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{{Multiple issues|disputed=March 2008|POV=March 2008|POV =December 2007}}
[[File:Judenfrei serbia stamps.gif|thumb|Serbian postage stamps of 1941.]]
'''Grand Anti-Masonic Exhibition''' ({{lang-sr|Антимасонска изложба}}) was exhibition which were organized German occupation forces with technical support Serbian Quisling prime minister [[Milan Nedić]] in [[Belgrade]] in the Temple of closed the Grand Lodge of [[Kingdom of Yugoslavia]] of October 22, 1941 to January 19, 1942 during the Serbian uprising in [[World War II]].
'''Grand Anti-Masonic Exhibition''' ({{lang-sr|Antimasonska izložba}}) was the name of an [[antisemitic]] exhibition that was opened in [[Belgrade]] on October 22, 1941. This exhibition was part of a [[propaganda]] campaign by Serbs loyal to the occupying Nazi forces to "unmask the Jewish [[freemason]] and [[communist]] [[Cabal|conspiracy]] that is behind all the society's ills". The exhibition was financed by the city of Belgrade, and as part of the exhibition a number of commemorative stamps were issued in 1942. The exhibition was said to have been visited by some 80,000 people.<ref>{{wayback | url = http://www.helsinki.org.yu/authors_singletext.php?lang=sr&idteksta=340 | title = Prilog I: Antisemitizam}}, about antisemitism in Serbia, by the [[Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia]]</ref>

Nazi Germany occupied most of Yugoslavia by April 1941. After a Serbian uprising of July 1941, Gen. Hermann Bohme, was given emergency powers to govern the country. SS - Gruppenfuhrer Harold Turner and SS Untersturmfuhrer Fritz Stracke handled the administration of Serbia. [[Milan Nedic]] was the "nominal" local ruler, comparable to the collaborationist regime of [[Quisling]] in Norway.{{Citation needed|date=August 2007}}
Serbian freemasons are were against all totalitarianism and dictatorship. This is especially emphasized in the time when the Masonic Lodge banned in Germany and in Austria (after the [[Anschluss]]). Then a large number of Masons from these countries, as well as from Italy and Bulgaria, was accepted and cared for in [[Kingdom of Yugoslavia]]. With approaching world war, in 1938, the Freemasons from [[England]] and the [[United States]] undertook a series of measures that would provide over Freemasonry anti-Nazi resistance in the countries that were in the way of expansion of the [[Third Reich]].

The installation of the Duke of Kent for GM UGL of England (July 1939), as representative of the Yugoslav GL is went Stanoje Mihajlović. Mihajlović has had discussions with senior representatives of British Freemasonry on various issues. He is asked that a established an English Lodge in Belgrade, to which he received an affirmative answer. At the end of the 1939th was established an English Lodge in Belgrade, since the beginning of the 1940th the some number of Masons from various lodges received permission to join a newly created Lodge. These are did Stanoje Mihaijlović and Milan Marjanović. At the same time [[Vladimir Ćorović]], accompanied by Dragana Milićević, incognito, is traveling to Paris and London, where he met with [[Albert François Lebrun]] and [[Winston Churchill]].
While Nedic cooperated with the German plans for extermination of the Jews, Serbian partisan groups often{{Citation needed|date=August 2008}} tried to save Jews from victimization. The history of this period is complex, filled with mutual accusations regarding the role of perpetrators and rescuers.

==The Tripartite Pact==
{{Main|Tripartite Pact}}
In the GL Yugoslavia was thought to be necessary to take decisive measures against the [[Prince Paul]], when his policy of rapprochement Germany and prepare for the signing of the Pact were being finalized. At the conclusion of negotiations with the Germans, in Belgrade, he was Colonel [[William Joseph Donovan|William Donovan]], special envoy of President [[Franklin D. Roosevelt]] (later the chief of the [[OSS]], the forerunner of today's [[CIA]]), who held talks with serbian political factors, assuring them that it is impossible Yugoslav neutrality. Donovan is met in a hotel with leading personalities of the Serbian Freemasonry. After this conversation, [[Vladimir Ćorović]] (along with General [[Dušan Simović]]) visited Prince Paul and asked him to cancel the accession to the Tripartite Pact.

