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Club Alpbach Croatia (Croatian: Klub Alpbach Hrvatska; abbreviation: KAH) is a nonprofit, non-governmental, apolitical civil association. It was founded in January 2008. It is headquartered in the capital of the Republic of Croatia - Zagreb. The Club Alpbach Croatia is registered with the Croatian non-governmental organization register under the number 21005860. It is an associate member of the European Forum Alpbach through the EFA Network.

The Club is run by the Steering Committee. The members of the Steering Committee are the Board members: President, Vice President and the Secretary General.

The Club enjoys the support of a large number of organizations, private and national bodies and different legal entities as well as the support of the President of the Republic of Croatia dr. sc. Ivo Josipović.



The Club's goals are:

  • Promotion of the value and importance of education among young people in Croatia
  • Promotion of democratic dialogs and liberal and open discussions
  • Encouraging national and international cooperation and exchange;
  • Providing additional opportunities for the young people and involving them into social projects;
  • Development of civil society.



The Club’s activities are:

  • Establishing cooperation and collaboration with national and international private or state universities, organizations, public institutions and other legal entities;
  • Initiation of studies, organization of conferences, reunions, forums, training sessions, workshops and summer school;
  • Fundraising and providing scholarships for young people to participate in the European Forum Alpbach;
  • Promotion of the scholarship project across the Croatia (European Forum Alpbach annually provides for approximately 500 scholarships to young people from all over the Europe).

International Conference: “EUROPE JOINS CROATIA” 2013


From the 27th of June till the 30th of June 2013, the Club Alpbach Croatia and the Austrian Cultural Forum in Zagreb are organizing an international conference “EUROPE JOINS CROATIA” with the goal to mark the historic moment of Croatia’s accession to the European Union. The conference will be held in Zagreb at the Austrian Cultural Forum, Museum of Contemporary Art, Cinema Tuškanac, Croatian Parliament (tbc), Croatian Journalists' Association, Zagreb’s famous city’s pub and Bundek Park. This Conference will gather some of the prominent minds of today from Croatia and other European Countries to share their thoughts, ideas, visions, insights and concepts about the future of Europe and the European Union. Some of the activities that will be organized are: the Simulation of the European Council Summit, Film screening, Small talks, EuroXhibition, Panel discussion and clubbing. The international conference ‘EUROPE JOINS CROATIA’ will be open to all interested people from all over the Croatia and as well from abroad. The admission will be free of charge.

Small Talks


SMALL TALKS are series of educational and critical discussions on relevant topics that are currently “hot” in Croatia, Europe and the world.

The prominent professionals, domestic and foreign with the different educational background will critically analyze developments in the public, political and economical arena in a rather relaxed and informal atmosphere. The aim is to "dissect" and demystify the topics that are currently in the pipeline and in a concern of the public, in a different and "cool" way as to be more appealing to young people. All Small Talks are interactive; there is no predetermined course of discussion aside from determined topic of discussion. The listeners are invited to ask questions and give their own opinion and feedback on what is being said. They gain their popularity fast so now registration of attendance is necessary due to the seat limits. The Small Talks are held every two or three months, always in the evening, after working hours and the entrance is free of charge.

EFA Network: SEE Regional meeting 2011


In 2011, the Club Alpbach Croatia organized regional conference under the title "Proactivity". It was an annual meeting of the Alpbach Clubs and Initiative Groups, and it was held in Zagreb, the Capital of the Republic of Croatia. The conference took place from the 15th of April till 17th of April 2011, under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Croatia, dr. sc. Ivo Josipović. The regional meeting hosted members of EFA Network Clubs and Initiative Groups (IGs) from the region: IG Senza Confini (Slovenian Part), Club Alpbach Croatia, IG Sarajevo, Club Alpbach Belgrade, IG Podgorica, IG Kosovo, IG Skopje, IG Moldova, IG Sofia and Club Alpbach Turkey. The representatives of EFA Clubs and IGs discussed about the European Union and relations among the Southeastern European Countries. The conference was a place for discussion on various topics in the field of international business, education and the organization of joint regional projects. The central part of the Conference was a Panel discussion with subsequent ceremonial banquet on the topic: "Southeastern European EU Journey" at the European House Zagreb. Panel participants were:

Panelists were answering questions about the Croatian journey and the journey of the countries of Southeastern Europe to the European Union and about the future of Southeastern and Western Balkan region. The future of Southeast Europe through 10-15 years was looked into carefully through the framework of political, economic, and demographic facets.

Aside the Panel discussion, there were three special lectures:

  • "Cultural pluralism in the EU" – where the participants discussed the similarities and differences in mentality and culture of the EU along with overviews of available research results that clearly indicated the profiles of Europeans and their stands on certain issues;
  • "Croatian Foreign Policy: Challenges of EU Members",
  • Advanced Management Programmes that are implemented in the Republic of Croatia.



Members of the Club are highly educated young people who recognize the importance of education, international exchange and pro-activity in important social issues. The members of the Club are ambitious and motivated young people between 20 and 35 years with the medical, legal, economic and mathematical professional background.

Members can have one of three states: active members, associate members and honorary members.

The candidates for a membership should:

  • be interested in volunteer work throughout the year (active members) or to work on only certain projects at home and abroad (associate members);
  • be interested in projects of social significance which are primarily focused towards young people;
  • be interested in improving their knowledge and creativity;
  • be open to new friendships and building personal network at home and abroad;
  • be interested in foreign languages (English and /or German);
  • have the time and willingness to travel;
  • support and create new the initiatives of social significance;
  • be willing to work in teams.