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{{Infobox WoT detainees
{{Infobox WoT detainees
| subject_name = Zayn al Abidin Muhammad Husayn
| subject_name = Zayn al Abidin Muhammad Husayn<ref name="abu">Mickum, Brent. [[The Guardian]], [http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2009/mar/30/guantanamo-abu-zubaydah-torture The truth about Abu Zubaydah], March 30, 2009</ref>
| image_name =
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| image_size = 220px
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| image_caption =
| image_caption = Abu Zubaydah is the highest-ranking [[al-Qaida]] leader in U.S. custody
| date_of_birth = {{Birth date|1971|3|12}}
| date_of_birth = {{Birth date|1971|3|12}}
| place_of_birth =
| place_of_birth =
| date_of_death =
| date_of_death =
| place_of_death =
| place_of_death =
| detained_at = [[Guantanamo Bay detention camp|Guantanamo]]
| detained_at = [[Guantanamo Bay detention camp|Guantanamo]]
| id_number = 10016
| id_number = 10016
| group =
| group =
| alias = Abu Zubaydah<br> زين العابدين محمد حسين<br>
| alias = Abu Zubaydah<br> زين العابدين محمد حسين<br>
| charge = no charge, held in [[extrajudicial detention]]
| charge = no charge, held in [[extrajudicial detention]]
| penalty =
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| spouse =
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'''Abu Zubaydah''' ({{lang-ar|ابو زبيدة}}; born 12 March 1971 as '''Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn''') is currently in U.S. custody in [[Guantánamo Bay (Cuba)|Guantanamo Bay]], [[Cuba]], as a detainee in the war on Terror. Zubaydah's name is often [[transliteration|transliterated]] as '''Abu Zubaidah''', '''Abu Zubeida''', or '''Abu Zoubeida'''. Born '''Zein al-Abideen Mohamed Hussein''' (Arabic: زين العابدين محمد حسين), he is also known by over thirty-five [[Pseudonym|alias]]es.
'''Abu Zubaydah''' ({{lang-ar|ابو
زبيدة}}; born 12 March 1971 as '''Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn''') was, according to [[United States|American]] authorities, a high-ranking member of [[al-Qaida]] and close associate of [[Osama bin Laden]]. He is currently in U.S. custody in [[Guantánamo Bay (Cuba)|Guantanamo Bay]], [[Cuba]]. Zubaydah's name is often [[transliteration|transliterated]] as '''Abu Zubaidah''', '''Abu Zubeida''', or '''Abu Zoubeida'''. Born '''Zein al-Abideen Mohamed Hussein''' (Arabic: زين العابدين محمد حسين), he is also known by over thirty-five [[Pseudonym|alias]]es.

==Biography and roles in terrorism==
==Biography and His Early Years in Afghanistan==
Born in [[Saudi Arabia]], Abu Zubaydah moved to Afghanistan in 1991 to assist the [[mujahideen]] in their fight against the Afghan and Soviet Communists.<ref name="FinnAndWarrick">[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/03/28/AR2009032802066.html Peter Finn and Joby Warrick, ''Detainee's Harsh Treatment Foiled No Plots'' The Washington Post, March 29, 2009]</ref> In 1992, while fighting for the [[mujahideen]] Abu Zubaydah was injured from a mortar shell blast which left shrapnel in his head and caused severe memory loss, as well as the loss of his ability to speak for over one year.<ref name="CsrtAbuZubaydahVerbatimTranscript">[http://www.defenselink.mil/news/transcript_ISN10016.pdf Abu Zubaydah Unclassified Verbatim Combatant Status Review Tribunal Transcript, Department of Defense]</ref><ref name="EggenPincusFBICIADebate">[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/17/AR2007121702151_pf.html Dan Eggen and Walter Pincus, ''FBI, CIA Debate Significance of Terror Suspect: Agencies Also Disagree On Interrogation Methods'' The Washington Post, Dec. 18, 2007]</ref><ref name="SuskindOnePercent">Ron Suskind, ''The One Percent Doctrine: Deep Inside America's Pursuit of Its Enemies Since 9/11'' Simon & Schuster, 2006</ref> Abu Zubaydah eventually became involved in the jihad training camp known as the [[Khalden Camp]].
Born in [[Saudi Arabia]], Abu Zubaydah has been close to al-Qaida since the group's early years, helping to operate a popular terrorist training camp near the border between [[Afghanistan]] and [[Pakistan]] in the early 1990s. He became an associate of [[Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi]], and served as a chief recruiter for al-Qaida.

The [[Khalden Camp]] has been described by the U.S. Government as an al-Qaeda training facility -- an assertion that has been utilized as evidence of Abu Zubaydah's, and over 50 other Guatanamo detainees' alleged connection to al-Qaeda.<ref name="CsrtAbuZubaydahVerbatimTranscript"/><ref>[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khalden_training_camp Wikipedia: Khalden Camp]</ref> This allegation has been contested, however, by multiple detainees, the 9/11 Commission Report, and [[Brynjar Lia]], head of the international terrorism and global jihadism at the [[Norwegian Defence Research Establishment]].<ref name="CsrtAbuZubaydahVerbatimTranscript"/><ref name="KhalidCsrt">[http://www.dod.mil/pubs/foi/detainees/csrt_arb/Set_1_0001-0097.pdf Khalid Sulaymanjaydh Al Hubayshi Unclassified Verbatim Combatant Status Review Tribunal Transcript, Pgs. 65-73 Department of Defense]</ref><ref name="NoorUthmanCsrt">[http://www.dod.mil/pubs/foi/detainees/csrt_arb/Set_38_2608-2628.pdf Noor Uthamn Muhammed Unclassified Verbatim Combatant Status Review Tribunal, Pg. 15, Department of Defense]</ref><ref name="9/11CommissionReport">[http://www.gpoaccess.gov/911/pdf/fullreport.pdf ''9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States'' July 22, 2006]</ref><ref name="GlobalJihad">[http://books.google.com/books?id=WJefraeEKs4C&pg=PA242&lpg=PA242&dq=brynjar+lia+khalden+camp&source=bl&ots=3SqJD2tq9c&sig=dnbTxJ4SbsNKQiY_qosYHLbe1JA&hl=en&ei=c8_5SduyF4_SNMHfpLUE&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1 Brynjar Lia, ''Architect of Global Jihad: The Life of Al-Qaida Strategist Abu Mus'ab al-Suri'' pg. 242-243, Columbia University Press, 2008]</ref> Abu Zubaydah testified in his Combatant Status Review Tribunal that the Khalden Camp was at such odds with al-Qaeda and Bin Laden that is was closed by the Taliban in 2001, at the request of al-Qaeda.<ref name="CsrtAbuZubaydahVerbatimTranscript"/> This account was corroborated by two other detainees, [[Noor Uthman Muhammed]], who was alleged by the U.S. Government to have been the emir, or leader, of the Khalden Camp, and a close friend of Abu Zubaydah, [[Khalid Sulayman Jaydh Al Hubayshi]].<ref name="KhalidCsrt"/><ref name="NoorUthmanCsrt"/> Brynjar Lia also states in his book that there was an ideological conflict between the leaders of the Khalden Camp on one side, and the Taliban and al-Qaeda on the other.<ref name=GlobalJihad/> Abu Zubaydah, Khalid Sulayman Jaydh Al Hubayshi, and Noor Uthman Muhammed confirmed this divide in their CSRT testimony.<ref name="CsrtAbuZubaydahVerbatimTranscript"/><ref name="KhalidCsrt"/><ref name="NoorUthmanCsrt"/> Of the 57 detainees the U.S. Government has associated with the [[Khalden Camp]], 27 have been released, including Abu Zubaydah's good friend Khalid Sulayman Jaydh Al Hubayshi.<ref name="GuantanamoDocket">[http://projects.nytimes.com/guantanamo New York Times Guantanamo Docket]</ref>
According to a [[BBC news]] profile of Zubaydah, before his capture "few photographs of him were in existence, [and] he had used at least 37 aliases and was considered a master of disguise."<ref name=bbc>{{cite news | url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/5321900.stm | title=Profile: Abu Zubaydah | author=BBC News}}</ref>

==Pre-9/11 Terrorism Allegations==
In the late 1990s, Abu Zubaydah played a lead role in one of the [[2000 millennium attack plots]], and a possible tangential role in a second. There were plans to bomb a fully booked [[Radisson]] hotel in [[Amman]], [[Jordan]], and three other sites. This targeted tourists from the [[United States]] and [[Israel]]. But on November 30, 1999, Jordanian intelligence intercepted a call between Abu Zubaydah and [[Khadr Abu Hoshar]], a [[Palestinian]] militant, and determined that an attack was imminent. Jordanian police arrested 22 conspirators and foiled the attack. Abu Zubaydah was sentenced to death [[in absentia]] by a Jordanian court for his role. There is also evidence that Abu Zubaydah approved the Los Angeles airport bomb plot in 2000. This plot was also foiled.
By 1999, the U.S. Government was attempting to run surveillance on Abu Zubaydah.<ref name="PressTrustIndia">[http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-4648752_ITM ''Pak leadership under Sharif offered to try to capture Osama'' The Press Trust of India Ltd. Through Asia Pulse. March 28, 2004] (Access My Library Link, requires free membership)</ref> By March of 2000, United States officials were reporting that Abu Zubaydah was a "senior bin Laden official", the "former head of Egypt-based Islamic Jihad", a "trusted aide" to bin Laden with "growing power", who had "played a key role in the East Africa embassy attacks."<ref name="DavidVise">[http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-513940.html David A. Vise and Lorraine Adams, ''Bin Laden Weakened, Officials Say'' The Washington Post. March 11, 2000] (Highbeam News Database Link, requires free membership)</ref>

Internationally Abu Zubaydah was convicted in absentia by a Jordanian court for his alleged role in plots to bomb U.S. and Israeli targets in Jordan.<ref name="JamalHalaby">[http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-26114220.html Jamal Halaby, ''Arabs of Terror Linked to bin Laden'' AP News Online] (Highbeam News Database Link, requires free membership)</ref> A senior Middle East security official stated Abu Zubaydah had directed the Jordanian cell and was part of “bin Laden’s inner circle."<ref name="TraineesInTerror">[http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=20000305&slug=4008236 ''Trainees in Terror'' The Seattle Times, Sunday, March 5, 2000]</ref> In August, 2001 a classified FBI report entitled “Bin Laden determined to strike in U.S.”, which would not become public until much later, stated that the foiled millennium bomber, Ahmed Ressam, had confessed that Abu Zubaydah had not only encouraged him to blow up the Los Angeles airport, but had facilitated his mission.<ref name="BinLadenReport">[http://edition.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/04/10/august6.memo/index.html ''Transcript: Bin Laden determined to Strike in US'' CNN.com, Saturday April 10, 2004]</ref> The report also claims Abu Zubaydah was planning his own attack on the U.S.<ref name=BinLadenReport/> An unclassified FBI report also stated that Ahmed Ressam attempted to buy a laptop for Abu Zubaydah.<ref name="ElaineGanley">[http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-80592999.html Elaine Ganley, ''Terror Plot Took Typical Path'' AP Online, December 19, 2001] (Highbeam News Database Link, requires free membership)</ref> Despite all of these supposed connections, when Ahmed Ressam went to trial in December 2001 federal prosecutors did not attempt to link him to Abu Zubaydah.<ref name=ElaineGanley/>
In March 2001, [[Condoleezza Rice]] was informed by the [[Central Intelligence Agency|CIA]] that Zubaydah was planning a major operation in the near future. This was one of the first of many reports in the spring of 2001 that increased the threat level and indicated that an attack was coming. Many of these reports mentioned Zubaydah by name. The attack finally came in the form of the [[September 11, 2001 attacks]].

==Capture and Detention==
The U.S. government believes he became al-Qaeda's top military strategist following the death of [[Muhammad Atef]] in November 2001. A later plot to [[Paris embassy terrorist attack plot|bomb the U.S. embassy in Paris]] failed.
On March 28, 2002, CIA and FBI agents, in conjunction with Pakistani intelligence services, raided several safe houses in Pakistan looking for terrorists and members of al-Qaeda.<ref name="GuantanamoFiles">Andy Worthington ''The Guantanamo Files'' Pluto Press, 2007</ref><ref name="TimMcGirk">[http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,227584,00.html Tim McGirk, ''Anatomy of a Raid'' TIME Magazine, April 8, 2002]</ref><ref name="JohnBurns">[http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A00EFDA123CF937A25757C0A9649C8B63 John Burns, ''A NATION CHALLENGED: THE FUGITIVES, In Pakistan’s Interior, A Troubling Victory in Hunt for Al Qaeda'' New York Times, April 14, 2002]</ref><ref name="AntiTerrorRaid">[http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=20020403&slug=zub03 ''Anti-terror raids yield bonanza for U.S. intelligence'' Seattle Times, April 2, 2002]</ref> Abu Zubaydah was apprehended from one of the targeted safe houses in [[Faisalabad]], Pakistan.<ref name="GuantanamoFiles"/><ref name="TimMcGirk"/><ref name="JohnBurns"/><ref name="AntiTerrorRaid"/><ref name="KumarArun">[http://www.hindustantimes.com/StoryPage/StoryPage.aspx?id=04859c7f-8276-4944-acf6-cebaaf311614&MatchID1=55&TeamID1=1&TeamID2=7&MatchType1=5&SeriesID1=1&MatchID2=56&TeamID3=5&TeamID4=8&MatchType2=5&SeriesID2=1&PrimaryID=55&Headline=US+imposes+sanctions+on+f Arun Kumar, ''US imposes sanctions on four Lashkar-e-Toiba leaders'' Hindustan Times, May 28, 2008]</ref> During his apprehension he was shot in the thigh, the groin, and the stomach with rounds from an AK-47 assault rifle.<ref name="GuantanamoFiles"/><ref name="BrianRoss">[http://abcnews.go.com/images/Blotter/brianross_kiriakou_transcript1_blotter071210.pdf Brian Ross, ''CIA- Abu Zubaydah: Interview with John Kiriakou: Transcript'' ABC News, December 10, 2007]</ref><ref name="JJGreen">[http://www.wtop.com/?sid=1368866&nid=251 J.J. Green, ''Former CIA Officer: Waterboarding is Wrong, but it Worked'' WTOPnews.com, March 20, 2008]</ref><ref name="Bush2006Speech">[http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/09/20060906-3.html ''President George Bush, Speech'' September 6, 2009]</ref> He was taken by the CIA to a Pakistani hospital nearby and treated for his wounds where the doctor who attended him admitted to John Kiriakou, the co-leader of the CIA group that apprehended Abu Zubaydah, that he had never before seen a patient survive such severe wounds.<ref name="BrianRoss"/>

It is unclear how the Government found Abu Zubaydah. U.S. officials claimed he was tracked down after making a phone call to al-Qaeda leaders in Yemen.<ref name="TedBridis">[http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-52457420.html Ted Bridis ''U.S. Will Seek Death Penalty In Spy Case'' The Columbian, April 20, 2002] (Highbeam News Database Link, requires free membership)</ref> However, this has been questioned by a C.I.A. official who stated that the U.S. paid $10 million to the Pakistani government in order to find Abu Zubaydah.<ref name="TheDarkSide">Jane Meyer, ''The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned Into a War on American Ideals'' Doubleday Publishing, July 15, 2008</ref> Also, Saudi Arabian officials claimed Abu Zubaydah was captured after intelligence gleaned during an interrogation by their GSS.<ref name="Nowaf Obaid">[http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-404238.html Nowaf Obaid, ''The Saudis’ Fight Too: We’re on the same side in the war on terror'' The Washington Post, December 26, 2002] (Highbeam News Database Link, requires free membership)</ref> However, it would be reported in 2008 that Deuce Martinez, a C.I.A. analyst had played an integral role in narrowing down Abu Zubaydah’s supposed hideouts to the 14 targeted by the joint raids.<ref name="ScottShaneInside9/11Mastermind">[http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/22/washington/22ksm.html?_r=1&pagewanted=1 Scott Shane, ''Inside a 9/11 mastermind’s interrogation'' New York Times, June 22, 2008]</ref> Abu Zubaydah was turned over to the CIA<ref name="DanFroomkin">[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/blog/2007/12/18/BL2007121800862.html Dan Froomkin, ''Bush’s Exhibit A for Torture'' The Washington Post December 18, 2007]</ref><ref name="DanaPriestCIAHolds">[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/11/01/AR2005110101644.html Dana Priest, ''CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons'' The Washington Post, November 2, 2005]</ref> which flew in a doctor from John Hopkins University to ensure he would not succumb to his wounds during transit out of Pakistan.<ref name="ScottShaneInside9/11Mastermind"/>
American intelligence officials alleged, in October 2001, that six Arab men, living in [[Bosnia and Herzegovina|Bosnia]], had been plotting to bomb the U.S. Embassy in [[Sarajevo]], because they believed one of these men had made calls to a phone number in Afghanistan that had once been used by Zubaydah.

While in CIA custody he was transferred to CIA operated prisons in Pakistan, Thailand, Afghanistan, Poland, and Northern Africa.<ref name="DickMarty">[http://assembly.coe.int/CommitteeDocs/2007/Emarty_20070608_NoEmbargo.pdf Dick Marty, ''Secret detentions and illegal transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member states: Second report'' Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, June 7, 2007]</ref><ref name="RossAndEsposito">[http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/Investigation/story?id=1375123 Brian Ross and Richard Esposito, ''EXCLUSIVE: Sources Tell ABC News Top Al Qaeda Figures Held in Secret CIA Prisons'' ABC News, December 5, 2005]</ref><ref name="CIAShuffledPrisoners">[http://www.globalpulse.net/archives/security/cia_shuttled_pr_000087.php ''CIA Shuffled Prisoners Out of Poland'' Global Pulse December 5, 2005]</ref><ref name="JasonBurke">[http://observer.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,1237589,00.html Jason Burke, ''Secret World of U.S. Jails'' Observer, June 13, 2004]</ref><ref name="EnforcedDisappearance">[http://www.reprieve.org.uk/documents/FinalReprieveFASCExecutiveSummary.pdf ''Enforced Disappearance, Illegal Interstate Transfer, and Other Human Rights Abuses Involving the UK Overseas Territories: Executive Summary'' Reprieve]</ref> In September 2006, President George W. Bush gave a speech in which he stated that Abu Zubaydah and eleven other high value detainees had been transferred to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and would be tried by military commissions.<ref name="Bush2006Speech"/>
Middle East sources have told the [[Associated Press]] Abu Zubaydah developed a unique talent in mortars and other heavy weaponry that attracted the attention of bin Laden. He was apparently named bin Laden's second deputy in 1995, responsible for screening recruits and devising terrorist plans. Where bin Laden and deputy Ayman al-Zawahri would set policy, Abu Zubaydah would implement it. U.S. officials said when the inner circle would order the bombing of an embassy, Abu Zubaydah would select the embassy, cell and method of attack. [[Ahmed Ressam]], convicted April 2001 of smuggling, terrorist conspiracy and other charges in the Los Angeles millennium plot, described Abu Zubaydah's role as a recruiter during court testimony. "He is the person in charge of the camps. He receives young men from all countries. He accepts you or rejects you. And he takes care of the expenses for the camps. He makes arrangements for you when you travel coming in or leaving," Ressam said. Prospective recruits in Pakistan would meet Abu Zubaydah, who would assign them to camps. When they finished training, he placed them in cells overseas. Zubaydah is also believed to have been a field commander for the October 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen, in which 17 U.S. sailors were killed, and intelligence and police officials have linked him to at least five al Qaeda plots. Middle East sources said Abu Zubaydah helped set up the terrorist cell in Jordan charged with carrying out the millennium plot to attack American and Israeli targets.<ref name=assocpress>{{cite news | url=http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/03/30/terror/main505014.shtml | title=Bin Laden Deputy Profiled | author=The Associated Press | date=2002-04-03}}</ref>

==U.S. Government Media Accounts of Abu Zubaydah Following His Capture==
==Capture and detention==
After Abu Zubaydah's capture, officials from the U.S. Government spoke out publicly about Abu Zubaydah's value as a source of intelligence and his supposed role in al-Qaeda. However, as would later be reported in 2009, the U.S. Government's depiction of Abu Zubaydah was overly inflated and he was, as Justice Department Officials stated, "[t]he above ground support... To make him the mastermind of anything is ridiculous",<ref name="FinnAndWarrick"/> a "personnel clerk",<ref name="ScottShaneDivisionsArose">[http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/18/world/middleeast/18zubaydah.html?ref=global-home Scott Shane, ''Divisions Arose on Rough Tactics for Qaead Figure'' The New York Times, April 17, 2009]</ref> a "logistics chief",<ref name="ConyersTranscript">[http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-33608853_ITM ''Transcript of Representative John Conyers Jr. Hearing on C.I.A.’s Destruction of Tapes'' Political/Congressional Transcript Wire, December 20, 2007] (Access My Library Link, requires free membership)</ref> and a travel agent."<ref name="SuskindOnePercent"/>
[[Image:Safe house in Faisalabad where Abu Zubaydah was captured.jpg|thumb|Safe house in Faisalabad where Abu Zubaydah and several other important captives were captured.]]