==Military coup of 27 March==
{{Main|Yugoslavian military coup of March 27, 1941}}
Before signing the protocol, because of the accession of Yugoslavia German axis, the three Masonic ministers Serb in Yugoslav Government (Mihailo Konstantinović, Budisavljević and [[Vaso Čubrilović]]) resigned. A series of movements, organizations and institutions in Serbia have been angry opponents of the policy of Prince Paul - [[Serbian Orthodox Church]], Serbian Cultural Club, [[Narodna Odbrana|National Defence]], conspiratorial part of the Yugoslav army ... Less publicly known, but vehemently opposing such policies were and the Council of patriot, Serbian cultural and economic organizations and institutions, the Association for Slovene emigrants and secret society "Conspiracy". In all of them a had decisive position have the Freemasons - Nikola Stojanović, Dragiša Vasić, Predrag Kašiković, Milan Vlajinac, Savko Dukanac, Viktor Novak, Božin Simić, Dusan Dimitrijević, Veljko Ramadanović, [[Slobodan Jovanović]], Fyodor Mahin, Dragoslav Stranjaković, Irinej Djordjević, Irinej Ćirić, Valerian Pribićević, Dragoljub Aranđelović, Stanoje Mihaldzić, Vladimir Belajčić, Jovan Đonović, Radoje Knežević, [[Stevan Moljević]]...

==Invasion of Yugoslavia==
{{Main|Invasion of Yugoslavia}}
[[Image:Invasion of Yugoslavia lines of attack Why We Fight no. 5.jpg|thumb|[[Nazi Germany|German]], [[Military history of Italy during World War II|Italian]], [[Hungary during World War II|Hungarian]] and [[Military history of Bulgaria during World War II|Bulgarian]] armed forces [[Invasion of Yugoslavia|attacked the Kingdom of Yugoslavia]] on 6 April 1941 without a declaration of war]]
Protocol on the Accession of Yugoslavia the Tripartite Pact signed in [[Vienna]] on 25 March 1941, which was a signal for the coup on the night between 26 and 27 March 1941, carried out a military coup, toppling the government, expel of Prince Paul, formed a new government with General [[Dušan Simović]] at the helm, where the ministers were a Masons Banjanin, Gavrilović, Budisavljević, Marković, [[Milan Grol]], [[Momčilo Ninčić]], [[Bogoljub Jevtić]], Šutej, Andres. The reaction of Germany was an attack on Yugoslavia, which is six weeks shifted the start of a planned attack on the [[Soviet Union]]. And [[UK]] due to entering Yugoslavia into the war was satisfied. But because of all that the [[Vatican City|Rome]] had no mercy for the Serbs who were occupied by Germany. Serbian freemasons in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia had a lot of problems in achieving the Masonic principles, against them was fought underground struggle from Rome, who was the spiritus rector and the biggest driving force in that struggle together with Nazi Germany. Also, they put pressure on Yugoslavia and propagandized against the freemasons, who are portrayed as anti-nationalists, anti-clerical as an attack on religion, they have had great success in the Catholic population in Yugoslavia, except to the Serbs.

[[Invasion of Yugoslavia|Nazi Germany occupied most of Yugoslavia]] by April 1941. Upon the establishment of the German occupying regime in Serbia, in the second half of April 1941, members of the [[Abwehr]], the secret military police (GFP) and operational group Sipo and SD, based on the of extraordinary list of wanted persons, on which are listed many figures marked as anti-German elements, they are arrested a lot of Serbian Freemasons, among them Viktor Novak, Vladeta Popović, Peter Struve, Anton Biliović, Dragan Milićević and etc. Investigation of the arrested Serbian Fremasons is led by Nazi Hans Richter. Based of the order German military commander in Serbia General Harold Turner, based on [[Joachim von Ribbentrop]] approval in mid-May 1941, a formed is special committee that was supposed to establish liability in connection with the [[Yugoslavian military coup of March 27, 1941|military coup of 27 March]] and prove the "guilt" for the outbreak of war, for which is pre-determined. The Germans are for the coup had already been considered responsible the British, a serbian freemasons and the Yugoslav government (then in exile), which, in addition to receiving instructions from [[London]], had an intention to establish a military alliance with the [[Soviet Union]]. On that occasion, were again taken to the police and questioned in detail and masons Viktor Novak, Slavko Dukanac and Ljubomir Tomasic. Already since 1938, with headquarters in [[Vienna]] is the working a intelligence of the Nazi Party (SD), under the direct leadership of SS Lieutenant Schroeder. On the basis of his findings, in late April 1941 onwards, a significant number of serbian state employees was investigated, and were given questionnaires with questions about their Masonic status, or connections with the Masons. After determining the membership in the [[Masonic lodge]]s, was retired, or were left without employment, a more number of Masons. The Nazis believed that Belgrade and the Serbian elite is old Masonic lair who gave birth in the early 20 century the [[Black Hand]].

