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*Roudh(Descendants of Alexander the Great Army,that invaded India 326 B.C. came from greek island called [[Rhodes]] So on that how the name originated)
*Roudh/ Rhaud (Descendants of Alexander the Great Army,that invaded India 326 B.C. came from greek island called [[Rhodes]] So on that how the name originated)

Revision as of 17:18, 3 January 2013

for the town in Bangladesh see Bhatra, Bangladesh

The Bhat community (or the correct term "Partra" or "P.A" community), also known as the Sangat community, comprised majorly of Sikhs. Today in the United Kingdom there are significant numbers of Sikhs with Bhat ancestry, as there are in India.The Bhatra origin from Punjab and Bhat Sikhs were amongst the first followers of Guru Nanak who are also believed to have traveled with him as far away as Sri Lanka. In the Punjab most Bhat Sikhs are now in Patiala, Amritsar, Nawashahar, Hoshiarpur, Gurdaspur or Bhathinda districts, or in Jalandhar or Chandigarh; elsewhere in India they tend to live in cities, particularly Delhi and Calcutta. The Ramaiya community of Uttar Pradesh is of Bhatra origin.[1]

Introduction to the Bhat Sikhs

Bhat tradition and Sikh text states their ancestors came from Punjab, where the Raja Shivnabh and his kingdom became the original 16th century followers of Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism. The Raja's grandson Baba Changa earned the title ‘Bhat Rai’ - the ‘Raja of Poets, and then settled himself and his followers all over India as missionaries where many Sikhs and general Indians became Bhat Sikhs. They also contributed 123 compositions in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib.[2] The Bhat people are not considered as a caste in the typical sense but a group within Sikhism created by Guru Nanak which is not shackled by the caste system, a sangat whose members are from all areas of the Sikh caste spectrum. today modern bhat sikhs are commonly known to have a huge amount of wealth which they hugely donate to various gudwaras.

In the 17th century some religious Bhat went to fight as "warrior-saints" against Mughal persecution in the Khalsa campaign inspired by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Since many Bhat lived as travelling missionaries, their mobility led them to depend on occupations which did not require a settled life.[3]

By the 19th century Bhat was the name of a caste or jati within the Indian tradition of social classes, each with its own occupation. Even though Sikhism itself does not support separation by caste, the social system meant that the Bhat followed a hereditary profession of itinerant salesman, while some also foretold the future,[4] if they were considered to have clairvoyant ability. They have been praised for business acumen, described as people with “a spirit of enterprise”.[5] They were a small group: so small that even in the Punjab many people did not know of them.[6] Though some lived in Lahore, many Bhat can trace their roots to villages around Sialkot and Gurdaspur Districts.[6]


According to the Sikh Encyclopedia, Bhat is related to the Sanskrit word bhatta, a bard or poet. The Encyclopedia says that "more than one story is current about their origin".

They also believed they were descendants of Suryavansha, an ancient dynasty, known as the "Sun Dynasty" and believed in sun-worship, and worshiped Surya, the sun god.

Raja Shivnabh and Baba Changa Rai

Tradition states that Guru Nanak visited Sri Lanka during 1574 and met Raja Shivnabh, who was the grandfather of Changa Rai in this account of Bhat origins. The Guru bestowed the title of sangat on the Raja and his people, united seven kingdoms and made the Raja Shivnabh leader of them all.[7] Some scholars consider the Raja was the ruler of Batticaloa.[8] One suggestion is that the meeting of Guru Nanak and Changa Bhat took place about 12 miles south of his meeting with the Raja.[9]

Theafter the grandson of Raja Shivnabh, Changa Rai or Changa Bhat, a disciple of Guru Nanak's mentioned in the Janamsakhis.Earned the title ‘Bhat Rai’ - the ‘Raja of Poets, and then settled himself and his followers all over India as missionaries, where many Sikhs and general Indians became Bhat Sikhs., A congregation led by a teacher called Baba Changa Rai is described in an old document called the Haqiqat Rah Muqam.[10] The Sikh Encyclopedia discusses a possible link between Bhat Sikhs and Changa Bhat of Sri Lanka, who became a disciple of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. One suggestion is that he added Bhat to his name and spread the word of Guru Nanak to his followers, who also became known as Bhat.[3]

Sri Lanka

M.S. Ahluwalia, a Senior Fellow at the Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi, offers historical evidence for Guru Nanak's presence in Sri Lanka, probably in the year 1510.[11] Many scholars, though not all, agree that the Guru visited Sri Lanka on his travels.