In 2002, following his capture, a former State Department director of counter-terrorism, Michael Sheehan, said he saw Abu Zubzaydah as being “sinister” and that “[t]here is evidence that he is a planner and a manager as well. I think he’s a major player.” <ref name="InsiderReport">[http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-51764739.html ''Report: Insider May Testitfy On Zubaydah'' April 2, 2002] (Highbeam News Database Link, requires free membership)</ref> John B. Bellinger III declared Abu Zubaydah “extremely dangerous” and a planner of 9/11 in a June 2007 briefing on Guantanamo Bay.<ref name="USHelsinkiCommission">[http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-31338935_ITM ''United States Helsinki Commission Briefing Transcript'' Political/Congressional Transcript Wire, June 22, 2007] (Access My Library Link, requires free membership)</ref> A former station chief for the CIA, Bob Grenier, claimed he “spent two and a half years of [his] life casing Abu Zubaydah” and claims Abu Zubaydah was a trainer, a recruiter, understood bomb-making, was a forger, a logistician, and some who made things happen, and made “al-Qaeda function.”<ref name="VideoTranscriptGTMO">[http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-18437742_ITM ''Transcript of Video News Story on Guantanamo Bay with Kelli Arena Reporting'' CNN, September 24, 2006] (Access My Library Link, requires free membership)</ref>
In 2002, U.S. intelligence located Abu Zubaydah by tracing his phone calls. He was captured March 28, 2002, in a [[al Qaida safe house, Faisalabad|safehouse]] located in a two story apartment in [[Faisalabad]], Pakistan. <ref name="HindustanTimes20080528">
{{cite news
| url=http://www.hindustantimes.com/StoryPage/StoryPage.aspx?id=04859c7f-8276-4944-acf6-cebaaf311614&MatchID1=55&TeamID1=1&TeamID2=7&MatchType1=5&SeriesID1=1&MatchID2=56&TeamID3=5&TeamID4=8&MatchType2=5&SeriesID2=1&PrimaryID=55&Headline=US+imposes+sanctions+on+f
| title=US imposes sanctions on four Lashkar-e-Toiba leaders
| publisher=[[Hindustan Times]]
| author=[[Arun Kumar]]
| date=May 28, 2008
| accessdate=2008-05-25
| quote=LeT}}</ref> Zubaydah is also suspected of involvement in attacks in New Delhi in October 2005, and in Bangalore in December 2005. In March 2002, Zubaydah was captured at a LeT safe house in Faisalabad, Pakistan by the Pakistani [[ISI]] and the CIA's [[Special Activities Division]].<ref>^ http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/22/washington/22ksm.html?pagewanted=3 </ref><ref>[http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hindustantimes.com%2FStoryPage%2FStoryPage.aspx%3Fid%3D04859c7f-8276-4944-acf6-cebaaf311614%26MatchID1%3D55%26TeamID1%3D1%26TeamID2%3D7%26MatchType1%3D5%26SeriesID1%3D1%26MatchID2%3D56%26TeamID3%3D5%26TeamID4%3D8%26MatchType2%3D5%26SeriesID2%3D1%26PrimaryID%3D55%26Headline%3DUS%2Bimposes%2Bsanctions%2Bon%2Bf&date=2008-05-28 mirror]</ref>
He was shot three times in a firefight, including a wound to the groin and a wound to the thigh. He was treated by a doctor flown in from [[John Hopkins University]]<ref name="abu"/> for these wounds and then transferred to the [[CIA prison system]] and relocated to Thailand.<ref name=abcnews>{{cite news | url=http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/Investigation/story?id=1375123 | title=EXCLUSIVE: Sources Tell ABC News Top Al Qaeda Figures Held in Secret CIA Prisons | author=BRIAN ROSS and RICHARD ESPOSITO | publisher=ABC News | date=2005-12-05}}</ref> Several other detainees who face charges before [[Guantanamo military commission|military commissions]] were captured at the same time as Abu Zubaydah. His capture with [[Abdul Zahir (Guantanamo detainee 753)|Abdul Zahir]] is one of the factors in favour of his continued detention.<ref name=CsrtAbdulZahir>[http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/foi/detainees/csrt/Set_12_1179-1239.pdf Summarized transcripts (.pdf)], from [[Abdul Zahir (Guantanamo detainee 753)|Abdul Zahir's]] ''[[Combatant Status Review Tribunal]]'' pages 1-8</ref>

On April 2, 2002 then Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, stated in a Department of Defense press briefing “I don’t think there’s any doubt but a man named Abu Zubaydah is a close associate of UBL’s, and if not the number two, very close to the number two person in the organization. I think that’s well established.”<ref name="DoDNewsBrief040202">[http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-25210130_ITM ''Department of Defense News Briefing'' April 2, 2002] (Access My Library Link, requires free membership)</ref> Mr. Rumsfeld also stated Abu Zubadaydah was “a very senior al Qaeda official who has been intimately involved in a range of activities for the al Qaeda.”<ref name="GerryGilmore">[http://www.defenselink.mil/news/newsarticle.aspx?id=44203 Gerry Gilmore ''Rumsfeld Confirms Capture of Senior Al Qaeda Leader'' Department of Defense, April 2, 2002]</ref> On April 3, 2002 in another press conference, Mr. Rumsfeld stated the United States was responsible for Abu Zubaydah’s detention.<ref name="RumsfeldTranscript040302">[http://www.defenselink.mil/transcripts/transcript.aspx?transcriptid=3390 Donald Rumsfeld ''News Transcript'' Department of Defense, April 3, 2002]</ref> Mr. Rumsfeld declared Abu Zubaydah was a “very senior al Qaeda operative.”<ref name="RumsfeldTranscript040302"/> During this same two week period in April 2002, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer described Abu Zubaydah as a “key terrorist recruiter and operational planner and member of Osama bin Laden’s inner circle.”<ref name="BBCNewsProfile">[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/1907462.stm ''Profile: Abu Zubaydah'' BBC News, April 2, 2002]</ref> He further claimed the capture of AZ was a “very serious blow” to al-Qaeda and that one of al-Qaeda's “many tentacles" was "cut off.”<ref name="NewsRecap">[http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-84361428.html ''World: United States'' Western Mail, April 3, 2002]</ref> Finally, on April 9, 2002 President George W. Bush declared in a speech at the Connecticut Republican Committee Luncheon that Abu Zubaydah was “one of the top operatives plotting and planning death and destruction on the United States.”<ref name="Bush04092002Speech">[http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/04/20020409-8.html George W. Bush ''Remarks by the President at Connecticut Republican Committee Luncheon'' White House website, April 9, 2002]</ref> He also stated in a speech at the Virginia Military Institute, on April 17, 2002 that Abu Zubaydah was “one of al-Qaeda’s top leaders” who was “spending a lot of time as one of the top operating officials of al Qaeda, plotting and planning murder.”<ref name="BushVMIComments">George W. Bush’s Remarks at the Virginia Military Institute, April 17, 2002</ref> In June 6, 2002 during his address to the nation, President Bush stated Abu Zubaydah was “al Qaeda’s chief of operations.”<ref name="BushStateOfUnion2002">[http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/06/20020606-8.html George W. Bush, ''Remarks by the President in Address to the Nation'' White House website, June 6, 2002]</ref> Come October 2002 George W. Bush stated in a speech at a dinner for Thaddeus McCotter that “Abu Zubaydah was one of the top three leaders” in al-Qaeda.<ref name="BushThaddeusComments">[http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/10/20021014-3.html George W. Bush ''Remarks by the President at Thaddeus McCotter for Congress Dinner'' White House website, October 14, 2002]</ref>
While in U.S. custody, Abu Zubaydah was [[waterboarding|waterboarded]] at least 83 times in August 2002.<ref>[http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_INTERROGATION_MEMOS_SENATE?SITE=CAVEN&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT]</ref><ref>[http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20071212.WORLD12-1/TPStory/TPInternational/America/ globeandmail.com: World<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref><ref>[http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/paperchase/2007/12/cia-requests-doj-probe-into.php]</ref><ref>[http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/paperchase/2008/02/cia-chief-confirms-use-of-waterboarding.php]</ref> Such information was used by the Canadian government in seeking to uphold the 'security certificate' of [[Mohamed Harkat]]. Participating in his interrogation were two American psychologists, James Elmer Mitchell and R. Scott Shumate.<ref>[http://www.democracynow.org/2007/7/30/rorschach_and_awe_as_opposition_grows Democracy Now! | Rorschach and Awe: As Opposition Grows Over the APA's Policy Allowing Psychologists to Take Part in Military Interrogations, Vanity Fair Exposes How Two Psychologists Shaped the CIA's...<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref><ref>[http://www.democracynow.org/blog/2007/12/10/the_destroyed_cia_torture_tapes_psychologists Democracy Now! | The Destroyed CIA Torture Tapes & Psychologists<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> In February 2004, he stated that [[Abu Turab Al-Urduni]] had married [[Ayman al-Zawahiri]]'s daughter.<ref>Intelligence report, interrogation of [[Abu Zubaydah]], Feb. 18 2004</ref>

Numerous anonymous U.S. officials have also made allegations against Abu Zubaydah in the press, including:<br>
On September 6, 2006, President Bush announced at a [[White House]] speech that "[[Khalid Sheikh Mohammed]], Abu Zubaydah, [[Ramzi bin al-Shibh]], and 11 other terrorists in [[Black site|CIA custody]] have been transferred to the [[Guantanamo Bay Naval Base|United States Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay]]." Bush stated that Zubaydah and others would face trial in a [[Guantanamo military commission|military tribunal]].<ref name=bushspeech>{{cite news | url=http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/09/20060906-3.html | title=President Discusses Creation of Military Commissions to Try Suspected Terrorists | date=2006-09-06}}</ref>

He was a “senior bin Laden official” and the “former head of Egypt-based Islamic Jihad.”<ref name="DavidVise"/><br>
During his own [[Combatant Status Review Tribunal]], in 2004, [[Ibrahim Mahdy Achmed Zeidan]] told his Tribunal that, during their interrogation, some captives had been shown pictures they were told were the scars left on Abu Zubaydah by his interrogation.<ref name=CsrtIbrahimMaydyAchmedZeidan> [http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/foi/detainees/csrt/Set_11_1145-1178.pdf#33 Summarized transcripts (.pdf)], from [[Ibrahim Mahdy Achmed Zeidan]]'s''[[Combatant Status Review Tribunal]]'' - page 33</ref>
He “played a key role in the East Africa embassy attacks.”<ref name="DavidVise"/><br>
He was listed as a “trusted aide” to bin Laden with “growing power.”<ref name="DavidVise"/><br>
| '''Q:''' ||
Western officials believed al-Qaeda may have been under the control of Abu Zubaydah.<ref name="Calabresi">[http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/time/2002/03/11/next.html Massimo Calabresi and Romesh Ratnesar, ''Can we stop the next attack?'' CNN News, March 4, 2002]</ref><br> Abu Zubaydah was an aide of bin Laden who ran training camps in Afghanistan and “coordinated terror cells in Europe and North America.”<ref name="Calabresi"/><br>
You told us about a man named Abu Zubaydah and how he said false things about you. You mentioned he was tortured to say those things. Can you tell us more about that and how you know that happened?
Abu Zubaydah was a “key terrorist recruiter, operational planner, and member of Osama Bin Laden’s inner cicrcle.”<ref name="WhosWho">[http://news.bbc.co.uk/nolpda/ukfs_news/hi/newsid_2780000/2780525.stm ''Who’s Who in al-Qaeda?'' BBC News]</ref><br>
Abu Zubaydah was “bin Laden’s CEO”,<ref name="NickSchou">[http://www.ocweekly.com/2001-10-11/news/one-degree-of-separation/ Nick Schou ''One Degree of Separation'' Orange County Weekly, October 11, 2001]</ref> “a central figure in Al Qaeda”,<ref name="MarliseSimons">[http://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/04/world/nation-challenged-france-ninth-man-held-suspected-plot-against-paris-embassy.html Marlise Simons ''A NATION CHALLENGED: FRANCE; Ninth Man Held in Suspected Plot Against Paris Embassy'' New York Times, October 4, 2001]</ref> and a “bin Laden lieutenant.”<ref name="APTopNews100501">[http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-47362355.html ''AP Top News at 8 p.m. EDT'' Associated Press, October 5, 2001]</ref><br>
| '''A:''' ||
Abu Zubaydah is Bin Laden’s “travel planner.”<ref name="BinLadenVideos">[http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-80592999.html ''Bin Laden Videos Suggest Location'' The Cincinnati Post, December 5, 2001]</ref><br>
In his statement he never said he was tortured, that's impossible. We know from the American interrogators, not only me, but also a lot of other detainees on this island know that he was subject to a lot of torture. There was a picture of him, I didn't see it, and someone else did showing the signs of torture on his body. Another detainee saw an article in a magazine, I don't remember which one, he read that American interrogators said he was under psychological pressure and was in a special holding place.
Abu Zubaydah is one of bin Laden’s “confidants.”<ref name="SchmittAndEckholm">[http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C03E3D71639F935A35752C0A9649C8B63 Eric Schmitt and Erik Eckholm ''A NATION CHALLENGED: THE HUNTED; U.S. Takes Custody of a Qaeda Trainer Seized by Pakistan'' New York Times, January 6, 2002]</ref><br>
Abu Zubaydah is “one of a handful of men entrusted with running the terrorism network in the event of Osama bin Laden’s death or capture.”<ref name="PhilipShenon">[http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F01EEDD103BF930A15752C0A9649C8B63 Philip Shenon ''A NATION CHALLENGED: BALKAN TRAIL; U.S. Labels an Arab Captive a Planner of Qaeda Attacks'' New York Times, January 23, 2002]</ref> <br>
Abu Zubaydah was a senior bin Laden lieutenant who was believed “to be organizing al Qaida resources to carry out attacks on American targets.”<ref name="GlobalImpactNewsAlert">[http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-82887691.html ''Global Impact News Alert. U.S. Seeks New Head of Al Qaida Anti-American Operations'' United Press International, February 15, 2002] (Highbeam News Database Link, requires free membership)</ref><br>
Abu Zubaydah was the fourth ranking member of al Qaida behind Bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and Muhamed Atef.<ref name="GlobalImpactNewsAlert"/><br>
Abu Zubaydah was the “successor as chief of operations for al Qaida” after Muhamed Atef’s death.<ref name="GlobalImpactNewsAlert"/><br>
Abu Zubaydah knows the identities of “thousands” of terrorists that passed through al Qaida training camps in Afghanistan.<ref name="GlobalImpactNewsAlert"/><br>
Abu Zubaydah briefed Richard Reid, the shoe-bomber.<ref name="BBCProfileZubaydah">[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/1907462.stm ''Profile: Abu Zubaydah'' BBC News, April 2, 2002]</ref><br>
Abu Zubaydah was one of bin Laden’s top planners of terrorist operations who knew of al Qaida plots and cells.<ref name="BankTerror">[http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-84981557.html ''BANK TERROR ATTACK FEAR; Warning issued after interview'' Birmingham Evening Mail, April 20, 2002]</ref><br>
Abu Zubaydah was captured after he made a cell phone call to al-Qaeda leaders in Yemen.<ref name="TedBridis"/><br> Abu Zubaydah stated al-Qaeda knew how to smuggle a dirty-bomb into the United States.<ref name="AlQaedaDirtyBomb">[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/1945765.stm ''Al-Qaeda claims ‘dirty bomb’ know-how'' BBC News, April 23, 2002]</ref> Abu Zubaydah’s information was further proof al-Qaeda was attempting to acquire weapons of mass destruction.<ref name="AlQaedaDirtyBomb"/><br>
Abu Zubaydah is the “connection between bin Laden and many of al-Qaida’s operational cells.”<ref name="JohnLumpkin">[http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-52527138.html John J. Lumpkin ''Al-Qaida Captive Talks Of Terror'' AP News, April 24, 2002]</ref><br>
Abu Zubaydah is linked to plots to detonate apartment buildings.<ref name="NYTerrorAlert">[http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2002/05/23/ny-alert.htm ''NY terror alert came from bin Laden aide'' USA Today, May 23, 2002]</ref><br>
Abu Zubaydah confirmed the fourth September 11 flight, UA 93, was intended to hit the White House.<ref name="BushFacesDissent">[http://edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0205/23/mlld.00.html ''Bush Faces Dissent on European Trip'' CNN News Transcripts, May 23, 2002]</ref><ref name="BushNoPlans">[http://archives.cnn.com/2002/US/05/23/gen.war.on.terror/index.html ''Bush: ‘No war plans on my desk’ for Iraq'' CNN.com, May 23, 2002]</ref> (His claim is contradicted by Khalid Sheikh Mohamed and Ramzi Bin al Shibh though, who stated UA 93 was on its way to the capitol, not the White House.)<ref name="JohnLumpkinAlQaidaChiefs">[http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-95918094.html John J. Lumpkin ''Many Al-Qaida Chiefs Remain Unreachable'' The Cincinnati Post, December 27, 2002]</ref><br>
Osama bin Laden wrote a handwritten note to Abu Zubaydah in December, 2001.<ref name="CNNPaulaZahn">[http://premium.edition.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0207/01/ltm.02.html ''CNN American Morning With Paula Zahn'' CNN.com, July 1, 2002]</ref> The letter allegedly tells Abu Zubaydah to continue fighting the United States if bin Laden passes away.<ref name="CNNPaulaZahn"/><ref name="TravelWatch">[http://tvnz.co.nz/view/tvnz_portable_story_skin/112640 ''Travel Watch'' ONE News, July 1, 2002]</ref><br>
Abu Zubaydah told U.S. officials that Iraq and al-Qaeda were linked in the training of people on chemical weapons.<ref name="HutchesonAndKuhnhenn">[http://www2.jsonline.com/news/nat/sep02/83149.asp Ron Hutcheson and James Kuhnhenn ''Iraq deal with Congress nears, Bush says'' Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, September 26, 2002]</ref> (The officials noted there was no independent verification of this claim.)<ref name="HutchesonAndKuhnhenn"/><br>

Despite all of these allegations the U.S. Government has not officially charged Abu Zubaydah with any crimes.<ref name="CurrentChargeSheets">[http://www.defenselink.mil/news/commissions.html Department of Defense Military Commissions Cases Website, April 30, 2009]</ref>
==Criticisms of U.S. intelligence and interrogation techniques used on him==

==Abu Zubaydah's Value as a Source of Intelligence==
Zubaydah's detention, interrogation and importance have been the subject of debate and criticism. President Bush dedicated a whole section of a national speech to Zubaydah's capture and interrogation and revealed the extent to which American intelligence sources considered him a valuable source. Critics have also questioned Zubaydah's importance, arguing that he was insane or that the interrogation techniques amounted to torture and that the confessions were lies to avoid further discomfort. They also contend that even if his confessions were accurate, their importance has been over-stated or they were not acted upon because they endanger US relationships with various Middle East rulers, particularly the Saudis.
When Abu Zubaydah was captured, the Bush Administration believed he was an unparalleled source of intelligence on al-Qaeda and terrorism plots. Abu Zubaydah was touted as the biggest catch of the War on Terror until the capture of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.<ref name="9/11MastermindNabbed">[http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/03/02/terror/main542459.shtml ''Alleged 9-11 Mastermind Nabbed'' CBS News, March 1, 2003]</ref> Immediately after Abu Zubaydah’s capture the director of the FBI stated Abu Zubzaydah’s capture would help deter future attacks.<ref name="NewsSummary">[http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F0DE5DB1E3AF937A35757C0A9649C8B63 ''NEWS SUMMARY: Arrest May Deter Attacks'' New York Times, April 4, 2002]</ref> Also, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer stated Abu Zubaydah could provide a treasure-trove of information about al-Qaeda.<ref name="NewsRecap"/> Donald Rumsfeld echoed these sentiments claiming Abu Zubaydah was “a man who knows of additional attacks”, who has “trained people to do this”, and was a big fish who had a fountain of knowledge.<ref name="RumsfeldTranscript040302"/>

An anonymous U.S. official claimed Abu Zubaydah was an incredible source of information claiming “One Abu Zubaydah is worth a ton of guys at Gitmo.”<ref name="TerrorismNotebook">[http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=20030111&slug=notebook11 ''Terrorism Notebook. More attacks have been prevented, officials say'' Seattle Times, January 11, 2003]</ref> In February 2008, C.I.A. director Michael Hayden admitted that he believed information gleaned from Abu Zubaydah’s interrogation “led to reliable information”, that Abu Zubaydah was a “prolific producer” of information,<ref name="BlissAndCapaccio">Jeff Bliss and Tony Capaccio, ''Iraq Group May Attack Outside Nation, McConnell Says'' Bloomberg.com, February 5, 2008</ref> and that roughly 25 percent of the information on al Qaeda that came from human sources originated from Abu Zubaydah.<ref name="EspositoAndRyan">[http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/TheLaw/story?id=4244423&page=1 Richard Esposito and Jason Ryan ''CIA Chief: We Waterboarded. ABC News, February 5, 2008]</ref> Hayden stated Abu Zubaydah was one of three individuals “best positioned to know about impending terrorist atrocities.”<ref name="WhiteHousePerverseArgument">[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/blog/2008/02/07/BL2008020701681_pf.html ''The White House’s Perverse Argument: Opinion Watch'' The Washington Post, February 7, 2008]</ref>
===Bush speech of September 2006===

In April, 2002 after being briefed on Abu Zubaydah’s interrogations, Porter J. Goss, the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said “[t]he Abu Zubaydah story is a good one, with more to come.”<ref name="PhilipShenonMideastTurmoil">[http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9401EFDD123EF935A15757C0A9649C8B63 Philip Shenon ''MIDEAST TURMOIL: INTELLIGENCE; Officials Say Qaeda Suspect Has Given Useful Information'' New York Times, April 26, 2002]</ref> Richard C. Shelby described Abu Zubaydah as someone who was “carefully trained in techniques of disinformation.”<ref name="PhilipShenonMideastTurmoil"/> Nancy Pelosi, the senior Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee would describe Abu Zubaydah as being “very skilled at avoiding interrogation. He is an agent of disinformation.”<ref name="AmandaRipley">[http://archives.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/05/27/time.decoding/index.html Amanda Ripley ''A look at the evolution of a terrorist-attack warning: one part truth, one part rumor and one part fear'' CNN.com, May 27, 2002]</ref>
In the speech, Bush disclosed details of Zubaydah's detention:
:''Within months of September the 11th, 2001, we captured a man known as Abu Zubaydah. We believe that Zubaydah was a senior terrorist leader and a trusted associate of Osama bin Laden. Our intelligence community believes he had run a terrorist camp in Afghanistan where some of the 9/11 hijackers trained, and that he helped smuggle al Qaeda leaders out of Afghanistan after coalition forces arrived to liberate that country. Zubaydah was severely wounded during the firefight that brought him into custody -- and he survived only because of the medical care arranged by the CIA.''