==Serbian uprising==
[[File:Mihailovic poternica 1941.jpg|thumb|170px|German-produced poster offering 200,000 dinar for the capture the leader of an outlaw and a rebel Draža Mihailović on December 9, 1941 after the failure of the [[operation Mihailović]]]]
[[File:Execution of serbs in Kragujevac on 21 10 1941.jpg|thumb|left|The Germans [[Kragujevac massacre|executions Serbian civilians in Kragujevac]] on 21 October 1941 during the Serbian uprising. The next day was opened in Belgrade Anti-Freemason Exhibition on 22 October 1941.]]
On 31 August 1941 the Jadar Chetnik detachment freed [[Loznica]] from German occupation in the [[Battle of Loznica (1941)|Battle of Loznica]], which was the starting point of the Serbian uprising against the German occupation. During September 1941 the uprising had taken on large proportions and the Chetniks freed the entire [[Podrinje]] and [[Mačva]] areas (except the city of [[Šabac]]).<ref name="AB">Živanović, Sergej M.: ''Third Serbian Uprising'', Novi Pogledi, Kragujevac, 2001.</ref> In late September and early October 1941, the uprising spread to most of [[Šumadija]] and the river valley of [[West Morava|Western Morava]] ([[Čačak]], [[Kraljevo]], [[Kruševac]]). However, in early October 1941 the Germans started an offensive against the Chetniks (Operation Drina), where strong forces from the north (the 342nd Infantry Division) and [[Independent State of Croatia|Croatian]] forces from [[Srem]] to the south attacked. By the end of October the whole of the Mačva and the middle of Podrinje was taken from the Chetniks, breaking the siege of [[Valjevo]] and by an outbreak by the same division east of this city, the Germans reached [[Ravna Gora (Suvobor)|Ravna Gora]], the main headquarters of the rebels. During October 1941 German forces carried out mass executions in several places of Serbian civilians in retaliation for their dead and wounded soldiers in order to intimidate and pacify the rebellion. About 10,000 Serbian civilians were killed.<ref name="AB"/> German Nazis took advantage of the situation with the outbreak of Serbian uprising in order to solve the Jewish question in the occupied Serbia. From autumn 1941 to spring of 1942 almost the entire Jewish population in Germany occupation zone of Serbian is killed, about 20,000 Jews, including women, children and the elderly. Also, in the same period, were killed tens of thousands of Serbian civilians. The main reason for such a drastic solution it was a Serbian uprising on the fall of 1941 led by Colonel [[Draža Mihailović]], whose resistance movement known as Yugoslav Army in the Fatherland was heavily influenced by Serbian freemasons, the Yugoslav government in exile (in London) and the [[Western allies]]. The Germans were managed to suppress the Serbian uprising with mass executions of civilians that resulted with falling [[morale]] of the Serbian guerrilla fighters. The Germans are executions in Belgrade Freemasons: Dragana Milićević, Mihaila Ilić and Džordž Tasić, while interned in German concentration camps: Milos Carević, Brana Gojković, Aca Dimitrijević, Milan Bartoš, Boško Jovanović, Stevan Popović, Milos Nešić, Milan Glavinić, four of them - Turanov, Skovran, Ilić and Djordjević are there and executed.

[[File:Posters9.jpg|thumb|left|150px|Poster from Exhibition. The leader of the Serbian uprising Draža Mihailović as a small pet in the hands of U.S. and UK, which are supposedly controlled by Jews.]]
[[File:Posters11.jpg|thumb|200px|Poster from Exhibition.]]
In order to accomplish tasks calculated to intimidation, decapitation, and demoralization of the people, a condemning the elite of the Serbian people, which, as is persistently repeated German propaganda, worked and is working for someone else, the Anglo-Jewish and Communist interests, according to German orders established a Committee to prepare Anti-Freemason Exhibition. Committee is worked under the supervision of Hans Richter, and after his departure from Belgrade that the office took over the German military and administrative commander Harold Turner. Anti-Freemason Exhibition is opened on 22 October 1941 and coincided with the German offensive on serbian guerrilla-rebel determine. The exhibition was open until 19 January 1942, and accompanying promotional effects were intended to frighten the population of Belgrade, to deny any hope of success in countering the German military forces. Unmasking the role of Freemasonry, Jews and communists as the alleged culprits for the collapse of Yugoslavia and the plight of the Serbian people dictated is the content of the exhibits at the exhibition, to which are the citizens and school youth, guided organized and forced. The history of this period is complex, filled with mutual accusations regarding the role of perpetrators and rescuers.
<!-- Commented out because image was deleted: [[Image:Jewholdstringm.jpg|thumb|left|Promotional poster for the Anti-freemason Exhibition]] -->
<!-- Commented out because image was deleted: [[Image:Jewholdstringm.jpg|thumb|left|Promotional poster for the Anti-freemason Exhibition]] -->
The central theme was an alleged Jewish-Communist-Masonic plot for [[New World Order (conspiracy theory)|world domination]], similar to propaganda once put out by the Tsarist secret police before the Russian revolution in the well-known forgeries [[The Protocols of the Elders of Zion]]. Besides the exhibits at the exhibition, an enormous amount of propaganda material was prepared: over 200 thousand various brochures, 60 thousand posters, 100 thousand flyers, 108 thousand of samples of 9 different types of envelopes, 176 propaganda movie clips, four different postage stamps etc. Organizers advertised that "This concept of exhibition will be unique not only in Serbia and the Balkans, not only in southeastern Europe and Europe, but in the world."{{Citation needed|date=August 2007}}
The central theme was an alleged Jewish-Communist-Masonic plot for [[New World Order (conspiracy theory)|world domination]], similar to propaganda once put out by the Tsarist secret police before the Russian revolution in the well-known forgeries [[The Protocols of the Elders of Zion]]. Besides the exhibits at the exhibition, an enormous amount of propaganda material was prepared: over 200 thousand various brochures, 60 thousand posters, 100 thousand flyers, 108 thousand of samples of 9 different types of envelopes, 176 propaganda movie clips, four different postage stamps etc.

