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User talk:Haza-w/Drop-down menus/Archive 1

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Archive 1

Bug report

With the other menu-affecting gadget options installed in Preferences, enabling this one makes the "History" tab simply disappear, using SeaMonkey (Mozilla) 1.1.15 under Mac OS X 10.4.11 at 1024 x 768 monitor resolution using near-fullscreen browser window width (my conditions; I would suspect than numerous of these variables could be changed and the problem would still occur). NB: I am not watching this page; if you need further info, you'll have to hit my talk page. — SMcCandlish [talk] [cont] ‹(-¿-)› 08:02, 14 April 2009 (UTC)

.js conflicts

Any idea if this conflicts with Twinkle or Friendly? Ocaasi c 04:14, 24 March 2011 (UTC)


You may also want to hide ca-purge (which is added by another gadget, MediaWiki:Gadget-purgetab.js). Edokter (talk) — 16:45, 10 June 2011 (UTC)


I would like having a link for Wikipedia:Long-term abuse, and Wikipedia:Abuse response. It gives instructions for persistant vandals and reports on contacting the ISP.

I think it will be like:

// "Fail gracefully" if skin not supported
switch (skin) {
    case 'modern': case 'monobook': case 'vector':

    // Global variables
    if (typeof(cactions) == 'undefined') var cactions;
    eval(function () {
        var globals = cactions ? cactions : null;
        cactions = {
            admin: wgUserGroups.indexOf('sysop') > -1 ? true : false,
            areqs: [],
            hovms: (skin == 'vector') ? 50 : 400,
            itabs: true,
            menus: [],
            mouse: null,
            mwsvr: wgServer.indexOf('secure.wikimedia.org') == -1 ? wgServer.split('://')[1] : null,
            pname: encodeURIComponent(wgPageName),
            svars: [],
            tbusr: false,
            timer: [],
            xmlhr: true
        if (globals) for (i in globals) cactions[i] = globals[i];

    // Propose new languages at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Haza-w

    function xhr(request,url,orsc) {
        with (request) {
            onreadystatechange = orsc;

    // Find absolute position of element
    function findPos(eid,offset) {
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            pos[1] += offsetTop;
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        pos[0] += offset[0]; pos[1] += offset[1];
        return pos;

    // Create menu div element
    function createMenu(mid,vectorise,html) {
        var menu = document.createElement('div');
        with (menu) {
            id = 'opt-' + mid;
            className = 'ca-menu';
            style.display = 'none';
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        menu.onmouseout = function () {hideMenu('opt-'+mid)};

        var elements = {
            ul: document.createElement('ul'),
            li: null,
            a: null,
            txt: null
        with (elements) {
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                txt = document.createTextNode(cactions._lang[html[i][0].replace(/-/g,'_')]);
                a.appendChild(txt); li.appendChild(a); ul.appendChild(li);

        if (vectorise) createTab(mid);

        return 'opt-' + mid;

    // Create cactions LI tab
    function createTab(mid) {
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                div: document.createElement('div'),
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                span: document.createElement('span'),
                a: document.createElement('a'),
                txt: null
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                txt = document.createTextNode(mtitle);
                span.appendChild(txt); h5.appendChild(span);

                a.href = '#';
                a.onmouseover = function () {showMenu('opt-'+mid,findPos(cid,[0,40]))};
                a.onmouseout = function () {hideMenu('opt-'+mid)};

                span = document.createElement('span');
                txt = document.createTextNode(mtitle);
                span.appendChild(txt); a.appendChild(span); h5.appendChild(a);

        else {
            var cid = 'ca-' + mid;
            var elements = {
                li: document.createElement('li'),
                a: document.createElement('a'),
                txt: document.createTextNode(mtitle)
            with (elements) {
                li.id = cid;
                a.href = '#';
                a.onmouseover = function () {showMenu('opt-'+mid,findPos(cid,[-10,20]))};
                a.onmouseout = function () {hideMenu('opt-'+mid)};
                a.appendChild(txt); li.appendChild(a);


    // CSS hide elements
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            if (conditionals[i]) document.getElementById(conditionals[i]).style.display = 'none';

