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Scholar and Feminist IX: Towards a Politics of Sexuality, Barnard College Women's Center Project


The Scholar and Feminist Conference on the Politics of Sexuality, also referred to as the Barnard Sex Conference[1] and the Barnard Sex Scandal[2] was held at Barnard College in April 1982. It was the ninth conference in a series that, as of this writing in 2019, had its 44th iteration this year. The conference was coordinated by then-Columbia anthropology Ph.D. student Carole Vance and volunteers who responded to her invitation to serve on the planning committee. Vance and the other organizers detailed their process in a conference diary[3], an artifact that was confiscated by the Barnard administration before the conference and eventually reprinted with the Barnard College and Women's Center and Helena Rubinstein Foundation affiliations removed.

The diary confiscation was the result of pressure from anti-pornography protesters who felt that their point of view was not represented at the conference. The conference sexuality theme, per Vance's invitation to participate, focused on sexual pleasure under the patriarchy, sexual pleasure and danger for people holding marginalized identities, feminist vs. right wing analyses of women's sexuality, when is a "good" time to discuss sexuality in the current political climate, sexual nonconformity vis a vis Betty Friedan-influenced feminism, and conflicts between "social purity" and "libertarian" feminist factions.

The conference program[4] reports plenary, workshop, art, and poetry presentations led by scholars, activists, artists, and poets. The Wikipedia entries for the conference, participants, and topics may be missing or could use attention, including adding references to the conference.








  1. ^ Corbman, Rachel (2015). "he Scholars and the Feminists: The Barnard Sex Conference and the History of the Institutionalization of Feminism". Feminist Formations. 27 (3): 49–80. doi:10.1353/ff.2016.0010.
  2. ^ Allison, Dorothy (1994). Skin. Firebrand Books. ISBN 978-1563410451. Retrieved 5 May 2019.
  3. ^ "Diary of a Conference on Sexuality" (PDF). Dark Matter. Retrieved 5 May 2019.
  4. ^ "Program: The Scholar and Feminist IX: Towards a Politics of Sexuality" (PDF). S&F Online. Retrieved 5 May 2019.

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