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User:Shinesei/Pierre Bottero

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Pierre Bottero

Pierre Bottero (13 February 1964 - 9 November 2009) is a French writer of fantasy fiction.

In his youth, he moved to Provence, a region he never left, stating the he could no more leave the sun, mistral and cicadas.

Married with two daughters, he worked as an elementary school teacher for a lot of years, before he fully dedicated himself to writing. A French literature lover, he was very confident of the power of imagination and words, always dreaming of different universes, dragons and witches.

He published his first novel, Amies à vie, on Flammarion, before writing the story of Ewilan for Rageot, a double trilogy; he then published Ellana and L'Autre, both fantasy trilogies, a genre he has always loved. This deep love for fantasy literature dates back (to when he was still wearing shorts) and goes deep (he did't sleep for a week) to the encounter with the works by J. R. R. Tolkien, followed by deep and frequent dives in the worlds of Farmer, Zelazny, Howard Bradley, Moorcock, Leiber, and many other fantasy-masters. When somebody asked him where his inspiration came from, Pierre loved to cite the influence those readings had on his imagination and personality, saying that he did not invent anything: "I just opened the door, and the story went through my head into the computer" (« J'ouvre simplement la porte et l'histoire passe de ma tête à mon ordinateur »).

Pierre Bottero won the Ados Rennes / Ille-et-Vilaine prize in 2008 with the book L'autre, le souffle de la hyène, published by Rageot. The prize is assigned yearly by Ille-et-Vilaine Department, which votes among ten competing books.

On 2008, December 3th, Pierre Bottero was awarded with the prize of Paille, in occasion of the 3rd Hall of Books for The Young in the Indian Ocean, in Port, Reunion.

« Enfant, disait-il, je rêvais d'étourdissantes aventures fourmillantes de dangers mais je n'arrivais pas à trouver la porte d'entrée vers un monde parallèle ! J'ai fini par me convaincre qu'elle n'existait pas. J'ai grandi, vieilli, et je me suis contenté d'un monde classique... jusqu'au jour où j'ai commencé à écrire des romans ; Un parfum d'aventures s'est alors glissé dans ma vie. De drôles de couleurs, d'étonnantes créatures, des villes étranges… J'avais trouvé la porte. »

«As a child, he used to say, I dreamt of adventures full of perils, but I could not reach the door for a parallel world. Eventually, I convinced myself that that door did not exist. I grew up, matured, and I was satisfied by the ordinary world... until I started writing novels. The scent of adventure slept in my life. Strange colors, wonderful creatures, bizarre cities.. I did find the door. »

Pierre Bottero died aged 45 in a motorcycle accident on Sunday, November 8th 2009, around 7 p.m. He lost control of his vehicle on a bend and hit a truck between Lambesc e Rognes [1],[2] , [3].


Books based on the univers of Gwendalavir
  • La Quête d'Ewilan, trilogy including D’un monde à l’autre, Les Frontières de glace and L'Île du destin
  • Les Mondes d'Ewilan, subsequent to the previous novel, this trilogy includes La Forêt des captifs, L'Œil d'Otolep and Les Tentacules du mal
    • Pacte des Marchombres|Le Pacte des Marchombres, trilogy including Ellana, Ellana l'envol, and Ellana la prophétie
  • L'Autre (livre)|L'Autre, trilogy including Le Souffle de la hyène, Le Maître des tempêtes and La Huitième Porte
Other novels
  • Le Voleur de chouchous
  • Tour B2, mon amour
  • Un cheval en Irlande
  • Zouck
  • Fils de sorcières
  • Le Garçon qui voulait courir vite
  • Mon cheval, mon destin
  • Amies à vie
  • Météorite (roman)|Météorite
  • Isayama (Album)
  • Les Aigles de Vishan Lour ( from JeBouquine, n° 261)
  • Princesse en danger
  • Les âmes croisées (due on 17 février 2010)
  • Le chant du troll (comic novel, due in May 2010)