The images on the posters shown in the exhibition were not new, and had been seen before in Germany during "The Eternal Jew" exhibitions in Munich and Vienna during 1937-1939. Serbian newspapers such as Obnova (Renewal) and Naša Borba (Our Struggle) praised this exhibit, proclaiming that Jews were the ancient enemies of the Serbian people and that Serbs should not wait for the Germans to begin the extermination of the Jews. A few months later, Serbian authorities issued postage stamps commemorating the opening of this popular exhibit. These stamps, which juxtaposed Jewish and Serbian symbols (but did not contain Nazi symbols), portrayed Judaism as the source of world evil and advocated the humiliation and violent subjugation of Jews. Of special interest was the material showing alleged Jewish domination of the American Press and "Finance," particularly control of [[The New York Times]].
The images on the posters shown in the exhibition were not new, and had been seen before in Germany during "The Eternal Jew" exhibitions in Munich and Vienna during 1937-1939. Serbian newspapers such as Obnova (Renewal) and Naša Borba (Our Struggle) praised this exhibit, proclaiming that Jews were the ancient enemies of the Serbian people and that Serbs should not wait for the Germans to begin the extermination of the Jews. A few months later, Serbian authorities issued postage stamps commemorating the opening of this popular exhibit. These stamps, which juxtaposed Jewish and Serbian symbols (but did not contain Nazi symbols), portrayed Judaism as the source of world evil and advocated the humiliation and violent subjugation of Jews. Of special interest was the material showing alleged Jewish domination of the American Press and "Finance," particularly control of [[The New York Times]].

==War with postage stamps==
[[File:Judenfrei serbia stamps.gif|thumb|left|Anti-Freemason postage stamps of 1941 in Germany occupied Serbia.]]
[[File:Ravna Gora post mark1.jpg|thumb|100px|Postage stamps of the resistance movement of One dinar.]]
[[File:Ravna Gora post mark.jpg|thumb|100px|Postage stamps of the resistance movement of Four dinars]]

For the opening Anti-Freemason Exhibition was issued by a series of four post stamps, featuring that are symbolically indicating where does evil come, for the Serbs. The post office, in Germany occupied Serbia like any other form of public life was under the absolute control of the Germans, their agencies and military units. They are so far the only Anti-Freemason post stamps ever printed in history. Today are very rare and very expensive.

As response to the Anti-Freemason Exhibition of the Yugoslav Army in the Fatherland led by [[Draža Mihailović]] was a printed post stamps in small series for internal purposes. This is the only resistance movement in occupied Europe, which has printed post stamps. Today are very rare and very expensive. On these post stamps are symbols of the Freemasons.

On a postage stamp of one dinar is the image of General Draža Mihailović sitting on a land. Next to him is a soldier shows which hand on [[Victoria (mythology)]] (victory) drawn over them. She comes from the sun rays. The Sun represents light and liberty, and the darkness is Nazi occupation of Serbia and Europe. At the top stamps is written in Cyrillic "Yugoslavia", at the bottom of the stamps is written "[[Ravna Gora (Suvobor)|Ravna Gora 1941]]".

Postage stamp known as the "Sun of Freedom" worth four dinars, showing a sun which rays shining of Serbia. At the top stamps is written in Cyrillic "Yugoslavia", at the bottom of the stamps is written "Ravna Gora 1941". Nazis during the occupation of banned the use of name Yugoslavia.

[[File:DražaLegion of Merit.jpg|thumb|left|Legion of Merit of the Chief Commander to Draža Mihailović for overall contribution to the struggle against Nazis in WW2.]]

[[File:Dražagrave.jpg|thumb|Mihailović's grave [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freemasonry#The_Holocaust Forget-me-not], near to the [[Rose (symbolism)|garden of red roses]], in Belgrade.]]