While Abu Zubaydah would provide important intelligence on the War on Terror, his value as an intel source was greatly inflated, much like his role in the global terror network, as noted below.
:''After he recovered, Zubaydah was defiant and evasive. He declared his hatred of America. During questioning, he at first disclosed what he thought was nominal information -- and then stopped all cooperation. Well, in fact, the "nominal" information he gave us turned out to be quite important. For example, Zubaydah disclosed [[Khalid Sheikh Mohammed]] -- or KSM -- was the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks, and used the alias "Muktar." This was a vital piece of the puzzle that helped our intelligence community pursue KSM. Abu Zubaydah also provided information that helped stop a terrorist attack being planned for inside the United States -- an attack about which we had no previous information. Zubaydah told us that al Qaeda operatives were planning to launch an attack in the U.S., and provided physical descriptions of the operatives and information on their general location. Based on the information he provided, the operatives were detained -- one while traveling to the United States.''

===Exploitation of Abu Zubaydah's Value===
:''We knew that Zubaydah had more information that could save innocent lives, but he stopped talking. As his questioning proceeded, it became clear that he had received training on how to resist interrogation. And so the CIA used an alternative set of procedures. These procedures were designed to be safe, to comply with our laws, our Constitution, and our treaty obligations. The Department of Justice reviewed the authorized methods extensively and determined them to be lawful. I cannot describe the specific methods used -- I think you understand why -- if I did, it would help the terrorists learn how to resist questioning, and to keep information from us that we need to prevent new attacks on our country. But I can say the procedures were tough, and they were safe, and lawful, and necessary.''
President Bush personally used Abu Zubaydah’s perceived “value” as a detainee to justify the use of the CIA's harsher interrogation techniques<ref name="Bush092006Speech">[http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/06/washington/06bush_transcript.html?pagewanted=all ''George W. Bush September 2006 Speech'' September 2006]</ref> as well as Abu Zubaydah’s detention in secret C.I.A. prisons around the world,<ref name="BushConcedesCIA">[http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5776107 ''Bush Concedes CIA Held Suspects in Secret Prisons'' NPR, September 6, 2006]</ref> such as Thailand,<ref name="RaymondBonner">[http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9404EEDD1439F93BA35755C0A9659C8B63 Raymond Bonner ''THREATS AND RESPONSES: SOUTHEAST ASIA; Thailand Tiptoes in Step With the American Antiterror Effort'' New York Times, June 8, 2003]</ref> Poland, <ref name="EuropeanReport">[http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2007-06-08-cia-secret-prisons_N.htm ''Report: Europeans knew of CIA secret prisons'' USA Today, June 8, 2007]</ref><ref name="ElaineGanleySecretPrisons">[http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2003739662_webciaprisons08.html Elaine Ganley ''CIA ran secret prisons in Poland and Romania, EU investigator says'' Seattle Times, June 8, 2007]</ref> and Diego Garcia.<ref name="DiegoGarcia">[http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/10/19/europe/EU-GEN-Britain-Diego-Garcia.php ''Lawmakers to examine claims Indian Ocean island used in secret prison network'' International Herald Tribune, October 19, 2007]</ref>

In a speech in 2006, President Bush claimed that Abu Zubaydah initially revealed useful intelligence, including information that allegedly helped foil a terrorist attack on American soil, but that Abu Zubaydah became uncooperative.<ref name="Bush092006Speech"/> It was only then, he reported, that an “alternative set of procedures” was used on Abu Zubaydah in order to gain valuable intelligence and were “safe and lawful.”<ref name="Bush092006Speech"/> He also stated that Abu Zubaydah had received training in how to resist interrogation, and thus more aggressive techniques were mandated.<ref name="Bush092006Speech"/> These claims directly conflict with the reports of the original F.B.I. agents tasked with interrogating Abu Zubaydah who had been receiving crucial pieces of information from him without the use of harsher techniques<ref name="TheDarkSide"/><ref name="SoufanOpEd"/><ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/>, as well as other government officials.<ref name="FinnAndWarrick"/><ref name="NYTimesProfileZubaydah">[http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/z/abu_zubaydah/index.html ''Abu Zubaydah'' New York Times, April 20, 2009]</ref> The President further asserted in his speech that after the harsher interrogation techniques were applied, Abu Zubaydah renewed his cooperation and provided information that helped capture an alleged planner of the September 11th attacks, Ramzi bin al Shibh,<ref name="Bush092006Speech"/> and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind behind the September 11th attacks.<ref name="Bush092006Speech"/> It has been revealed that the information Abu Zubaydah gave on these two terrorists had already been gleaned by U.S. intelligence months before Abu Zubaydah’s capture.<ref name="SoufanOpEd"/><ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/><ref name="MarkMazettiQuestionsRaised">[http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/08/washington/08intel.html?n=Top/Reference/Times%20Topics/Subjects/A/Armament,%20Defense%20and%20Military%20Forces Mark Mazetti ''Questions Raised About Bush’s Primary Claims in Defense of Secret Detention System'' New York Times, September 8, 2006]</ref>
:''Zubaydah was questioned using these procedures, and soon he began to provide information on key al Qaeda operatives, including information that helped us find and capture more of those responsible for the attacks on September the 11th. For example, Zubaydah identified one of KSM's accomplices in the 9/11 attacks -- a terrorist named [[Ramzi Binalshibh]]. The information Zubaydah provided helped lead to the capture of bin al Shibh. And together these two terrorists provided information that helped in the planning and execution of the operation that captured Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.''<ref name=bushspeech>{{cite news | url=http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/09/20060906-3.html | title=President Discusses Creation of Military Commissions to Try Suspected Terrorists | date=2006-09-06}}</ref>

Despite the contentions that Abu Zubaydah’s confessions may not have been accurate, President Bush reiterated the value of Abu Zubaydah’s information when he signed an executive order in July 2007 allowing harsh interrogation tactics “limited in public only by a vaguely worded ban on cruel and inhuman treatment.”<ref name="KatherineShrader">[http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2007/07/20/national/w152930D58.DTL&type=politics Katherine Shrader ''Bush Alters Rules for CIA Interrogations'' San Francisco Chronicle, July 20, 2007]</ref> President Bush would also later veto an intelligence funding bill which included a provision to restrict harsher interrogation techniques, including waterboarding.<ref name="BushVetoes">[http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/03/09/2184262.htm?section=world ''Bush vetoes move to outlaw waterboarding'' ABC News Australia, March 9, 2008]</ref>
===Controversy regarding the importance of his confessions===
[[Image:CommissionReportOnTravel.jpg|thumb|300px|A sample page of footnotes from the [[9/11 Commission]] shows the degree to which it relied on Zubaydah's statements]]
Bush claimed that Zubaydah gave information that lead to al Shibh's capture. Bush's claim that Zubaydah revealed Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's importance and his nickname "Mukhtar" has been criticized by the ''Washington Post'', which noted that "What the DNI documents<ref name=dnipdf>{{cite news | url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/nation/documents/TheHighValueDetaineeProgram.pdf | title=Office of the Director of National Intelligence: Summary of the High Value Terrorist Detainee Program (PDF)|format=PDF}}</ref> [which Bush's claim was based on] also do not mention is that the CIA had identified Mohammed's nickname in August 2001, according to the Sept. 11 commission report. The commission found that the agency failed to connect the information with previous intelligence identifying Mukhtar as an al-Qaeda associate plotting terrorist attacks, and identified that failure as one of the crucial missed opportunities before Sept. 11."<ref name=postdni>{{cite news | url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/09/06/AR2006090602142_pf.html | title=Secret World of Detainees Grows More Public | author=Dan Eggen and Dafna Linzer | publisher=Washington Post | date=2006-09-07}}</ref>

====The Iraq War====
According to the 9/11 Commission Report, "The final piece of the puzzle arrived at the CIA's Bin Ladin unit on August 28 in a cable reporting that KSM's nickname was Mukhtar. No one made the connection to the reports about Mukhtar that had been circulated in the spring. This connection might also have underscored concern about the June reporting that KSM was recruiting terrorists to travel, including to the United States."<ref>[http://www.9-11commission.gov/report/911Report_Ch8.pdf#page=24 9/11 Commission Report (Page 277)]</ref> According to the [[Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001]], "Prior to September 11...the Intelligence Community, however, relegated Khalid Shaykh Mohammed (KSM) to rendition target status...[and] focused primarily on his location, rather than his activities and place in the al-Qa’ida hierarchy...Collection efforts were not targeted on information about KSM that might have helped better understand al-Qa’ida’s plans and intentions, and KSM’s role in the September 11 attacks was a surprise to the Intelligence Community."<ref name=jointcongress>{{cite news | url=http://a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/24jul20031400/www.gpoaccess.gov/serialset/creports/pdf/conclusions.pdf | title=Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001: ABRIDGED FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS page 4 (PDF) | date=December 2002|format=PDF}}</ref>
The U.S. Government used questionable intel from Abu Zubaydah in order to justify the invasion of Iraq. U.S. officials stated that the allegations that Iraq and al-Qaeda were linked in the training of people on chemical weapons came from Abu Zubaydah.<ref name="HutchesonAndKuhnhenn"/><ref name="BushSaysIraq">[http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-7430560_ITM ''Bush Says He and Congress Will Band Together on Iraq; Capitol Hill Still Sour'' Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News, September 27, 2002] (Access My Library Link, requires free membership)</ref> The officials noted there was no independent verification of his claims.<ref name="HutchesonAndKuhnhenn"/><ref name="BushSaysIraq"/> The U.S. Government included statements made by Abu Zubaydah in regards to al Qaeda’s ability to obtain a dirty bomb in its attempts to show a link between Iraq and al Qaeda.<ref name="FritzUmbach">[http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2006/04/13/document_dump/ Fritz Umbach ''Bush’s bogus document dump'' The Salon, April 13, 2006]</ref> According to a Senate Intelligence Committee report Abu Zubaydah also “indicated that he had heard that an important al Qaeda associate, Abu Musab al Zarqawi, and others had good relationships with Iraqi intelligence.”<ref name="StephenHayes">[http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/004/803czhfn.asp?pg=2 Stephen F. Hayes ''The Rice Stuff?'' The Daily Standard, October 20, 2004]</ref> However, in June, 2003 Abu Zubaydah and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed were reported as stating there was no link between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda.<ref name="DiamondAndNichols">[http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2003-06-08-cia-usat_x.htm John Diamond and Bill Nichols ''CIA in spotlight over reports leading to war'' June 8, 2003]</ref><ref name="JamesRisen">[http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D0DE4D61539F93AA35755C0A9659C8B63 James Risen ''THREATS AND RESPONSES: C.I.A.; Captives Deny Qaeda Worked With Baghdad'' New York Times, June 9, 2003]</ref>
The ''New York Times'' reported that "American officials had identified Mr. bin al-Shibh’s role in the attacks months before Mr. Zubaydah’s capture. A December 2001 federal grand jury indictment of Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called 20th hijacker, said that Mr. Moussaoui had received money from Mr. bin al-Shibh and that Mr. bin al-Shibh had shared an apartment with Mohamed Atta, the ringleader of the plot."

====The Military Commissions Act====
CIA spokesman Paul Gimigliano responded to this criticism, stating that the agency had vetted the president’s speech and stood by its accuracy, stating "Abu Zubaydah was the authoritative source who identified Khalid Shaikh Mohammed as the mastermind of 9/11 and the man behind the nickname Muktar...His position in Al Qaeda — his access to terrorist secrets — gave his reporting exceptional weight and it gave C.I.A. insights that were truly unique and vital. Abu Zubaydah not only identified Ramzi Bin al-Shibh as a 9/11 accomplice — something that had been done before — he provided information that helped lead to his capture."<ref name=nytimeszubaydah>{{cite news | url=http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/08/washington/08intel.html | title=Questions Raised About Bush’s Primary Claims in Defense of Secret Detention System | author=MARK MAZZETTI | publisher=New York Times | date=2006-09-08}}</ref>
President Bush also asked Congress in a speech in September 2006 to formulate special rules in order to try Abu Zubaydah via military commission in Guantanamo Bay.<ref name="WarrenRichey">[http://www.csmonitor.com/2006/0915/p01s02-usju.html?s=widep Warren Richey ''‘Alternative’ CIA tactics complicate Padilla case'' Christian Science Monitor, September 15, 2006]</ref> In fact, in late April 2002 less than one month after Abu Zubaydah’s capture, Justice Department officials stated Abu Zubaydah “is a near-ideal candidate for a tribunal trial.”<ref name="NeilALewis">[http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D04E2DE103FF932A15757C0A9649C8B63 Neail A. Lewis ''A NATION CHALLENGED: THE DETAINEES; U.S. Is Seeking Basis to Charge War Detainees'' New York Times, April 21, 2002]</ref> However, only several months later US Officials acknowledged there was “no rush” to try Abu Zubaydah via military commission.<ref name="FrankDavies">[http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-8932707_ITM Frank Davies ''U.S. readies tribunals for terrorism trials'' The Miami Herald, December 26, 2002]</ref> In September 2006, President Bush stated in an interview that if Congress could pass a “good bill” out of the Senate in regards to setting up a military commission system, then Abu Zubaydah “is going to go on trial.”<ref name="BushCNNInterview">[http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-18409075_ITM Wolf Blitzer ''Interview of George W. Bush'' CNN, September 20, 2006]</ref> The U.S. Government has yet to try Abu Zubaydah by military commission, article 3 court, or in any other capacity.

====The Bush Administration's Domestic Spying Program====
According to a [[Time (magazine)|Time]] magazine article published on September 15, 2002, Abu Zubaydah also gave interrogators information that led to the capture of [[Omar al-Faruq]]. The magazine published, "According to one regional intelligence memo, the CIA had been told of al-Faruq's role by Abu Zubaydah, the highest ranking al-Qaeda official in U.S. custody and a valuable, if at times manipulative, source of intelligence on the terror network and its plans. Initially, al-Faruq was not as cooperative."<ref>{{cite news | url=http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,351169,00.html | title=Confessions of an al-Qaeda Terrorist | publisher=Time | date=2002-09-15}}</ref>
In addition to justifying the use of presently illegal torture techniques, the Bush administration used Abu Zubaydah’s capture as justification to accelerate its domestic spying program to allow quick action on the phone numbers and addresses seized during Abu Zubaydah’s capture.<ref name="RisenAndLichtblau">[http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/12/16/news/spy.php?page=2 James Risen and Eric Lichtblau ''Bush altered rules on spying'' International Herald Tribune, December 17, 2005]</ref> Inexplicably the NSA expanded its surveillance beyond the numbers seized during Abu Zubaydah’s capture.<ref name="AzizHug">[http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-26038899_ITM Aziz Huq ''Who’s watching whom?'' League of Women Voters, October 1, 2006]</ref> The spying program would later be revamped in order to make it legal.<ref name="TheDarkSide"/>

==The FBI Interrogation of Abu Zubaydah: Pre-CIA==
Zubaydah's interrogations are cited frequently in the [[9/11 Commission Report]], although he is the sole person to make many of the claims. [[Human Rights Watch]] noted that "The 9/11 Commission report refers to the intelligence reports of seven interrogation sessions with Zubayda, dating from February 2002 to April 2004."<ref>{{cite news | url=http://www.hrw.org/backgrounder/usa/us1004/7.htm | title=The United States’ "Disappeared": The CIA’s Long-Term “Ghost Detainees” (A Human Rights Watch Briefing Paper: VII. Annex: Eleven Detainees in Undisclosed Locations) | publisher=Human Rights Watch |date=October 2004}}</ref>
Following Abu Zubaydah’s capture he was interrogated by FBI agents Ali Soufan and Steve Gaudin.<ref name="TheDarkSide"/><ref name="SoufanOpEd">[http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/23/opinion/23soufan.html Ali Soufan ''My Tortured Decision'' New York Times, April 22, 2009]</ref><ref name="SoufanNewsweek">[http://www.newsweek.com/id/195089 Michael Isikoff '''We Could Have Done This the Right Way''' Newsweek, April 25, 2009]</ref> The interrogation followed standard FBI protocol and involved cleaning and dressing Abu Zubaydah’s wounds.<ref name="SoufanOpEd"/><ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/><ref name="DavidJohnston">[http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/10/washington/10detain.html?pagewanted=1 David Johnston ''At a Secret Interrogation, Dispute Flared Over Tactics'' New York Times, September 10, 2006]</ref><ref name="InspectorGeneralReport">[http://www.usdoj.gov/oig/special/s0805/final.pdf ''A Review of the FBI’s Involvement and Observations of Detainee Interrogation in Guantanamo Bay, Afghanistan, and Iraq'' Department of Justice: Office of the Inspector General, May 2008]</ref> Ali Soufan stated in a Newsweek article in April, 2009 "We kept him alive... It wasn't easy, he couldn't drink, he had a fever. I was holding ice to his lips."<ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/> The agents attempted to convince Abu Zubaydah that they knew of his activities in languages he understood; English and Arabic.<ref name="DavidJohnston"/><ref name="InspectorGeneralReport"/> Both agents believed they were making good progress in gathering intelligence from Abu Zubayda: He disclosed Khalid Sheihkh Muhamed’s alias, “Mukhtar,” as well as other details of the attacks on New York and Washington D.C.<ref name="TheDarkSide"/><ref name="SoufanOpEd"/><ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/><ref name="PeterGrier">[http://www.csmonitor.com/2008/0523/p03s01-usmi.html?page=1 Peter Grier ''Detainee treatment: new details'' Christian Science Monitor, May 23, 2008]</ref> Abu Aubzaydah also revealed the identity of Jose Padilla to the FBI agents.<ref name="TheDarkSide"/><ref name="SoufanOpEd"/><ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/><ref name="MazettiAndJohnston">[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/09/washington/09zubaydah.html?pagewanted=2&ref=world Mark Mazzetti "Inquiry Begins Into Destruction of Tapes" New York Times, December 9, 2007]</ref>