    // Show/hide menu functions
    function showMenu(mid,pos) {
        with (cactions) {
            mouse = mid;
            if (pos) for (var i = 0; i < menus.length; i++) {
                if (timer[menus[i]]) {
                    timer[menus[i]] = null;
                if (mid.replace(/-[^-]+$/,'') == menus[i]) continue;
                document.getElementById(menus[i]).style.display = 'none';
            if (!timer[mid]) with (document.getElementById(mid).style) {
                display = '';
                if (pos) {
                    left = pos[0]+'px';
                    top = pos[1]+'px';
            else {
                timer[mid] = null;
    function hideMenu(mid) {
        with (cactions) {
            if (mid == mouse.replace(/-[^-]+$/,'')) timer[mid] = null;

            if (timer[mid]) {
                timer[mid] = null;
                document.getElementById(mid).style.display = 'none';
                if (mid == mouse && mid.search(/opt-.*-/) != -1) document.getElementById(mid.replace(/-[^-]+$/,'')).style.display = 'none';
            else timer[mid] = setTimeout('hideMenu(\''+mid+'\');',hovms);

    // Delink element
    function removeLink(eid) {
        var element = document.getElementById(eid);
        if (!element.getElementsByTagName('a').length) return false;

        var a = element.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];

        element.className = 'ca-disabled';

    // CSS styles

    // User options hook
    addOnloadHook(function () {
        switch (wgNamespaceNumber) {
            case 2: case 3: cactions['uname'] = encodeURIComponent(wgTitle.split('/')[0].replace(/ /g,'_'));
        if (wgCanonicalSpecialPageName == 'Contributions') for (var i = 0, hl; hl = document.getElementById('contentSub').getElementsByTagName('a')[i]; i++) {
            if (hl.href.indexOf('user=') > -1) {
                cactions['uname'] = hl.href.split('user=')[1].split('&amp;')[0];

        if (cactions.uname) {
            with (cactions) {
                menus[menus.length] = createMenu('user',true,Array(
                                                    ['c-u-logs',        '#']                                                                                                                                                    ,
                    mwsvr == 'en.wikipedia.org'?    ['c-u-rfx',         '#']                                                                                                                                                :[] ,
                                                    ['c-u-blocks',      '#']                                                                                                                                                    ,
                                                    ['c-u-contribs',    wgScript+'?title=Special:Contributions/'+uname+'&action=view']                                                                                          ,
                    mwsvr?                          ['c-u-editcount',   'http://toolserver.org/~soxred93/count/index.php?lang='+mwsvr.split('.')[0]+'&wiki='+mwsvr.split('.')[1]+'&name='+uname.replace(/_/g,'+')]          :[] ,
                    mwsvr?                          ['c-u-editsum',     'http://toolserver.org/~soxred93/editsummary/index.php?lang='+mwsvr.split('.')[0]+'&wiki='+mwsvr.split('.')[1]+'&name='+uname.replace(/_/g,'+')]    :[] ,
                    mwsvr == 'en.wikipedia.org'?    ['c-u-wcuser',      'http://en.wikichecker.com/user/?l=all&t='+uname]                                                                                                   :[] ,
                                                    ['c-u-sul',         'http://toolserver.org/~vvv/sulutil.php?user='+uname]                                                                                                   ,
                                                    ['c-u-subpages',    wgScript+'?title=Special:PrefixIndex/User:'+uname+'/&action=view']                                                                                      ,
                                                    ['c-u-email',       wgScript+'?title=Special:EmailUser/'+uname+'&action=view']                                                                                              ,
                                                    ['c-u-groups',      wgScript+'?title=Special:ListUsers&action=view&limit=1&username='+uname]                                                                                ,
                                                    ['c-u-rightslog',   wgScript+'?title=Special:Log&action=view&type=rights&page=User:'+uname]

                menus[menus.length] = createMenu('user-logs',false,Array(
                                                    ['c-ul-logs',       wgScript+'?title=Special:Log&action=view&user='+uname]                  ,
                                                    ['c-ul-blocks',     wgScript+'?title=Special:Log&action=view&type=block&user='+uname]       ,
                                                    ['c-ul-deletes',    wgScript+'?title=Special:Log&action=view&type=delete&user='+uname]      ,
                                                    ['c-ul-moves',      wgScript+'?title=Special:Log&action=view&type=move&user='+uname]        ,
                                                    ['c-ul-patrols',    wgScript+'?title=Special:Log&action=view&type=patrol&user='+uname]      ,
                                                    ['c-ul-protects',   wgScript+'?title=Special:Log&action=view&type=protect&user='+uname]     ,
                                                    ['c-ul-uploads',    wgScript+'?title=Special:Log&action=view&type=upload&user='+uname]      ,
                                                    ['c-ul-rights',     wgScript+'?title=Special:Log&action=view&type=rights&user='+uname]

