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The '''[[http://www.victorianweb.org/religion/plymouth.html Plymouth Brethren]]''' are a [[Christianity|Christian]] Evangelical [[religious movement]] that began in Dublin [[Ireland]] and [[England]] in the late [[1820s]] and was made prominent by [[John Nelson Darby]],the famous Pioneer from Homeopathy Doctor [[http://www.homeoint.org/seror/biograph/cronin.htmEdward Cronin]],Doctor[[http://www.homeoint.org/seror/biograph/cronin.htmEdward Wilson]],Prized Classicals Researcher from Trinity College in Cambridge University [[http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/christianity/subdivisions/brethren/history.shtmlJohn Gifford Bellett]],ex-Quaker [[http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/texts/dispensationalism.htmlBenjamin Wills Newton]],younger brother from Cardinal John Henry Newman[[http://sof.wellington.net.nz/maindonald0501.doc.Francis Newman]],creator from Bethesda Orphanage [[http://www.mullers.org/history.htmlGeorg Müller]],Preacher [[http://www.kensington-unitarians.org.uk/sermons/s_cm_keeping.htmlAndrew Miller]],Historian [[http://www.bbmhp.org/neatby/neatby.html William Benjamin Neatby]],writer [[http://www.answers.com/topic/open-brethren F. Roy Coad]],sucessor from Evangelist Dwight Lyman Moody [[http://www.wholesomewords.org/biography/bioironside.html Henry Allen Ironside]], [[http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1579102425/103-9513710-5729410?v=glance&n=283155 Edmund Hamer Broadbent]], [[http://www.scionofzion.com//revisers.htm Roy A. Huebner]], and [[http://www.plymouthbrethren.com/Francis Hutchinson]]; who felt that the [[Church of England|established Church]] had become too involved with the [[secular state]] and had abandoned many of the basic [[truth]]s of Christianity. The group began by meeting in households in [[Ireland]], and were dubbed "brethren" because of their practice of calling each other "brother" instead of the titles favoured by other denominations.
The ''' Brethren''' are a [[Christianity|Christian]] [[Evangelicalism|Evangelical]] movement that began in Dublin, London, Plymouth, and the continent of Europe in the late [[1820s]].<ref> H.G.Mackay. "Assembly Distinctives". Everyday Publications Inc. 1981.</ref>

The movement soon spread throughout the [[United Kingdom|UK]] and by [[1831]], the group assembled in [[Plymouth]], [[England]] had over 1,500 members. These members became known as "The brethren from Plymouth" and soon were simply called the "Plymouth Brethren". The group is also known as the '''Assembly Movement'''. The term ''Darbyites'' has also been used, although is uncommon and refers mainly to the Exclusive branch.
== History ==
One viewpoint states that despite what the name might suggest, the Plymouth Brethren movement didn't begin in one place, but began almost simultaneously in various places including Dublin, London, Plymouth and on the continent of Europe. Those involved in it were, in the beginning, largely unknown to one another, with no direct contact between the various groups.<ref> H.G.Mackay. "Assembly Distinctives". Everyday Publications Inc. 1981.</ref>. This is essentially the Open Br. understanding, which does not support the view of the original brethren table of 1827 being in Ireland with the presence of J.N.Darby, J.G.Bellet, Edward Cronin, and William Hutchinson.

The Brethren are divided into "[[Open Brethren|Open]]", "[[http://www.brethrenonline.org/faqs/PBHIST.HTM Closed]]" and "[[Exclusive Brethren|Exclusive]]" branches. Since the early 1970s, there were huge differences between the Taylorite Exclusive Brethren and other Darbyite brethren groups[[Plymouth Brethren-History ... Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN). All Rights Reserved. P.O. Box 30183, Portland, OR 97294-3183 1-800-334-8736 ...
The movement found its motivation in a perceived abandonment of many of the basic truths of Christianity by the [[Church of England|established Church]], and from the beginning, the emphasis was on meeting together only in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, without reference to denominational differences. Early meetings included Christians from various denominations.
www.tren.com/search.cfm?oid=k0m1volfk&subject=Brethren&action=query - 143k -]], herein referred to as Closed Brethren. Because of the so-called leadership scandals, some people left the Taylor meetings and joined meetings of the Glanton Brethren or Kelly Brethren, etc. A lot of these earlier divisions among Closed Brethren were healed in the later 1970s. The Exclusive Brethren maintain a very isolationist and traditional view, with many of their children home schooled, a strict smart dress code for church meetings and members commonly self employed or working for Christian organisations.[[http://rylibweb.man.ac.uk/data2/spcoll/cba/BAHN.html]]

The Open and Closed Brethren differ on few theological issues and often, no clear distinction is made between the two by the general public. The main difference is in openness to visitors, that is, the Open Brethren allow anyone who is a believer to participate in the Lord's Supper (communion) while the Closed generally require a "letter of commendation" as discussed below. The Closed Brethren also will usually have a back row set up for anyone who does not have this letter so that the individual may observe, however not participate, in the morning meeting.
One group began by meeting in households in [[Ireland]], and were dubbed 'brethren' because of their practice of calling each other 'brother' instead of the titles favored by other denominations. The first meeting in [[England]] was established in [[1830]] in [[Plymouth]] by, amongst others, [[John Nelson Darby]].<ref> E.A.Livingstone. "The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church". Oxford University Press. 2000.</ref> The movement soon spread throughout the [[United Kingdom|UK]] and by [[1831]], the group assembled in Plymouth had over 1,500 members. These members became known as 'The brethren from Plymouth' and soon were simply called the 'Plymouth Brethren'. The movement is also known as the '''Assembly Movement'''. The term ''Darbyites'' has also been used, although is uncommon and refers mainly to the Exclusive branch. Many within the movement refuse to accept any name other than Christians.

When arriving at one church from another, it is common practice for the leaders to send a "letter of commendation" with the newcomer to inform the new church that they are in fellowship at another assembly and can be allowed to fully participate in all services from the point of their arrival. It is customary to send one of these letters even when only one service will be attended, and individuals often take these letters on holiday when they will be away from their local church and wish to attend another.
Their teaching has been identified as combining elements of [[Calvinism]] and [[Pietism]], and an emphasis on the [[Millenialism|Millennium]].<ref> E.A.Livingstone. "The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church". Oxford University Press. 2000.</ref> However, as the movement gained popularity and spread worldwide, there grew a divergence of practice and belief. Despite the disparate nature of the movement, adherents to the Plymouth Brethren are often generalized into two main categories: [[Open Brethren]] and [[Exclusive Brethren]].

A second difference between the Open and Closed Brethren is the willingness of association with other Christian churches. While the Open Brethren will often hold Gospel meetings, youth events or other activities with other Evangelical Christian churches, the Closed Brethren support only their individual assembly. A third difference is in the use of instrumental accompaniment during the meetings. While both generally do not use musical instruments during the Lord's Supper, the Open Brethren will have someone play piano, guitar or, although rare, a full worship band accompany the congregation during the other services.
Since the 1950s the Assembly Movement has seen a decline in membership in the UK. Many groups have responded by abandoning many of the culturally unaccepted characteristics of the Assembly Movement, particularly in relation to salaried ministry and women.<ref> G.Brown. "Whatever Happened to the Brethren?" Partnership, Patternoster Press. 2003. </ref> Others have maintained these distinctive principles while updating many traditions and practices. While yet others continue in much the same way as they have for the most part of the 20th Century. The main concentrations in the UK today can be found in Northern Ireland and Scotland.

In some parts of the world, the Exclusives and Closed are placed together as Closed, while the Exclusives are called Darbyites. Most of those who attend Closed Brethren assemblies are quick to distinguish themselves from the Exclusive Brethren[[http://www.reachouttrust.org/articles/othergrp/exbreth.htm]].
==Open and Exclusive Brethren==
So-called Open Brethren and Exclusive (or Closed) Brethren received these names by the references of each to the other. They differ on few theological issues and often no clear distinction is made between the two by the general public.

'''[[Open Brethren]]''' remain affiliated with one another, mostly through common support of missionaries, area conferences, and the ministry of traveling preachers. Over the years, they have come to resemble [[Protestant]] [[evangelicalism|evangelical]] churches in doctrine, except that there are no officially recognized [[clergy]] and [[The Lord's Supper|the Lord's Supper]] is observed weekly - both of which are common to Open, Closed and Exclusive groups alike.
One distinction is that some Open Brethren gatherings allow all people, including visitors, to 'break bread' with them (similar to the practice of communion in other Christian groups). These meetings are said to have an 'open table' approach to strangers. Other Open Brethren meetings operate a "closed table" approach and only strangers carrying a letter of commendation from another meeting are allowed to 'break bread' with them. The Exclusive (or Closed) Brethren only allow those who have been formally accepted into the Assembly to break bread. This process generally involves a meeting between the Brothers (male members of the Meeting Hall who themselves break bread) wherein, after speaking with the petitioner, decide whether to accept the individual into the Meeting, allowing him or her to break bread with them from that point on. Further, should an individual backslide to a degree that this group of Brothers feel the need to meet again, they can agree to revoke this invitation to break bread. It is felt by these Exclusive Brethren that the bread and wine can be tainted by those partaking whose hearts are not pure before God.

A more distinct difference between the two groups is in the nature of relationships between meetings. Open Brethren groups are generally local assemblies that are autonomous but often informally linked with each other. Exclusive Brethren are generally "connexional" and so recognize the obligation to recognize and adhere to the disciplinary actions of other associated assemblies.
The Plymouth Brethren are unusual in not recognising a [[Christian denomination|denomination]]al name; they do not generally refer to themselves as "Plymouth Brethren," nor do they regard themselves as a denomination. Thus there is no denominational headquarters and no governing body to whom local assemblies are accountable to. Local assemblies are often informally linked with each other.

The Plymouth Brethren refer to themselves as "the assemblies," and members are called "the brethren," "saints," or "believers." Members are usually aware of the term "Plymouth Brethren" but deny it applies to them since they don't consider themselves a denomination.
Another, less clear, difference lies in their general willingness to associate with other Christians. Some Open Brethren will hold Gospel meetings, youth events or other activities in partnership with Evangelical Christian churches, while most Exclusive Brethren support only their individual meeting, or those meetings with whom they are connected, hence the name "Exclusive".

