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User:Lord Gøn/Genildo Ferreira de França

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Genildo Ferreira de França
Genildo Ferreira de França

ca. 1970
DiedMay 22, 1997
Cause of deathSuicide
DateMay 21/22, 1997
16:00 – 12:10 (BRT)
Location(s)Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
WeaponsTaurus semi-automatic pistol (7.65mm)
.38-caliber Revolver with silencer

Genildo Ferreira de França was a Brazilian mass murderer who killed 14 people in Santo Antônio dos Barreiros, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil on May 21 and May 22, 1997. He was eventually cornered by police and died during a shootout after shooting himself in the chest.[1][2]



cc. to his brother, in October 1995 Ferreira bought a coffin for his funeral and invited others to dig his grave. When the undertakers arrived at his home, they believed he was joking and called police. Coffin was never delivered.

Police found two handguns and two hundred rounds of ammunition in his house.

Served in the army between 1987 and 1988, developed an affinity to weapons.

Two months prior to the shooting Ferreira sold parts of his grocery store to buy arms. To others he stated he needed the money to make a trip with some friends.

Acc. to his wifes aunt, he had an altercation with his wife one month prior to shooting, after which she stayed with her parents for the night, they were awoken by Ferreira, yelling that he would kill the whole family, if his wife would not return home.

.38 revolver with silencer, automatic pistol, 104 rounds left.[3]



The shooting started May 21 between 16pm and 18pm; Ferreira kills taxi driver Francisco Marques Carneiro in São Gonçalo do Amarante, puts his body in the trunk.

At about 18pm he asks his friend Francisco de Assis dos Santos, 22 to join him for a ride, also invites Valdenice Ribeiro da Silva, 16.

Drive to the home of Elias dos Anjos Pimenta in Santo Antônio do Potengi, arriving there at about 19:3pm, he joins the trio. Drive to Ferreira's father-in-law Baltazar Jorge de Sá, they invite him to deliver a cow. They then kill Pimenta and de Sa.

They drive to the house of Manoel Brito Marcolino, at about 20:30pm ask him to help them buy a shotgun. João Maria Silva de Lima who had visited Marcolino offers to join them, both are then killed, apparently for spreading rumors he was a homosexual.[4]

They drive back to the village (which one), invite Edilson Carlos do Nascimento to a party, they kill him, apparently for spreading rumors he was a homosexual. Bodies of Marcolino, de Lima and Nascimento were later found together in a thicket, killed with shots to the head and chest. According to dos Santos and da Silva Ferreira laughed frantically while killing them, and asked god for forgiveness afterwards.[4]

At about 21:30pm Ferreira leaves dos Santos in the city.

Between 21:30pm and 23pm Ferreira and da Silva arrive at Ferreira's home, he kills his wife, dictates VRS to write a letter, they then take his 8 month old son Mateus to his cousin Maria dos Anjos F. de Souza.

At 6am on May 22 they drive to the house of Ferreira's parents, José Ferreira and Maria do Carmo, with the intent to kill them, he took them to the backyard, pointed his weapons at them, threatedn to kill them; Replying to his brother Genilson's question why he wanted to kill them, Ferreira said that he didn't want his family to suffer for what he was doing; police arrived at the front door. Military police sergeant Francisco de Assis Bezerra and soldier Ilton de Lima Ciríaco arrive at the scene, Ferreira shoots at them, kills Bezerra, and wounds Ciríaco.[4]

At 6:30am Ferreira and VRS return to the home of his father-in-law Baltazar Jorge de Sá, kill his mother-in-law Tereza Carlos Ribeiro, then drive to the house of his ex-wife Maria Valdete Rafael da Costa, 20m away, and kill her, as well as her mother Francisca Neide Rafael da Costa. They take Ferreira's 5-year-old daughter Nayara, leave the car behind.