                menus[menus.length] = createMenu('user-blocks',false,Array(
                    admin?                          ['c-ub-block',      wgScript+'?title=Special:BlockIP/'+uname+'&action=view']            :[] ,
                    admin?                          ['c-ub-unblock',    wgScript+'?title=Special:IPBlockList&action=unblock&ip='+uname]     :[] ,
                                                    ['c-ub-ipblock',    wgScript+'?title=Special:IPBlockList&action=view&ip='+uname]            ,
                                                    ['c-ub-blocklog',   wgScript+'?title=Special:Log&action=view&type=block&page=User:'+uname]

                menus[menus.length] = createMenu('user-rfx',false,Array(
                                                    ['c-ux-rfa',        wgScript+'?title=Special:PrefixIndex/Wikipedia:Requests_for_adminship/'+uname+'&action=view'],
                                                    ['c-ux-rfb',        wgScript+'?title=Special:PrefixIndex/Wikipedia:Requests_for_bureaucratship/'+uname+'&action=view'],
                                                    ['c-ux-rfar',       wgScript+'?title=Wikipedia:Requests_for_arbitration/'+uname+'&action=view'],
                                                    ['c-ux-rfc',        wgScript+'?title=Wikipedia:Requests_for_comment/'+uname+'&action=view'],
                                                    ['c-ux-rfcu',       wgScript+'?title=Wikipedia:Requests_for_checkuser/Case/'+uname+'&action=view'],
                                                    ['c-ux-spi',        wgScript+'?title=Wikipedia:Sockpuppet_investigations/'+uname+'&action=view']
                                                    ['c-ux-lta',        wgScript+'?title=Wikipedia:Long-term_abuse/'+uname+'&action=view']
                                                    ['c-ux-abr',        wgScript+'?title=Wikipedia:Abuse_response/'+uname+'&action=view']

                if (xmlhr && sajax_init_object() && wgEnableAPI) {
                    if (uname.search(/(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}/) == 0) {
                        areqs['ip'] = new sajax_init_object();
                        xhr(areqs['ip'],wgScriptPath+'/api.php?format=json&action=query&list=blocks&bkusers='+uname+'&bkprop=id&xhr='+Math.random(),function () {
                            with (areqs['ip']) if (readyState == 4 && status == 200) {
                                var api = eval('('+responseText+')');
                                if (api.query.blocks.length) {
                                    document.getElementById('c-ub-ipblock').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].style.color = '#EE1111';
                                else {
                        } );
                    else {
                        areqs['user'] = new sajax_init_object();
                        xhr(areqs['user'],wgScriptPath+'/api.php?format=json&action=query&list=users&ususers='+uname+'&usprop=blockinfo|groups&xhr='+Math.random(),function () {
                            with (areqs['user']) if (readyState == 4 && status == 200) {
                                var api = eval('('+responseText+')');
                                with (api.query.users[0]) {
                                    if (typeof(missing) != 'undefined') hideElements(['ca-user']);
                                    else {
                                        if (typeof(blockedby) != 'undefined') {
                                            document.getElementById('c-ub-ipblock').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].style.color = '#EE1111';
                                        else {

                                        if (typeof(groups) == 'undefined' || groups.join().indexOf('sysop') == -1) hideElements(['c-ul-blocks','c-ul-deletes','c-ul-protects','c-ul-rights']);
                        } );

                        if (document.getElementById('c-u-rfx')) {
                            areqs['rfa'] = new sajax_init_object();
                            xhr(areqs['rfa'],wgScriptPath+'/api.php?format=json&action=query&list=allpages&apprefix=Requests_for_adminship%2F'+uname+'&apnamespace=4&aplimit=1&xhr='+Math.random(),function () {
                                with (areqs['rfa']) if (readyState == 4 && status == 200) {
                                    var api = eval('('+responseText+')');
                                    if (!api.query.allpages.length) removeLink('c-ux-rfa');
                            } );