A common distinguishing characteristic of a Plymouth Brethren meeting place is an outdoor sign indicating a weekly service set apart for "Breaking of Bread," "The Lord's Supper," or "The Remembrance Meeting," which is how they refer to [[Eucharist|communion]].
It should be noted that through the years there were a number of sub-divisions, and within the so-called exclusives (closed brethren) a few held the term: Exclusive, while others held to the original revival of 1827 without a name.

Many Plymouth Brethren assemblies meet in a building called a "Gospel Hall","Evangelical Room", "Gospel Chapel", "Bible Chapel", or "Bible Church".
Both Open and Closed assemblies generally maintain relations within their respective groups through common support of missionaries, area conferences, and the ministry of travelling preachers.

==Notable Members==
Sunday services are mostly similar among different congregations, and a distinctive of the Brethren is a separate weekly communion service. This is a solemn affair during which any of the men can, at any time, temporarily lead and direct the service. Women pray silently and sing all hymns but generally do not pray or exort the congregation audibly as this is often seen as violating the order set out in 1 Corinthians 11, 14 and 1 Timothy 2. (A few PB Assemblies in the US allow women to participate verbally in the weekly Breaking of Bread service. These assemblies are seen as "progressive" and may not be well accepted by other more traditional assemblies.)
* [[John Bodkin Adams]]<ref>Cullen, Pamela V., "A Stranger in Blood: The Case Files on Dr John Bodkin Adams", London, Elliott & Thompson, 2006, ISBN 1-904027-19-9</ref> &mdash; suspected serial killer
* [[Lancelot Brenton]] translator of what is probably the most widely available Greek-English edition of the Septuagint <ref>http://www.ccel.org/bible/brenton/</ref>
* [[F.F. Bruce]] <ref>http://www.christianbook.com/html/authors/1501.html</ref>&mdash; 20th century Bible scholar and apologist
* [[John Gifford Bellett]]<ref>[http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/christianity/subdivisions/brethren/history.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion]</ref> &mdash; prized Classics researcher of Trinity College, Cambridge
* Dr. Edward Cronin<ref>http://www.homeoint.org/seror/biograph/cronin.htm</ref> &mdash; a pioneer of homoeopathy
* [[John Nelson Darby]] <ref>http://www.newble.co.uk/writers/Darby/writings.html</ref>&mdash; famous preacher and father of modern [[rapture]] doctrine
* [[Jim Elliot]]<ref>http://jimelliot.blogspot.com/</ref> &mdash; missionary, martyr
* [[James George Deck]]<ref>[http://www.dnzb.govt.nz/dnzb/default.asp?Find_Quick.asp?PersonEssay=1D8 http://www.dnzb.govt.nz]</ref> &mdash; evangelist and missionary to [[New Zealand]]
* [[Anthony Norris Groves]]<ref>http://web.ukonline.co.uk/d.haslam/groves/AboutANG.htm</ref> &mdash; missionary to Baghdad and India
* [[Philip Henry Gosse]]<ref>http://www.biographi.ca/EN/ShowBio.asp?BioId=39672</ref> &mdash; naturalist and marine biologist
*[[John George Haigh]] &mdash; serial killer<ref>http://www.crimeandinvestigation.co.uk/famous_criminal/38/home/1/John_Haigh_The_Acid_Bath_Murderer.htm</ref>
* [[Harry Ironside]]<ref>http://www.gotell.gracenet.org/m_harry_ironside.htm</ref> &mdash; Bible teacher, preacher and author. Later in life became pastor of Moody Memorial Church in Chicago.
* [[Brian D. McLaren]] - a prominent and controversial voice in the Emerging Church movement. Raised in a Brethren family, grandfather being a missionary in Angola. <ref>http://emergent-us.typepad.com/emergentus/2005/08/brian_mclaren_o.html</ref>
* [[C.H. Mackintosh]]<ref>http://www.stempublishing.com/authors/Biographies/chmackintosh.html</ref> &mdash; Well known 19th century author of Christian books
* [[George Müller]]<ref>http://www.mullers.org/history.html</ref> &mdash; founder of the Bristol Orphanage and a stated teacher in Bethesda Chapel, Bristol
* [[Thomas Newberry]]<ref>http://www.newblehome.co.uk/newberry/biography.html</ref> &mdash; well known for the Newberry Reference Bible, which uses a system of symbols to explain verb tenses
* [[Francis William Newman]]<ref>http://sof.wellington.net.nz/maindonald0501.doc</ref> &mdash; younger brother of Cardinal [[John Henry Newman]]
* ex-Quaker [[Benjamin Wills Newton]]<ref>[http://www.spurgeon.org/s_and_t/pb2.htm http://www.spurgeon.org/s_and_t/pb2.htm]</ref> or [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Wills_Newton Benjamin Wills Newton] (in German)
* [[Arthur Rendle Short]]<ref>W.Melville Capper and Douglas Johnson, "Arthur Rendle Short", Inter Varsity, 1954</ref> &mdash; Professor of surgery at [[Bristol University]] and author
* [[Joseph Scriven ]]<ref>http://www.christianitytoday.com/tc/2004/004/11.16.html</ref> &mdash; wrote the words to the hymn "What a friend we have in Jesus"
* [[WE Vine]] - author of "Vines Expository Dictionary" and numerous commentaries<ref>[http://www.wordsearchbible.com/products/Vines_Expository_Dictionary_742.html http://www.wordsearchbible.com/]</ref>
* [[Jim Wallis]] - Evangelical Christian writer and political activist, founder and editor of ''Sojourners Magazine'', raised in a Brethren family
* Dr. Edward Wilson <ref>http://www.mybrethren.org/history/framhist.htm</ref>- a founding member of the Brethren
* [[Jim McCotter]] - a member in early life. Left the Brethren and was the founder of [[Great Commission Churches]]

The Brethren also have weekly meetings such as a teaching or preaching service. The teaching service of an Open Brethren assembly might resemble that of a conservative, evangelical church such as an Evangelical free church or Baptist church. Other meetings in an assembly include missionary report meetings, and mid-week prayer meetings, and Bible readings or studies. In Open Brethren assemblies there is frequently a Sunday School for children and youth groups for teens. Exclusive Brethren assemblies often meet daily from house to house for Bible readings.
==Distinctive Characteristics==
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The Plymouth Brethren are basically conservative evangelical Christians, generally [[Dispensationalism|dispensational]] in their theology, and have much in common with other conservative evangelical Christian groups.
In the Open Brethren meetings, each local assembly is independent and autonomous, and therefore the characteristics of each may differ to a greater or lesser degree and therefore describing distinctive characteristics is made difficult. Closed Brethren meetings are more affiliated to one another, but characterising the Closed Brethren meetings is made even more difficult by the fact that over the years they have split many times over matters of doctrine.
Essentially, therefore, the Brethren have no central hierarchy to dictate a statement of faith, and even local Assemblies tend not to give tacit adherence to any of the historic Creeds and Confessions of Faith such as are found in many Protestant denominations. This is not because they are opposed to the central sentiments and doctrines expressed in such formulations, but rather because they hold the Bible as their sole authority in regard to matters of doctrine and practice.

=== Music ===
Like many non-conformist churches, Brethren observe only the two ordinances of Baptism and Communion. Brethren generally adhere to the practice of full immersion baptism for believers, with the exception of some Exclusive Brethren who practice household baptism.
During the weekly breaking of bread service, hymns are usually sung [[A cappella|unaccompanied]] by any [[musical instrument]]. Hymns sung during the other types of meeting are often accompanied by [[piano]] or [[electronic organ]], though this practice varies from place to place. Other musical instruments are used at some assemblies. One of the unifying features in each of the different branches of the Brethren is a common [[hymnbook]]. One such hymnbook that dates back to [[1856]] is called, ''Hymns for the Little Flock'', the first edition of which was compiled by [[George Vicesimus Wigram|G. V. Wigram]].

Their notable differences lie in a number of doctrinal beliefs that affect the practice of their gatherings and behaviour. These difference can be summarized as follows:<ref> Harold G. Mackay. "Assembly Distinctives". Everyday Publications Inc. 1981.</ref>
[[Image:Sancta Simplicitas - Punch cartoon - Project Gutenberg eText 14514.png|thumb|'''Sancta Simplicitas'''<br>''Orthodox Old Maid''. "But, Rebecca, is your place of worship consecrated?"<br>''Domestic (lately received into the Plymouth Brotherhood)''. "Oh no, Miss - It's galvanised iron!"<br>Cartoon from ''[[Punch (magazine)|Punch]], Vol. 102, April 23, 1892]]
The Plymouth Brethren are basically conservative evangelical Christians and are in substantial agreement with other conservative evangelical Christian groups. Their distinction lies in a combination of the [[doctrine|doctrinal]] and practical matters which they teach with special emphasis.

The Brethren believe in the divine inspiration of the [[Bible]] and that the same Bible gives clear instruction about how services of worship are to be held. These instructions include:
• Avoidance of Traditional Symbols and Terms used by many other Christian groups
* the primary importance of the weekly communion service
* the communion is not led or administered by an individual
* the freedom and the responsibility for men to participate in services
* the silence of women (whose heads must be covered during meetings of the local church) in most Plymouth Brethren assemblies
* the importance of preaching the gospel
* the rejection of a separation of believers into clergy and laity classes, and
* the plurality of leadership (usually as elders and deacons) as opposed to an ordained, professional clergy class

[[Baptism]] and communion are the only two [[ordinance]]s. All assemblies adhere to the practise of full immersion baptism, which is required before participation in fellowship. Sharing the exact beliefs of a local assembly may be a necessary condition for fellowship in some local assemblies, though this condition is much less common in "open" assemblies. Some Exclusive Brethen practice infant or household baptism.
• Independent and Nondenominational

== History ==
• Fellowship, Not Membership

• No Clergy

• The Weekly Remembrance Service
The influence of the Plymouth Brethren upon evangelical Christianity exceeds their relatively small numerical proportion. The movement today has many congregations around the world.