Challenges to theory of origin

A place called Singaldeep or Sangladeep is often mentioned in 'Hakikat-Rah-Mukaam-Shivnabh-Raje-Ki' and is stated to be in Sri Lanka. A few scholars dispute the idea that there was ever a ruler of Singladeep called Shivnabh (Sivnabh).[12] Another claim is that extensive study in the early 20th century showed that Bhat did not in fact originate from Sri Lanka, and the Bhat Sangat was created in the Punjab by one of Guru Nanak Dev Ji's disciples who came from that area.

Another Theory being, and most likely is Bhatra Sikhs having mixed ancestry In that Bhats originated in Punjab But many also originated from Sri Lanka. Bhatras were known for their missionary work to spread the message of Sikhism. Hence many Sri Lankans converted to Sikhism and assimilated into the Bhatra community.

Bhat Sikhs in the United Kingdom

Bhat Sikhs started to arrive in the United Kingdom in the 1920s, but most immigrated in the late 1940s or 1950s.

In the 1920s some men travelled to Britain to work as door-to-door salesmen, most leaving their families in the Punjab to begin with. By the time of the Second World War there were a few hundred Sikhs clustered in British seaports like Cardiff, Bristol, and Southampton and Hull. Some returned to India when war broke out, but others stayed on and used contacts with Punjabi merchant seamen to import scarce goods.


The Partition of India in 1947 led many Sikhs to emigrate, and the Bhat population in the UK was greatly enlarged. Later arrivals tended to join relatives, friends and neighbours from the Punjab, so that some British Bhat communities have links to one or two particular villages.[13] Difficult journeys following Partition are not forgotten. The Edinburgh Sikh women's group (Sikh Sanjog) has exhibited artwork telling the story of leaving the Punjab and arriving in a strange land. A 2001 obituary of a senior figure in the Cardiff Bhat community described the trials of leaving northern India in turbulent times.[14]


The traditional Bhat profession of itinerant salesman and taxi drivers was useful to those arriving in the UK, and was "a skill with considerable potential".[6] At first most Bhat, like some other Sikhs, worked either as doorstep or market traders (working with the Khatri community), but some settled in big cities like Leeds or Birmingham, gave up self-employment and took waged jobs in industry. (At this time many educated immigrants to Britain had difficulty finding employment suited to their qualifications and experience, because of racial and/or cultural prejudice.)

Bhat traders gradually moved into other roles as self-employed businessmen, often specialising in retailing. By the end of the 1950s selling door-to-door was less common and many British Bhat Sikhs moved towards commercial enterprises like market stalls, shops, supermarkets and wholesale warehouses.[6] Nowadays the younger Bhata generation are represented in many varied professions from doctors to accountants, from engineers to lawyers. Also very well known taxi drivers.

In the 1920s some men travelled to Britain to work as door-to-door salesmen, most leaving their families in the Punjab to begin with. By the time of the Second World War there were a few hundred Sikhs clustered in British seaports like Cardiff, Bristol, Southampton and Hull. Some returned to India when war broke out, but others stayed on and used contacts with Punjabi merchant seamen to import scarce goods.

‘One group of Sikhs who kept their turbans were a group called Bhartedas (sic)’.[15]

The Bhat Sikhs are the pioneer Sikh community to migrate to Britain. Whilst most men from other Sikh communities were finding a foothold in Britain in the early 1950‘s, the Bhats had already established themselves as a settled community all over Britain in port towns and cities. Most Sikh preachers amongst the Sikh community today belong to the Bhatra caste.


When possible the Bhat community has established its own Gurdwaras (temples), the first of which was opened in Manchester in 1953.[3] As of 2006 there are more than 30 Bhat or Bhat Sikh temples in the UK, the newest being the one opened in Peterborough in 2004. In some British towns Bhats are a small proportion of the overall Sikh population (in Glasgow 5%); elsewhere, as in Edinburgh, they are in the majority. Due to the unpopularity of Bhat Gurdwaras amongst Sikhs of other background, many Bhats took the role of Gyanis in the newer established gurdwara, especially in Luton and Leicester.

