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Wikipedia:Good articles in other languages/Catalan

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Article list of "Wikipedia:good articles" in Catalan
# Articles in Catalan instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 Estats Units d'Amèrica country, federal republic, superpower United States 410
2 Antàrtida continent, geographic region, terra nullius Antarctica 305
3 Segona Guerra Mundial world war, historical period World War II 277
4 Ésser humà organisms known by a particular common name Human 263
5 Barcelona city, municipality of Catalonia Barcelona 239
6 Nombre Number 214
7 Marco Polo human Marco Polo 203
8 Matsuo Bashō human Matsuo Bashō 192
9 Revolució Francesa revolution, historical event French Revolution 179
10 Pere I de Rússia human Peter the Great 169
11 Anne Frank human Anne Frank 161
12 Atletisme type of sport Sport of athletics 153
13 Saladí human Saladin 148
14 Àrabs ethnic group Arabs 146
15 Svalbard archipelago, first-level administrative division, integral overseas territory Svalbard 146
16 Pneumònia cause of death, infectious disease, class of disease Pneumonia 139
17 Gaèlic escocès natural language, modern language Scottish Gaelic 134
18 Deng Xiaoping human Deng Xiaoping 126
19 Nombre real type of number Real number 124
20 Trondheim city, administrative centre, big city Trondheim 118
21 Jennifer Lawrence human Jennifer Lawrence 113
22 Història universal aspect of history Human history 108
23 Cúpula roof shape Dome 105
24 Època glacial Ice age 102
25 Guerres Napoleòniques series of wars Napoleonic Wars 97
26 El silenci dels anyells film The Silence of the Lambs (film) 97
27 Regne d'Itàlia historical country Kingdom of Italy 91
28 Serguei Prokófiev human Sergei Prokofiev 89
29 Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu mountain Taumatawhakatangi­hangakoauauotamatea­turipukakapikimaunga­horonukupokaiwhen­uakitanatahu 89
30 Llebre comuna taxon European hare 88
31 Primera Croada religious war First Crusade 83
32 Blade Runner film Blade Runner 81
33 Trilobits fossil taxon Trilobite 79
34 Càncer de pròstata class of disease Prostate cancer 78
35 .bv country code top-level domain .bv 75
36 .sj country code top-level domain .sj 74
37 Propietat commutativa mathematical property Commutative property 72
38 Salamandra comuna taxon Fire salamander 71
39 Hemicordats taxon Hemichordate 70
40 Sèrie de Taylor term Taylor series 68
41 Nebulosa de l'Ull de Gat variable star, planetary nebula, astronomical radio source Cat's Eye Nebula 67
42 Xinxilla taxon Chinchilla 67
43 Louise Michel human Louise Michel 63
44 Manfred von Richthofen human Manfred von Richthofen 63
45 Bandera de Kosovo national flag Flag of Kosovo 59
46 Elements del període 1 period Period 1 element 59
47 Símon Petliura human Symon Petliura 59
48 Orgull i prejudici film Pride & Prejudice (2005 film) 56
49 Rotavirus taxon Rotavirus 55
50 Color dels ulls property Eye color 53
51 Formació i evolució del sistema solar formation and evolution of planetary systems Formation and evolution of the Solar System 53
52 Jaume el Conqueridor human James I of Aragon 53
53 Església Ortodoxa Romanesa national Church, Eastern Orthodox patriarchate Romanian Orthodox Church 52
54 Dia de la Independència de l'Índia national day, public holidays in India, public holiday Independence Day (India) 51
55 Futbolí game of skill, café game Table football 50
56 Microordinador Microcomputer 48
57 El jardí de les delícies triptych, painting The Garden of Earthly Delights 48