[[Christian Missions in Many Lands]] ([[CMML]]) in the [[United States]], [[Missionary Services Committee]] ([[MSC]]) in [[Canada]] and [[Echoes of Service]] in the [[United Kingdom]], serve as support agencies for Brethren missionaries, helping with logistics and material support. These agencies help to train, equip, and support those sent from local churches.
• Multiple Sunday services

The Brethren have been productive writers and publishers including George Cutting's "Safety, Certainty, and Enjoyment" and W.E Vine's "Dictionary of NT Words.". Many leaders of the contemporay evangelical movement have come from Brethren backgrounds including Geoff Tunnicliffe, CEO of the [[World Evangelical Alliance]]; the late British scholar [[F. F. Bruce]]; [[Brian McLaren]] of the emergent church "conversation"; [[1950s]] Auca missionary [[martyr]]s [[Ed McCully]], [[Jim Elliot]], and [[Peter Fleming]]; [[Walter Liefeld]], NT professor at [[Trinity Evangelical Seminary]]; and the late preacher [[Dr. Harry Ironside]]. [[John Nelson Darby|J. N. Darby]], one of the original members and perhaps the most well known of the movement, wrote over fifty books and is often credited with the development of the theology of [[dispensationalism]].
• No Solicitation For Funds

==See also==
• No Salaried Ministry
*[[Open Brethren]]
*[[Exclusive Brethren]]
*[[Brethren from 1827]]
*[[Catholic Apostolic Church]] &mdash; founded by [[Edward Irving]] and others during the same period as birth of the Plymouth Brethren.

==External links==
• The Separate Roles of Men & Women
===Open Brethren===
* [http://brethrenpedia.quist.ca BrethrenPedia :: The Plymouth Brethren Wiki] Documenting the history of the brethren movement one assembly at a time
* [http://www.bruederbewegung.de/english.html Bruederbewegung] About the Brethren Movement in Germany
* [http://www.biblearchive.com Bible Archive] Web Log (blog) system based in the US.
* [http://www.brethrenassembly.com/ BrethrenAssembly.Com]
* [http://www.brethrenassembly.com/forum BrethrenAssembly.Com Forum] Discussion Forum operated by Indian Brethren.
* [http://www.brethrenonline.org/ Brethren Online.Org]
* [http://www.emmaus.edu Emmaus Bible College] Brethren Bible College based in the US (Dubuque, IA).
* [http://www.klbc.ca Kawartha Lakes Bible College] Brethren Bible College based in Canada
* [http://bbc.quist.ca/bb/ Plymouth Brethren Discussion Forum] Discussion Forum operated by Canadian Brethren
** [http://bbc.quist.ca/bb/viewforum.php?f=45 Updated list of assemblies :: News, Reviews & Who's Who]
* [http://www.plymouthbrethren.org/ Plymouth Brethren.Org]
* [http://www.plymouthbrethren.com/ Plymouth Brethren.Com]
* [http://www.shawncuthill.com ShawnCuthill.com] - A Canadian web site for PB assemblies
* [http://www.bibletruth.net BibleTruth.net] - A portal for PB information for locating and contacting individual assemblies
* [http://www.gospelhall.org GospelHall.org] - A conservative Open Brethren forum site
* [http://www.msc.on.ca MSC (Missionary Service Committee)] - A Canadian site with an address book of many PB assemblies and overseas missionaries
* [http://www.cmmlusa.org CMML (Christian Missions in Many Lands)] - A US site with an address book of many PB overseas missionaries
* [http://www.echoes.org.uk] (Echoes of Service) Uk based missionary service agency

===Exclusive Brethen===
* [http://www.theexclusivebrethren.com/ The Exclusive Brethren - The only 'Exclusive Brethren' endorsed site]
* [http://www.mybrethren.org/ My Brethren.Org] (Exclusive Brethren)
* [http://www.biblecounsel.homestead.com Brethren from 1827]

===Avoidance of Traditional Symbols and Terms used by many other Christian groups===
* [http://www.preciousseed.org/ Precious Seed Magazine]
* [http://www.truthandtidings.com/ Truth & Tidings Magazine]
* [http://www.uplook.org/ Uplook Magazine]
* [http://www.voicesforchrist.org/ Voices For Christ Audio Sermons ]
* [http://www.saved.com/wis Words in Season Magazine]
* [http://www.biblecounsel.homestead.com/BTP.html Bible Truth Publishers]
* [http://www.biblecentre.org/ The Bible Centre]
* [http://www.newble.co.uk/writers/ The Brethren Writers' Hall of Fame] &mdash; a biographical gallery of several prominent writers from the Plymouth Brethren and several others who had similar views.
* [http://www.biblecounsel.homestead.com/BTP.html THE CHRISTIAN magazine]

===Booksellers & Publishers ===
The Brethren normally avoid traditional symbols and words normally associated within Christendom. Most notably, they will avoid using the words "church", "congregation" and "sanctuary". Words such as "gospel hall", "chapel", “meeting hall”, "meeting", "assembly", "gathering", "the saints", “auditorium” or “meeting room" will be used to describe their group or their place of worship.
* [http://shop2.mailordercentral.com/gospel/ Gospel Folio]
* [http://www.johnritchie.co.uk/ John Ritchie, LTD]
* [http://www.pilkingtonandsons.com/ Pilkington and Sons]
* Loizeaux Brothers, 3301C Route 66, Neptune, NJ 07753 USA, Telephone: 1-732-918-2626
* Christian Year Publications, The Glebe House, Stanton Drew, Bristol BS39 4EH. Tel 0044 1275 332475.
* Walterick Publishing Ministeries, INC., 6549 State Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66102 Fax 913 334 0153 [http://walterick.org]
* [http://users.ameritech.net/fpierce/Bible_Study_Center.html Bible Study Center], c/o Floyd Pierce, P.O. Box 3841, Springfield, Illinois, USA 62708-3841, Telephone (217) 544-7419 e mail: fpierce@ameritech.net
* [http://www.scripture-truth.org.uk/ Scripture Truth Publications] in Northumberland, UK.
* [http://www.stempublishing.com/ Stem Publishing] &mdash; a source of Brethren writings in electronic media.
* Bible Truth Publishers > [http://biblecounsel.homestead.com/BTP.html]
* Christian Year Publications, The Glebe House, Stanton Drew, Bristol UK, BS39 4EH

Traditionally, meetings would not have a cross displayed inside or outside their place of worship as the focus is on Christ and the Word of God. Some would say that the cross is a symbol that assists in focusing ones attention on Christ. The Plymouth Brethren view is that an unembellished room is more effective. Crosses are not typically placed inside homes or worn around the neck. Other symbols used by other denominations have been traditionally discouraged.
* Adams, Norman - ''Goodbye, Beloved Brethren''. (1972, Impulse Publications Inc) ISBN 0901311138
* Coad, F. Roy - ''A History of the Brethren Movement: Its Origins, Its Worldwide Development and Its Significance for the Present Day''. (2001, Regent College Publishing) ISBN 1573831832
* Ironside, H. A. - ''Historical Sketch of the Brethren Movement''. (1985,Loizeaux Brothers) ISBN 0872133443
* Neatby, William Blair - ''A History of the Plymouth Brethren'', (1901); Reprinted by Tentmaker Publications [http://www.tentmaker.org.uk/page50.html] covers the first seventy years of the Brethren movement.
* Pickering, Henry, ''Chief Men Among the Brethren'', (1st ed. 1918 London: Pickering & Inglis), Loizeaux Brothers, Inc. Neptune, NJ, 1996, ISBN 0872137988
* Smith, Natan Dylan. - ''Roots, Renewal and the Brethren''. (1996, Hope Publishing House) ISBN 0932727085
* Strauch, Alexander. - ''Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Leadership''. (1995, Lewis & Roth Publishers) ISBN 0936083115
* Stunt, Timothy C. F., ''From awakening to secession : radical evangelicals in Switzerland and Britain, 1815-35'', Edinburgh : T&T Clark, 2000, ISBN 0567087190

===Research libraries===
Pictures of Christ or other religious figures have traditionally been discouraged.
* [http://rylibweb.man.ac.uk/data2/spcoll/cba/ Christian Brethren Collection] at the [http://www.library.manchester.ac.uk/ The John Rylands University Library] of [[Manchester University]]

A characteristic of many meeting halls is the wall display of a verse or two of text from the Bible, thus emphasising the importance the Brethren place on scripture.

[[Category:Christian evangelicalism]]
===Fellowship, Not Membership===
Traditionally the assemblies have rejected the concept of anyone "joining" as a member of a particular local gathering of believers, and the maintenance of any list of such members. Brethren emphasize the Christian doctrine of the one invisible Church made up of all believers and enumerated in heaven in "The Lamb's Book of Life" rather than by humans. However, as a practical matter, many open U.S. assemblies, by the late 20th century, did maintain informal lists of those in regular attendance at services. This was often to comply with secular governance issues or to offer a directory of attendees for internal use. The Open Brethren emphasize that meeting attendance for the nonbeliever has no direct spiritual benefit (though it is hoped the individual may be influenced to convert). Nonbelievers are not to partake of the breaking of bread, though this proves generally difficult to enforce in larger open assemblies. Regardless, regular attendance for the believer is an act of obedience to the New Testament command that believers should not neglect assembling together.

[[ar:كنيسة الأخوة البليموث]]
===No Clergy===
While much of typical Brethren theology is Calvinist and closely parallels the English and American Baptist traditions on many points, the view on clergy is much closer to the Radical wing of the Protestant Reformation in rejecting the idea of clergy. Many Protestant denominations embrace the New Testament-based doctrine of the "priesthood of all believers" to varying extents. The Plymouth Brethren embrace the most radical form of that idea: there is no ordained or unordained group of people employed to function as a minister or pastor.
[[fr:Assemblées de Frères]]
[[no:Plymouth Brethren]]
[[pt:Casa de Oração – Irmãos]]
John Henry Newman]], [[John Nelson Darby]], John Bellett, and Francis Hutchinson who felt that the [[Church of England|established Church]] had become too involved with the [[secular state]] and had abandoned many of the basic [[truth]]s of Christianity. The group began by meeting in households in [[Ireland]], and were dubbed "brethren" because of their practice of calling each other "brother" instead of the titles favoured by other denominations.
The first meetings in Dublin were held in 1825 by Edward Cronin. By 1827, J.N. Darby and J.G. Bellett were attending the meeting; together with his two cousins (the Misses Drury) and Mr Tims, he began to meet in his house in Lower Pembroke Street,this meeting had grown so much that Mr H. Hutchinson offered the use of a larger room at 9 Fitzwilliam Street. By 1830, they were using a large auction room at 11 Aungier Street. The movement soon spread throughout the [[United Kingdom|UK]] and by [[1831]], the group assembled in [[Plymouth]], [[England]] had over 1,500 members. These members became known as "The brethren from Plymouth" and soon were simply called the "Plymouth Brethren". The group is also known as the '''Assembly Movement'''. The term ''Darbyites'' has also been used, although is uncommon and refers mainly to the Exclusive branch.
The Brethren are divided into 9 branches(subdivided in another 5 sub-groups), "[[Open Brethren|Open]]", "Closed", "[[Exclusive Brethren|Exclusive]]" and Exclusivists branches. The Exclusive Brethren maintain a very isolationist and traditional view, with many of their children home schooled, a very strict smart dress code for church meetings and members commonly self employed or working for Christian organisations.