                            areqs['rfb'] = new sajax_init_object();
                            xhr(areqs['rfb'],wgScriptPath+'/api.php?format=json&action=query&list=allpages&apprefix=Requests_for_bureaucratship%2F'+uname+'&apnamespace=4&aplimit=1&xhr='+Math.random(),function () {
                                with (areqs['rfb']) if (readyState == 4 && status == 200) {
                                    var api = eval('('+responseText+')');
                                    if (!api.query.allpages.length) removeLink('c-ux-rfb');
                            } );

                        areqs['uspace'] = new sajax_init_object();
                        xhr(areqs['uspace'],wgScriptPath+'/api.php?format=json&action=query&list=allpages&apprefix='+uname+'%2F&apnamespace=2&aplimit=1&xhr='+Math.random(),function () {
                            with (areqs['uspace']) if (readyState == 4 && status == 200) {
                                var api = eval('('+responseText+')');
                                if (!api.query.allpages.length) removeLink('c-u-subpages');
                        } );

                    if (document.getElementById('c-u-rfx')) {
                        areqs['rfx'] = new sajax_init_object();
Long-term_abuse/'+uname+'|Wikipedia:Abuse_response/'+uname+'&letype=block&letitle=User:'+uname+'&prop=info&xhr='+Math.random(),function () {
                            with (areqs['rfx']) if (readyState == 4 && status == 200) {
                                var api = eval('('+responseText+')');
                                for (i in api.query.pages) switch (api.query.pages[i].title.split('/')[0]) {
                                    case 'Wikipedia:Requests for arbitration': if (typeof(api.query.pages[i].missing) != 'undefined') removeLink('c-ux-rfar'); break;
                                    case 'Wikipedia:Requests for comment': if (typeof(api.query.pages[i].missing) != 'undefined') removeLink('c-ux-rfc'); break;
                                    case 'Wikipedia:Requests for checkuser': if (typeof(api.query.pages[i].missing) != 'undefined') removeLink('c-ux-rfcu'); break;
                                    case 'Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations': if (typeof(api.query.pages[i].missing) != 'undefined') removeLink('c-ux-spi'); break;
                                    case 'Wikipedia:Long-term abuse': if (typeof(api.query.pages[i].missing) != 'undefined') removeLink('c-ux-lta'); break;
                                    case 'Wikipedia:Abuse response': if (typeof(api.query.pages[i].missing) != 'undefined') removeLink('c-ux-abr'); break;
                        } );

                    areqs['ublocks'] = new sajax_init_object();
                    xhr(areqs['ublocks'],wgScriptPath+'/api.php?format=json&action=query&list=logevents&letype=block&letitle=User:'+uname+'&lelimit=1&xhr='+Math.random(),function () {
                        with (areqs['ublocks']) if (readyState == 4 && status == 200) {
                            var api = eval('('+responseText+')');
                            if (!api.query.logevents.length) removeLink('c-ub-blocklog');
                    } );
                else hideElements(['c-ub-ipblock','c-ul-blocks','c-ul-deletes','c-ul-protects','c-ul-rights']);

                if (!tbusr) hideElements(['t-contributions','t-log','t-emailuser']);

            document.getElementById('c-u-logs').onmouseover = function () {showMenu('opt-user-logs',findPos('c-u-logs',[40,0]))};
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            document.getElementById('c-u-blocks').onmouseover = function () {showMenu('opt-user-blocks',findPos('c-u-blocks',[40,0]))};
            document.getElementById('c-u-blocks').onmouseout = function () {hideMenu('opt-user-blocks')};
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            if (document.getElementById('c-u-rfx')) {
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                document.getElementById('c-u-rfx').style.fontWeight = 'bold';
                document.getElementById('opt-user-rfx').style.width = '50px';

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    } );