58 Paquicefalosaure fossil taxon Pachycephalosaurus 47
59 Priego de Córdoba municipality of Spain Priego de Córdoba 46
60 Laocoont i els seus fills sculpture Laocoön and His Sons 44
61 Metilfenidat group of stereoisomers Methylphenidate 43
62 CP/M operating system CP/M 42
63 Agapant taxon Agapanthus 41
64 Assassin's Creed: Revelations video game Assassin's Creed Revelations 41
65 Integral múltiple Multiple integral 41
66 Indústria farmacèutica industry Pharmaceutical industry 41
67 Inhibidor de l'enzim conversiu de l'angiotensina drug class ACE inhibitor 40
68 Pudu taxon Pudu 40
69 Dunkleosteus fossil taxon Dunkleosteus 37
70 Vida a Mart Life on Mars 37
71 Rubió municipality of Catalonia Rubió 36
72 Musaranya elefant caragrisa taxon Grey-faced sengi 32
73 Eleccions presidencials dels Estats Units de 1792 United States presidential election 1792 United States presidential election 31
74 Ryokan Ryokan 31
75 Sauropelta edwardsorum fossil taxon Sauropelta 30
76 Inactivació del cromosoma X biological process X-inactivation 29
77 Aston Martin One-77 automobile model Aston Martin One-77 27
78 Le Pétomane human Le Pétomane 27
79 PCR en temps real nucleic acid test, molecular biology technique Real-time polymerase chain reaction 27
80 Uintateri fossil taxon Uintatherium 27
81 47 de l'Ossa Major star, near-IR source, UV-emission source 47 Ursae Majoris 26
82 Ashley Massaro human Ashley Massaro 26
83 Corinebacteri taxon Corynebacterium 26
84 Pierre Amine Gemayel human Pierre Amine Gemayel 26
85 Genealogia genètica academic major, academic discipline Genetic genealogy 25
86 Giambattista Bodoni human Giambattista Bodoni 25
87 Pelléas et Mélisande dramatico-musical work Pelléas et Mélisande (opera) 25
88 Batalla de Watling Street battle Defeat of Boudica 24
89 Palau Heian royal palace Heian Palace 24
90 Transport per ferrocarril de la Ciutat del Vaticà railway line Vatican Railway 24
91 16 del Cigne multiple star 16 Cygni 23
92 QDOS operating system, proprietary software 86-DOS 23
93 Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando video game Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando 22
94 Isaac Comnè human Isaac Komnenos (son of John II) 21
95 Afanomicosi animal disease Crayfish plague 20
96 Ratolí menjacucs de musell esvelt taxon Large Mindoro forest mouse 20
97 Miacis fossil taxon Miacis 20
98 Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis video game Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis 19
99 Tritó del Montseny taxon Montseny brook newt 19
100 Altura de la x unit of measurement X-height 19
101 Senyera del País Valencià municipal flag, flag of a country subdivision Flag of the Valencian Community 18
102 Huracà Emily Category 5 hurricane Hurricane Emily (2005) 18
103 Miniopterus manavi taxon Manavi long-fingered bat 18
104 HD 217107 multiple star, near-IR source, UV-emission source HD 217107 17
105 Manuel Eròtic Comnè human Manuel Erotikos Komnenos 17
106 María Teresa Ferrari human María Teresa Ferrari 17
107 Timàreta human Timarete 17
108 16 del Cigne Bb exoplanet 16 Cygni Bb 16
109 Anna Bågenholm human Anna Bågenholm 16
110 Furgó de tren railroad car Baggage car 16
111 Castell de Halton castle, ruins Halton Castle 16
112 Joan Comnè human John Komnenos (Domestic of the Schools) 16
113 The Day of the Doctor television special, television series episode The Day of the Doctor 16
114 Hadropitec monotypic fossil taxon Hadropithecus 15
115 HD 217107 b exoplanet HD 217107 b 14
116 HD 217107 c exoplanet HD 217107 c 14
