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The best way for a person to get to know Jesus Christ is first the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which can be found in any Bible (specefically the New Testament, Matthew is around the middle of the Bible after Malachi and begins the New Testament). Each Gospel contains the full story of Christ's life on earth from the specefic viewpoint of the author (which is why each is unique: Matthew was written from a Jewish perspective, Mark from a Roman perspective--it is believed to that Saint Peter asked Mark to write His gospel in Rome, Luke from a Gentile and Physician's perspective, and John from the Beloved Disciple's perspective. John in particular is more full of realizations of Christ's Divinity.
The best way for a person to get to know Jesus Christ is first the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which can be found in any Bible (specefically the New Testament, Matthew is around the middle of the Bible after Malachi and begins the New Testament). Each Gospel contains the full story of Christ's life on earth from the specefic viewpoint of the author (which is why each is unique: Matthew was written from a Jewish perspective, Mark from a Roman perspective--it is believed to that Saint Peter asked Mark to write His gospel in Rome, Luke from a Gentile and Physician's perspective, and John from the Beloved Disciple's perspective). John in particular is more full of realizations of Christ's Divinity.
Besides the Gospels there are the Epistles (which are also found in the Bible), letters from Saint Paul (Romans-Hebrews) to the Churches (by which the letters get their names), Saint Peter (I, II Peter), Saint John (I, II, and III John, and Saint James. These help one to get to know Christ in His effecting power as manifest through the Holy Spirit.
Besides the Gospels there are the Epistles (which are also found in the Bible), letters from Saint Paul (Romans-Hebrews) to the Churches (by which the letters get their names), Saint Peter (I, II Peter), Saint John (I, II, and III John, and Saint James. These help one to get to know Christ in His effecting power as manifest through the Holy Spirit.

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Through talking with the Lord and meditation on the Scriptures, one is led into a deep, relationship with Him. I also suggest that you get baptized in Jesus' Name for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38), and pray for the gift of His Holy Ghost.
Through talking with the Lord and meditation on the Scriptures, one is led into a deep, relationship with Him. I also suggest that you get baptized in Jesus' Name for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38), and pray for the gift of His Holy Ghost.

== Reference literature ==
== Reference literature ==

Revision as of 21:40, 8 March 2006

This page is about the title. For the Christian figure, see Jesus

Christ is the English representation of the Greek word Χριστός The Christian religion takes its name from Christ, as a title given to Jesus of Nazareth, always capitalized as a singularly descriptive title meaning literally The Anointed One. In English translations of the New Testament, the Greek Ιησούς Χριστός, and related phrases, are almost invariably translated Jesus Christ or Christ Jesus, leading to the common, though inaccurate, perception that 'Christ' was the last name of Jesus of Nazareth. The part of Christian theology focusing on the identity, life, teachings and works of Jesus, is known as Christology.

Full etymology

The spelling Christ in English dates from the 17th century, when, in the spirit of the enlightenment, spellings of certain words were changed to fit their Greek or Latin origins. Prior to this, in Old and Middle English, the word was spelt Crist, the i being pronounced either as a long e, preserved in the names of churches such as St Katherine Cree, or as a short i, preserved in the modern pronunciation of Christmas.

The term appears in English and most European languages owing to the Greek usage of it in the New Testament as a description for Jesus. In the Septuagint version of the Old Testament, it was used to translate into Greek the Hebrew Mashiach (Messiah), meaning "anointed". While many Christian writers claim that this term implied a match to the criteria of being anointed that Jewish tradition had given to their predicted future saviour, in fact, there is no "saviour" concept, as suggested in Christianity, in the Jewish tradition. The "anointed" one more closely means 'leader', or even 'ruler'.

The Greek term is cognate with Chrism, meaning perfumed oil; in fact Christ in classical Greek usage could mean covered in oil, and is thus a literal and accurate translation of Messiah (anointed).

Anointing in the Old Testament

In the Hebrew faith tradition, anointing (with oil) was a key element of religious ceremony by which specific people were explicitly marked or set aside for a specific role: priests, kings, and prophets. In some cases other materials were anointed with oil as well, to prepare them for religious ceremony. The importance of anointing is sometimes stressed by mentioning the need for it alongside reference to the person in question: e.g., "The priest that is anointed shall carry of the blood into the tabernacle of the testimony" (Lev 4:16). Many writers feel that some Jews came to expect a leader who would embody the elements of priest, king, and prophet, and whom they therefore termed "the Messias", which served as a title. The association with being anointed and being a leader makes these words in some senses equivalent. They expressed their hopes for this leader particularly in their prayers known as the Psalms, which often make reference to God and "his anointed", many of which references some Christians interpret as prophetic.