The fight against all types of totalitarianism and dictatorship is the main principle of the Freemasons. Resistance movement knows as Yugoslav Army in the Fatherland led by General [[Draža Mihailović]] are fought against the German Nazis in World War II. But at the same time they are in a war fought against a rival communist resistance movement led by [[Josip Broz]], who was under the control of [[Moscow]]. The main difference between these two resistance movements is that they are partisans wanted to liberate Yugoslavia from the Nazis with help [[Red Army]], and while the Chetniks wanted to liberate Yugoslavia from the Nazis with help [[United States]]. In October 1944 the Red Army is invaded Yugoslavia and brought Josip Broz Tito to power in [[Belgrade]]. After the war the Communist authorities have caught General Draža Mihailović and charged that he collaborated with the Nazis condemned him to death. They buried him in unmarked grave. But General Draža Mihailovic was posthumously awarded by U. S. President [[Harry Truman]] with the [[Legion of Merit]] of the Chief Commander, which are the U.S. authorities officially admitted that he was a fighter against Nazism in World War II.<ref name="AC">http://mg.co.za/article/2011-04-14-wwii-guerrilla-execution-site-located</ref> In the United States is the most membership of the Freemasons in the world. The fact is that it is a communist court sentenced to death says the most about it that he was a great opponent of the communist system. So he fought against both totalitarian systems, the [[Nazis]] and [[Communists]].General Mihailović on a communist court, at one point is said: "I am the man of the [[French Revolution]] and for Human Rights, her struggle still ongoing, and never will stop... I am a soldier. I started with the highest will of the organized resistance against the Germans and the Axis, not only in our country, but in the community with the countries of the Balkan Peninsula. For lifting of whole the Balkans, and later Romania and Hungary". He gave his life for Liberty in the struggle against Nazism and Communism. The main motto of his resistance movement was: "For King and Fatherland - [[Give me Liberty, or give me Death!|Freedom or Death]]" and "With faith in God - Freedom or Death". As Mason he experienced a failure in building. Failed to liberate the country from the Nazis, a build [[democracy]] and a [[parliamentary monarchy]], as a save nation from Communists. But in addition he became a [[legend]] among for many Serbs. [[SFRJ|Communist system in Yugoslavia]] was broke up in [[Civil war in Yugoslavia|civil war in 1991]]. State Commission which established by the Government of [[Serbia]] in order to find the grave of General Draža Mihailović and after several years of research they have found his grave, on a [[river island]] [[Ada Ciganlija]] in Belgrade on April 2011.<ref name="AC"/>But much earlier, before the State Commission will released to the public the news of the place where the grave is, his brothers was marked the place by building a monument "Forget-me-not". Next to his grave, over the river island, today are building a large [[cable-stayed bridge]], which will be [[Tower#Transportation support|pylon]] high over 200 meters ([[Ada Bridge]]
*[http://slobodan-milosevic.org/documents/mihalovic.pdf "General Mihailovich: The World’s Verdict"]
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Revision as of 23:35, 25 June 2011

Template:Freemasonry2 Grand Anti-Masonic Exhibition (Serbian: Антимасонска изложба) was exhibition which were organized German occupation forces with technical support Serbian Quisling prime minister Milan Nedić in Belgrade in the Temple of closed the Grand Lodge of Kingdom of Yugoslavia of October 22, 1941 to January 19, 1942 during the Serbian uprising in World War II.


Serbian freemasons are were against all totalitarianism and dictatorship. This is especially emphasized in the time when the Masonic Lodge banned in Germany and in Austria (after the Anschluss). Then a large number of Masons from these countries, as well as from Italy and Bulgaria, was accepted and cared for in Kingdom of Yugoslavia. With approaching world war, in 1938, the Freemasons from England and the United States undertook a series of measures that would provide over Freemasonry anti-Nazi resistance in the countries that were in the way of expansion of the Third Reich.

The installation of the Duke of Kent for GM UGL of England (July 1939), as representative of the Yugoslav GL is went Stanoje Mihajlović. Mihajlović has had discussions with senior representatives of British Freemasonry on various issues. He is asked that a established an English Lodge in Belgrade, to which he received an affirmative answer. At the end of the 1939th was established an English Lodge in Belgrade, since the beginning of the 1940th the some number of Masons from various lodges received permission to join a newly created Lodge. These are did Stanoje Mihaijlović and Milan Marjanović. At the same time Vladimir Ćorović, accompanied by Dragana Milićević, incognito, is traveling to Paris and London, where he met with Albert François Lebrun and Winston Churchill.