==FBI and CIA Clash Over Interrogation Tactics==
According to retired Army general Wayne Downing, the Bush administration's deputy national security adviser for combating terrorism until he resigned in June 2002, "The interrogations of Abu Zubaydah drove me nuts at times...He and some of the others are very clever guys. At times I felt we were in a classic counter-interrogation class: They were telling us what they think we already knew. Then, what they thought we wanted to know. As they did that, they fabricated and weaved in threads that went nowhere. But, even with these ploys, we still get valuable information and they are off the street, unable to plot and coordinate future attacks."<ref>{{cite news | url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A37943-2002Dec25?language=printer | title=U.S. Decries Abuse but Defends Interrogations | publisher=Washington Post | author=Dana Priest and Barton Gellman | date=2002-12-26}}</ref>
Within a matter of days a CIA interrogation team began participating in Abu Zubaydah’s interrogation.<ref name="EggenPincusFBICIADebate"/><ref name="TheDarkSide"/><ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/><ref name="DavidJohnston"/> The CIA team included CIA contractor and former Air Force psychologist James Mitchell.<ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/><ref name="AmyGoodman">[http://www.democracynow.org/2008/7/18/the_dark_side_jane_mayer_on Amy Goodman ''The Dark Side: Jane Mayer on the Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned Into a War on American Ideals, Interview Transcript'' Democracy Now, July 18, 2008]</ref> Within days James Mitchell took over the interrogations from Soufan and Gaudin.<ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/> Mitchell ignored Soufan's previously successful strategy and ordered that Abu Zubaydah answer questions or face a gradual increase in aggressive techniques.<ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/> Soufan asked Mitchell whether he had ever interrogated anyone, to which Mitchell replied that he hadn't, but "Science is science. This is a behavioral issue" and suggested Soufan was the inexperienced one at the facility.<ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/>

Mitchell strongly believed in his interrogation methods and applied them to Abu Zubaydah.<ref name="AmyGoodman"/> Mitchell believed that Abu Zubaydah must be treated “like a dog in a cage.”<ref name="TheDarkSide"/> He stated the interrogation “was like an experiment, when you apply electric shocks to a caged dog, after a while, he’s so diminished, he can’t resist.”<ref name="TheDarkSide"/> Soufan was so engraged at the tactics being contemplated by the CIA that he challenged a CIA agent's authority to go through with them, shouting "We're the United States of America, and we don't do that kind of thing."<ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/> The CIA agent told him in April 2002 that the tactics were approved by the "highest levels" in Washington, and even stated that the approvals "are coming from [Alberto] Gonzales."<ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/> FBI agents Ali Soufan and Steve Gaudin were replaced, but were allowed to stay on and observe the CIA’s interrogation.<ref name="EggenPincusFBICIADebate"/><ref name="TheDarkSide"/><ref name="DavidJohnston"/> Ali Soufan was alarmed by the CIA’s interrogation tactics.<ref name="EggenPincusFBICIADebate"/><ref name="TheDarkSide"/><ref name="SoufanOpEd"/><ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/><ref name="DavidJohnston"/> He reported to his FBI superiors that the CIA’s interrogation constituted “borderline torture.”<ref name="InspectorGeneralReport"/> He was particularly concerned about a coffin-like box he discovered that had been built by the CIA interrogation team.<ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/> He was so angry he called the FBI Assistant Director for counterterrorism, Pasquale D'Amaro and shouted "I swear to God, I'm going to arrest these guys!"<ref name="TheDarkSide"/><ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/><ref name="IsikoffHosenballAndHirsh">[http://www.newsweek.com/id/74317 Michael Isikoff, Mark Hosenball and Michael Hirsh ''Aggressive interrogation techniques of terror suspects is under scrutiny'' Newsweek, December 17, 2007]</ref> After Soufan’s complaints to the FBI Counterterrorism Assistant Director Pasquale D’Amuro were communicated to the CIA, both FBI agents were ordered to leave the facility immediately by FBI Director Robert Mueller.<ref name="SoufanOpEd"/><ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/><ref name="InspectorGeneralReport"/><ref name="MarkMazetti">[http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/25/washington/25detain.html Mark Mazzetti ''Bush Aides Linked to Talks on Interrogations'' New York Times, September 24, 2008]</ref> Ali Soufan left, but Steve Gaudin stayed an additional few weeks and continued to participate in the interrogation.<ref name="InspectorGeneralReport"/>
On December 18, 2007 the ''[[Washington Post]]'' reported on an ongoing debated between the FBI and CIA over Abu Zubaydah's role, and the value of information derived from coercive interrogation techniques.<ref name=WashingtonPost20071218>
{{cite news
| url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/17/AR2007121702151_pf.html
| title=FBI, CIA Debate Significance of Terror Suspect: Agencies Also Disagree On Interrogation Methods
| pages=page A01
| publisher=[[Washington Post]]
| author=[[Dan Eggen]], [[Walter Pincus]]
| date= December 18, 2007
| accessdate=2007-12-19
[[Daniel Coleman]] a retired FBI official involved in his interrogation, commented that, after the CIA's use of coercive methods:
{{quotation|"I don't have confidence in anything he says, because once you go down that road, everything you say is tainted. He was talking before they did that to him, but they didn't believe him. The problem is they didn't realize he didn't know all that much."}}

Shortly thereafter Pasquale D'Amaro met with officials from the Department of Justice as well as the Attorney General Office’s Criminal Division concerning the FBI’s participation in CIA interrogations of terrorism suspects.<ref name="InspectorGeneralReport"/> During this meeting D’Amuro learned that the CIA had requested an opinion from the Department of Justice regarding the proposed use of certain types of interrogation techniques.<ref name="InspectorGeneralReport"/> D’Amuro met with FBI director Robert Mueller III and told him the FBI should not participate in interrogations using harsh techniques because FBI protocol prohibited agents from being involved.<ref name="InspectorGeneralReport"/> Robert Mueller III agreed with D’Amuro and ordered all FBI agents to stop participating in any interrogations where the CIA used harsh interrogation techniques.<ref name="EggenPincusFBICIADebate"/><ref name="TheDarkSide"/><ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/><ref name="DavidJohnston"/><ref name="InspectorGeneralReport"/><ref name="MarkMazetti"/><ref name="WalterPincus">[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/02/05/AR2008020502979.html Walter Pincus ''Pakistan Is Threatened, Intelligence Chief Says'' The Washington Post, February 6, 2008]</ref> In 2008, a report by the Justice Department’s Inspector General alleged the FBI complained repeatedly beginning in 2002 about harsh CIA tactics. Top FBI officials apparently debated for six months after Abu Zubaydah’s capture as to what to do, before formally severing ties with any CIA interrogations where harsh tactics were used.<ref name="LichtblauAndShane">[http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/05/20/america/gitmo.php Eric Lichtblau and Scott Shane ''FBI clashed with CIA and military over interrogation tactics'' International Herald Tribune, May 20, 2008]</ref>
==="The One Percent Doctrine" criticizes US intelligence reliance on him ===

==The CIA Interrogation of Abu Zubaydah==
In June 2006, [[Simon & Schuster]] published a book titled ''[[The One Percent Doctrine]]'' authored by [[Ron Suskind]]. In the book, Suskind writes that sources in the intelligence community revealed to him that Abu Zubaydah knew nothing about the operations of al-Qaeda, but rather was al-Qaeda's go-to guy for minor logistics such as travel for wives and children. Suskind notes that Zubaydah turned out to be mentally ill, keeping a diary "in the voice of three people: Hani 1, Hani 2, and Hani 3" -- a boy, a young man and a middle-aged alter ego. The book also quotes Dan Coleman, then the FBI's top al-Qaeda analyst, telling a senior bureau official, "This guy is insane, certifiable, split personality." According to Suskind, this judgment was "echoed at the top of CIA and was, of course, briefed to the President and Vice President," yet two weeks later Bush gave a speech and labeled Zubaydah as "one of the top operatives plotting and planning death and destruction on the United States." Suskind also writes about how the CIA abused Zubaydah to get him to talk.<ref name=post>{{cite news | title=The Shadow War, In a Surprising New Light | date=2006-06-20 | publisher=Washington Post | url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/19/AR2006061901211_pf.html}}</ref>
The CIA interrogation strategies were based off work done by James Elmer Mitchell and Bruce Jessen in the Air Force's Survival Evasion Resistance Escape (SERE) program.<ref name="BrianRoss"/><ref name="TheDarkSide"/><ref name="CIA1000Specialists">[http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=7471217&page=1 Brian Ross, Matthew Cole, and Joseph Rhee ''The CIA's $1000 a Day Specialists on Waterboarding, Interrogations'' ABC News, April 30, 2009]</ref><ref name="PsychologistsResponsible">[http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/04/30/report-psychologists-responsible-devising-cia-torture-program/ ''Report: Two Psychologists Responsible for Devising CIA Torture Program'' Fox News, April 30, 2009]</ref><ref name="KatherineEban">[http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/features/2007/07/torture200707 Katherine Eban ''Rorschach and Awe'' Vanity Fair, July 17, 2007]</ref><ref name="WarrickAndFinn">[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/21/AR2009042104055_2.html?sid=ST2009042101921 Joby Warrick and Peter Finn ''Harsh Tactics Readied Before Their Approval'' The Washington Post, April 22, 2009]</ref> The CIA contracted with the two psychologists to develop alternative, harsh interrogation techniques.<ref name="BrianRoss"/><ref name="TheDarkSide"/><ref name="CIA1000Specialists"/><ref name="KatherineEban"/><ref name="PsychologistsResponsible"/> However, neither of the two psychologists had any experience in conducting interrogations.<ref name="CIA1000Specialists"/><ref name="PsychologistsResponsible"/><ref name="KatherineEban"/><ref name="EbanTortureMemos">[http://www.vanityfair.com/online/politics/2009/04/torture-memos-link-lawyers-and-psychologists.html Katherine Eban, ''Torture Memos Link Lawyers and Psychologists'' Vanity Fair, April 17, 2009]</ref> Air Force Reserve Colonel Steve Kleinman stated that the CIA "chose two clinical psychologists who had no intelligence background whatsoever, who had never conducted an interrogation... to do something that had never been proven in the real world."<ref name="PsychologistsResponsible"/><ref name="KatherineEban"/><ref name="EbanTortureMemos"/> Associates of Mitchell and Jessen were skeptical of their methods and believed they did not possess any data about the impact of SERE training on the human psyche.<ref name="KatherineEban"/> The CIA came to learn that Mitchell and Jessen's expertise in waterboarding was probably "misrepresented" and thus, there was no reason to believe it was medically safe or effective.<ref name="CIA1000Specialists"/> Despite these shortcomings of experience and know-how, the two psychologists boasted of being paid $1000 a day plus expenses, tax-free by the CIA for their work.<ref name="CIA1000Specialists"/><ref name="PsychologistsResponsible"/><ref name="KatherineEban"/>

The SERE program, which Mitchell and Jessen would reverse engineer, was originally designed to be defensive in nature and was used to train pilots and other soldiers on how to resist harsh interrogation techniques and torture were they to fall into enemy hands.<ref name="TheDarkSide"/><ref name="KatherineEban"/> The program subjected trainees to torture techniques such as “waterboarding . . . sleep deprivation, isolation, exposure to extreme temperatures, enclosure in tiny spaces, bombardment with agonizing sounds at extremely damaging decibel levels, and religious and sexual humiliation.”<ref name="CIAGhostDetainees">[http://www.hrw.org/backgrounder/usa/us1004/index.htm ''United States’ “Disappeared” CIA Long-term “Ghost Detainees”'' Human Rights Watch, October 2004]</ref> Under CIA supervision, Miller and Jessen adapted SERE into an offensive program designed to train CIA agents on how to use the harsh interrogation techniques to gather information from terrorist detainees.<ref name="BrianRoss"/><ref name="TheDarkSide"/><ref name="KatherineEban"/> In fact, all of the tactics listed above would later be reported in the International Committee of the Red Cross Report on Fourteen High Value Detainees in CIA Custody as having been used on Abu Zubaydah.<ref name="ICRC">[http://www.nybooks.com/icrc-report.pdf ''International Committee of the Red Cross Report on the Treatment of Fourteen "High Value Detainees" in CIA Custody'' International Committee of the Red Cross, February 2007]</ref><ref name="DerekSummerfield">[http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-23137424_ITM Derek Summerfield ''Fighting “terrorism” with torture: torture is a form of terrorism: there are no justifications for it'' British Medical Journal, April 12, 2003]</ref>
However, one anonymous counterterrorism official criticized Suskind's book, telling the [[Washington Times]] "A lot of information is simply wrong." The unnamed official told the ''Times'' that Zubaydah was "crazy like a fox" and was a senior planner inside al Qaeda who has provided critical information on how Osama bin Laden's group works.<ref name=times>{{cite news | title=Inside the Ring | date=2006-06-23 | publisher=Washington Times | url=http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20060623-120321-3409r_page2.htm}}</ref> And John McLaughlin, former acting CIA director, has also stated, "I totally disagree with the view that the capture of Abu Zubaydah was unimportant. Abu Zubaydah was woven through all of the intelligence prior to 9/11 that signaled a major attack was coming, and his capture yielded a great deal of important information."<ref name=situationroom>{{cite news | url=http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0606/20/sitroom.02.html | title=Transcript for THE SITUATION ROOM with Wolf Blitzer | date=2006-06-20}}</ref>

The psychologists relied heavily on experiments done by American psychologist Martin Seligman in the 1970s known as “learned helplessness.”<ref name="AmyGoodman"/> In these experiments caged dogs were electrocuted in a random way in order to completely break their will to resist.<ref name="AmyGoodman"/> Mitchell and Jessen applied this idea to Abu Zubaydah during his interrogation.<ref name="TheDarkSide"/><ref name="AmyGoodman"/> Many of the interrogation techniques used in the SERE program, including waterboarding, cold cell, long-time standing, and sleep deprivation were previously considered illegal under U.S. and international law and treaties at the time of Abu Zubaydah’s capture.<ref name="EnforcedDisappearance"/><ref name="WalterPincusWaterboarding">[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/04/AR2006100402005.html Walter Pincus, ''Waterboarding Historically Controversial'' The Washington Post, October 5, 2006]</ref> In fact, the United States had prosecuted Japanese military officials after World War II and American soldiers after the Vietnam War for waterboarding and as recently as 1983.<ref name="WalterPincusWaterboarding"/> Since 1930, the United States had defined sleep deprivation as an illegal form of torture.<ref name="TheDarkSide"/> Many other techniques developed by the CIA constitute inhuman and degrading treatment and torture under the United Nations Convention against Torture and Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights.<ref name="EnforcedDisappearance"/>
In an interview with the Washington Times, Suskind stood by his book, saying "[Bush] clearly oversold the importance of the first major capture. That is undeniable." He maintained that Zubaydah was in fact crazy, stating that "The real debate now is how democracy is really challenged in terms of transparency and accountability when it is fighting a war that will largely be conducted going forward in secrecy." When asked specifically by [[Wolf Blitzer]] about the useful information Zubaydah allegedly provided, Suskind replied, "I show in the book exactly the useful information he provided, and at the same time I show that essentially what happened is we tortured an insane man and jumped screaming at every word he uttered, most of them which were nonsense."<ref name=situationroom>{{cite news | url=http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0606/20/sitroom.02.html | title=Transcript for THE SITUATION ROOM with Wolf Blitzer | date=2006-06-20}}</ref> In an interview with [[Salon.com]], Suskind stated "we did get some things of value from Abu Zubaydah. We found out that 'Muktar' -- the brain, that's what it means in Arabic -- was Khalid Sheik Mohammed. That was valuable for a short period of time for us. We were then able to go through the SIGINT [signal intelligence], the electronic dispatches over the years, and say, 'OK, that's who 'Muktar' is."<ref name=suskind2>{{cite news | title= "We tortured an insane man"| date=2006-09-09 | publisher=Salon | url=http://salon.com/news/feature/2006/09/07/suskind/index.html}}</ref>

===Top U.S. Officials Approve Enhanced Interrogation Techniques===
Suskind also claims in his book that [[al-Jazeera]] reporter [[Yosri Fouda]] had information about the possible locations of [[Khalid Sheikh Mohammed]] and [[Ramzi bin al-Shibh]], and that this information was passed to the [[Hamad bin Khalifa]], the [[Emir]] of [[Qatar]], who in turn passed it to then-CIA director [[George Tenet]]. Suskind claims this is what led both al-Qaeda operatives to their ultimate capture. In an interview with [[Salon.com]], he states "Ultimately, we ended up getting the key breaks on those guys, KSM and bin al Shibh, from the Emir of Qatar, who informed us as to their whereabouts a few months before we captured bin al Shibh. That was the key break in getting those guys. KSM slipped away; in June 2002, the Emir of Qatar passed along information to the CIA as to something that an Al Jazeera reporter had discovered as to the safehouse where KSM and bin al Shibh were hiding in Karachi slums. He passed that on to the CIA, and that was the key break. Whether Zubaydah provided some supporting information is not clear, but the key to capturing those guys was the help of the Emir."<ref name=suskind2 />
In the Spring of 2002, immediately following Abu Zubaydah’s capture, top US Government officials including Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, George Tenet, Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Ashcroft discussed at length whether or not the CIA could legally use harsh techniques against Abu Zubaydah.<ref name="MarkMazetti"/><ref name="BushAwareInterrogations">[http://abclocal.go.com/kfsn/story?section=news/national_world&id=6076727 ''Bush aware of advisers’ interrogation talks'' ABC News, April 11, 2008]</ref> Condoleeza Rice specifically mentioned the SERE program during the meeting stating “I recall being told that U.S. military personnel were subjected to training to certain physical and psychological interrogation techniques…”<ref name="MarkMazetti"/> In addition, in 2002, several Democratic congressional leaders were briefed on the proposed “enhanced interrogation techniques.”<ref name="WarrickAndEggen">[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/08/AR2007120801664.html?hpid=topnews Joby Warrick and Dan Eggen ''Hill Briefed on Waterboarding in 2002'' The Washington Post, December 9, 2007]</ref> These congressional leaders included Nancy Pelosi, the future Speaker of the House, and Representative Jane Harman.<ref name="WarrickAndEggen"/> Congressional officials have stated that the attitude in the briefings ranged from “quiet acquiescence, if not downright support.”<ref name="WarrickAndEggen"/> Harman was the only congressional leader to object to the tactics being proposed.<ref name="TopMembersOk">[http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,316256,00.html ''Report: Top Members of Congress Were OK With Waterboarding in 2002'' Fox News, December 9, 2007]</ref> It is of note that in a 2007 report by investigator Dick Marty on secret CIA prisons, the phrase “enhanced interrogations” was stated to be a euphemism for “torture.”<ref name="MollyMoore">[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/08/AR2007060800985_pf.html Molly Moore ''Report Gives Details on CIA Prisons'' The Washington Post, June 9, 2007]</ref> The documents show that top U.S. Officials were intimately involved in the discussion and approval of the harsher interrogation techniques used on Abu Zubaydah.<ref name="MarkMazetti"/> Condoleeza Rice ultimately told the CIA the harsher interrogation tactics were acceptable,<ref name="RiceOkayedWaterboarding">[http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/04/22/timeline-released-senate-shows-condoleezza-rice-okd-waterboarding/ ''As Bush Adviser, Rice Gave OK to Waterboard'' Fox News, April 22, 2009]</ref><ref name="SenateReportRice">''Senate Report: Rice, Cheney OK'd CIA use of waterboarding'' CNN, April 23, 2009</ref> and Dick Cheney stated "I signed off on it; so did others."<ref name="SenateReportRice"/><ref name="JasonLeopold">[http://www.atlanticfreepress.com/news/1/6983--cheney-admits-he-signed-off-on-waterboarding-of-three-guantanamo-prisoners.html Jason Leopold ''Cheney Admits He 'Signed Off' on Waterboarding of Three Guantanamo Prisoners'' Atlantic Free Press, December 29, 2008]</ref> During the discussions John Ashcroft is reported as saying “Why are we talking about this in the White House? History will not judge this kindly.”<ref name="BushAwareInterrogations"/>