117 Nieuwleusen village, cadastral populated place in the Netherlands, municipality of the Netherlands Nieuwleusen 14
118 Saqueig de Damiata raid Sack of Damietta (853) 14
119 Tirotejos de Huế Phật Đản Huế Phật Đản shootings 13
120 Complex Arp2/3 cellular component Arp2/3 complex 12
121 Concha García Campoy human Concha García Campoy 12
122 Vil·la Popea archaeological site, Roman villa, ancient Roman structure Villa Poppaea 12
123 Bola de carbó Coal ball 11
124 Game & Wario video game Game & Wario 11
125 Lagidium ahuacaense taxon Lagidium ahuacaense 11
126 Nova Cançó music genre, art movement, song type Nova Cançó 11
127 Huracà de Cuba de 1924 North Atlantic tropical cyclone 1924 Cuba hurricane 10
128 Línia 12 del metro de Barcelona rapid transit railway line Barcelona metro line 12 (d:Q20107064) 10
129 Norid state-owned enterprise Norid 10
130 Relíquies relacionades amb Jesús Relics associated with Jesus 10
131 Hominide written work Hominid (novel) 9
132 Joaquim Vayreda i Vila human Joaquim Vayreda 9
133 Oecomys sydandersoni taxon Oecomys sydandersoni 9
134 Setge de Vyborg siege Siege of Viborg (1710) 9
135 Tramvia de Sóller tram service, tram system Tranvía de Sóller 9
136 Conflicte entre l'Argentina i l'Uruguai per plantes de cel·lulosa trade conflict, environmental conflict Uruguay River pulp mill dispute 9
137 Canvi fonètic «f → h» del castellà phonetic shift Phonetic change "f → h" in Spanish 8
138 Barbara Rae-Venter human Barbara Rae-Venter 7
139 Romà human Romanus (bishop of Rochester) 7
140 Star Wars Episode I: Obi-Wan's Adventures video game Star Wars Episode I: Obi-Wan's Adventures 7
141 Partit de 100 punts de Wilt Chamberlain basketball game Wilt Chamberlain's 100-point game 7
142 Carles Solà i Ferrando human Carles Solà 6
143 Megalomys audreyae fossil taxon Megalomys audreyae 6
144 Temporada d'huracans de l'Atlàntic del 1924 Atlantic hurricane season 1924 Atlantic hurricane season 5
145 ?Nycticebus linglom fossil taxon ? Nycticebus linglom 5
146 Argentodites coloniensis fossil taxon Argentodites 5
147 Huracà Able Category 1 hurricane Hurricane Able (1951) 5
148 Zodíac del portal de Sant Fermí sculpture ✗ (d:Q2277643) 4
149 Copa Amèrica d'hoquei sobre patins masculina 2008 season ✗ (d:Q2838510) 4
150 Copa Amèrica d'hoquei sobre patins masculina 2007 season ✗ (d:Q6877860) 4
151 Hypogeomys australis fossil taxon Hypogeomys australis 4
152 Mamífers mesozoics de Madagascar Mesozoic mammals of Madagascar 4
153 Miniopterus zapfei taxon Miniopterus zapfei 4
154 «Ekbletomys hypenemus» unavailable name, monotypic fossil taxon "Ekbletomys" 3
155 Huracà Easy Category 4 hurricane Hurricane Easy (1951) 3
156 LACM 149371 fossil LACM 149371 3
157 UA 8699 fossil UA 8699 3
158 Cementeri de Sant Josep cemetery, fixed construction ✗ (d:Q111170864) 2
159 Anna Maria Pellegrini Celoni human Anna Maria Pellegrini Celoni (d:Q4348290) 2
160 Pilar Pons i Lax human Pilar Pons i Lax (d:Q57414756) 2
161 Vicenta Agustín i Espert human Vicenta Agustín i Espert (d:Q117023199) 2
162 Línies del metro de Barcelona Wikimedia list article lines of the Barcelona Metro (d:Q11934440) 2
163 Mongeta del ganxet cultivar mongeta del ganxet (d:Q11937348) 2
164 Font de les Galeries spring Font de les Galeries (d:Q121289405) 1
165 Font dels Llibrells spring Font dels Llibrells (d:Q121289235) 1
166 Trapalcoteri fossil taxon Trapalcotherium matuastensis (d:Q55109128) 1
Average With English: en/ca (Catalan) = 153/166 (92.2%) 50.7
Sum No article or article with the same title: 9
No label: 4

See also