Anointing in the New Testament and subsequent rites

Anointing is used in the New Testament to heal the sick, to bless for ministry, to give thanks to Jesus, and to prepare for burial. According to Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic traditions, as Christ was the anointed one, so is apostolic succession, manifest in those priests who carry on the ministry of Christ, premised upon an anointing. Oil is used in a number of the sacraments of these traditions. Practices vary slightly from East to West. Every Christian in the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches is anointed with oil at least once, if he or she receives the sacraments according to each organization's plan. Protestant organizations' rites, however, do not always include anointing with oil.

History in the New Testament

See Jesus and New Testament view on Jesus' life.

In the New Testament it is both suggested that a savior, long awaited, had come and shall return.

Distinctions between "Jesus", "Christ", and "God"

The term "Christ" is often used synonymously with "Jesus". A difference in usage is sometimes for variety of speech, and sometimes a subtlety intended to emphasize the totality of His person and function in Salvation. For example, Ott refers to "Jesus" when emphasizing an event in the New Testament, while he refers to "Christ" in discussing the nature of God.

However, in an orthodox Christian viewpoint, Jesus is the "Lord Jesus Christ"--that is, God, Man, and the Messiah, or savior of Israel (and the world).

John 1:48-49:

Nathanael saith unto him, Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee. Nathanael answered and saith unto him, Rabbi [which being interpreted is Master or Lord], thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel!

The Christian mainstream view

There is a temporal distinction between "Jesus" and "Christ", not to mention "God". God, in the Christian belief system, exists outside of the time continuum and is not restricted by the confines of time (e.g., limitations, aging, development, evolution, etc.).

"Jesus", on the other hand, is the temporal manifestation of the "Logos" -- the divine "Word" of God, and, in Christian Trinitarian parlance, the second person of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). "Jesus" was born, lived, suffered, and died. However, for the Christian believer, the story of "Jesus" does not end there. With the Resurrection, there is the fulness of recognition within the Christian community of the interconnectedness of the Logos and the person of "Jesus" -- the human person now intensely glorified and beyond the confines of the temporal sphere of events and effects.

The metaphor of Christ being the "Word" of God carries great significance; it begins the Gospel of John and it carries with it the notion that Christ is the full expression or revelation of Who God Is.

John 1:1-13--

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John [that is, the Baptist]. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

"Christ" is an appellation in Greek (Χριστός), corresponding to the Hebrew word "Messiah" -- the Savior or Anointed One. This term pertains more to the role to be performed by the "chosen one of God" (another possible translation of the term "Christ"). The problem with this word for the person of Jesus is that the term means different things to different people. Most especially, the term "Messiah" refers most often in Jewish beliefs of the Roman era to the hoped-for leader who would not only be a spiritual leader but a political one as well. Hence, we have grounds for why this term might cause consternation and skepticism -- if not downright hostility -- not only for Romans, but also for the Jewish leadership of the Temple at the time of Jesus.

The Gnostic Christ

The gnostics generally believed not in a Jesus who was both a Divine Person and a human person, but in a spiritual Christ who indwelt Jesus. Through the spiritual path of gnosticism, followers of these schools believed that they could experience the same knowledge, or gnosis. Their theology was or is dualistic and premised upon demigods, salvation for the elect, and the actions of God who sends periodic saviors. This was considered heresy by the Early Church as per the first Ecumenical Council, which occurred at Nicaea in 325 ad, although condemnation of the belief existed well before.

The esoteric Christian tradition

In the western esoteric tradition, Essenian and later Rosicrucian, there is a distinction to be made between Jesus and the Christ [1]. Jesus is considered a high Initiate of the human life wave (which evolves under the cycle of rebirth) and of a singularly pure type of mind, vastly superior to the great majority of the present humanity. He was educated during his youth among the Essenes and thus prepared himself for the greatest honor ever bestowed upon a human being: to deliver his pure, passionless, highly evolved physical body and vital body (already attuned to the high vibrations of the 'life spirit'), in the moment of the Baptism, to the Christ being for His ministry in the physical world. Christ is described as the highest Spiritual Being of the life wave called Archangels and has completed His union ("the Son") with the second aspect of God.

See also Second Coming (of the Christ) according to the esoteric Christian tradition.

Expansions and appropriations of "Christ"

"Christ" has taken on such power and significance as a theological, religious and/or devotional term that it has been appropriated and/or expanded by various theologians and religious writers so as to take it beyond its merely Christian context. The development of Judeo/Christian religious concepts in a world religious context may be startling to the orthodox, but is part of the full picture and contemporary meaning of the term "Christ".