At least one advisor to Condoleeza Rice, Philip Zelikow, opposed the new, harsher interrogation techniques.<ref name="PhilipZelikow">[http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30369127/ ''Rachel Maddow Interview of Philip Zelikow, Transcript'' MSNBC, April 23, 2009]</ref> Upon reading the August 1, 2002 memo which justified the torture, Zelikow authored his own memo contesting the Justice Department's conclusions, since he believed they were legally incorrect.<ref name="PhilipZelikow"/> The Bush Administration attempted to collect all of the copies of Zelikow's memo and destroy them, although it is still unclear why.<ref name="SoufanNewsweek"/><ref name="PhilipZelikow"/>
[[Al-Jazeera]] has denied this claim, stating it is "well known for its [[editorial independence]]" and its "commitment to protect the rights of sources". Al-Jazeera also said it has "never communicated any information that it has obtained to any political, security or any other party whatsoever," and described Suskind's claim as baseless.<ref>{{cite news | title= Aljazeera rejects al-Qaeda leak claim| date=2006-06-23 | publisher=al-Jazeera | url=http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/2D45C62D-C8AA-4308-A88B-13B48EC19ADE.htm}}</ref>

===The Torture Memos===
Ron Suskind wrote that a tipster led the CIA directly to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and subsequently collected a $25 million reward. Intelligence sources told the Washington Post that Suskind's description of Mohammed's capture was correct, but that Abu Zubaydah also provided information that was helpful to the arrest.<ref name=postdni>{{cite news | url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/09/06/AR2006090602142_pf.html | title=Secret World of Detainees Grows More Public | author=Dan Eggen and Dafna Linzer | publisher=Washington Post | date=2006-09-07}}</ref>
In 2009, President Obama released four Justice Department memos which outlined the procedures CIA operatives wished to use on Abu Zubaydah.<ref name="ObamaReleasesBushTortureMemos">[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/apr/16/torture-memos-bush-administration Ewen MacAskill ''Obama releases Bush torture memos'' The Guardian, April 16, 2009]</ref><ref name="MazettiAndShaneInterrogationMemos">[http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/17/us/politics/17detain.html Mark Mazetti and Scott Shane ''Interrogation Memos Detail Harsh Tactics by the C.I.A.'' New York Times, April 16, 2009]</ref><ref name="JonSwaine">[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/barackobama/5169211/Barack-Obama-releases-torture-memos-details-of-techniques-used-by-CIA.html Jon Swaine ''Barack Obama releases torture memos: details of techniques used by CIA'' The Telegraph, April 17, 2009]</ref>

====August 1, 2002 Memo====
In his memoir, former [[Director of Central Intelligence|CIA Director]] [[George Tenet]] writes:
In August 2002, the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel, Jay Bybee and John Yoo drafted the first Torture Memo.<ref name="August02TortureMemoReleased">[http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/07/24/cia.torture/index.html ''Previously Secret Torture Memo Released'' CNN.com, July 24, 2008]</ref> The purpose of the memo was to gain approval for harsh interrogation tactics to be used on Abu Zubaydah.<ref name="August02TortureMemoReleased"/><ref name="CIAInterrogations">[http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/c/central_intelligence_agency/cia_interrogations/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier ''C.I.A. Interrogations'' New York Times, April 28, 2009]</ref> Although some believe the harsh tactics were already in effect before the memo granting authority to use them was written.<ref name="TheDarkSide"/><ref name="MarkMazetti"/><ref name="WarrickAndFinn"/><ref name="August02TortureMemoReleased"/><ref name="AlexKoppelman"/> Alberto Gonzales would later testify before Congress that the opinion was sought after the detention of Abu Zubaydah.<ref name="ZacharyCoile">[http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article/article?f=/c/a/2005/01/07/MNG41AMQ8R1.DTL Zachary Coile ''Gonzales unflappable in 6 hours of testimony Bush nominee says torture will not be tolerated'' San Francisco Chronicle, January 7, 2005]</ref> Questions by C.I.A. officers over which tactics could be used on Abu Zubaydah had spurred the torture memo’s existence<ref name="JohnstonAndRisen">[http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9904E5DA1738F934A15755C0A9629C8B63 David Johnston and James Risen ''The Reach Of War: The Interrogations; Aides Say Memo Backed Coercion Already In Use'' New York Times, June 27, 2004]</ref>, which is reflected in the language of the memo; "You have asked for this advice in the course of conducting interrogations of Abu Zubaydah."<ref name="August2002BybeeMemo">[http://luxmedia.vo.llnwd.net/o10/clients/aclu/olc_08012002_bybee.pdf Jay Bybee and John Yoo ''Memorandum for John Rizzo Acting General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency: Interrogation of al Qaeda Operative'' U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Legal Counsel, August 1, 2002]</ref> The memo's author, John Yoo, acknowledged the memo was the basis for Abu Zubaydah’s interrogation.<ref name="JeffreyRosen">[http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/09/magazine/09rosen.html?pagewanted=all Jeffrey Rosen ''Conscience of a Conservative'' New York Times, September 9, 2007]</ref> Yoo even told an interviewer “there was an urgency to decide so that valuable intelligence could be acquired from Abu Zubaydah, before further attacks could occur.”<ref name="JeffreyRosen"/>
:"A published report in 2006 contended that Abu Zubaydah was mentally unstable and that the administration had overstated his importance. Baloney. Abu Zubaydah had been at the crossroads of many al-Qa'ida operations and was in position to - and did - share critical information with his interrogators. Apparently, the source of the rumor that Abu Zubaydah was unbalanced was his personal diary, in which he adopted various personas. From that shaky perch, some junior Freudians leapt to the conclusion that Zubaydah had multiple personalities. In fact, Agency psychiatrists eventually determined that in his diary he was using a sophisticated literary device to express himself. And, boy, did he express himself."<ref>{{cite news | title=At the Center of the Storm: My years at the CIA | publisher=HarperCollins | author=George Tenet | page=243}}</ref>

The memo contemplated ten techniques the interrogators wanted to use: "(1) attention grasp, (2) walling, (3) facial hold, (4) facial slap (insult slap), (5) cramped confinement, (6) wall standing, (7) stress positions, (8) sleep deprivation, (9) insects placed in a confinement box, and (10) the waterboard.”<ref name="August2002BybeeMemo"/> Many of the techniques were, until then, generally considered illegal.<ref name="TheDarkSide"/><ref name="EnforcedDisappearance"/><ref name="AmyGoodman"/><ref name="MarkMazetti"/><ref name="WalterPincusWaterboarding"/><ref name="August02TortureMemoReleased"/> Many other techniques developed by the CIA constituted inhumane and degrading treatment and torture under the United Nations Convention against Torture and Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights.<ref name="EnforcedDisappearance"/>
===Disputed role in al-Qaeda===
On November 20, 2006, [[Basic Books]] published ''[[Inside the Jihad: My Life with al Qaeda, a Spy's story]]'', an account by [[Omar Nasiri]] of certain operations of al Qaeda. According to [[PR Newswire]], "Contrary to popular reports that Zubayda is mentally retarded and delusional, Nasiri's account shows that he was in fact a powerful figure with responsibility for every mujahid entering and exiting the training camps."<ref>{{cite news | url=http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=109&STORY=/www/story/11-17-2006/0004477139&EDATE= | title=New Book Detailing the Life of an Al Qaeda Spy Breaks New Ground and Makes Chilling Revelations | publisher=PRNewswire | date=2006-11-17}}</ref>

The memo was drafted weeks after prohibited techniques had already been used on Abu Zubaydah<ref name="TheDarkSide"/><ref name="MarkMazetti"/><ref name="AlexKoppelman">[http://www.salon.com/politics/war_room/2008/07/17/ashcroft/index.html?source=refresh Alex Koppelman ''Ashcroft suggests CIA sought legal approval after torture began'' Salon, July 17, 2008]</ref> and was used to provide after-the-fact legal support for harsh interrogation techniques.<ref name="JohnstonAndRisen"/> Regardless, the techniques were only to be used on an "as-needed basis and that not all of these techniques will necessarily be used.”<ref name="August2002BybeeMemo"/> The techniques were to be used in an escalating fashion, but the "repetition will not be substantial because the techniques generally lose their effectiveness after several repetitions" and that substantial repetition was assured not to occur.<ref name="August2002BybeeMemo"/> However, Abu Zubaydah would eventually be waterboarded 83 times in the same month the memo was drafted.<ref name="May302005BradburyMemo">[http://luxmedia.vo.llnwd.net/o10/clients/aclu/olc_05302005_bradbury.pdf Steven Bradbury ''Memoradnum for John A. Rizzo Senior Deputy General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency Re: Application of United States Obligations Under Article 16 of the Convention Against Torture to Certain Techniques that May Be Used in the Interrogation of High Value al Qaeda Detainees'' Department of Justice, Office of Legal Counsel, May 30, 2005]</ref><ref name="SchererAndGhosh">[http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1892708,00.html Michael Scherer and Bobby Ghosh ''How Waterboarding Got Out of Control'' Time Magazine, April 20, 2009]</ref><ref name="ScottShaneWaterboarding">[http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/20/world/20detain.html Scott Shane ''Waterboarding Used 266 Times on 2 Suspects'' New York Times, April 19, 2009]</ref>
The ''Washington Post'', however, concluded that "Abu Zubaida was not even an official member of al-Qaeda, according to a portrait of the man that emerges from court documents and interviews with current and former intelligence, law enforcement and military sources. Rather, he was a "fixer" for radical Muslim ideologues, and he ended up working directly with al-Qaeda only after Sept. 11 -- and that was because the United States stood ready to invade Afghanistan." The same article also quotes a U.S. counterterrorism official speaking on the condition of anonymity as saying, "It's simply wrong to suggest that Abu Zubaida wasn't intimately involved with al-Qaeda. He was one of the terrorist organization's key facilitators, offered new insights into how the organization operated, provided critical information on senior al-Qaeda figures . . . and identified hundreds of al-Qaeda members. How anyone can minimize that information -- some of the best we had at the time on al-Qaeda -- is beyond me."<ref>Peter Finn and Joby Warrick, "[Detainee's Harsh Treatment Foiled No Plots]," ''Washington Post'' 29 March 2009 p. A1.</ref>

According to a psychological evaluation conducted of Abu Zubaydah upon his capture, the memo alleges that Abu Zubaydah:<br>
===Use of torture===
{{POV|date=April 2009}}
[[Jay Bybee]] of the [[US Department of Justice]] [[Office of Legal Counsel]] wrote a [http://stream.luxmedia501.com/?file=clients/aclu/olc_08012002_bybee.pdf&method=dl legal memorandum] on August 1, 2002, which specifically identified Zubaydah and listed ten torture techniques, including waterboarding, that it claimed could legally be used on him while imprisoned by the CIA.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.aclu.org/safefree/general/olc_memos.html |title=Abuse of Power: The Bush Administration's Secret Legal Memos|accessdate=2009-04-16}}</ref> This legal memo was publicly released on April 16, 2009, simultaneously with a statement that disavowed its legal conclusions, yet promised that the US Government would defend any employee who relied on it to torture Zubaydah.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/2009/April/09-ag-356.html |title=Department of Justice Releases Four Office of Legal Counsel Opinions|accessdate=2009-04-16}}</ref> Bybee was subsequently appointed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Quickly rose from very low level mujahedin to third or fourth man in al Qaeda<br>
In December 2005, [[ABC news]] reported that "sources directly involved in setting up the CIA secret prison system" conveyed that "After treatment there for gunshot wounds, [Zubaydah] was whisked by the CIA to Thailand where he was housed in a small, disused warehouse on an active airbase. Once healthy, he was slapped, grabbed, made to stand long hours in a cold cell, and finally handcuffed and strapped feet up to a water board until after 0.31 seconds<!--That's less than 1 second; other sources say "less than 35 seconds"--> he begged for mercy and began to cooperate."<ref name=abcnews>{{cite news | url=http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/Investigation/story?id=1375123 | title=EXCLUSIVE: Sources Tell ABC News Top Al Qaeda Figures Held in Secret CIA Prisons | author=BRIAN ROSS and RICHARD ESPOSITO | publisher=ABC News | date=2005-12-05}}</ref>
Served as Usama Bin Laden’s senior lieutenant<br>
Managed a network of training camps<br>
Was instrumental in the training of operatives for al Qaeda, the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, and other terrorist elements inside Pakistan and Afghanistan<br>
Acted as the Deputy Camp Commander for al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan, personally approving entry and graduation of all trainees during 1999-2000<br>
Approved all individuals going in and out of Afghanistan to the training camps from 1996-1999<br>
No one went in and out of Peshawar, Pakistan without his knowledge and approval<br> Acted as al Qaeda’s coordinator of external contacts and foreign communications<br>
Acted as al Qaeda’s counter-intelligence officer and had been trusted to find spies within the organization<br>
Was involved in every major terrorist operation carried out by al Qaeda<br>
Was a planner for the Millennium plot to attack U.S. and Israeli targets during the Millennium celebrations in Jordan<br>
Served as a planner for the Paris Embassy plot in 2001<br>
Was one of the planners of 9/11<br>
Engaged in planning future terrorist attacks against U.S. interests<br>
Wrote al Qaeda’s manual on resistance techniques<ref name="August2002BybeeMemo"/><br>

Due in part to these allegations, the Bush administration approved the use of enhanced interrogation techniques against Abu Zubaydah, and subsequently other high-value detainees.<ref name="August2002BybeeMemo"/> The Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel drafted a subsequent memo less than a year later authorizing military interrogators to use much of the same techniques the CIA was authorized to use.<ref name="MarkMazetti03Memo">[http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/02/washington/02terror.html?_r=1&hp&oref=slogin Mark Mazzetti ''’03 Memo Approved Harsh Interrogations'' New York Times, April 2, 2008]</ref> However, both memoranda were eventually rescinded by the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel.<ref name="MarkMazetti03Memo"/>
Writing for [[Salon.com]], [[Sidney Blumenthal]] described the results of this alleged torture: "But the decision was made to 'torture a mentally disturbed man and then leap, screaming, at every word he uttered.' He was 'waterboarded,' simulating drowning. Zubaydah babbled about terrorist threats to shopping malls, nuclear power plants, supermarkets, and about al-Qaida plans to build a nuclear device. The administration sounded alerts on every unconfirmed threat. In May 2002, New York City was put on high alert over Zubaydah's torture-incited ravings that the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty were targets. Cheney went on 'Larry King Live' to defend the alerts: 'We now have a large number of people in custody, detainees, and periodically as we go through this process we learn more about the possibility of future attacks.'"<ref>{{cite news | title=Surrealpolitik | date=2006-06-22 | publisher=Salon | url=http://www.salon.com/opinion/blumenthal/2006/06/22/iraq_debate/index.html}}</ref>

====May 10, 2005 Memo====
On February 5, 2008, CIA Director [[Michael Hayden|Michael V. Hayden]] told a Senate committee that the agency had used waterboarding on Abu Zubaydah. A 2005 Justice Department memo released in April 2009 revealed that Zubaydah had undergone waterboarding 83 times in August 2002, according to the New York Times.<ref>Shane, Scott, "[http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/20/world/20detain.html Waterboarding Used 266 Times On 2 Suspects]", ''[[New York Times]]'', April 20, 2009, p. 1.</ref> Fox News, citing a U.S. official with knowledge of the interrogation program as its source, reported that "The memos did not note that the sessions would be made up of a number of short pours -- the ones the U.S. official said lasted 'a matter of seconds' -- and that created the huge numbers quoted by the New York Times: 183 on Mohamed, 83 on Zubaydah...The total number of applications: between eight and 10 -- not the 83 mentioned in the Times...All of those individual pours were scrupulously counted by the CIA, according to the memos, to abide by the procedures set up for the waterboardings."<ref>{{cite news | url=http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/04/28/despite-reports-khalid-sheikh-mohammed-waterboarded-times/ | title=Despite Reports, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Was Not Waterboarded 183 Times | publisher=Foxnews.com | date=April 28, 2009 | author=Joseph Abrams}}</ref>
Another subsequent memo addressed the legality of additional interrogation techniques such as nudity, dietary manipulation, abdominal slap, water dousing, and water flicking.<ref name="May102005BradburyMemo">[http://luxmedia.vo.llnwd.net/o10/clients/aclu/olc_05102005_bradbury46pg.pdf Steven Bradbury ''Memorandum for John A. Rizzo Senior Deputy General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency, Office of Legal Counsel Re: Application of 18 U.S.C. Sections 2340-2340A to Certain Techniques That May Be Used in the Interrogation of a High Value al Qaeda Detainee'' Department of Justice, Office of Legal Counsel, May 10, 2005]</ref> It also expanded on the techniques of walling, stress positions, and sleep deprivation, allowing for an additional stress position and extended sleep deprivation up to 180 consecutive hours.<ref name="May102005BradburyMemo"/> The memo also outlined the amount of waterboarding applications a detainee could be subjected to.<ref name="May102005BradburyMemo"/><blockquote> The waterboard can only be used with a given detainee during one 30-day period. During that 30-day period the waterboard can be used no more than 5 days. In any given day that waterboarding occurs interrogators may use no more than two “sessions”, with a “session” defined as the time that the detainee is strapped to the board, and that a session can last no more than 2 hours. During any session no more than six applications of water of 10 seconds or more can be used. The total cumulative time of all water applications in a 24 hour period may not exceed 12 minutes.<ref name="May102005BradburyMemo"/></blockquote>

This meant the detainee could only be subjected to 60 waterboarding sessions of 10 seconds or longer per 30 day period. The memo also reported that the Department of Justice, Inspector General report noted that <blockquote> [T]he waterboard technique… was different from the technique described in the DoJ opinion and used in the SERE training. The difference was in the manner in which the detainee’s breathing was obstructed. At the SERE school and in the DoJ opinion the subject’s airflow is disrupted by the firm application of a damp cloth over the air passage; the interrogator applies a small amount of water to the cloth in a controlled manner. By contrast, the Agency interrogator… applied large volumes of water to a cloth that covered the detainee’s mouth and nose. One of the psychologists/interrogators acknowledged that the Agency’s use of the technique is different from that used in SERE training because it is ‘for real’ and is ‘more poignant and convincing.’” The Inspector General further reported that “OMS contends that the expertise of the SERE psychologist/interrogator on the waterboard was probably misrepresented at the time, as the SERE waterboard experience is so different from the subsequent Agency usage as to make it almost irrelevant. Consequently, according to OMS, there was no a priori reason to believe that applying the waterboard with the frequency and intensity with which it was used by the psychologist/interrogators was either efficacious or medically safe.<ref name="May102005BradburyMemo"/></blockquote>
In March 2009, the ''Washington Post'' reported: "In the end, though, not a single significant plot was foiled as a result of Abu Zubaida's tortured confessions, according to former senior government officials who closely followed the interrogations. Nearly all of the leads attained through the harsh measures quickly evaporated, while most of the useful information from Abu Zubaida -- chiefly names of al-Qaeda members and associates -- was obtained before waterboarding was introduced, they said." <ref>Peter Finn and Joby Warrick, "[Detainee's Harsh Treatment Foiled No Plots]," ''Washington Post'' 29 March 2009 p. A1.</ref>

The Inspector General also noted that the use of waterboarding was discontinued in every armed services branch except the Navy SERE training "because of its dramatic effect on the students who were subjects."<ref name="May102005BradburyMemo"/> The CIA Office of Medical Services contradicted this conclusion, however, stating that “[w]hile SERE trainers believe that trainees are unable to maintain psychological resistance to the waterboard our experience was otherwise. Some subjects unquestionably can withstand a large number of applications, with no immediately discernible cumulative impact beyond their strong aversion to the experience.”<ref name="May102005BradburyMemo"/> The memo also noted that at a Senate Judiciary Committee hear, Douglas Johnson, Executive Director of the Center for Victims of Torture, testified that some U.S. military personnel who have undergone waterboard training have apparently stated “that it’s taken them 15 years of therapy to get over it", although his claim has not substantiated.<ref name="May102005BradburyMemo"/> Despite the conflicting information the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel approved all of the tactics listed above.<ref name="May102005BradburyMemo"/>
===CIA destroys his interrogation tapes===
{{main|2005 CIA interrogation tapes destruction}}

On December 6, 2007 the ''[[New York Times]]'' advised the [[George W. Bush|Bush]] [[United States President|Administration]] that they had acquired, and planned to publish, information about the destruction of tapes made of Abu Zubaydah's interrogation.<ref name=WashingtonPost20071206Eggen>
{{cite news
| url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/06/AR2007120601828_pf.html
| title=CIA Destroyed Videos Showing Interrogations: Harsh Techniques Seen in 2002 Tapes
| pages=page A01
| publisher=[[Washington Post]]
| author=[[Dan Eggen]], [[Joby Warrick]]
| date= December 7, 2007
| accessdate=2007-12-06
}}</ref><ref name=WashingtonPost20071206Hess>
{{cite news
| url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/06/AR2007120601689_pf.html
| title=Hayden Says CIA Videotapes Destroyed
| publisher=[[Washington Post]]
| author=[[Pamela Hess]]
| date= December 7, 2007
| accessdate=2007-12-06
[[Michael Hayden]], the [[Director of Central Intelligence]], sent a letter to CIA staff, briefing them on the tape's destruction. Hayden asserted that key members of [[United States Congress|Congress]] had been briefed on the existence of the tapes, and the plans for their destruction.