The Tripartite Pact

In the GL Yugoslavia was thought to be necessary to take decisive measures against the Prince Paul, when his policy of rapprochement Germany and prepare for the signing of the Pact were being finalized. At the conclusion of negotiations with the Germans, in Belgrade, he was Colonel William Donovan, special envoy of President Franklin D. Roosevelt (later the chief of the OSS, the forerunner of today's CIA), who held talks with serbian political factors, assuring them that it is impossible Yugoslav neutrality. Donovan is met in a hotel with leading personalities of the Serbian Freemasonry. After this conversation, Vladimir Ćorović (along with General Dušan Simović) visited Prince Paul and asked him to cancel the accession to the Tripartite Pact.

Military coup of 27 March

Before signing the protocol, because of the accession of Yugoslavia German axis, the three Masonic ministers Serb in Yugoslav Government (Mihailo Konstantinović, Budisavljević and Vaso Čubrilović) resigned. A series of movements, organizations and institutions in Serbia have been angry opponents of the policy of Prince Paul - Serbian Orthodox Church, Serbian Cultural Club, National Defence, conspiratorial part of the Yugoslav army ... Less publicly known, but vehemently opposing such policies were and the Council of patriot, Serbian cultural and economic organizations and institutions, the Association for Slovene emigrants and secret society "Conspiracy". In all of them a had decisive position have the Freemasons - Nikola Stojanović, Dragiša Vasić, Predrag Kašiković, Milan Vlajinac, Savko Dukanac, Viktor Novak, Božin Simić, Dusan Dimitrijević, Veljko Ramadanović, Slobodan Jovanović, Fyodor Mahin, Dragoslav Stranjaković, Irinej Djordjević, Irinej Ćirić, Valerian Pribićević, Dragoljub Aranđelović, Stanoje Mihaldzić, Vladimir Belajčić, Jovan Đonović, Radoje Knežević, Stevan Moljević...

Invasion of Yugoslavia

German, Italian, Hungarian and Bulgarian armed forces attacked the Kingdom of Yugoslavia on 6 April 1941 without a declaration of war

Protocol on the Accession of Yugoslavia the Tripartite Pact signed in Vienna on 25 March 1941, which was a signal for the coup on the night between 26 and 27 March 1941, carried out a military coup, toppling the government, expel of Prince Paul, formed a new government with General Dušan Simović at the helm, where the ministers were a Masons Banjanin, Gavrilović, Budisavljević, Marković, Milan Grol, Momčilo Ninčić, Bogoljub Jevtić, Šutej, Andres. The reaction of Germany was an attack on Yugoslavia, which is six weeks shifted the start of a planned attack on the Soviet Union. And UK due to entering Yugoslavia into the war was satisfied. But because of all that the Rome had no mercy for the Serbs who were occupied by Germany. Serbian freemasons in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia had a lot of problems in achieving the Masonic principles, against them was fought underground struggle from Rome, who was the spiritus rector and the biggest driving force in that struggle together with Nazi Germany. Also, they put pressure on Yugoslavia and propagandized against the freemasons, who are portrayed as anti-nationalists, anti-clerical as an attack on religion, they have had great success in the Catholic population in Yugoslavia, except to the Serbs.

Nazi Germany occupied most of Yugoslavia by April 1941. Upon the establishment of the German occupying regime in Serbia, in the second half of April 1941, members of the Abwehr, the secret military police (GFP) and operational group Sipo and SD, based on the of extraordinary list of wanted persons, on which are listed many figures marked as anti-German elements, they are arrested a lot of Serbian Freemasons, among them Viktor Novak, Vladeta Popović, Peter Struve, Anton Biliović, Dragan Milićević and etc. Investigation of the arrested Serbian Fremasons is led by Nazi Hans Richter. Based of the order German military commander in Serbia General Harold Turner, based on Joachim von Ribbentrop approval in mid-May 1941, a formed is special committee that was supposed to establish liability in connection with the military coup of 27 March and prove the "guilt" for the outbreak of war, for which is pre-determined. The Germans are for the coup had already been considered responsible the British, a serbian freemasons and the Yugoslav government (then in exile), which, in addition to receiving instructions from London, had an intention to establish a military alliance with the Soviet Union. On that occasion, were again taken to the police and questioned in detail and masons Viktor Novak, Slavko Dukanac and Ljubomir Tomasic. Already since 1938, with headquarters in Vienna is the working a intelligence of the Nazi Party (SD), under the direct leadership of SS Lieutenant Schroeder. On the basis of his findings, in late April 1941 onwards, a significant number of serbian state employees was investigated, and were given questionnaires with questions about their Masonic status, or connections with the Masons. After determining the membership in the Masonic lodges, was retired, or were left without employment, a more number of Masons. The Nazis believed that Belgrade and the Serbian elite is old Masonic lair who gave birth in the early 20 century the Black Hand.

