterranean scallop
Greater hooked squid
Green mussel
Grooved carpet shell
Half-crenated ark
Hard clams nei
Horned and musky octopuses
Horned octopus
Horned turban
Horse mussels nei
Iceland scallop
Imperial surf clam
Japanese carpet shell
Japanese flying squid
Japanese hard clam
Jumbo flying squid
Korean mussel
Longfin squid
Macha clam
Mangrove cupped oyster
Marine molluscs nei
Marine shells nei
Mediterranean mussel
Mexican four-eyed octopus
Musky octopus
Neon flying squid
New Zealand dredge oyster
New Zealand scallop
Northern quahog(=Hard clam)
Northern shortfin squid
Ocean quahog
Octopuses, etc. nei
Olympia oyster
Opalescent inshore squid
Pacific calico scallop
Pacific cupped oyster
Pacific geoduck
Pacific horse clams nei
Pacific littleneck clam
Pacific razor clam
Patagonian scallop
Patagonian squid
Pearl oyster shells nei
Periwinkles nei
Perlemoen abalone
Peruvian calico scallop
Pharaoh cuttlefish
Pig's snout volute
Pipi wedge clam
Pod razor shell
Pullet carpet shell
Queen scallop
Razor clams, knife clams nei
Robust clubhook squid
Rostrate pitar
Scallops nei
Schoolmaster gonate squid
Sea mussels nei
Sea snails
Sevenstar flying squid
Short neck clams nei
Slipper cupped oyster
Solen razor clams nei
Solid surf clam
South American rock mussel
Spiral babylon
Spirulina nei
Stimpson's surf clam
Striped venus
Stromboid conchs nei
Stutchbury's venus
Surf clams nei
Sword razor shell
Taca clam
Tellins nei
Triangular tivela
Trochus shells
Tuberculate abalone
Turban shells nei
Various squids nei
Veined squid
Venus clams nei
Weathervane scallop
Wellington flying squid
[Parachaenichthys georgianus]
Category Number 9
Category Number 10
Broadgilled hagfish
Hagfishes nei
Lampreys nei
Sea lamprey
Category Number 11
Marine worms
Category Number 12
Category Number 13
Diamond back terrapins
Green turtle
Hawksbill turtle
Loggerhead turtle
Marine turtles nei
Soft-shell turtle
Category Number 14
Grooved sea squirt
Red bait
Red sea squirt
Sea squirts nei