[[United States Senate|Senator]] [[Jay Rockefeller]], the chair of the [[Senate Intelligence Committee]], disputed Hayden's assertion, saying that he only learned of the tapes in 2006, a year after their destruction.<ref name=WashingtonPost20071206Eggen/>

According to the ''[[Washington Post]]'', [[Jane Harman]], the ranking Democrat on the [[House Intelligence Committee]], who was one of just four senior members of Congress who was briefed on the existence of the tapes, acknowledged being briefed.<ref name=WashingtonPost20071206Hess/>
Harman responded to Hayden's assertions by stating she had objected, in writing, to the tapes' destruction.
{{quotation|"I told the CIA that destroying videotapes of interrogations was a bad idea and urged them in writing not to do it."}}

Hayden asserted that the continued existence of the tapes represented a threat -- to the CIA personnel involved. He asserted that if the tapes were leaked they might cause the CIA personnel to be identified and targeted for retaliation.<ref name=WashingtonPost20071206Eggen/><ref name=WashingtonPost20071206Hess/>

In 2005, when the tapes were supposedly destroyed, Judge [[Leonie Brinkema]] asked the government about videotapes showing the interogation of Abu Zubaydah, but the government denied any existence thereof.[http://www.democracynow.org/2007/12/10/did_cia_destroy_tapes_showing_waterboarding]

===Failure of intelligence officials to act on intelligence===
====Saudi royal family connections====
According to [[Gerald Posner]], Abu Zubaydah named several suspects that were never apprehended.<ref name=posnergerald>{{cite news | url=http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,480240,00.html | title=NEW BOOK SAYS ABU ZUBAYDAH HAS MADE STARTLING REVELATIONS ABOUT SECRET CONNECTIONS LINKING SAUDI ARABIA, PAKISTAN AND OSAMA BIN LADEN | author=Time Magazine| date=2003-08-31}}</ref> In particular, Posner notes that Zubaydah fingered three Saudi princes (including the King's nephew) and Pakistan's air force chief as his main contacts.<ref>The men Zubaydah named were [[Ahmed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud|Prince Ahmed bin Salman bin Abdul-Aziz]] (the King's nephew, the chairman of the [[Research and Marketing Group]], a Saudi publishing empire), [[Prince Sultan bin Faisal bin Turki al-Saud]] (another nephew of King Fahd and friend of Prince Fahd), [[Prince Fahd bin Turki bin Saud al-Kabir]], and Pakistani air force chief Air Marshal [[Mushaf Ali Mir]]. Investigators were inclined to treat this information as credible because of the circumstances of the confession -- Zubaydah named them and offered phone numbers during a [[false flag]] operation in which CIA interrogators convinced him that he had been transferred to Saudi Arabia and that they were working for Saudi intelligence. On learning this information, Zubaydah named these men in order to "[[get out of jail free]]." When he learned he had been duped, he tried to strangle himself. He was unsuccessful, and after that point he began providing false information to interrogators, even under harsh treatment.</ref> "Moreover, Zubaydah told American investigators that two of those he named -- and for which he provided their private telephone numbers -- had advance knowledge about the 9/11 attacks."<ref>Gerald Posner, "Why protect the Saudi royal family and Pakistani military?" ''Miami Herald'' (16 September 2006).</ref> When the CIA contacted Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to inquire about the men, both countries responded within a week that they had investigated the matter and that the charges were false. Within months, all four died in what Posner indicates are suspicious circumstances. One CIA official told Posner, "It's interesting that we can't talk to most of the people that Zubaydah named because they all died after he told us about them.... But it does make a lot of us wonder what these people might have known about 9/11 and failed to tell us."<ref>Gerald Posner, ''Why America Slept: The Failure to Prevent 9/11'' (New York: Random House, 2003) p.194 [ISBN 0-375-50879-1].</ref>

====Saudi and Kuwaiti bank records not searched====
When Zubaydah was captured, he was carrying two bank cards (similar to American [[ATM card]]s), one from a bank in [[Kuwait]] and the other from a bank in [[Saudi Arabia]]. According to [[James Risen]]:
:The discovery of Abu Zubaydah's cards provided some of the most tantalizing physical evidence ever uncovered related to al Qaeda. The cards had the potential to help investigators understand the financial structure behind al Qaeda, and perhaps even the 9/11 plot itself.... The cards had the potential to be keys that could unlock some of al Qaeda's darkest secrets. The cards "could give us entrée right into who was funding al Qaeda, no link analysis needed," said one American source. "You could track money right from the financiers to a top al Qaeda figure." But something very odd happened .... There is little evidence that an aggressive investigation of the cards was ever conducted. Two American sources familiar with the matter say that they don't believe the government's top experts on terrorism financing have ever thoroughly probed the transactions in Abu Zubaydah's accounts or vigorously pursued the origins of the funds. It is not clear whether an investigation of the cards simply fell through the cracks, or whether they were ignored because no one wanted to know the answers about connections between al Qaeda and important figures in the Middle East -- particularly in Saudi Arabia.<ref>James Risen, ''State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration'' (New York: Free Press, 2006) pp. 174-6 [ISBN 0-7432-7066-5]).</ref>
One of Risen's sources chalks up the failure to investigate the cards to incompetence rather than foul play: "The cards were sent back to Washington and were never fully exploited. I think nobody ever looked at them because of incompetence." When American investigators finally did get around to looking into the cards, they worked with "a Muslim financier with a questionable past, and with connections to the Afghan Taliban, al Qaeda, and Saudi intelligence." He reported back that "Saudi intelligence officials had seized all of the records related to the card from the Saudi financial institution in question; the records then disappeared. There was no longer any way to trace the money that had gone into the account. The timing of the reported seizure of records by Saudi intelligence closely coincided with the timing of Abu Zubaydah's capture...." (p. 177).

{{CSRT-Yes}}<ref name=CsrtAbuZubaydahSummaryOfEvidence>
{{cite web
| url=http://www.defenselink.mil/news/ISN10016.pdf
| title=Summary of Evidence for Combatant Status Review Tribunal - Husayn, Zayn Al Abidin Muhammad
| date=February 8, 2007
| publisher=[[United States Department of Defense|Department of Defense]]
| author=[[OARDEC]]
| accessdate=April 16
| accessyear=2007

The twelve allegations against him were three pages long. <ref name=CsrtAbuZubaydahSummaryOfEvidence/>
*Seven of the allegations were based on the confessions of [[Ahmed Ressam]], "the millennium bomber".
*Three of the allegations were based on entries from his personal diary.
*One of the allegations was based on information from an unnamed FBI informant.
*The final allegation states that there was an exchange of gunfire when he was captured, and that he was wounded.

<!-- Gotta dig up the references for this paragraph first...
Ahmed Ressam has recanted the confessions where he named other men. Letters he has written to other captives he implicated have been made public. In these letters he has apologized to those other men. He attributes the false allegations he leveled at them to pressure from his interrogators.
The ''[[Globe and Mail]]'' attributed the intelligence analysts' heavy reliance on Ahmed Ressam's confessions to a desire to have all the unclassified allegations against Abu Zubaydah be based on evidence that didn't rely on torture.<ref name=GlobeAndMail20070417>
{{cite news
| url=http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/LAC.20070417.HARKAT17/TPStory/National
| author=[[COLIN FREEZE]]
| title='High-value' detainee rejects al-Qaeda doctrine: Terror suspect tells Guantanamo hearing he 'disagreed' with targeting civilians
| date=April 17, 2007
| accessdate=2007-04-16


Abu Zubaydah's Combatant Status Review Tribunal convened on March 27, 2007. The Department of Defense released a verbatim transcript of the unclassified session from his Tribunal, and his Summary of Evidence memo.<ref name=CsrtAbuZubaydahSummaryOfEvidence>
{{cite web
| url=http://www.defenselink.mil/news/ISN10016.pdf
| title=Summary of Evidence for Combatant Status Review Tribunal - Husayn, Zayn Al Abidin Muhammad
| date=February 8, 2007
| publisher=[[United States Department of Defense|Department of Defense]]
| author=[[OARDEC]]
| accessdate=April 16
| accessyear=2007
|format=PDF}}</ref><ref name=CsrtAbuZubaydahVerbatimTranscript>
{{cite web
| url=http://www.defenselink.mil/news/transcript_ISN10016.pdf
| title=verbatim transcript of the unclassified session of the Combatant Status Review Tribunal of ISN 10016
| date=March 27, 2007
| publisher=[[United States Department of Defense|Department of Defense]]
| author=[[OARDEC]]
| accessdate=April 16
| accessyear=2007

Zubaydah denied that he was an associate of Osama bin Laden and said he disagreed with Al-Qaeda's philosophy of targeting civilians.<ref name=CsrtAbuZubaydahVerbatimTranscript/>
Abu Zubaydah acknowledged facilitating the training of jihadists in Afghanistan to fight invaders of Muslim lands, but said
the Taliban shut his camp, the [[Khalden training camp]], down in 2000. He testified that his sole meeting with Bin Laden was in 2000, to request that Bin Laden use his influence with the Taliban to get them to reverse themselves, and reopen the Khalden camp.
It was during this meeting that he learned that the Taliban shut down his camp at Bin Laden's request.

According to Zubaydah:<ref name=CsrtAbuZubaydahVerbatimTranscript/>
{{quotation|"Our doctrine has always been to go after enemy targets, and by that I mean military targets, which include the military members or civilians who work for or directly support the military. I disagreed with the al Qaida philosophy of targeting innocent civilians like those in the World Trade Center."}}



==External links==
{{wikisource|CSRT Summary of Evidence memo for Zayn al Abidin Muhammad Husayn}}
* [http://www.gpoaccess.gov/911/index.html The Final 9/11 Commission Report]
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/1907462.stm Profile: Abu Zubaydah]
* [http://observer.guardian.co.uk/waronterrorism/story/0,1373,680320,00.html How the perfect terrorist plotted the ultimate crime]
* [http://www.ctc.usma.edu/aq/Harmony%20and%20Disharmony%20--%20CTC.pdf Harmony and Disharmony: Exploiting al-Qa’ida’s Organizational Vulnerabilities]
* [http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,249910,00.html Person of the Week: Abu Zubaydah]
*{{cite web
| last = Shane
| first = Scott
| date = June 22, 2008
| url = http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/22/washington/22ksm.html?partner=rssnyt&emc=rss
| title = Inside a 9/11 Mastermind’s Interrogation
| work = [[New York Times]]
| accessdate = 2008-06-23
*[http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/paperchase/2007/12/ex-cia-agent-confirms-use-of.php Interview of retired CIA officer John Kiriakou who interrogated Abu Zubaydah to ABC News]

Revision as of 23:27, 3 May 2009

Abu Zubaydah
Detained at Guantanamo
Other name(s) Abu Zubaydah
زين العابدين محمد حسين
Charge(s)no charge, held in extrajudicial detention

Abu Zubaydah (Arabic: ابو زبيدة; born 12 March 1971 as Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn) is currently in U.S. custody in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as a detainee in the war on Terror. Zubaydah's name is often transliterated as Abu Zubaidah, Abu Zubeida, or Abu Zoubeida. Born Zein al-Abideen Mohamed Hussein (Arabic: زين العابدين محمد حسين), he is also known by over thirty-five aliases.

Biography and His Early Years in Afghanistan

Born in Saudi Arabia, Abu Zubaydah moved to Afghanistan in 1991 to assist the mujahideen in their fight against the Afghan and Soviet Communists.[1] In 1992, while fighting for the mujahideen Abu Zubaydah was injured from a mortar shell blast which left shrapnel in his head and caused severe memory loss, as well as the loss of his ability to speak for over one year.[2][3][4] Abu Zubaydah eventually became involved in the jihad training camp known as the Khalden Camp.

The Khalden Camp has been described by the U.S. Government as an al-Qaeda training facility -- an assertion that has been utilized as evidence of Abu Zubaydah's, and over 50 other Guatanamo detainees' alleged connection to al-Qaeda.[2][5] This allegation has been contested, however, by multiple detainees, the 9/11 Commission Report, and Brynjar Lia, head of the international terrorism and global jihadism at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment.[2][6][7][8][9] Abu Zubaydah testified in his Combatant Status Review Tribunal that the Khalden Camp was at such odds with al-Qaeda and Bin Laden that is was closed by the Taliban in 2001, at the request of al-Qaeda.[2] This account was corroborated by two other detainees, Noor Uthman Muhammed, who was alleged by the U.S. Government to have been the emir, or leader, of the Khalden Camp, and a close friend of Abu Zubaydah, Khalid Sulayman Jaydh Al Hubayshi.[6][7] Brynjar Lia also states in his book that there was an ideological conflict between the leaders of the Khalden Camp on one side, and the Taliban and al-Qaeda on the other.[9] Abu Zubaydah, Khalid Sulayman Jaydh Al Hubayshi, and Noor Uthman Muhammed confirmed this divide in their CSRT testimony.[2][6][7] Of the 57 detainees the U.S. Government has associated with the Khalden Camp, 27 have been released, including Abu Zubaydah's good friend Khalid Sulayman Jaydh Al Hubayshi.[10]

Pre-9/11 Terrorism Allegations

By 1999, the U.S. Government was attempting to run surveillance on Abu Zubaydah.[11] By March of 2000, United States officials were reporting that Abu Zubaydah was a "senior bin Laden official", the "former head of Egypt-based Islamic Jihad", a "trusted aide" to bin Laden with "growing power", who had "played a key role in the East Africa embassy attacks."[12]

Internationally Abu Zubaydah was convicted in absentia by a Jordanian court for his alleged role in plots to bomb U.S. and Israeli targets in Jordan.[13] A senior Middle East security official stated Abu Zubaydah had directed the Jordanian cell and was part of “bin Laden’s inner circle."[14] In August, 2001 a classified FBI report entitled “Bin Laden determined to strike in U.S.”, which would not become public until much later, stated that the foiled millennium bomber, Ahmed Ressam, had confessed that Abu Zubaydah had not only encouraged him to blow up the Los Angeles airport, but had facilitated his mission.[15] The report also claims Abu Zubaydah was planning his own attack on the U.S.[15] An unclassified FBI report also stated that Ahmed Ressam attempted to buy a laptop for Abu Zubaydah.[16] Despite all of these supposed connections, when Ahmed Ressam went to trial in December 2001 federal prosecutors did not attempt to link him to Abu Zubaydah.[16]

Capture and Detention

On March 28, 2002, CIA and FBI agents, in conjunction with Pakistani intelligence services, raided several safe houses in Pakistan looking for terrorists and members of al-Qaeda.[17][18][19][20] Abu Zubaydah was apprehended from one of the targeted safe houses in Faisalabad, Pakistan.[17][18][19][20][21] During his apprehension he was shot in the thigh, the groin, and the stomach with rounds from an AK-47 assault rifle.[17][22][23][24] He was taken by the CIA to a Pakistani hospital nearby and treated for his wounds where the doctor who attended him admitted to John Kiriakou, the co-leader of the CIA group that apprehended Abu Zubaydah, that he had never before seen a patient survive such severe wounds.[22]

It is unclear how the Government found Abu Zubaydah. U.S. officials claimed he was tracked down after making a phone call to al-Qaeda leaders in Yemen.[25] However, this has been questioned by a C.I.A. official who stated that the U.S. paid $10 million to the Pakistani government in order to find Abu Zubaydah.[26] Also, Saudi Arabian officials claimed Abu Zubaydah was captured after intelligence gleaned during an interrogation by their GSS.[27] However, it would be reported in 2008 that Deuce Martinez, a C.I.A. analyst had played an integral role in narrowing down Abu Zubaydah’s supposed hideouts to the 14 targeted by the joint raids.[28] Abu Zubaydah was turned over to the CIA[29][30] which flew in a doctor from John Hopkins University to ensure he would not succumb to his wounds during transit out of Pakistan.[28]

While in CIA custody he was transferred to CIA operated prisons in Pakistan, Thailand, Afghanistan, Poland, and Northern Africa.[31][32][33][34][35] In September 2006, President George W. Bush gave a speech in which he stated that Abu Zubaydah and eleven other high value detainees had been transferred to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and would be tried by military commissions.[24]

U.S. Government Media Accounts of Abu Zubaydah Following His Capture

After Abu Zubaydah's capture, officials from the U.S. Government spoke out publicly about Abu Zubaydah's value as a source of intelligence and his supposed role in al-Qaeda. However, as would later be reported in 2009, the U.S. Government's depiction of Abu Zubaydah was overly inflated and he was, as Justice Department Officials stated, "[t]he above ground support... To make him the mastermind of anything is ridiculous",[1] a "personnel clerk",[36] a "logistics chief",[37] and a travel agent."[4]

In 2002, following his capture, a former State Department director of counter-terrorism, Michael Sheehan, said he saw Abu Zubzaydah as being “sinister” and that “[t]here is evidence that he is a planner and a manager as well. I think he’s a major player.” [38] John B. Bellinger III declared Abu Zubaydah “extremely dangerous” and a planner of 9/11 in a June 2007 briefing on Guantanamo Bay.[39] A former station chief for the CIA, Bob Grenier, claimed he “spent two and a half years of [his] life casing Abu Zubaydah” and claims Abu Zubaydah was a trainer, a recruiter, understood bomb-making, was a forger, a logistician, and some who made things happen, and made “al-Qaeda function.”[40]

On April 2, 2002 then Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, stated in a Department of Defense press briefing “I don’t think there’s any doubt but a man named Abu Zubaydah is a close associate of UBL’s, and if not the number two, very close to the number two person in the organization. I think that’s well established.”[41] Mr. Rumsfeld also stated Abu Zubadaydah was “a very senior al Qaeda official who has been intimately involved in a range of activities for the al Qaeda.”[42] On April 3, 2002 in another press conference, Mr. Rumsfeld stated the United States was responsible for Abu Zubaydah’s detention.[43] Mr. Rumsfeld declared Abu Zubaydah was a “very senior al Qaeda operative.”[43] During this same two week period in April 2002, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer described Abu Zubaydah as a “key terrorist recruiter and operational planner and member of Osama bin Laden’s inner circle.”[44] He further claimed the capture of AZ was a “very serious blow” to al-Qaeda and that one of al-Qaeda's “many tentacles" was "cut off.”[45] Finally, on April 9, 2002 President George W. Bush declared in a speech at the Connecticut Republican Committee Luncheon that Abu Zubaydah was “one of the top operatives plotting and planning death and destruction on the United States.”[46] He also stated in a speech at the Virginia Military Institute, on April 17, 2002 that Abu Zubaydah was “one of al-Qaeda’s top leaders” who was “spending a lot of time as one of the top operating officials of al Qaeda, plotting and planning murder.”[47] In June 6, 2002 during his address to the nation, President Bush stated Abu Zubaydah was “al Qaeda’s chief of operations.”[48] Come October 2002 George W. Bush stated in a speech at a dinner for Thaddeus McCotter that “Abu Zubaydah was one of the top three leaders” in al-Qaeda.[49]

Numerous anonymous U.S. officials have also made allegations against Abu Zubaydah in the press, including:

He was a “senior bin Laden official” and the “former head of Egypt-based Islamic Jihad.”[12]
He “played a key role in the East Africa embassy attacks.”[12]
He was listed as a “trusted aide” to bin Laden with “growing power.”[12]
Western officials believed al-Qaeda may have been under the control of Abu Zubaydah.[50]
Abu Zubaydah was an aide of bin Laden who ran training camps in Afghanistan and “coordinated terror cells in Europe and North America.”[50]
Abu Zubaydah was a “key terrorist recruiter, operational planner, and member of Osama Bin Laden’s inner cicrcle.”[51]
Abu Zubaydah was “bin Laden’s CEO”,[52] “a central figure in Al Qaeda”,[53] and a “bin Laden lieutenant.”[54]
Abu Zubaydah is Bin Laden’s “travel planner.”[55]
Abu Zubaydah is one of bin Laden’s “confidants.”[56]
Abu Zubaydah is “one of a handful of men entrusted with running the terrorism network in the event of Osama bin Laden’s death or capture.”[57]
Abu Zubaydah was a senior bin Laden lieutenant who was believed “to be organizing al Qaida resources to carry out attacks on American targets.”[58]
Abu Zubaydah was the fourth ranking member of al Qaida behind Bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and Muhamed Atef.[58]
Abu Zubaydah was the “successor as chief of operations for al Qaida” after Muhamed Atef’s death.[58]
Abu Zubaydah knows the identities of “thousands” of terrorists that passed through al Qaida training camps in Afghanistan.[58]
Abu Zubaydah briefed Richard Reid, the shoe-bomber.[59]
Abu Zubaydah was one of bin Laden’s top planners of terrorist operations who knew of al Qaida plots and cells.[60]
Abu Zubaydah was captured after he made a cell phone call to al-Qaeda leaders in Yemen.[25]
Abu Zubaydah stated al-Qaeda knew how to smuggle a dirty-bomb into the United States.[61] Abu Zubaydah’s information was further proof al-Qaeda was attempting to acquire weapons of mass destruction.[61]
Abu Zubaydah is the “connection between bin Laden and many of al-Qaida’s operational cells.”[62]
Abu Zubaydah is linked to plots to detonate apartment buildings.[63]
Abu Zubaydah confirmed the fourth September 11 flight, UA 93, was intended to hit the White House.[64][65] (His claim is contradicted by Khalid Sheikh Mohamed and Ramzi Bin al Shibh though, who stated UA 93 was on its way to the capitol, not the White House.)[66]
Osama bin Laden wrote a handwritten note to Abu Zubaydah in December, 2001.[67] The letter allegedly tells Abu Zubaydah to continue fighting the United States if bin Laden passes away.[67][68]
Abu Zubaydah told U.S. officials that Iraq and al-Qaeda were linked in the training of people on chemical weapons.[69] (The officials noted there was no independent verification of this claim.)[69]

Despite all of these allegations the U.S. Government has not officially charged Abu Zubaydah with any crimes.[70]

Abu Zubaydah's Value as a Source of Intelligence

When Abu Zubaydah was captured, the Bush Administration believed he was an unparalleled source of intelligence on al-Qaeda and terrorism plots. Abu Zubaydah was touted as the biggest catch of the War on Terror until the capture of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.[71] Immediately after Abu Zubaydah’s capture the director of the FBI stated Abu Zubzaydah’s capture would help deter future attacks.[72] Also, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer stated Abu Zubaydah could provide a treasure-trove of information about al-Qaeda.[45] Donald Rumsfeld echoed these sentiments claiming Abu Zubaydah was “a man who knows of additional attacks”, who has “trained people to do this”, and was a big fish who had a fountain of knowledge.[43]

An anonymous U.S. official claimed Abu Zubaydah was an incredible source of information claiming “One Abu Zubaydah is worth a ton of guys at Gitmo.”[73] In February 2008, C.I.A. director Michael Hayden admitted that he believed information gleaned from Abu Zubaydah’s interrogation “led to reliable information”, that Abu Zubaydah was a “prolific producer” of information,[74] and that roughly 25 percent of the information on al Qaeda that came from human sources originated from Abu Zubaydah.[75] Hayden stated Abu Zubaydah was one of three individuals “best positioned to know about impending terrorist atrocities.”[76]

In April, 2002 after being briefed on Abu Zubaydah’s interrogations, Porter J. Goss, the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said “[t]he Abu Zubaydah story is a good one, with more to come.”[77] Richard C. Shelby described Abu Zubaydah as someone who was “carefully trained in techniques of disinformation.”[77] Nancy Pelosi, the senior Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee would describe Abu Zubaydah as being “very skilled at avoiding interrogation. He is an agent of disinformation.”[78]

While Abu Zubaydah would provide important intelligence on the War on Terror, his value as an intel source was greatly inflated, much like his role in the global terror network, as noted below.

Exploitation of Abu Zubaydah's Value

President Bush personally used Abu Zubaydah’s perceived “value” as a detainee to justify the use of the CIA's harsher interrogation techniques[79] as well as Abu Zubaydah’s detention in secret C.I.A. prisons around the world,[80] such as Thailand,[81] Poland, [82][83] and Diego Garcia.[84]

In a speech in 2006, President Bush claimed that Abu Zubaydah initially revealed useful intelligence, including information that allegedly helped foil a terrorist attack on American soil, but that Abu Zubaydah became uncooperative.[79] It was only then, he reported, that an “alternative set of procedures” was used on Abu Zubaydah in order to gain valuable intelligence and were “safe and lawful.”[79] He also stated that Abu Zubaydah had received training in how to resist interrogation, and thus more aggressive techniques were mandated.[79] These claims directly conflict with the reports of the original F.B.I. agents tasked with interrogating Abu Zubaydah who had been receiving crucial pieces of information from him without the use of harsher techniques[26][85][86], as well as other government officials.[1][87] The President further asserted in his speech that after the harsher interrogation techniques were applied, Abu Zubaydah renewed his cooperation and provided information that helped capture an alleged planner of the September 11th attacks, Ramzi bin al Shibh,[79] and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind behind the September 11th attacks.[79] It has been revealed that the information Abu Zubaydah gave on these two terrorists had already been gleaned by U.S. intelligence months before Abu Zubaydah’s capture.[85][86][88]

Despite the contentions that Abu Zubaydah’s confessions may not have been accurate, President Bush reiterated the value of Abu Zubaydah’s information when he signed an executive order in July 2007 allowing harsh interrogation tactics “limited in public only by a vaguely worded ban on cruel and inhuman treatment.”[89] President Bush would also later veto an intelligence funding bill which included a provision to restrict harsher interrogation techniques, including waterboarding.[90]

The Iraq War

The U.S. Government used questionable intel from Abu Zubaydah in order to justify the invasion of Iraq. U.S. officials stated that the allegations that Iraq and al-Qaeda were linked in the training of people on chemical weapons came from Abu Zubaydah.[69][91] The officials noted there was no independent verification of his claims.[69][91] The U.S. Government included statements made by Abu Zubaydah in regards to al Qaeda’s ability to obtain a dirty bomb in its attempts to show a link between Iraq and al Qaeda.[92] According to a Senate Intelligence Committee report Abu Zubaydah also “indicated that he had heard that an important al Qaeda associate, Abu Musab al Zarqawi, and others had good relationships with Iraqi intelligence.”[93] However, in June, 2003 Abu Zubaydah and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed were reported as stating there was no link between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda.[94][95]

The Military Commissions Act

President Bush also asked Congress in a speech in September 2006 to formulate special rules in order to try Abu Zubaydah via military commission in Guantanamo Bay.[96] In fact, in late April 2002 less than one month after Abu Zubaydah’s capture, Justice Department officials stated Abu Zubaydah “is a near-ideal candidate for a tribunal trial.”[97] However, only several months later US Officials acknowledged there was “no rush” to try Abu Zubaydah via military commission.[98] In September 2006, President Bush stated in an interview that if Congress could pass a “good bill” out of the Senate in regards to setting up a military commission system, then Abu Zubaydah “is going to go on trial.”[99] The U.S. Government has yet to try Abu Zubaydah by military commission, article 3 court, or in any other capacity.

The Bush Administration's Domestic Spying Program

In addition to justifying the use of presently illegal torture techniques, the Bush administration used Abu Zubaydah’s capture as justification to accelerate its domestic spying program to allow quick action on the phone numbers and addresses seized during Abu Zubaydah’s capture.[100] Inexplicably the NSA expanded its surveillance beyond the numbers seized during Abu Zubaydah’s capture.[101] The spying program would later be revamped in order to make it legal.[26]

The FBI Interrogation of Abu Zubaydah: Pre-CIA

Following Abu Zubaydah’s capture he was interrogated by FBI agents Ali Soufan and Steve Gaudin.[26][85][86] The interrogation followed standard FBI protocol and involved cleaning and dressing Abu Zubaydah’s wounds.[85][86][102][103] Ali Soufan stated in a Newsweek article in April, 2009 "We kept him alive... It wasn't easy, he couldn't drink, he had a fever. I was holding ice to his lips."[86] The agents attempted to convince Abu Zubaydah that they knew of his activities in languages he understood; English and Arabic.[102][103] Both agents believed they were making good progress in gathering intelligence from Abu Zubayda: He disclosed Khalid Sheihkh Muhamed’s alias, “Mukhtar,” as well as other details of the attacks on New York and Washington D.C.[26][85][86][104] Abu Aubzaydah also revealed the identity of Jose Padilla to the FBI agents.[26][85][86][105]

FBI and CIA Clash Over Interrogation Tactics

Within a matter of days a CIA interrogation team began participating in Abu Zubaydah’s interrogation.[3][26][86][102] The CIA team included CIA contractor and former Air Force psychologist James Mitchell.[86][106] Within days James Mitchell took over the interrogations from Soufan and Gaudin.[86] Mitchell ignored Soufan's previously successful strategy and ordered that Abu Zubaydah answer questions or face a gradual increase in aggressive techniques.[86] Soufan asked Mitchell whether he had ever interrogated anyone, to which Mitchell replied that he hadn't, but "Science is science. This is a behavioral issue" and suggested Soufan was the inexperienced one at the facility.[86]

Mitchell strongly believed in his interrogation methods and applied them to Abu Zubaydah.[106] Mitchell believed that Abu Zubaydah must be treated “like a dog in a cage.”[26] He stated the interrogation “was like an experiment, when you apply electric shocks to a caged dog, after a while, he’s so diminished, he can’t resist.”[26] Soufan was so engraged at the tactics being contemplated by the CIA that he challenged a CIA agent's authority to go through with them, shouting "We're the United States of America, and we don't do that kind of thing."[86] The CIA agent told him in April 2002 that the tactics were approved by the "highest levels" in Washington, and even stated that the approvals "are coming from [Alberto] Gonzales."[86] FBI agents Ali Soufan and Steve Gaudin were replaced, but were allowed to stay on and observe the CIA’s interrogation.[3][26][102] Ali Soufan was alarmed by the CIA’s interrogation tactics.[3][26][85][86][102] He reported to his FBI superiors that the CIA’s interrogation constituted “borderline torture.”[103] He was particularly concerned about a coffin-like box he discovered that had been built by the CIA interrogation team.[86] He was so angry he called the FBI Assistant Director for counterterrorism, Pasquale D'Amaro and shouted "I swear to God, I'm going to arrest these guys!"[26][86][107] After Soufan’s complaints to the FBI Counterterrorism Assistant Director Pasquale D’Amuro were communicated to the CIA, both FBI agents were ordered to leave the facility immediately by FBI Director Robert Mueller.[85][86][103][108] Ali Soufan left, but Steve Gaudin stayed an additional few weeks and continued to participate in the interrogation.[103]

Shortly thereafter Pasquale D'Amaro met with officials from the Department of Justice as well as the Attorney General Office’s Criminal Division concerning the FBI’s participation in CIA interrogations of terrorism suspects.[103] During this meeting D’Amuro learned that the CIA had requested an opinion from the Department of Justice regarding the proposed use of certain types of interrogation techniques.[103] D’Amuro met with FBI director Robert Mueller III and told him the FBI should not participate in interrogations using harsh techniques because FBI protocol prohibited agents from being involved.[103] Robert Mueller III agreed with D’Amuro and ordered all FBI agents to stop participating in any interrogations where the CIA used harsh interrogation techniques.[3][26][86][102][103][108][109] In 2008, a report by the Justice Department’s Inspector General alleged the FBI complained repeatedly beginning in 2002 about harsh CIA tactics. Top FBI officials apparently debated for six months after Abu Zubaydah’s capture as to what to do, before formally severing ties with any CIA interrogations where harsh tactics were used.[110]

The CIA Interrogation of Abu Zubaydah

The CIA interrogation strategies were based off work done by James Elmer Mitchell and Bruce Jessen in the Air Force's Survival Evasion Resistance Escape (SERE) program.[22][26][111][112][113][114] The CIA contracted with the two psychologists to develop alternative, harsh interrogation techniques.[22][26][111][113][112] However, neither of the two psychologists had any experience in conducting interrogations.[111][112][113][115] Air Force Reserve Colonel Steve Kleinman stated that the CIA "chose two clinical psychologists who had no intelligence background whatsoever, who had never conducted an interrogation... to do something that had never been proven in the real world."[112][113][115] Associates of Mitchell and Jessen were skeptical of their methods and believed they did not possess any data about the impact of SERE training on the human psyche.[113] The CIA came to learn that Mitchell and Jessen's expertise in waterboarding was probably "misrepresented" and thus, there was no reason to believe it was medically safe or effective.[111] Despite these shortcomings of experience and know-how, the two psychologists boasted of being paid $1000 a day plus expenses, tax-free by the CIA for their work.[111][112][113]

The SERE program, which Mitchell and Jessen would reverse engineer, was originally designed to be defensive in nature and was used to train pilots and other soldiers on how to resist harsh interrogation techniques and torture were they to fall into enemy hands.[26][113] The program subjected trainees to torture techniques such as “waterboarding . . . sleep deprivation, isolation, exposure to extreme temperatures, enclosure in tiny spaces, bombardment with agonizing sounds at extremely damaging decibel levels, and religious and sexual humiliation.”[116] Under CIA supervision, Miller and Jessen adapted SERE into an offensive program designed to train CIA agents on how to use the harsh interrogation techniques to gather information from terrorist detainees.[22][26][113] In fact, all of the tactics listed above would later be reported in the International Committee of the Red Cross Report on Fourteen High Value Detainees in CIA Custody as having been used on Abu Zubaydah.[117][118]

The psychologists relied heavily on experiments done by American psychologist Martin Seligman in the 1970s known as “learned helplessness.”[106] In these experiments caged dogs were electrocuted in a random way in order to completely break their will to resist.[106] Mitchell and Jessen applied this idea to Abu Zubaydah during his interrogation.[26][106] Many of the interrogation techniques used in the SERE program, including waterboarding, cold cell, long-time standing, and sleep deprivation were previously considered illegal under U.S. and international law and treaties at the time of Abu Zubaydah’s capture.[35][119] In fact, the United States had prosecuted Japanese military officials after World War II and American soldiers after the Vietnam War for waterboarding and as recently as 1983.[119] Since 1930, the United States had defined sleep deprivation as an illegal form of torture.[26] Many other techniques developed by the CIA constitute inhuman and degrading treatment and torture under the United Nations Convention against Torture and Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights.[35]

Top U.S. Officials Approve Enhanced Interrogation Techniques

In the Spring of 2002, immediately following Abu Zubaydah’s capture, top US Government officials including Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, George Tenet, Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, and John Ashcroft discussed at length whether or not the CIA could legally use harsh techniques against Abu Zubaydah.[108][120] Condoleeza Rice specifically mentioned the SERE program during the meeting stating “I recall being told that U.S. military personnel were subjected to training to certain physical and psychological interrogation techniques…”[108] In addition, in 2002, several Democratic congressional leaders were briefed on the proposed “enhanced interrogation techniques.”[121] These congressional leaders included Nancy Pelosi, the future Speaker of the House, and Representative Jane Harman.[121] Congressional officials have stated that the attitude in the briefings ranged from “quiet acquiescence, if not downright support.”[121] Harman was the only congressional leader to object to the tactics being proposed.[122] It is of note that in a 2007 report by investigator Dick Marty on secret CIA prisons, the phrase “enhanced interrogations” was stated to be a euphemism for “torture.”[123] The documents show that top U.S. Officials were intimately involved in the discussion and approval of the harsher interrogation techniques used on Abu Zubaydah.[108] Condoleeza Rice ultimately told the CIA the harsher interrogation tactics were acceptable,[124][125] and Dick Cheney stated "I signed off on it; so did others."[125][126] During the discussions John Ashcroft is reported as saying “Why are we talking about this in the White House? History will not judge this kindly.”[120]

At least one advisor to Condoleeza Rice, Philip Zelikow, opposed the new, harsher interrogation techniques.[127] Upon reading the August 1, 2002 memo which justified the torture, Zelikow authored his own memo contesting the Justice Department's conclusions, since he believed they were legally incorrect.[127] The Bush Administration attempted to collect all of the copies of Zelikow's memo and destroy them, although it is still unclear why.[86][127]

The Torture Memos

In 2009, President Obama released four Justice Department memos which outlined the procedures CIA operatives wished to use on Abu Zubaydah.[128][129][130]

August 1, 2002 Memo

In August 2002, the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel, Jay Bybee and John Yoo drafted the first Torture Memo.[131] The purpose of the memo was to gain approval for harsh interrogation tactics to be used on Abu Zubaydah.[131][132] Although some believe the harsh tactics were already in effect before the memo granting authority to use them was written.[26][108][114][131][133] Alberto Gonzales would later testify before Congress that the opinion was sought after the detention of Abu Zubaydah.[134] Questions by C.I.A. officers over which tactics could be used on Abu Zubaydah had spurred the torture memo’s existence[135], which is reflected in the language of the memo; "You have asked for this advice in the course of conducting interrogations of Abu Zubaydah."[136] The memo's author, John Yoo, acknowledged the memo was the basis for Abu Zubaydah’s interrogation.[137] Yoo even told an interviewer “there was an urgency to decide so that valuable intelligence could be acquired from Abu Zubaydah, before further attacks could occur.”[137]

The memo contemplated ten techniques the interrogators wanted to use: "(1) attention grasp, (2) walling, (3) facial hold, (4) facial slap (insult slap), (5) cramped confinement, (6) wall standing, (7) stress positions, (8) sleep deprivation, (9) insects placed in a confinement box, and (10) the waterboard.”[136] Many of the techniques were, until then, generally considered illegal.[26][35][106][108][119][131] Many other techniques developed by the CIA constituted inhumane and degrading treatment and torture under the United Nations Convention against Torture and Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights.[35]

The memo was drafted weeks after prohibited techniques had already been used on Abu Zubaydah[26][108][133] and was used to provide after-the-fact legal support for harsh interrogation techniques.[135] Regardless, the techniques were only to be used on an "as-needed basis and that not all of these techniques will necessarily be used.”[136] The techniques were to be used in an escalating fashion, but the "repetition will not be substantial because the techniques generally lose their effectiveness after several repetitions" and that substantial repetition was assured not to occur.[136] However, Abu Zubaydah would eventually be waterboarded 83 times in the same month the memo was drafted.[138][139][140]

According to a psychological evaluation conducted of Abu Zubaydah upon his capture, the memo alleges that Abu Zubaydah:

Quickly rose from very low level mujahedin to third or fourth man in al Qaeda
Served as Usama Bin Laden’s senior lieutenant
Managed a network of training camps
Was instrumental in the training of operatives for al Qaeda, the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, and other terrorist elements inside Pakistan and Afghanistan
Acted as the Deputy Camp Commander for al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan, personally approving entry and graduation of all trainees during 1999-2000
Approved all individuals going in and out of Afghanistan to the training camps from 1996-1999
No one went in and out of Peshawar, Pakistan without his knowledge and approval
Acted as al Qaeda’s coordinator of external contacts and foreign communications
Acted as al Qaeda’s counter-intelligence officer and had been trusted to find spies within the organization
Was involved in every major terrorist operation carried out by al Qaeda
Was a planner for the Millennium plot to attack U.S. and Israeli targets during the Millennium celebrations in Jordan
Served as a planner for the Paris Embassy plot in 2001
Was one of the planners of 9/11
Engaged in planning future terrorist attacks against U.S. interests
Wrote al Qaeda’s manual on resistance techniques[136]

Due in part to these allegations, the Bush administration approved the use of enhanced interrogation techniques against Abu Zubaydah, and subsequently other high-value detainees.[136] The Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel drafted a subsequent memo less than a year later authorizing military interrogators to use much of the same techniques the CIA was authorized to use.[141] However, both memoranda were eventually rescinded by the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel.[141]

May 10, 2005 Memo

Another subsequent memo addressed the legality of additional interrogation techniques such as nudity, dietary manipulation, abdominal slap, water dousing, and water flicking.[142] It also expanded on the techniques of walling, stress positions, and sleep deprivation, allowing for an additional stress position and extended sleep deprivation up to 180 consecutive hours.[142] The memo also outlined the amount of waterboarding applications a detainee could be subjected to.[142]