The London Bhat Community

The Bhat Gurdwaras in the UK are sometimes linked with ongoing community projects. The site of the first Sangat Bhat Gurdwara in London, in Mile End Bow in Campbell Road, is still in service and of interest to social historians. The Community also moved to a retired Synagogue in a Grade Two listed building in Harley Grove, East London, recognised as a fine example of Jewish Architecture and visited by Jewish historians. This fits with Sikh beliefs in tolerance and respect for other cultures. The Harley Grove Gurdwara has large Vasakhi celebrations at the Sikh New Year, and is a focal point for Bhat Sikhs in London. [citation needed]

The Leeds Bhat Community

Gurdwara Guru Hargobind Sahib ji, Potternewton Mansion, was recently established by the Bhat Sangat in Leeds; mainly consisting of the families of the following: S Hazara Singh Rathore, S Jagdish Singh Rathore (Pardaan), S Ranjit Singh Rathore, S Jaswant Singh Rathore(Secretary),S Gulab Singh Rathore(kajanch),Balbir singh Chauhan SHO ,Amrik Singh , Sukhdev singh Rathore,Mohinder singh rathor reader teh S Dalip Singh Rathore, S Pargash Singh Rathore S Himmat Singh Landa, S Sher Singh Landa,Jagvrinder singh Landa Surjit Singh Rathore, Gagandeep Singh Rathor Valleti Singh Digwa,Amandeep singh Rathor and many others. It is a grade two listed building, situated in Potternewton Park. The Gurdwara Sahib is in an excellent location with good transport links and good car parking facilities. The building has been a Gurdwara since March 2006, it was Park Lane college before the building was bought.

On Sunday 13 April 2008, The new building of Gurdwara Kalgidhar Sahib ji was opened just in time for Vaisakhi thanks to the efforts of its hardworking Sangat who made this possible. The new building replaces 138 Chapeltown Road which had been previous Gurdwara building for 21 years.

The previous Gurdwara Sahib, Gurdwara Kalgidhar Sahib was established by a few members of the Bhat Sangat around 21 years ago. These included S Mehlia Singh Rathore, S Boota Tehl Singh Rathore, S Jaswant Singh Rathore, and some others. It was previously Gurdwara Ramgarhia Board.

The very first Sikh Gurdwara in Leeds, on Chapeltown Road, was established with the help of many Bhat Sikhs. These included, S Mehlia Singh Rathore, S Boota Tehl Singh Rathore, S Sardar Singh Rathore, S Hazara Singh Rathore, Akali Balwant Singh Landa. Indeed, these people were among the first Sikh settlers in Leeds.

'''The Doncaster Bhat Community'' Sri Guru Kalgidhar Gurdwara, 73 St James Street,Waterdale was established in 1959. Comprising many families of different jarths including; Landha, Wahiwala, Swali, Digpal, Potiwal, Gola, Neer etc.Originally, the Gudwara was at Cemetery Road, in Hyde Park, founded by S.Mohan Singh Landa who was born in 1922 and was a big figure to the sangat of Doncaster until he died in 2009 at the age of 87, In 1965 the Gudwara moved to the current location. The Doncaster sangat are very proud, in the past 3 years they have done so much, the sangat youth recently appeared on Sangat TV also every year they have maintained the tradition of each festival including Nagar Kirtan, Vasakhi and diwali. People from all over the UK visit the gudwara and see the progress they have made each year. The sangat are dedicated and worthy to their religion.

Bhat Sikhs in The United States of America

The first Bhat Sikh in the U.S.A was Vilati Singh Rathour. He originally had the surname Rathore, although because of spelling changed to Rathour. He came from Sialkot, Punjab before the Partition. His brothers decided to move to the United Kingdom, while he decided to move to America.

The majority of Bhat Sikhs in the U.S.A live in New York City.

There are a sizable number of Bhat Sikhs in the United States. The number increases as immigrants from India obtain visas and move in with relatives or acquaintances.

Bhat Sangat name groups

The Names of the Jarth came from certain tribal groups.

Bhat Sikhs consist of 2 groups, who at around the 16th and 17th century started travelling and preaching Sikhism around India separately and overtime, formed two Bhat groups, Darewal and Landervaser.

Indians that embraced Guru Nanak’s teachings from hearing the Bards of these travellers (Bhats), joined the Bhat Sikhs and became Sikhs. Ending up in Punjab, the Bhat Sikhs adopted surnames which include those from Jat, Tarkhan, Rajput, Khatri, Kambojas, Brahmin and Gujjars. Many Bhats today are influenced by the Nihang sect of Sikhism.