The Open and Closed Brethren differ on few theological issues and often, no clear distinction is made between the two by the general public. The main difference is in openness to visitors, that is, the Open Brethren allow anyone who is a believer to participate in the Lord's Supper (communion) while the Closed generally require a "letter of commendation" as discussed below. The Closed Brethren also will usually have a back row set up for anyone who does not have this letter so that the individual may observe, however not participate, in the morning meeting.
The spiritual leaders of Plymouth Brethren assemblies or meetings are called Elders and more practical leaders called Deacons. The concept of "elder" is based on the same Scriptures that are used to define "bishops" in other traditions. There are nearly always more than one elder (typically six to twelve) in each assembly of any size.

When arriving at one church from another, it is common practice for the leaders to send a "letter of commendation" with the newcomer to inform the new church that they are in fellowship at another assembly and can be allowed to fully participate in all services from the point of their arrival. It is customary to send one of these letters even when only one service will be attended, and individuals often take these letters on holiday when they will be away from their local church and wish to attend another.
Plymouth Brethren groups generally recognize, from the teachings of Paul's epistles, that people are not all suited to the same role. They believe that each believer receives unique gifts and that those gifts should be employed within the assembly.

A second difference between the Open and Closed Brethren is the willingness of association with other Christian churches. While the Open Brethren will often hold Gospel meetings, youth events or other activities with other Evangelical Christian churches, the Closed Brethren support only their individual assembly. A third difference is in the use of instrumental accompaniment during the meetings. While both generally do not use musical instruments during the Lord's Supper, the Open Brethren will have someone play piano, guitar or, although rare, a full worship band accompany the congregation during the other services.
As a practical matter, many open assemblies have come to embrace the need to financially compensate an individual who has made pastoral work and public speaking his full-time occupation, and these people are sometimes salaried. Such an individual may be termed a "full-time worker." At a given assembly, there may be no full-time workers, one, or several. It is generally up to the elders and dependent on the availability of such an individual and the financial means of the assembly.

In some parts of the world, the Open and Closed are placed together as Open, while the Exclusive are called Closed. Most of those who attend Closed Brethren assemblies are quick to distinguish themselves from the Exclusive Brethren.
Traditionally the assemblies have placed an emphasis on New Testament passages that seem to deny speaking and teaching roles to women, except when working with children or with other women. Some women may also be full-time workers, but their efforts are often limited to these areas or to supporting roles.

'''[[Open Brethren]]''' remain affiliated with one another, mostly through common support of missionaries, area conferences, and the ministry of traveling preachers. Over the years, they have come to resemble [[Protestant]] [[evangelicalism|evangelical]] churches in doctrine, except that there are no officially recognized [[clergy]] and [[The Lord's Supper|the Lord's Supper]] is observed weekly - both of which are common to Open, Closed and Exclusive groups alike.
Women are generally not allowed to participate in individual speech during the breaking of bread service. It is not strictly accurate to say that the assemblies reject the ordination of women. The assemblies reject the concept of ordination altogether. As a substitute practice, a full-time worker often receives a "commendation" to service that demonstrates the blessing and support of the assembly of origin, but does not connote a transfer of any special spiritual authority. Both men and women may be commended to service, but the role of women is limited. In recent years some American assemblies have loosened the rules on women participating, though others have reacted by placing more emphasis on this traditional teaching.

===The Weekly Remembrance Service===
The Plymouth Brethren are unusual in not recognising a [[Christian denomination|denomination]]as a name; they do not generally refer to themselves as "Plymouth Brethren," nor do they regard themselves as a denomination. Thus there is no any denominational headquarters,any holy see and no governing body to whom local assemblies are accountable to. Local assemblies are often informally linked with each other.
A distinctive practice of the Brethren is a separate weekly communion meeting, referred to as 'The Breaking of Bread' or 'The Lord's Supper'. Although specific practices will vary from meeting to meeting, there are general similarities.

The Plymouth Brethren refer to themselves as,"the assemblies of brethren",or more simply "the assemblies," and members are called "the brethren," "saints," or "believers." Members are usually aware of the term "Plymouth Brethren" but deny it applies to them since they don't consider themselves a denomination.
* The Remembrance Service is held each Sunday morning.

A common distinguishing characteristic of a Plymouth Brethren meeting place is an outdoor sign indicating a weekly service set apart for "Breaking of Bread," "The Lord's Supper," or "The Remembrance Meeting," which is how they refer to [[Eucharist|communion]].
* The basic physical layout is of note. Where a meeting hall allows for the adjustment of furniture, the table bearing the eucharistic "emblems" will be placed in the centre of the room. Chairs will be arranged around the table in four radiating sections, all facing the table.

Many Plymouth Brethren assemblies meet in a building called a "Evangelical Room", "Gospel Hall", "Gospel Chapel", "Bible Chapel", or "Bible Church".
* There is no order or plan for the service, rather the meeting is extempore; men (see: The Separate Roles of Men and Women) will (as "called by the Spirit") rise and quote scripture, request a hymn or give a thought.

* Towards the end of the meeting the bread will be prayed for, perhaps by an individual so appointed or (in a meeting where no one is appointed) by a man who has taken it upon himself.
Sunday services are mostly similar among different congregations, and a distinctive of the Brethren is a separate weekly communion service. This is a solemn affair during which any of the men can, at any time, temporarily lead and direct the service. Women pray silently and sing all hymns but generally do not pray or exort the congregation audibly as this is often seen as violating the order set out in 1 Corinthians 11, 14 and 1 Timothy 2. (A few PB Assemblies in the US allow women to participate verbally in the weekly Breaking of Bread service. These assemblies are seen as "progressive" and may not be well accepted by other more traditional assemblies.)

The Brethren also have weekly meetings such as a teaching or preaching service. The teaching service of an Open Brethren assembly might resemble that of a conservative, evangelical church such as an Evangelical free church or Baptist church. Other meetings in an assembly include missionary report meetings, and mid-week prayer meetings, and Bible readings or studies. In Open Brethren assemblies there is frequently a Sunday School for children and youth groups for teens. Exclusive Brethren assemblies often meet daily from house to house for Bible readings.
* Generally a loaf of leaven bread is used as an emblem of Christ's body. After being prayed over, the loaf will be broken and circulated to the quiet, seated congregation. Congregates will break off small pieces and eat it individually (ie. not waiting for a group invitation to consume it together).

=== Music ===
* As with common Christian practise, wine has been traditionally used at Brethren Remembrance Services as the emblem of Christ's blood. Some individual meetings may use grape juice especially if someone in fellowship may have had an alcohol problem in the past. The emblem of the blood will be served after the bread has been circulated to the congregation and after it has been prayed over.
During the weekly breaking of bread service, hymns are usually sung [[A cappella|unaccompanied]] by any [[musical instrument]]. Hymns sung during the other types of meeting are often accompanied by [[piano]] or [[electronic organ]], though this practice varies from place to place. Other musical instruments are used at some assemblies. One of the unifying features in each of the different branches of the Brethren is a common [[hymnbook]]. One such hymnbook that dates back to [[1856]] is called, ''Hymns for the Little Flock'', the first edition of which was compiled by [[George Vicesimus Wigram|G. V. Wigram]].

[[Image:Sancta Simplicitas - Punch cartoon - Project Gutenberg eText 14514.png|thumb|'''Sancta Simplicitas'''<br>''Orthodox Old Maid''. "But, Rebecca, is your place of worship consecrated?"<br>''Domestic (lately received into the Plymouth Brotherhood)''. "Oh no, Miss - It's galvanised iron!"<br>Cartoon from ''[[Punch (magazine)|Punch]], Vol. 102, April 23, 1892]]
Exclusive meetings will differ from Open Meetings in that
The Plymouth Brethren are basically conservative evangelical Christians and are in substantial agreement with other conservative evangelical Christian groups. Their distinction lies in a combination of the [[doctrine|doctrinal]] and practical matters which they teach with special emphasis.

The Brethren believe in the divine inspiration of the [[Bible]] and that the same Bible gives clear instruction about how services of worship are to be held. These instructions include:
* Some Exclusive meetings will not have musical accompaniment to hymns and songs sung during the Remembrance Service. At these same meetings, musical accompaniment may be used at the other services.
* the primary importance of the weekly communion service
* the communion is not led or administered by an individual
* the freedom and the responsibility for men to participate in services
* the silence of women (whose heads must be covered during meetings of the local church) in most Plymouth Brethren assemblies
* the importance of preaching the gospel
* the rejection of a separation of believers into clergy and laity classes, and
* the plurality of leadership (usually as elders and deacons) as opposed to an ordained, professional clergy class

[[Baptism]] and communion are the only two [[ordinance]]s. All assemblies adhere to the practise of full immersion baptism, which is required before participation in fellowship. Sharing the exact beliefs of a local assembly may be a necessary condition for fellowship in some local assemblies, though this condition is much less common in "open" assemblies. Some Exclusive Brethen practice infant or household baptism.
* Some Exclusive meetings will seat accepted men in the front rows towards the table bearing the emblems, accepted women behind the men and unaccepted men and women towards the rear. Other Exclusive meetings will seat accepted men and women together (so spouses can be seated together) and unaccepted men and women toward the rear.