The waterboard can only be used with a given detainee during one 30-day period. During that 30-day period the waterboard can be used no more than 5 days. In any given day that waterboarding occurs interrogators may use no more than two “sessions”, with a “session” defined as the time that the detainee is strapped to the board, and that a session can last no more than 2 hours. During any session no more than six applications of water of 10 seconds or more can be used. The total cumulative time of all water applications in a 24 hour period may not exceed 12 minutes.[142]

This meant the detainee could only be subjected to 60 waterboarding sessions of 10 seconds or longer per 30 day period. The memo also reported that the Department of Justice, Inspector General report noted that

[T]he waterboard technique… was different from the technique described in the DoJ opinion and used in the SERE training. The difference was in the manner in which the detainee’s breathing was obstructed. At the SERE school and in the DoJ opinion the subject’s airflow is disrupted by the firm application of a damp cloth over the air passage; the interrogator applies a small amount of water to the cloth in a controlled manner. By contrast, the Agency interrogator… applied large volumes of water to a cloth that covered the detainee’s mouth and nose. One of the psychologists/interrogators acknowledged that the Agency’s use of the technique is different from that used in SERE training because it is ‘for real’ and is ‘more poignant and convincing.’” The Inspector General further reported that “OMS contends that the expertise of the SERE psychologist/interrogator on the waterboard was probably misrepresented at the time, as the SERE waterboard experience is so different from the subsequent Agency usage as to make it almost irrelevant. Consequently, according to OMS, there was no a priori reason to believe that applying the waterboard with the frequency and intensity with which it was used by the psychologist/interrogators was either efficacious or medically safe.[142]

The Inspector General also noted that the use of waterboarding was discontinued in every armed services branch except the Navy SERE training "because of its dramatic effect on the students who were subjects."[142] The CIA Office of Medical Services contradicted this conclusion, however, stating that “[w]hile SERE trainers believe that trainees are unable to maintain psychological resistance to the waterboard our experience was otherwise. Some subjects unquestionably can withstand a large number of applications, with no immediately discernible cumulative impact beyond their strong aversion to the experience.”[142] The memo also noted that at a Senate Judiciary Committee hear, Douglas Johnson, Executive Director of the Center for Victims of Torture, testified that some U.S. military personnel who have undergone waterboard training have apparently stated “that it’s taken them 15 years of therapy to get over it", although his claim has not substantiated.[142] Despite the conflicting information the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel approved all of the tactics listed above.[142]


  1. ^ a b c Peter Finn and Joby Warrick, Detainee's Harsh Treatment Foiled No Plots The Washington Post, March 29, 2009
  2. ^ a b c d e Abu Zubaydah Unclassified Verbatim Combatant Status Review Tribunal Transcript, Department of Defense
  3. ^ a b c d e Dan Eggen and Walter Pincus, FBI, CIA Debate Significance of Terror Suspect: Agencies Also Disagree On Interrogation Methods The Washington Post, Dec. 18, 2007
  4. ^ a b Ron Suskind, The One Percent Doctrine: Deep Inside America's Pursuit of Its Enemies Since 9/11 Simon & Schuster, 2006
  5. ^ Wikipedia: Khalden Camp
  6. ^ a b c Khalid Sulaymanjaydh Al Hubayshi Unclassified Verbatim Combatant Status Review Tribunal Transcript, Pgs. 65-73 Department of Defense
  7. ^ a b c Noor Uthamn Muhammed Unclassified Verbatim Combatant Status Review Tribunal, Pg. 15, Department of Defense
  8. ^ 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States July 22, 2006
  9. ^ a b Brynjar Lia, Architect of Global Jihad: The Life of Al-Qaida Strategist Abu Mus'ab al-Suri pg. 242-243, Columbia University Press, 2008
  10. ^ New York Times Guantanamo Docket
  11. ^ Pak leadership under Sharif offered to try to capture Osama The Press Trust of India Ltd. Through Asia Pulse. March 28, 2004 (Access My Library Link, requires free membership)
  12. ^ a b c d David A. Vise and Lorraine Adams, Bin Laden Weakened, Officials Say The Washington Post. March 11, 2000 (Highbeam News Database Link, requires free membership)
  13. ^ Jamal Halaby, Arabs of Terror Linked to bin Laden AP News Online (Highbeam News Database Link, requires free membership)
  14. ^ Trainees in Terror The Seattle Times, Sunday, March 5, 2000
  15. ^ a b Transcript: Bin Laden determined to Strike in US CNN.com, Saturday April 10, 2004
  16. ^ a b Elaine Ganley, Terror Plot Took Typical Path AP Online, December 19, 2001 (Highbeam News Database Link, requires free membership)
  17. ^ a b c Andy Worthington The Guantanamo Files Pluto Press, 2007
  18. ^ a b Tim McGirk, Anatomy of a Raid TIME Magazine, April 8, 2002
  19. ^ a b John Burns, A NATION CHALLENGED: THE FUGITIVES, In Pakistan’s Interior, A Troubling Victory in Hunt for Al Qaeda New York Times, April 14, 2002
  20. ^ a b Anti-terror raids yield bonanza for U.S. intelligence Seattle Times, April 2, 2002
  21. ^ Arun Kumar, US imposes sanctions on four Lashkar-e-Toiba leaders Hindustan Times, May 28, 2008
  22. ^ a b c d e Brian Ross, CIA- Abu Zubaydah: Interview with John Kiriakou: Transcript ABC News, December 10, 2007
  23. ^ J.J. Green, Former CIA Officer: Waterboarding is Wrong, but it Worked WTOPnews.com, March 20, 2008
  24. ^ a b President George Bush, Speech September 6, 2009
  25. ^ a b Ted Bridis U.S. Will Seek Death Penalty In Spy Case The Columbian, April 20, 2002 (Highbeam News Database Link, requires free membership)
  26. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Jane Meyer, The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned Into a War on American Ideals Doubleday Publishing, July 15, 2008
  27. ^ Nowaf Obaid, The Saudis’ Fight Too: We’re on the same side in the war on terror The Washington Post, December 26, 2002 (Highbeam News Database Link, requires free membership)
  28. ^ a b Scott Shane, Inside a 9/11 mastermind’s interrogation New York Times, June 22, 2008
  29. ^ Dan Froomkin, Bush’s Exhibit A for Torture The Washington Post December 18, 2007
  30. ^ Dana Priest, CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons The Washington Post, November 2, 2005
  31. ^ Dick Marty, Secret detentions and illegal transfers of detainees involving Council of Europe member states: Second report Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, June 7, 2007
  32. ^ Brian Ross and Richard Esposito, EXCLUSIVE: Sources Tell ABC News Top Al Qaeda Figures Held in Secret CIA Prisons ABC News, December 5, 2005
  33. ^ CIA Shuffled Prisoners Out of Poland Global Pulse December 5, 2005
  34. ^ Jason Burke, Secret World of U.S. Jails Observer, June 13, 2004
  35. ^ a b c d e Enforced Disappearance, Illegal Interstate Transfer, and Other Human Rights Abuses Involving the UK Overseas Territories: Executive Summary Reprieve
  36. ^ Scott Shane, Divisions Arose on Rough Tactics for Qaead Figure The New York Times, April 17, 2009
  37. ^ Transcript of Representative John Conyers Jr. Hearing on C.I.A.’s Destruction of Tapes Political/Congressional Transcript Wire, December 20, 2007 (Access My Library Link, requires free membership)
  38. ^ Report: Insider May Testitfy On Zubaydah April 2, 2002 (Highbeam News Database Link, requires free membership)
  39. ^ United States Helsinki Commission Briefing Transcript Political/Congressional Transcript Wire, June 22, 2007 (Access My Library Link, requires free membership)
  40. ^ Transcript of Video News Story on Guantanamo Bay with Kelli Arena Reporting CNN, September 24, 2006 (Access My Library Link, requires free membership)
  41. ^ Department of Defense News Briefing April 2, 2002 (Access My Library Link, requires free membership)
  42. ^ Gerry Gilmore Rumsfeld Confirms Capture of Senior Al Qaeda Leader Department of Defense, April 2, 2002
  43. ^ a b c Donald Rumsfeld News Transcript Department of Defense, April 3, 2002
  44. ^ Profile: Abu Zubaydah BBC News, April 2, 2002
  45. ^ a b World: United States Western Mail, April 3, 2002
  46. ^ George W. Bush Remarks by the President at Connecticut Republican Committee Luncheon White House website, April 9, 2002
  47. ^ George W. Bush’s Remarks at the Virginia Military Institute, April 17, 2002
  48. ^ George W. Bush, Remarks by the President in Address to the Nation White House website, June 6, 2002
  49. ^ George W. Bush Remarks by the President at Thaddeus McCotter for Congress Dinner White House website, October 14, 2002
  50. ^ a b Massimo Calabresi and Romesh Ratnesar, Can we stop the next attack? CNN News, March 4, 2002
  51. ^ Who’s Who in al-Qaeda? BBC News
  52. ^ Nick Schou One Degree of Separation Orange County Weekly, October 11, 2001
  53. ^ Marlise Simons A NATION CHALLENGED: FRANCE; Ninth Man Held in Suspected Plot Against Paris Embassy New York Times, October 4, 2001
  54. ^ AP Top News at 8 p.m. EDT Associated Press, October 5, 2001
  55. ^ Bin Laden Videos Suggest Location The Cincinnati Post, December 5, 2001
  56. ^ Eric Schmitt and Erik Eckholm A NATION CHALLENGED: THE HUNTED; U.S. Takes Custody of a Qaeda Trainer Seized by Pakistan New York Times, January 6, 2002
  57. ^ Philip Shenon A NATION CHALLENGED: BALKAN TRAIL; U.S. Labels an Arab Captive a Planner of Qaeda Attacks New York Times, January 23, 2002
  58. ^ a b c d Global Impact News Alert. U.S. Seeks New Head of Al Qaida Anti-American Operations United Press International, February 15, 2002 (Highbeam News Database Link, requires free membership)
  59. ^ Profile: Abu Zubaydah BBC News, April 2, 2002
  60. ^ BANK TERROR ATTACK FEAR; Warning issued after interview Birmingham Evening Mail, April 20, 2002
  61. ^ a b Al-Qaeda claims ‘dirty bomb’ know-how BBC News, April 23, 2002
  62. ^ John J. Lumpkin Al-Qaida Captive Talks Of Terror AP News, April 24, 2002
  63. ^ NY terror alert came from bin Laden aide USA Today, May 23, 2002
  64. ^ Bush Faces Dissent on European Trip CNN News Transcripts, May 23, 2002
  65. ^ Bush: ‘No war plans on my desk’ for Iraq CNN.com, May 23, 2002
  66. ^ John J. Lumpkin Many Al-Qaida Chiefs Remain Unreachable The Cincinnati Post, December 27, 2002
  67. ^ a b CNN American Morning With Paula Zahn CNN.com, July 1, 2002
  68. ^ Travel Watch ONE News, July 1, 2002
  69. ^ a b c d Ron Hutcheson and James Kuhnhenn Iraq deal with Congress nears, Bush says Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, September 26, 2002
  70. ^ Department of Defense Military Commissions Cases Website, April 30, 2009
  71. ^ Alleged 9-11 Mastermind Nabbed CBS News, March 1, 2003
  72. ^ NEWS SUMMARY: Arrest May Deter Attacks New York Times, April 4, 2002
  73. ^ Terrorism Notebook. More attacks have been prevented, officials say Seattle Times, January 11, 2003
  74. ^ Jeff Bliss and Tony Capaccio, Iraq Group May Attack Outside Nation, McConnell Says Bloomberg.com, February 5, 2008
  75. ^ Richard Esposito and Jason Ryan CIA Chief: We Waterboarded. ABC News, February 5, 2008
  76. ^ The White House’s Perverse Argument: Opinion Watch The Washington Post, February 7, 2008
  77. ^ a b Philip Shenon MIDEAST TURMOIL: INTELLIGENCE; Officials Say Qaeda Suspect Has Given Useful Information New York Times, April 26, 2002
  78. ^ Amanda Ripley A look at the evolution of a terrorist-attack warning: one part truth, one part rumor and one part fear CNN.com, May 27, 2002
  79. ^ a b c d e f George W. Bush September 2006 Speech September 2006
  80. ^ Bush Concedes CIA Held Suspects in Secret Prisons NPR, September 6, 2006
  81. ^ Raymond Bonner THREATS AND RESPONSES: SOUTHEAST ASIA; Thailand Tiptoes in Step With the American Antiterror Effort New York Times, June 8, 2003
  82. ^ Report: Europeans knew of CIA secret prisons USA Today, June 8, 2007
  83. ^ Elaine Ganley CIA ran secret prisons in Poland and Romania, EU investigator says Seattle Times, June 8, 2007
  84. ^ Lawmakers to examine claims Indian Ocean island used in secret prison network International Herald Tribune, October 19, 2007
  85. ^ a b c d e f g h Ali Soufan My Tortured Decision New York Times, April 22, 2009
  86. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Michael Isikoff We Could Have Done This the Right Way Newsweek, April 25, 2009
  87. ^ Abu Zubaydah New York Times, April 20, 2009
  88. ^ Mark Mazetti Questions Raised About Bush’s Primary Claims in Defense of Secret Detention System New York Times, September 8, 2006
  89. ^ Katherine Shrader Bush Alters Rules for CIA Interrogations San Francisco Chronicle, July 20, 2007
  90. ^ Bush vetoes move to outlaw waterboarding ABC News Australia, March 9, 2008
  91. ^ a b Bush Says He and Congress Will Band Together on Iraq; Capitol Hill Still Sour Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News, September 27, 2002 (Access My Library Link, requires free membership)
  92. ^ Fritz Umbach Bush’s bogus document dump The Salon, April 13, 2006
  93. ^ Stephen F. Hayes The Rice Stuff? The Daily Standard, October 20, 2004
  94. ^ John Diamond and Bill Nichols CIA in spotlight over reports leading to war June 8, 2003
  95. ^ James Risen THREATS AND RESPONSES: C.I.A.; Captives Deny Qaeda Worked With Baghdad New York Times, June 9, 2003
  96. ^ Warren Richey ‘Alternative’ CIA tactics complicate Padilla case Christian Science Monitor, September 15, 2006
  97. ^ Neail A. Lewis A NATION CHALLENGED: THE DETAINEES; U.S. Is Seeking Basis to Charge War Detainees New York Times, April 21, 2002
  98. ^ Frank Davies U.S. readies tribunals for terrorism trials The Miami Herald, December 26, 2002
  99. ^ Wolf Blitzer Interview of George W. Bush CNN, September 20, 2006
  100. ^ James Risen and Eric Lichtblau Bush altered rules on spying International Herald Tribune, December 17, 2005
  101. ^ Aziz Huq Who’s watching whom? League of Women Voters, October 1, 2006
  102. ^ a b c d e f David Johnston At a Secret Interrogation, Dispute Flared Over Tactics New York Times, September 10, 2006
  103. ^ a b c d e f g h i A Review of the FBI’s Involvement and Observations of Detainee Interrogation in Guantanamo Bay, Afghanistan, and Iraq Department of Justice: Office of the Inspector General, May 2008
  104. ^ Peter Grier Detainee treatment: new details Christian Science Monitor, May 23, 2008
  105. ^ Mark Mazzetti "Inquiry Begins Into Destruction of Tapes" New York Times, December 9, 2007
  106. ^ a b c d e f Amy Goodman The Dark Side: Jane Mayer on the Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned Into a War on American Ideals, Interview Transcript Democracy Now, July 18, 2008
  107. ^ Michael Isikoff, Mark Hosenball and Michael Hirsh Aggressive interrogation techniques of terror suspects is under scrutiny Newsweek, December 17, 2007
  108. ^ a b c d e f g h Mark Mazzetti Bush Aides Linked to Talks on Interrogations New York Times, September 24, 2008
  109. ^ Walter Pincus Pakistan Is Threatened, Intelligence Chief Says The Washington Post, February 6, 2008
  110. ^ Eric Lichtblau and Scott Shane FBI clashed with CIA and military over interrogation tactics International Herald Tribune, May 20, 2008
  111. ^ a b c d e Brian Ross, Matthew Cole, and Joseph Rhee The CIA's $1000 a Day Specialists on Waterboarding, Interrogations ABC News, April 30, 2009
  112. ^ a b c d e Report: Two Psychologists Responsible for Devising CIA Torture Program Fox News, April 30, 2009
  113. ^ a b c d e f g h Katherine Eban Rorschach and Awe Vanity Fair, July 17, 2007
  114. ^ a b Joby Warrick and Peter Finn Harsh Tactics Readied Before Their Approval The Washington Post, April 22, 2009
  115. ^ a b Katherine Eban, Torture Memos Link Lawyers and Psychologists Vanity Fair, April 17, 2009
  116. ^ United States’ “Disappeared” CIA Long-term “Ghost Detainees” Human Rights Watch, October 2004
  117. ^ International Committee of the Red Cross Report on the Treatment of Fourteen "High Value Detainees" in CIA Custody International Committee of the Red Cross, February 2007
  118. ^ Derek Summerfield Fighting “terrorism” with torture: torture is a form of terrorism: there are no justifications for it British Medical Journal, April 12, 2003
  119. ^ a b c Walter Pincus, Waterboarding Historically Controversial The Washington Post, October 5, 2006
  120. ^ a b Bush aware of advisers’ interrogation talks ABC News, April 11, 2008
  121. ^ a b c Joby Warrick and Dan Eggen Hill Briefed on Waterboarding in 2002 The Washington Post, December 9, 2007
  122. ^ Report: Top Members of Congress Were OK With Waterboarding in 2002 Fox News, December 9, 2007
  123. ^ Molly Moore Report Gives Details on CIA Prisons The Washington Post, June 9, 2007
  124. ^ As Bush Adviser, Rice Gave OK to Waterboard Fox News, April 22, 2009
  125. ^ a b Senate Report: Rice, Cheney OK'd CIA use of waterboarding CNN, April 23, 2009
  126. ^ Jason Leopold Cheney Admits He 'Signed Off' on Waterboarding of Three Guantanamo Prisoners Atlantic Free Press, December 29, 2008
  127. ^ a b c Rachel Maddow Interview of Philip Zelikow, Transcript MSNBC, April 23, 2009
  128. ^ Ewen MacAskill Obama releases Bush torture memos The Guardian, April 16, 2009
  129. ^ Mark Mazetti and Scott Shane Interrogation Memos Detail Harsh Tactics by the C.I.A. New York Times, April 16, 2009
  130. ^ Jon Swaine Barack Obama releases torture memos: details of techniques used by CIA The Telegraph, April 17, 2009
  131. ^ a b c d Previously Secret Torture Memo Released CNN.com, July 24, 2008
  132. ^ C.I.A. Interrogations New York Times, April 28, 2009
  133. ^ a b Alex Koppelman Ashcroft suggests CIA sought legal approval after torture began Salon, July 17, 2008
  134. ^ Zachary Coile Gonzales unflappable in 6 hours of testimony Bush nominee says torture will not be tolerated San Francisco Chronicle, January 7, 2005
  135. ^ a b David Johnston and James Risen The Reach Of War: The Interrogations; Aides Say Memo Backed Coercion Already In Use New York Times, June 27, 2004
  136. ^ a b c d e f Jay Bybee and John Yoo Memorandum for John Rizzo Acting General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency: Interrogation of al Qaeda Operative U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Legal Counsel, August 1, 2002
  137. ^ a b Jeffrey Rosen Conscience of a Conservative New York Times, September 9, 2007
  138. ^ Steven Bradbury Memoradnum for John A. Rizzo Senior Deputy General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency Re: Application of United States Obligations Under Article 16 of the Convention Against Torture to Certain Techniques that May Be Used in the Interrogation of High Value al Qaeda Detainees Department of Justice, Office of Legal Counsel, May 30, 2005
  139. ^ Michael Scherer and Bobby Ghosh How Waterboarding Got Out of Control Time Magazine, April 20, 2009
  140. ^ Scott Shane Waterboarding Used 266 Times on 2 Suspects New York Times, April 19, 2009
  141. ^ a b Mark Mazzetti ’03 Memo Approved Harsh Interrogations New York Times, April 2, 2008
  142. ^ a b c d e f g h i Steven Bradbury Memorandum for John A. Rizzo Senior Deputy General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency, Office of Legal Counsel Re: Application of 18 U.S.C. Sections 2340-2340A to Certain Techniques That May Be Used in the Interrogation of a High Value al Qaeda Detainee Department of Justice, Office of Legal Counsel, May 10, 2005