Paramahansa Yogananda - writes about a "Christ Consciousness" interchangeably with "Krishna Consciousness"

Matthew Fox - speaks of "the Cosmic Christ" etc.

One belief is the idea or concept that 'Jesus became Christ;' i.e. his 'flesh was transformed to spirit.' By taking a spiritual and good path through life, Jesus was reunited with his true holy nature (redemption) and preserved forever in God.

However in this view, this psychic force is often called 'the Christ,' or sometimes 'Christ consciousness,' etc; drawing a separation between God (whose nature some maintain we cannot fathom or comprehend) and the Holy Spirit, which has experience (through Jesus) and therefore compatibility with our mortal and frail humanity. This separation of spiritual concepts is embodied in the Christian Trinity.

In many branches of Christianity, some limitations on extra-cultural interactivity result in dogmatic interpretations of the meaning of "the Christ" to refer only to "Christendom" (i.e. confirmed "Christians") as opposed to all of spiritual humanity, that may have equal devotion to 'the Christ,' yet may refer to it by another name: i.e. God, Krishna, etc.

In Eastern religious traditions, for example, "God" remains mysterious and unknowable and therefore only implied; described instead by personifications (deities) which are manifestations of particular aspects of God's power. In mortal form, the Christian Jesus is akin to these personifications, with the caveat that he alone is the deity; all of God's powers that are relevant or understandable to man, are manifest through Jesus. Thus, where Christ is a synonym for the Holy Spirit, the Trinity of Father (God) Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit (Christ) are unified, though each remain distinct.

Slang usage

The interjection "Christ!" is often used as a sign of surprise or anger, without a direct religious reference - that is, as a swear word. Devout Christians find this usage blasphemous, as they feel it cheapens God's Holy Name and violates the Mosaic Commandment against taking His name in vain.

"Christ" is also the name of a British humour fanzine.[2]

How to get to know Christ


The best way for a person to get to know Jesus Christ is first the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, which can be found in any Bible (specefically the New Testament, Matthew is around the middle of the Bible after Malachi and begins the New Testament). Each Gospel contains the full story of Christ's life on earth from the specefic viewpoint of the author (which is why each is unique: Matthew was written from a Jewish perspective, Mark from a Roman perspective--it is believed to that Saint Peter asked Mark to write His gospel in Rome, Luke from a Gentile and Physician's perspective, and John from the Beloved Disciple's perspective). John in particular is more full of realizations of Christ's Divinity. Besides the Gospels there are the Epistles (which are also found in the Bible), letters from Saint Paul (Romans-Hebrews) to the Churches (by which the letters get their names), Saint Peter (I, II Peter), Saint John (I, II, and III John, and Saint James. These help one to get to know Christ in His effecting power as manifest through the Holy Spirit.

A spiritual way of approaching Scripture is called Lectio Divina. It consists of getting in a comfortable, relaxed position, reading a portion of Scripture a number of times over (perhaps three), and then finding a verse that speaks to you. One then ruminates (repeats or memorizes) that verse, and then turns it into his prayer. He then ends, thanking God for the graces recieved.

However, insofar as reading the Gospels goes, do whatever you feel comforable with, reading it as you would the newspaper, or chewing on it through the process I described above.

Insofar as the accuracy of the Gospels go, they are the oldest known records we have of Christ's existence and descriptions and narratives of his life. Modern day man sometimes doubts the accuracy of the Gospels, but if he examines himself, he will see it is because his God is not big enough: he doesn't believe in miracles any longer. The Gospels are incredulous insofar as one does not believe in a God of miracles. And I say, if a god cannot work miracles, what good is it to believe in him? Rather, repent and believe that God can, and indeed does work miracles (take for example, the Exodus of the Jews).


Besides Scripture the most reliable way of getting to know Christ is through prayer. If you do not know Christ, and you would like to, I suggest you pray this prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, I come before you now, a sinner. I'm sorry for my sins, and I pray your mercy on me. Please, Lord, I want you in my life, and in my heart, please come into my heart. Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to become the Lord and Savior of my life.


Through talking with the Lord and meditation on the Scriptures, one is led into a deep, relationship with Him. I also suggest that you get baptized in Jesus' Name for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38), and pray for the gift of His Holy Ghost.

Reference literature

  1. ^ , Max Heindel, The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception (Part III, Chapter XV: Christ and His Mission), November 1909, ISBN 0-911274-34-0
  • Ludwig Ott, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, 1957.
  • Joshua McDowell and Don Stewart, Handbook of Today's Religions, Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1983.
  • Tom Harpur, "The Pagan Christ. Recovering the Lost Light." Thomas Allen Publishers, Toronto, (2004)