At 6:45am they return to Ferreira's home, while searching the neighbourhood for a man named Aruanã, whom Ferreira suspected of spreading rumours about his alleged homosexuality he came across his sleeping neighbour Flávio Silva de Oliveira, who was deaf. Ferreira killed him, as well as Fernando Correia de Souza in front of the house.[4]

At 7:30am he kills Antônio Josemberg Campelo in the street, had witnessed the murder of sergeant Bezerra,

Between 7:30am and noon police are closing in on him. At 12:10pm Ferreira is surrounded in a banana plantation, he frees VRS and his daughter, then shoots himself in the chest, before engaging in a shootout with police. He eventually died.[5]


  • Mônica Carlos de França, 19, Ferreira's wife
  • Baltazar Jorge de Sá, 43, Ferreira's father-in-law
  • Tereza Carlos Ribeiro, 41, Ferreira's mother-in-law
  • Maria Valdete Rafael da Costa, 24, Ferreira's ex-wife
  • Francisca Neide Rafael da Costa, 46, mother of Maria Valdete
  • Manoel Brito Marcolino, 48, neighbour of Ferreira's parents
  • Francisco de Assis Bezerra, 38, sergeant of the military police
  • Fernando Correia de Souza, 42, truck driver
  • Edilson Carlos do Nascimento, 29, ceramist
  • Elias dos Anjos Pimenta, 28, ceramist
  • Antônio Josemberg Campelo, 18
  • Francisco Canindé Marques Carneiro, 37, taxi driver
  • João Maria Silva de Lima, 38, farm worker
  • Flávio Silva de Oliveira, 22

Another person, Jairo Ribeiro de Azevedo, 32, may have been killed by Ferreira, too.

Suicide note

Translation Original
The reason I am writing these few lines is not to justify the wrong I have done, but it is only in this way that I can prove to the entire world, and can challenge those who wanted to prove that I was a homosexual, I was not, (nem vou ser por esse comentário foi que aconteceu toda essa tragédia) I don't feel like a normal person, after these lies have been told about me.

Here I write my final words, Poderam said I was even more demented so I (recomendo a alma de todos) to God.

And I hope God will forgive me for what I did, (mais era minha única solução.) I hope this letter will be sent to J. Gomes, so he can disclose it to the public, and it may advise everyone not to bear false witness against his neighbour.

(Paro aqui porque não tenho mais condições.)

I wish everybody a life in dignity which I had not.

I can't even avenge the death of my son (se não tiver condições).

(Tava difício viver não aceito na sociedade pelo simples caboclo que me levantou um falso mais agora está morto.)

I beg forgiveness from all who try to understand me. I did not do it for fun, but was forced to.

(Ainda continuando deixo um forte abraço) and a kiss to all my family, and my whole family no matter the religion, though get all together, and create a strong current of prayer so that God may take care of my soul.




Signed Jenildo

O motido deu escrever estas poucas linhas, não é pra justificar o erro que eu fiz, mais só assim eu consegueria provar pra todo mundo, e deixo o desafio pra qualquer um que queira provar que eu era homo-sexual, nem eu era, nem vou ser por esse comentário foi que aconteceu toda essa tragédia eu não me sinto como pessoa normal depois desse falso que levantaram contra minha pessoa.

Aqui eu escrevo minhas palavras finais, Poderam dizer que eu fiquei louco mais mesmo assim eu recomendo a alma de todos para Deus.

E espero que Deus me perdoe por esse ato que eu fiz, mais era minha única solução. eu espero que essa carta seja enviada para J. Gomes para que ele divulgue para o público, e que aconselhe a todos a não levantar falsos do seu próximo.

Paro aqui porque não tenho mais condições.

Para todos desejo uma vida de dignidade a qual não tive.

Eu posso até não vingar a morte do meu filho se não tiver condições.

Tava difício viver não aceito na sociedade pelo simples caboclo que me levantou um falso mais agora está morto.

Eu imploro perdão de todos que tentam me compreender. eu não fiz esto por prazer fiz forçado.

Ainda continuando deixo um forte abraço e um beijo pra toda minha família, e que toda minha família não emporta a religião, más que todos se reúnam e construam uma forte corrente de oração para que Deus tome conta de minha alma.




Escreve Jenildo


documentary Sangue do Barro



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