Serbian uprising

German-produced poster offering 200,000 dinar for the capture the leader of an outlaw and a rebel Draža Mihailović on December 9, 1941 after the failure of the operation Mihailović
The Germans executions Serbian civilians in Kragujevac on 21 October 1941 during the Serbian uprising. The next day was opened in Belgrade Anti-Freemason Exhibition on 22 October 1941.

On 31 August 1941 the Jadar Chetnik detachment freed Loznica from German occupation in the Battle of Loznica, which was the starting point of the Serbian uprising against the German occupation. During September 1941 the uprising had taken on large proportions and the Chetniks freed the entire Podrinje and Mačva areas (except the city of Šabac).[1] In late September and early October 1941, the uprising spread to most of Šumadija and the river valley of Western Morava (Čačak, Kraljevo, Kruševac). However, in early October 1941 the Germans started an offensive against the Chetniks (Operation Drina), where strong forces from the north (the 342nd Infantry Division) and Croatian forces from Srem to the south attacked. By the end of October the whole of the Mačva and the middle of Podrinje was taken from the Chetniks, breaking the siege of Valjevo and by an outbreak by the same division east of this city, the Germans reached Ravna Gora, the main headquarters of the rebels. During October 1941 German forces carried out mass executions in several places of Serbian civilians in retaliation for their dead and wounded soldiers in order to intimidate and pacify the rebellion. About 10,000 Serbian civilians were killed.[1] German Nazis took advantage of the situation with the outbreak of Serbian uprising in order to solve the Jewish question in the occupied Serbia. From autumn 1941 to spring of 1942 almost the entire Jewish population in Germany occupation zone of Serbian is killed, about 20,000 Jews, including women, children and the elderly. Also, in the same period, were killed tens of thousands of Serbian civilians. The main reason for such a drastic solution it was a Serbian uprising on the fall of 1941 led by Colonel Draža Mihailović, whose resistance movement known as Yugoslav Army in the Fatherland was heavily influenced by Serbian freemasons, the Yugoslav government in exile (in London) and the Western allies. The Germans were managed to suppress the Serbian uprising with mass executions of civilians that resulted with falling morale of the Serbian guerrilla fighters. The Germans are executions in Belgrade Freemasons: Dragana Milićević, Mihaila Ilić and Džordž Tasić, while interned in German concentration camps: Milos Carević, Brana Gojković, Aca Dimitrijević, Milan Bartoš, Boško Jovanović, Stevan Popović, Milos Nešić, Milan Glavinić, four of them - Turanov, Skovran, Ilić and Djordjević are there and executed.


Poster from Exhibition. The leader of the Serbian uprising Draža Mihailović as a small pet in the hands of U.S. and UK, which are supposedly controlled by Jews.
Poster from Exhibition.

In order to accomplish tasks calculated to intimidation, decapitation, and demoralization of the people, a condemning the elite of the Serbian people, which, as is persistently repeated German propaganda, worked and is working for someone else, the Anglo-Jewish and Communist interests, according to German orders established a Committee to prepare Anti-Freemason Exhibition. Committee is worked under the supervision of Hans Richter, and after his departure from Belgrade that the office took over the German military and administrative commander Harold Turner. Anti-Freemason Exhibition is opened on 22 October 1941 and coincided with the German offensive on serbian guerrilla-rebel determine. The exhibition was open until 19 January 1942, and accompanying promotional effects were intended to frighten the population of Belgrade, to deny any hope of success in countering the German military forces. Unmasking the role of Freemasonry, Jews and communists as the alleged culprits for the collapse of Yugoslavia and the plight of the Serbian people dictated is the content of the exhibits at the exhibition, to which are the citizens and school youth, guided organized and forced. The history of this period is complex, filled with mutual accusations regarding the role of perpetrators and rescuers. The central theme was an alleged Jewish-Communist-Masonic plot for world domination, similar to propaganda once put out by the Tsarist secret police before the Russian revolution in the well-known forgeries The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Besides the exhibits at the exhibition, an enormous amount of propaganda material was prepared: over 200 thousand various brochures, 60 thousand posters, 100 thousand flyers, 108 thousand of samples of 9 different types of envelopes, 176 propaganda movie clips, four different postage stamps etc.

The images on the posters shown in the exhibition were not new, and had been seen before in Germany during "The Eternal Jew" exhibitions in Munich and Vienna during 1937-1939. Serbian newspapers such as Obnova (Renewal) and Naša Borba (Our Struggle) praised this exhibit, proclaiming that Jews were the ancient enemies of the Serbian people and that Serbs should not wait for the Germans to begin the extermination of the Jews. A few months later, Serbian authorities issued postage stamps commemorating the opening of this popular exhibit. These stamps, which juxtaposed Jewish and Serbian symbols (but did not contain Nazi symbols), portrayed Judaism as the source of world evil and advocated the humiliation and violent subjugation of Jews. Of special interest was the material showing alleged Jewish domination of the American Press and "Finance," particularly control of The New York Times.