  • Aboee
  • Athangal
  • Ark
  • Amlawat
  • Aulak
  • Bagga
  • Bagri
  • Baidwan
  • Bala
  • Balhara
  • Balyan
  • Bance
  • Barot
  • Bath/Badh
  • Bhai
  • Bhagat
  • Bhaker/Bhakar/Prabhakar
  • Bhatti
  • Bhikha
  • Bana
  • Bandechha
  • Bansi
  • Barham
  • Barhama
  • Bath/Badh
  • Basati
  • Basra
  • Basrai
  • Bharat
  • Bhari
  • Bhati / Bhatti / Bhati
  • Bhukar
  • Bhana
  • Chatha
  • Chughtai
  • Chilka
  • Chima
  • Chahal
  • Chhokar, Chokar
  • Chohan
  • Changa
  • Chauhan
  • Das
  • Daska
  • Derewal
  • Dhoni
  • Dara
  • Dehr
  • Dehal
  • Dev
  • Deo
  • Dhaka
  • Dhanesar
  • Dhankhar
  • Dharan
  • Digpal
  • Gami
  • Gaurrh
  • Gill
  • Goojra/Gojrah/Gujra
  • Gola
  • Gaina
  • Gandhar
  • Godara
  • Gora
  • Goraya
  • Jaswal
  • Jogi
  • Jajra
  • Jakhar
  • Jakhu
  • Jande
  • Jhaal
  • Jhaj
  • Jhandi
  • Jhammat
  • Jhuj
  • Khalsa
  • Khalsi
  • Kasbia/Kasba
  • Kaumi
  • Karwasra
  • Katewa
  • Katyal
  • Kehal
  • Khagwal
  • Laanda/Landa
  • Ladh/Lad
  • Larr
  • Lohia
  • Luddu
  • Lakanpal
  • Lakhat
  • Maun
  • Mavi
  • Mehmi
  • Minocha
  • Moit
  • Mohar
  • Monga
  • Mundi
  • Mattu
  • Neer/Paneer/Keer
  • Nandra/Nanra
  • Nain
  • Nanda
  • Potiwal
  • Pall
  • Pardesi
  • Parhar
  • Pawar
  • Phalaswal
  • Phagura
  • Phangureh
  • Phogat
  • Phoolka
  • Pilania
  • Palak
  • Panaich
  • Panag
  • Roudh/ Rhaud (Descendants of Alexander the Great Army,that invaded India 326 B.C. came from greek island called Rhodes So on that how the name originated)
  • Rangila
  • Rathore/ Rathour / Rathaur (Kshatriya Rajput)
  • Rattan
  • Rao
  • Raina
  • Rawat
  • Sabarwal
  • Sahasi
  • Sahi
  • Sandha
  • Sandhu
  • Suwali/Swali (ascendants of a royal warrior tribe from Rajput)
  • Sagar
  • Sathi
  • Shad
  • Sharma/Bhaker
  • Sheri/Sharee
  • Taak
  • Tar
  • Thariwal
  • Toda
  • Toor
  • Thathal
  • Vaire
  • Wahiwala (ascenents of farmers from the 18th century in punjab)

Further information

Prince Charles has a long-term interest in Sikhism and has met Bhat Sikhs in various parts of the UK, praising their community work in Manchester.

Films and music

Actors, films, music and musicians which may be of special interest to Sikhs in the UK include:

  • Baleah Baleh - a traditional Punjabi folk-singer
  • Gandhi - the film directed by Richard Attenborough which portrays the Amritsar massacre
  • Films with Gurdas Maan
  • Dholki drumming - a traditional art
  • Jasbir Singh Bhogal, tabla player
  • Rhythm Dhol Bass (RDB), a Bhangra group
  • Mehsopuria, a Bhangra singer
  • Daljit Neer, singer, writer, media, radio, tv presenter
  • Onkar Singh, London based Stand Up Comic
  • Ranbir Daskai ( singer, writer)
  • Herbie Sahara (singer)

Historical figures

People of historical importance for Sikhs in the UK include:



  1. ^ Sikh Encyclopedia
  2. ^ [www.bhatra.co.uk]
  3. ^ a b c Sikh Encyclopaedia
  4. ^ HA Rose, Glossary of Tribes and Castes of the Punjab (Lahore 1883), quoted by Pradesh
  5. ^ Sikh Encyclopedia
  6. ^ a b c d Pradesh
  7. ^ Haqiqat Rah Muqam shivnabh raje ki page 624 [p.1248]khari
  8. ^ For more on Guru Nanak's journey to Batticaloa/Batticola see: Kirpal Singh, Janamsakhi Tradition (Amritsar 2004)
  9. ^ Kirpal Singh, Janamsakhi Tradition (Amritsar 2004)
  10. ^ Haqiqat Rah Muqam "included in Bhai Banno's "bir", according to the Sikh Encyclopedia and others.
  11. ^ M.S. Ahluwalia, Guru Nanak in Ceylon (Sikh Spectrum Quarterly 2004)
  13. ^ Nye
  14. ^ Western Mail, December 13, 2001
  15. ^ The Irish Raj, 1997, p.174

External links

Bhat Sikh Community In Doncaster