== History ==
* As Exclusive meetings will not permit strangers to take communion, it is the custom of those in closed meetings who are travelling to take a "letter of commendation" along with them, so they might be a permitted to take communion away from home. As the line between Exclusive and Open meetings is not always clear cut, many individuals from Open meetings will take such a letter. These letters are typically read aloud to those present at the Remembrance Service and, as such, serve the purpose of introducing guests to local meetings so that they can be made welcome and benefit from fellowship.

===Multiple Sunday Services===

Following the Remembrance Service, a Plymouth Brethren meeting may have at least one other Sunday service attendance at which is nearly mandatory. Whereas the point of the Remembrance Service is to recall the Crucifixion and Resurrection, the point of these other services will be to evangelize and preach the gospel. The name of these services will vary from meeting to meeting, but might be "the Gospel Hour", "the Family Bible Hour" or some other name. These services generally follow the same form and outline as most other protestant services. The congregation, seated in rows facing a lectern or pulpit, will sing hymns and choruses, listen to scripture readings and lead prayers. The last half of the service will be a planned sermon preached by one of the brethren. While children are expected to attend the Remembrance Service with their families (certainly not partaking in communion), children might attend Sunday school during these other services.

Some meetings have an additional meeting on Sunday evening. This evening service is not a repeat of the second service, but an entirely different service. Depending on the meeting, there will be some expectation that people who attended in the morning will return for more fellowship in the evening.

===No Solicitation For Funds===

Traditionally, Plymouth Brethren groups will not pass offering plates/money bags at their services, except for the Remembrance Service (usually the first of two meetings held on Sunday morning). It is anticipated that only the "saved" will attend the Remembrance Service and it is anticipated (especially in Open meetings) that unsaved people will attend other services.

The point of not having a collection when it is anticipated that unsaved people will be present is to avoid causing nonbelievers to think they might gain a spiritual benefit by making a donation. Some meetings might not have a collection at any service (including the Remembrance Service), but have giving boxes often located at the back of the meeting to avoid even the appearance of solicitation for funds.

===No Salaried Ministry===
See comments on clergy above.
Most assemblies are governed by a board of unordained (for ordination is anathema to Plymouth Brethren) overseers or elders. The elders conduct many duties that would be typically performed by clergy of more orthodox Christian groups, including: counselling those who have decided to be baptised, performing baptisms, visiting the sick and giving general spiritual advice. Sermons are given by both elders and other members of the meeting. Visiting speakers or teachers however are usually paid to cover expenses such as the cost of travel. Full-Time missionaries are often supported by the occasional collection by assemblies known by them.

===The Separate Roles of Men & Women===
There is no distinction between men and women in their individual relation to Christ as believers. In that respect there is equality. However, in most Brethren meetings, the principle of headship is applied in accordance to teaching found in 1 Corinthians chapter 11, verse 3 and elsewhere in the Bible. For this reason, most meetings will be characterised by the women wearing a head covering (loaners available at the back, for women who came without a covering) and by the men taking on the responsibility of preaching, teaching, and leading the assembly into worship. In regards to family relationships, wives are to be in subjection unto their own husband "as unto the Lord", husbands are to love their wives "even as Christ loved the Church" and children are to obey their parents "in the Lord" as stated in the Letter to the Ephesians.

==Other Practices==
===Gatherings & Meetings===

Assemblies might also have weekly meetings which might include: preaching/teaching services, missionary reports, bible studies and prayer meetings. There is frequently a Sunday School for children and youth groups for teens. Although women do not verbally participate in the Breaking of Bread service, they take part in Sunday School, teach classes, conduct ladies meetings, and are generally very active in "Camp" work.

Some "Open Brethren" assemblies, allow any believer to participate in the Lord's Supper. In contrast some "Closed Brethren" assemblies do not permit outsiders of any sort. It is common practice for the visitor to carry a 'Letter of Commendation' from the leaders of their local meeting to inform the saints at the receiving meeting that they are in fellowship at the former locality and can be allowed to fully participate in all services from the point of their arrival. It is customary to send one of these letters even when only one service will be attended, and individuals often take these letters on holiday when they will be away from their local meeting and wish to attend another.

During the weekly breaking of bread service, hymns are traditionally sung [[A cappella|unaccompanied]] by any [[musical instrument]], though many open brethren assemblies in North America now have instrumental accompaniment. Hymns sung during the other types of meeting are often accompanied by [[piano]] or [[electronic organ]], though this practice varies from place to place. Other musical instruments are used at some assemblies. Some assemblies blend traditional hymns with contemporary praise & worship music accompanied by bands. One of the unifying features in each of the different branches of the Brethren is a common [[hymnbook]]. The first collection used among the united assemblies was "Hymns for the Poor of the Flock", 1838 and again 1840. Another such hymnbook, used by exclusive brethren (Tunbridge-Wells and Ames) dates back to [[1856]] is called, ''Hymns for the Little Flock'', the first edition of which was compiled by [[George Vicesimus Wigram|G. V. Wigram]] a revision was made in 1881 by J N Darby. Also widely used among open brethren are "Believers Hymnbook", "Hymns of Light and Love" and ''Hymns of Worship and Remembrance''.

The influence of the Plymouth Brethren upon evangelical Christianity exceeds their relatively small numerical proportion. The movement today has many congregations around the world.
The influence of the Plymouth Brethren upon evangelical Christianity exceeds their relatively small numerical proportion. The movement today has many congregations around the world.

[[Christian Missions in Many Lands]] ([[CMML]]) in the [[United States]], [[Missionary Services Committee]] ([[MSC]]) in [[Canada]] and [[Echoes of Service]] in the [[United Kingdom]], serve as support agencies for Brethren missionaries, helping with logistics and material support. These agencies help to train, equip, and support those sent from local churches.
A number of doctrines that are now widely held within evangelical circles were first discovered by the Brethren or were promoted and propagated by the Brethren. In no particular order these include [http://www.brethrenonline.org/faqs/Brethren.htm]:

The Brethren have been productive writers and publishers including George Cutting's "Safety, Certainty, and Enjoyment" and W.E Vine's "Dictionary of NT Words.". Many leaders of the contemporay evangelical movement have come from Brethren backgrounds including [[Jim Wallis]] from [[Sojourners]] [[Geoff Tunnicliffe]], CEO of the [[World Evangelical Alliance]]; the late British scholar [[F. F. Bruce]]; [[Brian McLaren]] of the emergent church "conversation"; [[1950s]] Auca missionary [[martyr]]s [[Ed McCully]], [[Jim Elliot]], and [[Peter Fleming]]; [[Walter Liefeld]], NT professor at [[Trinity Evangelical Seminary]]; and the late preacher [[Dr. Harry Ironside]]. [[John Nelson Darby|J. N. Darby]], one of the original members and perhaps the most well known of the movement, wrote over fifty books and is often credited with the development of the theology of [[dispensationalism]]. In Latin America Enrique Dàmaso Alvarez,in Spain Jose Maria Martinez and his son Pablo Martinez Vila,in Germany Erich Sauer.
pre-tribulational rapture


priesthood of all believers

difference between the Church and Israel

lack of a clergy/laity division

[[Christian Missions in Many Lands]] (CMML) in the [[United States]], [[Missionary Service Committee]] (MSC) in [[Canada]] and [[Echoes of Service]] in the [[United Kingdom]], serve as support agencies for Brethren missionaries, helping with logistics and material support. These agencies help to train, equip, and support those sent from local churches. [[Hudson Taylor]], the founder of the [[China Inland Mission]], kept strong ties with the Open Brethren, even though he was raised a [[Methodist]] and later a member of a [[Baptist Church]]. The concept of 'Faith Missions' can be traced back through Hudson Taylor to the example of the early Brethren missionary, Anthony Norris Groves.

[[John Nelson Darby|J. N. Darby]], one of the original members and perhaps the most well known of the movement, wrote over fifty books including a useful translation of the New Testament and is often credited with the development of the theology of [[dispensationalism]].

Many leaders of the contemporary evangelical movement came from Brethren backgrounds. These include Geoff Tunnicliffe, CEO of the [[World Evangelical Alliance]]; the late British scholar [[F.F. Bruce]]; [[Brian McLaren]] of the [[Emerging Church]] movement; [[1950s]] Auca missionary [[martyr]]s [[Ed McCully]], [[Jim Elliot]], [[Peter Fleming (missionary)|Peter Fleming]], [[Roger Youderian]], and [[Nate Saint]]; [[Walter Liefeld]], NT professor at [[Trinity Evangelical Divinity School]]; [[Jim Wallis]], American Christian activist and founder of [[Sojourners Magazine]]; and the late preacher Dr. [[Harry A. Ironside]] who wrote the ''Historical Sketch of the Brethren Movement.'' Radio personality [[Garrison Keillor]] was raised among the Plymouth Brethren, whom he sometimes refers to as the 'sanctified brethren' in his News from Lake Wobegon monologues.

Since 2004, some groups of heterodox Exclusive Brethren have become politically active. Formerly, they embraced non-involvement 'in the things of the world' because they are 'citizens of heaven'. These heterodox Taylor Exclusive Brethren have been responsible for the production and distribution of political literature in Australian, United States, Swedish, Canadian and New Zealand national elections.<ref>{{cite news|first=David|last=Marr|url=http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/the-influence-of-hidden-prophets/2006/07/01/1151174401719.html|title=Hidden prophets|publisher=Sydney Morning Herald|date=2006-07-01|accessdate=2006-07-01}}</ref> ''For more details, see [[Exclusive Brethren#Politics]]''.