War with postage stamps

File:Judenfrei serbia stamps.gif
Anti-Freemason postage stamps of 1941 in Germany occupied Serbia.
Postage stamps of the resistance movement of One dinar.
Postage stamps of the resistance movement of Four dinars

For the opening Anti-Freemason Exhibition was issued by a series of four post stamps, featuring that are symbolically indicating where does evil come, for the Serbs. The post office, in Germany occupied Serbia like any other form of public life was under the absolute control of the Germans, their agencies and military units. They are so far the only Anti-Freemason post stamps ever printed in history. Today are very rare and very expensive.

As response to the Anti-Freemason Exhibition of the Yugoslav Army in the Fatherland led by Draža Mihailović was a printed post stamps in small series for internal purposes. This is the only resistance movement in occupied Europe, which has printed post stamps. Today are very rare and very expensive. On these post stamps are symbols of the Freemasons.

On a postage stamp of one dinar is the image of General Draža Mihailović sitting on a land. Next to him is a soldier shows which hand on Victoria (mythology) (victory) drawn over them. She comes from the sun rays. The Sun represents light and liberty, and the darkness is Nazi occupation of Serbia and Europe. At the top stamps is written in Cyrillic "Yugoslavia", at the bottom of the stamps is written "Ravna Gora 1941".

Postage stamp known as the "Sun of Freedom" worth four dinars, showing a sun which rays shining of Serbia. At the top stamps is written in Cyrillic "Yugoslavia", at the bottom of the stamps is written "Ravna Gora 1941". Nazis during the occupation of banned the use of name Yugoslavia.


Legion of Merit of the Chief Commander to Draža Mihailović for overall contribution to the struggle against Nazis in WW2.
Mihailović's grave Forget-me-not, near to the garden of red roses, in Belgrade.

The fight against all types of totalitarianism and dictatorship is the main principle of the Freemasons. Resistance movement knows as Yugoslav Army in the Fatherland led by General Draža Mihailović are fought against the German Nazis in World War II. But at the same time they are in a war fought against a rival communist resistance movement led by Josip Broz, who was under the control of Moscow. The main difference between these two resistance movements is that they are partisans wanted to liberate Yugoslavia from the Nazis with help Red Army, and while the Chetniks wanted to liberate Yugoslavia from the Nazis with help United States. In October 1944 the Red Army is invaded Yugoslavia and brought Josip Broz Tito to power in Belgrade. After the war the Communist authorities have caught General Draža Mihailović and charged that he collaborated with the Nazis condemned him to death. They buried him in unmarked grave. But General Draža Mihailovic was posthumously awarded by U. S. President Harry Truman with the Legion of Merit of the Chief Commander, which are the U.S. authorities officially admitted that he was a fighter against Nazism in World War II.[2] In the United States is the most membership of the Freemasons in the world. The fact is that it is a communist court sentenced to death says the most about it that he was a great opponent of the communist system. So he fought against both totalitarian systems, the Nazis and Communists.General Mihailović on a communist court, at one point is said: "I am the man of the French Revolution and for Human Rights, her struggle still ongoing, and never will stop... I am a soldier. I started with the highest will of the organized resistance against the Germans and the Axis, not only in our country, but in the community with the countries of the Balkan Peninsula. For lifting of whole the Balkans, and later Romania and Hungary". He gave his life for Liberty in the struggle against Nazism and Communism. The main motto of his resistance movement was: "For King and Fatherland - Freedom or Death" and "With faith in God - Freedom or Death". As Mason he experienced a failure in building. Failed to liberate the country from the Nazis, a build democracy and a parliamentary monarchy, as a save nation from Communists. But in addition he became a legend among for many Serbs. Communist system in Yugoslavia was broke up in civil war in 1991. State Commission which established by the Government of Serbia in order to find the grave of General Draža Mihailović and after several years of research they have found his grave, on a river island Ada Ciganlija in Belgrade on April 2011.[2]But much earlier, before the State Commission will released to the public the news of the place where the grave is, his brothers was marked the place by building a monument "Forget-me-not". Next to his grave, over the river island, today are building a large cable-stayed bridge, which will be pylon high over 200 meters (Ada Bridge



  1. ^ a b Živanović, Sergej M.: Third Serbian Uprising, Novi Pogledi, Kragujevac, 2001.
  2. ^ a b http://mg.co.za/article/2011-04-14-wwii-guerrilla-execution-site-located

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