    // Page options hook
    addOnloadHook(function () {
        if (!wgCanonicalSpecialPageName) {
            with (cactions) {
                menus[menus.length] = createMenu('page',true,Array(
                                                                ['c-p-logs',        '#'],
                    wgArticleId?                                ['c-p-history',     wgScript+'?title='+pname+'&action=history']                         :[] ,
                    wgArticleId?                                ['c-p-move',        wgScript+'?title=Special:Movepage/'+pname+'&action=view']           :[] ,
                    skin != 'vector'?                           ['c-p-watch',       wgScript+'?title='+pname+'&action=watch']                           :[] ,
                    skin != 'vector'?                           ['c-p-unwatch',     wgScript+'?title='+pname+'&action=unwatch']                         :[] ,
                    admin?                                      ['c-p-protect',     wgScript+'?title='+pname+'&action=protect']                         :[] ,
                    admin?                                      ['c-p-unprotect',   wgScript+'?title='+pname+'&action=unprotect']                       :[] ,
                    admin?                                      ['c-p-delete',      wgScript+'?title='+pname+'&action=delete']                          :[] ,
                    admin?                                      ['c-p-undelete',    wgScript+'?title=Special:Undelete/'+pname+'&action=view']           :[] ,
                    wgArticleId?                                ['c-p-diff',        wgScript+'?title='+pname+'&action=view&diff='+wgCurRevisionId]      :[] ,
                    wgArticleId?                                ['c-p-editzero',    wgScript+'?title='+pname+'&action=edit&section=0']                  :[] ,
                    wgArticleId && mwsvr == 'en.wikipedia.org'? ['c-p-wcpage',      'http://en.wikichecker.com/article/?a='+pname]                      :[] ,
                                                                ['c-p-purge',       wgScript+'?title='+pname+'&action=purge']

                menus[menus.length] = createMenu('page-logs',false,Array(
                                                                ['c-pl-logs',       wgScript+'?title=Special:Log&action=view&page='+pname]                  ,
                                                                ['c-pl-deletes',    wgScript+'?title=Special:Log&type=delete&page='+pname]                  ,
                                                                ['c-pl-moves',      wgScript+'?title=Special:Log&action=view&type=move&page='+pname]        ,
                    wgArticleId?                                ['c-pl-patrols',    wgScript+'?title=Special:Log&action=view&type=patrol&page='+pname]  :[] ,
                                                                ['c-pl-protects',   wgScript+'?title=Special:Log&action=view&type=protect&page='+pname]     ,
                    wgNamespaceNumber == 6?                     ['c-pl-uploads',    wgScript+'?title=Special:Log&action=view&type=upload&page='+pname]  :[]

            if (cactions.itabs) {
                if (skin != 'vector') hideElements(['ca-watch','ca-unwatch'],['c-p-unwatch','c-p-watch']);
            else hideElements(['c-p-history','c-p-move','c-p-watch','c-p-unwatch','c-p-protect','c-p-unprotect','c-p-delete','c-p-undelete']);

            document.getElementById('c-p-logs').onmouseover = function () {showMenu('opt-page-logs',findPos('c-p-logs',[40,0]))};
            document.getElementById('c-p-logs').onmouseout = function () {hideMenu('opt-page-logs')};
            document.getElementById('c-p-logs').style.fontWeight = 'bold';
    } );

    // shortcuts portlet hook
    addOnloadHook(function () {
        with (cactions) if (svars.length) {
            var portlet = document.createElement('div');
            with (portlet) {
                id = 'p-sc';
                className = (skin == 'vector') ? 'portal collapsed' : 'portlet';

            var elements = {
                h5: document.createElement('h5'),
                div: document.createElement('div'),
                ul: document.createElement('ul'),
                li: null,
                a: null,
                txt: null
            with (elements) {

                div.className = (skin == 'vector') ? 'body' : 'pBody';

                for (var i = 0; i < svars.length; i++) if (!svars[i][1].indexOf('/') || !svars[i][1].search(/http[s]?:\/\//)) {
                    li = document.createElement('li'); li.id = 's-'+svars[i][0].toLowerCase().replace(/\W/g,'');
                    a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = svars[i][1];
                    txt = document.createTextNode(svars[i][0]);
                    a.appendChild(txt); li.appendChild(a); ul.appendChild(li);

            switch (skin) {
                case 'modern': var sidebarID = 'mw_portlets'; break;
                case 'monobook': var sidebarID = 'column-one'; break;
                case 'vector': var sidebarID = 'panel'; break;
    } );

~~Ebe123~~ (+) talk
20:15, 26 September 2011 (UTC)

Remove this page from your watchlist?

