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"By their fruit you will recognize them." Matthew 7:16

Most of my contributions fall into two main fields: culture and society. This is probably not surprising as most of my academic training is in anthropology and sociology. I'm Canadian and when I first began to write for Wikipedia in late 2003, I perceived a strong bias in the Canadian articles towards subjects that would be of interest young, white, techno-literate, males. There were relatively few articles about women, francophones, Aboriginal people and visible minorities. So, you will note that I have paid some attention to those subjects. I'm pleased to note that the balance has shifted considerably.

In addition to articles on Canadian subjects, I've tried to broaden my horizons and strike a balance by editing articles on Asian topics, particularly those pertaining to some aspects of Chinese culture, such as Taoism.

I've always been interested in geography and history. The other themes that run through my writing are ecology and sustainability. While I have some post-graduate training in ecology, most of this is self-taught as a result of spending a great deal of time in nature and thinking about human modification of ecosystems and the attendant effects on soil, water and air.

List of articles edited 2003-2008[edit]

In my first five years of editing Wikipedia, I kept a list of articles I worked on. By 2008 this became too much of a chore to update. The now woefully out of date list can be found here.