==Notes and references==

* Adams, Norman - ''Goodbye, Beloved Brethren''. (1972, Impulse Publications Inc) ISBN 0-901311-13-8
* Coad, F. Roy - ''A History of the Brethren Movement: Its Origins, Its Worldwide Development and Its Significance for the Present Day''. (2001, Regent College Publishing) ISBN 1-57383-183-2
* Grass, Tim, Gathering to his Name, Carlisle: paternoster, 2006.
* Ironside, H. A. - ''Historical Sketch of the Brethren Movement''. (1985,Loizeaux Brothers) ISBN 0-87213-344-3
* Neatby, William Blair - ''A History of the Plymouth Brethren'', (1901); Reprinted by Tentmaker Publications [http://www.tentmaker.org.uk/page50.html] covers the first seventy years of the Brethren movement.
* Pickering, Henry, ''Chief Men Among the Brethren'', (1st ed. 1918 London: Pickering & Inglis), Loizeaux Brothers, Inc. Neptune, NJ, 1996, ISBN 0-87213-798-8
* Smith, Natan Dylan. - ''Roots, Renewal and the Brethren''. (1996, Hope Publishing House) ISBN 0-932727-08-5
* Strauch, Alexander. - ''Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Leadership''. (1995, Lewis & Roth Publishers) ISBN 0-936083-11-5
* Stunt, Timothy C. F., ''From awakening to secession : radical evangelicals in Switzerland and Britain, 1815-35'', Edinburgh : T&T Clark, 2000, ISBN 0-567-08719-0

==See also==
==See also==
*[[Open Brethren]]
*[[Open Brethren]]
*[[Exclusive Brethren]]
*[[Exclusive Brethren]]
*[[Brethren from 1827]]
*[[Catholic Apostolic Church]] &mdash; founded by [[Edward Irving]] and others during the same period as birth of the Plymouth Brethren.
*[[Catholic Apostolic Church]] &mdash; founded by [[Edward Irving]] and others during the same period as birth of the Plymouth Brethren.

==External links==
==External links==
''There is no single official website that represents the movement as a whole.''

===Open Brethren===
===Open Brethren===
* [http://brethrenpedia.quist.ca BrethrenPedia :: The Plymouth Brethren Wiki] Documenting the history of the brethren movement one assembly at a time
* [http://www.gospelhall.org Gospel Hall.org - FAQ about the Brethren, History about assemblies in North America]
* [http://brethrenpedia.com BrethrenPedia :: The Plymouth Brethren Wiki]
* [http://www.bruederbewegung.de/english.html Bruederbewegung] About the Brethren Movement in Germany
* [http://www.bruederbewegung.de/english.html Bruederbewegung] &ndash; About the Brethren Movement in Germany
* [http://www.biblearchive.com Bible Archive] Web Log (blog) system based in the US.
* [http://www.brethrenassembly.com/ BrethrenAssembly.Com]
* [http://www.brethrenassembly.com/forum BrethrenAssembly.Com Forum] Discussion Forum operated by Indian Brethren.
* [http://www.brethrenonline.org/ Brethren Online.Org]
* [http://www.brethrenonline.org/ Brethren Online.Org]
* [http://www.emmaus.edu Emmaus Bible College] &ndash; Brethren Bible College based in the US (Dubuque, IA).
* [http://www.emmaus.edu Emmaus Bible College] Brethren Bible College based in the US (Dubuque, IA).
* [http://www.klbc.ca Kawartha Lakes Bible College] &ndash; Brethren Bible College based in Canada
* [http://www.klbc.ca Kawartha Lakes Bible College] Brethren Bible College based in Canada
* [http://bbc.quist.ca/bb/ Plymouth Brethren Discussion Forum] &ndash; Discussion Forum operated by Canadian Brethren
* [http://bbc.quist.ca/bb/ Plymouth Brethren Discussion Forum] Discussion Forum operated by Canadian Brethren
** [http://bbc.quist.ca/bb/viewforum.php?f=45 Updated list of assemblies :: News, Reviews & Who's Who]
* [http://www.plymouthbrethren.org/ Plymouth Brethren.Org]
* [http://www.plymouthbrethren.org/ Plymouth Brethren.Org]
* http://www.emmausnazareth.net/ Emmaus Bible Ministry and the Brethren page in the Holy Land
* [http://www.plymouthbrethren.com/ Plymouth Brethren.Com]
* [http://www.shawncuthill.com ShawnCuthill.com] - A Canadian web site for PB assemblies
* http://www.life-is-more.net/ The Arabic Emmaus Bible Ministry and study on the web. See also http://www.bible-gate.net, http://www.just-do.net
* [http://www.bibletruth.net BibleTruth.net] - A portal for PB information for locating and contacting individual assemblies
* [http://www.gospelhall.org GospelHall.org] - A conservative Open Brethren forum site
* [http://www.msc.on.ca MSC (Missionary Service Committee)] - A Canadian site with an address book of many PB assemblies and overseas missionaries
* [http://www.cmmlusa.org CMML (Christian Missions in Many Lands)] - A US site with an address book of many PB overseas missionaries
* [http://www.echoes.org.uk] (Echoes of Service) Uk based missionary service agency
===Closed Brethren===
* [http://www.localevangelico.org.ve/ Closed Assemblies Venezuela]
* [http://www.saved.com/ Salvation Ministries USA]
* [http://www.saved.com/pathways/ Pathways ministries Canada USA Assemblies List]
* [http://brethrennews.blogspot.com/ Brethren News]
* [http://www.gospeloutreach.ca/ Good News Gospel Outreach]
* [http://www.theholyscriptures.org/ Closed Bible Society]

===Exclusive Brethren===
===Exclusive Brethen===
* [http://brethrenpedia.com/wiki/ BrethrenPedia] The Plymouth Brethren wiki
* [http://www.theexclusivebrethren.com/ The Exclusive Brethren - The only 'Exclusive Brethren' endorsed site]
* [http://www.theexclusivebrethren.com/ The Exclusive Brethren]
* [http://www.mybrethren.org/ My Brethren.Org] (Exclusive Brethren)
* [http://www.biblecounsel.homestead.com Brethren from 1827]
* [http://peebs.net/ Contemporary Effects]

===Research libraries===
* [http://www.preciousseed.org/ Precious Seed Magazine]
* [http://rylibweb.man.ac.uk/data2/spcoll/cba/ Christian Brethren Collection] at the [[John Rylands University Library]] of [[Manchester University]]
* [http://www.truthandtidings.com/ Truth & Tidings Magazine]
* [http://www.uplook.org/ Uplook Magazine]
* [http://www.voicesforchrist.org/ Voices For Christ Audio Sermons ]
* [http://www.saved.com/wis Words in Season Magazine]
* [http://www.biblecounsel.homestead.com/BTP.html Bible Truth Publishers]
* [http://www.biblecentre.org/ The Bible Centre]
* [http://www.newble.co.uk/writers/ The Brethren Writers' Hall of Fame] &mdash; a biographical gallery of several prominent writers from the Plymouth Brethren and several others who had similar views.
* THE CHRISTIAN - magazine for believers > [http://www.biblecounsel.homestead.com/BTP.html]

===Booksellers & Publishers ===
* [http://shop2.mailordercentral.com/gospel/ Gospel Folio]
* [http://www.johnritchie.co.uk/ John Ritchie, LTD]
* [http://www.pilkingtonandsons.com/ Pilkington and Sons]
* Loizeaux Brothers, 3301C Route 66, Neptune, NJ 07753 USA, Telephone: 1-732-918-2626
* Christian Year Publications, The Glebe House, Stanton Drew, Bristol BS39 4EH. Tel 0044 1275 332475.
* Walterick Publishing Ministeries, INC., 6549 State Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66102 Fax 913 334 0153 [http://walterick.org]
* [http://users.ameritech.net/fpierce/Bible_Study_Center.html Bible Study Center], c/o Floyd Pierce, P.O. Box 3841, Springfield, Illinois, USA 62708-3841, Telephone (217) 544-7419 e mail: fpierce@ameritech.net
* [http://www.scripture-truth.org.uk/ Scripture Truth Publications] in Northumberland, UK.
* [http://www.stempublishing.com/ Stem Publishing] &mdash; a source of Brethren writings in electronic media.
* Bible Truth Publishers > [http://biblecounsel.homestead.com/BTP.html]
* Christian Year Publications, The Glebe House, Stanton Drew, Bristol UK, BS39 4EH

* Adams, Norman - ''Goodbye, Beloved Brethren''. (1972, Impulse Publications Inc) ISBN 0901311138
* Coad, F. Roy - ''A History of the Brethren Movement: Its Origins, Its Worldwide Development and Its Significance for the Present Day''. (2001, Regent College Publishing) ISBN 1573831832
* Ironside, H. A. - ''Historical Sketch of the Brethren Movement''. (1985,Loizeaux Brothers) ISBN 0872133443
* Neatby, William Blair - ''A History of the Plymouth Brethren'', (1901); Reprinted by Tentmaker Publications [http://www.tentmaker.org.uk/page50.html] covers the first seventy years of the Brethren movement.
* Pickering, Henry, ''Chief Men Among the Brethren'', (1st ed. 1918 London: Pickering & Inglis), Loizeaux Brothers, Inc. Neptune, NJ, 1996, ISBN 0872137988
* Smith, Natan Dylan. - ''Roots, Renewal and the Brethren''. (1996, Hope Publishing House) ISBN 0932727085
* Strauch, Alexander. - ''Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Leadership''. (1995, Lewis & Roth Publishers) ISBN 0936083115
* Stunt, Timothy C. F., ''From awakening to secession : radical evangelicals in Switzerland and Britain, 1815-35'', Edinburgh : T&T Clark, 2000, ISBN 0567087190

===Research libraries===
* [http://rylibweb.man.ac.uk/data2/spcoll/cba/ Christian Brethren Collection] at the [http://www.library.manchester.ac.uk/ The John Rylands University Library] of [[Manchester University]]

* [http://www.biblecenter.com/biblenotes/elders.htm Website regarding the position of elders]
* [http://www.thekkel.com/brethren.html A Brief Outline of the “Plymouth Brethren”: History, Doctrines, and Practices]

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The [Plymouth Brethren] are a Christian Evangelical religious movement that began in Dublin Ireland and England in the late 1820s and was made prominent by John Nelson Darby,the famous Pioneer from Homeopathy Doctor [Cronin],Doctor[Wilson],Prized Classicals Researcher from Trinity College in Cambridge University [Gifford Bellett],ex-Quaker [Wills Newton],younger brother from Cardinal John Henry Newman[Newman],creator from Bethesda Orphanage [Müller],Preacher [Miller],Historian [William Benjamin Neatby],writer [F. Roy Coad],sucessor from Evangelist Dwight Lyman Moody [Henry Allen Ironside], [Edmund Hamer Broadbent], [Roy A. Huebner], and [Hutchinson]; who felt that the established Church had become too involved with the secular state and had abandoned many of the basic truths of Christianity. The group began by meeting in households in Ireland, and were dubbed "brethren" because of their practice of calling each other "brother" instead of the titles favoured by other denominations.