While using monobook, unwatching a page from the dropdown gives "Remove this page from your watchlist?" and an OK button. This is invoked through MediaWiki:Confirm-unwatch-top and MediaWiki:Confirm-unwatch-button. Any way to disable this? ---— Gadget850 (Ed) talk 15:53, 15 October 2011 (UTC)

There is nothing to "disable", someone with sysop flag has to fix User:Haza-w/cactions.js and MediaWiki:Gadget-dropdown-menus.js to use &token= value from the watch tab on top. — AlexSm 20:22, 15 October 2011 (UTC)

Display error after translating

Hello, first thank you for your great work with this fine gadget!

It works almost perfectly in my wiki, but I've noticed for a translation into German, the text on the edge of the 2nd menu overlaps.

Can you please help me to resolve this error? I would be really nice of you. I've upload a screenshot of this error.

here can you see the picture Kind regards Abani79 (talk) 21:55, 2 July 2012 (UTC)

User and Page tab labels missing

Yesterday, it was just the descender in the 'g' of 'Page' that was missing. Now the labels on the User and Page tabs are completely missing. Per Edokter: "There were changes in the skin HTML, changing the invisible H5 headers to H3, which in turn forced some CSS to be rewritten." --— Gadget850 (Ed) talk 20:37, 5 December 2012 (UTC)

Observed in Firefox 16 and IE9. --— Gadget850 (Ed) talk 22:51, 5 December 2012 (UTC)
And in the latest version of Firefox, 17.0.1 (mine) and IE8 (also mine but I use infrequently).--Bbb23 (talk) 23:14, 5 December 2012 (UTC)
This is easy to fix for those with Twinkle also enabled (an admin just needs to do a simple find and replace, searching for h5 and replacing with h3 in User:Haza-w/cactions.js). However, the fix for those not using Twinkle is a bit less obvious. — This, that, and the other (talk) 06:33, 6 December 2012 (UTC)
That works, but only if Twinkle is enabled, as it creates it's own tab. And MediaWiki:Gadget-dropdown-menus.js needs to be edited to make this site-wide. --— Gadget850 (Ed) talk 10:39, 6 December 2012 (UTC)
What is the output with the change made and with Twinkle disabled? I teste dit before, and I thought the rsult was acceptable, but I may be mistaken. — This, that, and the other (talk) 11:38, 6 December 2012 (UTC)
As far as I can remember, the labels are never shown on Vector. Edokter (talk) — 17:34, 8 December 2012 (UTC)
They have always appeared since I enabled the gadget. Again, this started with a missing descender, then the labels disappeared altogether. --— Gadget850 (Ed) talk 17:46, 8 December 2012 (UTC)
But now they show properly with Twinkle enabled. --— Gadget850 (Ed) talk 17:50, 8 December 2012 (UTC)
I still don't see them, not suprising with Twinkle CSS missing... but I really have never seen the labels before on Vector. Haza-w should add some insight here. Edokter (talk) — 18:18, 8 December 2012 (UTC)

Can this page be added to the page menu? Preferably in both "linked-from" and "linked-to" modes. Thanks. Keφr 08:01, 11 February 2013 (UTC)

Reference Tooltips are being rolled out to Wikipedia

mw:Reference Tooltips are in a sense replacing "Drop-down menus" but only for the reference viewing in-place. See mw:Talk:Reference Tooltips for more discussion. Kazkaskazkasako (talk) 17:06, 16 July 2013 (UTC)

User and Page options

For a considerable amount of time, and after consuming the valuable time of other users—to no avail, I finally figured out why I did not have an "email this user" option under the toolbox drop-down. It was of course a result of choosing to "Add page and user options to drop-down menus on the toolbar", as a gadget preference. It seems a bit misleading to say "add options", which implies additional links, opposed to "move options" which gives enough hint that previous links may disappear. I am no better equipped after reading the gadget's documentation as I am not clear on the manner or location for setting tbusr to true. Honestly, I think the email link should remain under the toolbox drop-down by default as redundancy serves accessibility in this example and the ability is important enough to deserve such a safeguard, IMO.—John Cline (talk) 02:40, 11 October 2013 (UTC)