The movement soon spread throughout the UK and by 1831, the group assembled in Plymouth, England had over 1,500 members. These members became known as "The brethren from Plymouth" and soon were simply called the "Plymouth Brethren". The group is also known as the Assembly Movement. The term Darbyites has also been used, although is uncommon and refers mainly to the Exclusive branch.

The Brethren are divided into "Open", "[Closed]" and "Exclusive" branches. Since the early 1970s, there were huge differences between the Taylorite Exclusive Brethren and other Darbyite brethren groups[[Plymouth Brethren-History ... Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN). All Rights Reserved. P.O. Box 30183, Portland, OR 97294-3183 1-800-334-8736 ... www.tren.com/search.cfm?oid=k0m1volfk&subject=Brethren&action=query - 143k -]], herein referred to as Closed Brethren. Because of the so-called leadership scandals, some people left the Taylor meetings and joined meetings of the Glanton Brethren or Kelly Brethren, etc. A lot of these earlier divisions among Closed Brethren were healed in the later 1970s. The Exclusive Brethren maintain a very isolationist and traditional view, with many of their children home schooled, a strict smart dress code for church meetings and members commonly self employed or working for Christian organisations.[[1]]

The Open and Closed Brethren differ on few theological issues and often, no clear distinction is made between the two by the general public. The main difference is in openness to visitors, that is, the Open Brethren allow anyone who is a believer to participate in the Lord's Supper (communion) while the Closed generally require a "letter of commendation" as discussed below. The Closed Brethren also will usually have a back row set up for anyone who does not have this letter so that the individual may observe, however not participate, in the morning meeting.

When arriving at one church from another, it is common practice for the leaders to send a "letter of commendation" with the newcomer to inform the new church that they are in fellowship at another assembly and can be allowed to fully participate in all services from the point of their arrival. It is customary to send one of these letters even when only one service will be attended, and individuals often take these letters on holiday when they will be away from their local church and wish to attend another.

A second difference between the Open and Closed Brethren is the willingness of association with other Christian churches. While the Open Brethren will often hold Gospel meetings, youth events or other activities with other Evangelical Christian churches, the Closed Brethren support only their individual assembly. A third difference is in the use of instrumental accompaniment during the meetings. While both generally do not use musical instruments during the Lord's Supper, the Open Brethren will have someone play piano, guitar or, although rare, a full worship band accompany the congregation during the other services.

In some parts of the world, the Exclusives and Closed are placed together as Closed, while the Exclusives are called Darbyites. Most of those who attend Closed Brethren assemblies are quick to distinguish themselves from the Exclusive Brethren[[2]].

Open Brethren remain affiliated with one another, mostly through common support of missionaries, area conferences, and the ministry of traveling preachers. Over the years, they have come to resemble Protestant evangelical churches in doctrine, except that there are no officially recognized clergy and the Lord's Supper is observed weekly - both of which are common to Open, Closed and Exclusive groups alike.


The Plymouth Brethren are unusual in not recognising a denominational name; they do not generally refer to themselves as "Plymouth Brethren," nor do they regard themselves as a denomination. Thus there is no denominational headquarters and no governing body to whom local assemblies are accountable to. Local assemblies are often informally linked with each other.

The Plymouth Brethren refer to themselves as "the assemblies," and members are called "the brethren," "saints," or "believers." Members are usually aware of the term "Plymouth Brethren" but deny it applies to them since they don't consider themselves a denomination.

A common distinguishing characteristic of a Plymouth Brethren meeting place is an outdoor sign indicating a weekly service set apart for "Breaking of Bread," "The Lord's Supper," or "The Remembrance Meeting," which is how they refer to communion.

Many Plymouth Brethren assemblies meet in a building called a "Gospel Hall","Evangelical Room", "Gospel Chapel", "Bible Chapel", or "Bible Church".


Sunday services are mostly similar among different congregations, and a distinctive of the Brethren is a separate weekly communion service. This is a solemn affair during which any of the men can, at any time, temporarily lead and direct the service. Women pray silently and sing all hymns but generally do not pray or exort the congregation audibly as this is often seen as violating the order set out in 1 Corinthians 11, 14 and 1 Timothy 2. (A few PB Assemblies in the US allow women to participate verbally in the weekly Breaking of Bread service. These assemblies are seen as "progressive" and may not be well accepted by other more traditional assemblies.)

The Brethren also have weekly meetings such as a teaching or preaching service. The teaching service of an Open Brethren assembly might resemble that of a conservative, evangelical church such as an Evangelical free church or Baptist church. Other meetings in an assembly include missionary report meetings, and mid-week prayer meetings, and Bible readings or studies. In Open Brethren assemblies there is frequently a Sunday School for children and youth groups for teens. Exclusive Brethren assemblies often meet daily from house to house for Bible readings.


During the weekly breaking of bread service, hymns are usually sung unaccompanied by any musical instrument. Hymns sung during the other types of meeting are often accompanied by piano or electronic organ, though this practice varies from place to place. Other musical instruments are used at some assemblies. One of the unifying features in each of the different branches of the Brethren is a common hymnbook. One such hymnbook that dates back to 1856 is called, Hymns for the Little Flock, the first edition of which was compiled by G. V. Wigram.


Sancta Simplicitas
Orthodox Old Maid. "But, Rebecca, is your place of worship consecrated?"
Domestic (lately received into the Plymouth Brotherhood). "Oh no, Miss - It's galvanised iron!"
Cartoon from Punch, Vol. 102, April 23, 1892

The Plymouth Brethren are basically conservative evangelical Christians and are in substantial agreement with other conservative evangelical Christian groups. Their distinction lies in a combination of the doctrinal and practical matters which they teach with special emphasis.

The Brethren believe in the divine inspiration of the Bible and that the same Bible gives clear instruction about how services of worship are to be held. These instructions include:

  • the primary importance of the weekly communion service
  • the communion is not led or administered by an individual
  • the freedom and the responsibility for men to participate in services
  • the silence of women (whose heads must be covered during meetings of the local church) in most Plymouth Brethren assemblies
  • the importance of preaching the gospel
  • the rejection of a separation of believers into clergy and laity classes, and
  • the plurality of leadership (usually as elders and deacons) as opposed to an ordained, professional clergy class

Baptism and communion are the only two ordinances. All assemblies adhere to the practise of full immersion baptism, which is required before participation in fellowship. Sharing the exact beliefs of a local assembly may be a necessary condition for fellowship in some local assemblies, though this condition is much less common in "open" assemblies. Some Exclusive Brethen practice infant or household baptism.



The influence of the Plymouth Brethren upon evangelical Christianity exceeds their relatively small numerical proportion. The movement today has many congregations around the world.

Christian Missions in Many Lands (CMML) in the United States, Missionary Services Committee (MSC) in Canada and Echoes of Service in the United Kingdom, serve as support agencies for Brethren missionaries, helping with logistics and material support. These agencies help to train, equip, and support those sent from local churches.

The Brethren have been productive writers and publishers including George Cutting's "Safety, Certainty, and Enjoyment" and W.E Vine's "Dictionary of NT Words.". Many leaders of the contemporay evangelical movement have come from Brethren backgrounds including Geoff Tunnicliffe, CEO of the World Evangelical Alliance; the late British scholar F. F. Bruce; Brian McLaren of the emergent church "conversation"; 1950s Auca missionary martyrs Ed McCully, Jim Elliot, and Peter Fleming; Walter Liefeld, NT professor at Trinity Evangelical Seminary; and the late preacher Dr. Harry Ironside. J. N. Darby, one of the original members and perhaps the most well known of the movement, wrote over fifty books and is often credited with the development of the theology of dispensationalism.

See also

Open Brethren

Exclusive Brethen


Booksellers & Publishers

  • Gospel Folio
  • John Ritchie, LTD
  • Pilkington and Sons
  • Loizeaux Brothers, 3301C Route 66, Neptune, NJ 07753 USA, Telephone: 1-732-918-2626
  • Christian Year Publications, The Glebe House, Stanton Drew, Bristol BS39 4EH. Tel 0044 1275 332475.
  • Walterick Publishing Ministeries, INC., 6549 State Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66102 Fax 913 334 0153 [4]
  • Bible Study Center, c/o Floyd Pierce, P.O. Box 3841, Springfield, Illinois, USA 62708-3841, Telephone (217) 544-7419 e mail: fpierce@ameritech.net
  • Scripture Truth Publications in Northumberland, UK.
  • Stem Publishing — a source of Brethren writings in electronic media.
  • Bible Truth Publishers > [5]
  • Christian Year Publications, The Glebe House, Stanton Drew, Bristol UK, BS39 4EH


  • Adams, Norman - Goodbye, Beloved Brethren. (1972, Impulse Publications Inc) ISBN 0901311138
  • Coad, F. Roy - A History of the Brethren Movement: Its Origins, Its Worldwide Development and Its Significance for the Present Day. (2001, Regent College Publishing) ISBN 1573831832
  • Ironside, H. A. - Historical Sketch of the Brethren Movement. (1985,Loizeaux Brothers) ISBN 0872133443
  • Neatby, William Blair - A History of the Plymouth Brethren, (1901); Reprinted by Tentmaker Publications [6] covers the first seventy years of the Brethren movement.
  • Pickering, Henry, Chief Men Among the Brethren, (1st ed. 1918 London: Pickering & Inglis), Loizeaux Brothers, Inc. Neptune, NJ, 1996, ISBN 0872137988
  • Smith, Natan Dylan. - Roots, Renewal and the Brethren. (1996, Hope Publishing House) ISBN 0932727085
  • Strauch, Alexander. - Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Leadership. (1995, Lewis & Roth Publishers) ISBN 0936083115
  • Stunt, Timothy C. F., From awakening to secession : radical evangelicals in Switzerland and Britain, 1815-35, Edinburgh : T&T Clark, 2000, ISBN 0567087190

Research libraries

John Henry Newman]], John Nelson Darby, John Bellett, and Francis Hutchinson who felt that the established Church had become too involved with the secular state and had abandoned many of the basic truths of Christianity. The group began by meeting in households in Ireland, and were dubbed "brethren" because of their practice of calling each other "brother" instead of the titles favoured by other denominations. The first meetings in Dublin were held in 1825 by Edward Cronin. By 1827, J.N. Darby and J.G. Bellett were attending the meeting; together with his two cousins (the Misses Drury) and Mr Tims, he began to meet in his house in Lower Pembroke Street,this meeting had grown so much that Mr H. Hutchinson offered the use of a larger room at 9 Fitzwilliam Street. By 1830, they were using a large auction room at 11 Aungier Street. The movement soon spread throughout the UK and by 1831, the group assembled in Plymouth, England had over 1,500 members. These members became known as "The brethren from Plymouth" and soon were simply called the "Plymouth Brethren". The group is also known as the Assembly Movement. The term Darbyites has also been used, although is uncommon and refers mainly to the Exclusive branch. The Brethren are divided into 9 branches(subdivided in another 5 sub-groups), "Open", "Closed", "Exclusive" and Exclusivists branches. The Exclusive Brethren maintain a very isolationist and traditional view, with many of their children home schooled, a very strict smart dress code for church meetings and members commonly self employed or working for Christian organisations.

The Open and Closed Brethren differ on few theological issues and often, no clear distinction is made between the two by the general public. The main difference is in openness to visitors, that is, the Open Brethren allow anyone who is a believer to participate in the Lord's Supper (communion) while the Closed generally require a "letter of commendation" as discussed below. The Closed Brethren also will usually have a back row set up for anyone who does not have this letter so that the individual may observe, however not participate, in the morning meeting.

When arriving at one church from another, it is common practice for the leaders to send a "letter of commendation" with the newcomer to inform the new church that they are in fellowship at another assembly and can be allowed to fully participate in all services from the point of their arrival. It is customary to send one of these letters even when only one service will be attended, and individuals often take these letters on holiday when they will be away from their local church and wish to attend another.

A second difference between the Open and Closed Brethren is the willingness of association with other Christian churches. While the Open Brethren will often hold Gospel meetings, youth events or other activities with other Evangelical Christian churches, the Closed Brethren support only their individual assembly. A third difference is in the use of instrumental accompaniment during the meetings. While both generally do not use musical instruments during the Lord's Supper, the Open Brethren will have someone play piano, guitar or, although rare, a full worship band accompany the congregation during the other services.

In some parts of the world, the Open and Closed are placed together as Open, while the Exclusive are called Closed. Most of those who attend Closed Brethren assemblies are quick to distinguish themselves from the Exclusive Brethren.

Open Brethren remain affiliated with one another, mostly through common support of missionaries, area conferences, and the ministry of traveling preachers. Over the years, they have come to resemble Protestant evangelical churches in doctrine, except that there are no officially recognized clergy and the Lord's Supper is observed weekly - both of which are common to Open, Closed and Exclusive groups alike.


The Plymouth Brethren are unusual in not recognising a denominationas a name; they do not generally refer to themselves as "Plymouth Brethren," nor do they regard themselves as a denomination. Thus there is no any denominational headquarters,any holy see and no governing body to whom local assemblies are accountable to. Local assemblies are often informally linked with each other.

The Plymouth Brethren refer to themselves as,"the assemblies of brethren",or more simply "the assemblies," and members are called "the brethren," "saints," or "believers." Members are usually aware of the term "Plymouth Brethren" but deny it applies to them since they don't consider themselves a denomination.

A common distinguishing characteristic of a Plymouth Brethren meeting place is an outdoor sign indicating a weekly service set apart for "Breaking of Bread," "The Lord's Supper," or "The Remembrance Meeting," which is how they refer to communion.

Many Plymouth Brethren assemblies meet in a building called a "Evangelical Room", "Gospel Hall", "Gospel Chapel", "Bible Chapel", or "Bible Church".


Sunday services are mostly similar among different congregations, and a distinctive of the Brethren is a separate weekly communion service. This is a solemn affair during which any of the men can, at any time, temporarily lead and direct the service. Women pray silently and sing all hymns but generally do not pray or exort the congregation audibly as this is often seen as violating the order set out in 1 Corinthians 11, 14 and 1 Timothy 2. (A few PB Assemblies in the US allow women to participate verbally in the weekly Breaking of Bread service. These assemblies are seen as "progressive" and may not be well accepted by other more traditional assemblies.)

The Brethren also have weekly meetings such as a teaching or preaching service. The teaching service of an Open Brethren assembly might resemble that of a conservative, evangelical church such as an Evangelical free church or Baptist church. Other meetings in an assembly include missionary report meetings, and mid-week prayer meetings, and Bible readings or studies. In Open Brethren assemblies there is frequently a Sunday School for children and youth groups for teens. Exclusive Brethren assemblies often meet daily from house to house for Bible readings.


During the weekly breaking of bread service, hymns are usually sung unaccompanied by any musical instrument. Hymns sung during the other types of meeting are often accompanied by piano or electronic organ, though this practice varies from place to place. Other musical instruments are used at some assemblies. One of the unifying features in each of the different branches of the Brethren is a common hymnbook. One such hymnbook that dates back to 1856 is called, Hymns for the Little Flock, the first edition of which was compiled by G. V. Wigram.


Sancta Simplicitas
Orthodox Old Maid. "But, Rebecca, is your place of worship consecrated?"
Domestic (lately received into the Plymouth Brotherhood). "Oh no, Miss - It's galvanised iron!"
Cartoon from Punch, Vol. 102, April 23, 1892

The Plymouth Brethren are basically conservative evangelical Christians and are in substantial agreement with other conservative evangelical Christian groups. Their distinction lies in a combination of the doctrinal and practical matters which they teach with special emphasis.

The Brethren believe in the divine inspiration of the Bible and that the same Bible gives clear instruction about how services of worship are to be held. These instructions include:

  • the primary importance of the weekly communion service
  • the communion is not led or administered by an individual
  • the freedom and the responsibility for men to participate in services
  • the silence of women (whose heads must be covered during meetings of the local church) in most Plymouth Brethren assemblies
  • the importance of preaching the gospel
  • the rejection of a separation of believers into clergy and laity classes, and
  • the plurality of leadership (usually as elders and deacons) as opposed to an ordained, professional clergy class

Baptism and communion are the only two ordinances. All assemblies adhere to the practise of full immersion baptism, which is required before participation in fellowship. Sharing the exact beliefs of a local assembly may be a necessary condition for fellowship in some local assemblies, though this condition is much less common in "open" assemblies. Some Exclusive Brethen practice infant or household baptism.



The influence of the Plymouth Brethren upon evangelical Christianity exceeds their relatively small numerical proportion. The movement today has many congregations around the world.

Christian Missions in Many Lands (CMML) in the United States, Missionary Services Committee (MSC) in Canada and Echoes of Service in the United Kingdom, serve as support agencies for Brethren missionaries, helping with logistics and material support. These agencies help to train, equip, and support those sent from local churches.

The Brethren have been productive writers and publishers including George Cutting's "Safety, Certainty, and Enjoyment" and W.E Vine's "Dictionary of NT Words.". Many leaders of the contemporay evangelical movement have come from Brethren backgrounds including Jim Wallis from Sojourners Geoff Tunnicliffe, CEO of the World Evangelical Alliance; the late British scholar F. F. Bruce; Brian McLaren of the emergent church "conversation"; 1950s Auca missionary martyrs Ed McCully, Jim Elliot, and Peter Fleming; Walter Liefeld, NT professor at Trinity Evangelical Seminary; and the late preacher Dr. Harry Ironside. J. N. Darby, one of the original members and perhaps the most well known of the movement, wrote over fifty books and is often credited with the development of the theology of dispensationalism. In Latin America Enrique Dàmaso Alvarez,in Spain Jose Maria Martinez and his son Pablo Martinez Vila,in Germany Erich Sauer.

See also

Open Brethren

Closed Brethren

Exclusive Brethen


Booksellers & Publishers

  • Gospel Folio
  • John Ritchie, LTD
  • Pilkington and Sons
  • Loizeaux Brothers, 3301C Route 66, Neptune, NJ 07753 USA, Telephone: 1-732-918-2626
  • Christian Year Publications, The Glebe House, Stanton Drew, Bristol BS39 4EH. Tel 0044 1275 332475.
  • Walterick Publishing Ministeries, INC., 6549 State Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66102 Fax 913 334 0153 [9]
  • Bible Study Center, c/o Floyd Pierce, P.O. Box 3841, Springfield, Illinois, USA 62708-3841, Telephone (217) 544-7419 e mail: fpierce@ameritech.net
  • Scripture Truth Publications in Northumberland, UK.
  • Stem Publishing — a source of Brethren writings in electronic media.
  • Bible Truth Publishers > [10]
  • Christian Year Publications, The Glebe House, Stanton Drew, Bristol UK, BS39 4EH


  • Adams, Norman - Goodbye, Beloved Brethren. (1972, Impulse Publications Inc) ISBN 0901311138
  • Coad, F. Roy - A History of the Brethren Movement: Its Origins, Its Worldwide Development and Its Significance for the Present Day. (2001, Regent College Publishing) ISBN 1573831832
  • Ironside, H. A. - Historical Sketch of the Brethren Movement. (1985,Loizeaux Brothers) ISBN 0872133443
  • Neatby, William Blair - A History of the Plymouth Brethren, (1901); Reprinted by Tentmaker Publications [11] covers the first seventy years of the Brethren movement.
  • Pickering, Henry, Chief Men Among the Brethren, (1st ed. 1918 London: Pickering & Inglis), Loizeaux Brothers, Inc. Neptune, NJ, 1996, ISBN 0872137988
  • Smith, Natan Dylan. - Roots, Renewal and the Brethren. (1996, Hope Publishing House) ISBN 0932727085
  • Strauch, Alexander. - Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Leadership. (1995, Lewis & Roth Publishers) ISBN 0936083115
  • Stunt, Timothy C. F., From awakening to secession : radical evangelicals in Switzerland and Britain, 1815-35, Edinburgh : T&T Clark, 2000, ISBN 0567087190

Research libraries