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Talk:Same-sex marriage in Mexico

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Andrew1444 (talk | contribs) at 13:38, 24 July 2022 (→‎Durango: new section). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

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SSM is not legal in Yucatan. That state had made it illegal twice: contrary to the marriage law, and unconstitutional. The latter has now been overturned, but not the first. So Yucatan is now like the other 10 states where SSM is against the law. We can add Yucatan to the list of legal states when the law is changed or officially ignored. — kwami (talk) 20:24, 26 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

It looks like what you are saying is not correct, see link and link.--Baronedimare (talk) 21:28, 26 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Lots of sources reporting that, but the law hasn't changed.[1][2] Give it a few days, and the reality should filter out.
The legislature played it up with the announcements. Certainly this needed to be done. Next they might take up the family code, but CRYSTAL.
It's possible that clerks will now ignore the law and issue SSM licenses, as they've done in several other states, but again CRYSTAL. — kwami (talk) 02:09, 27 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]
you're right, article 49 of the Civil Code seems to be still in place and needs to be modified (the vote was on the constitution only. Item K: https://www.poderjudicialyucatan.gob.mx/digestum/marcoLegal/03/2012/DIGESTUM03009.pdf Let's wait for the publication of the August 25 law.
This clarifies it once and for all: "Si bien se reformó ya la Constitución yucateca, quedan pendientes dos pasos para que el matrimonio igualitario sea una realidad: el primero es que el gobernador Mauricio Vila Dosal publique la reforma en el Diario Oficial del Estado de Yucatán para que entre en vigor; el segundo es que el Congreso modifique el Código de Familia en menos de 180 días. Además, queda pendiente saber si el Registro Civil de Yucatán comenzará a tramitar matrimonios de personas del mismo sexo a partir de la publicación de la reforma –en virtud de la supremacía constitucional sobre los Códigos de Familia– o si se esperará hasta las adecuaciones secundarias." Congress has 180 days to amend the family code after the governor's signature of the constitutional reform (https://gatopardo.com/noticias-actuales/matrimonio-igualitario-en-yucatan-al-fin/). Finedelledanze (talk) 09:39, 27 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]

User:Robsalerno left a link on my talk page,[1] after I kept reverting his claims that SSM is already the law in Yucatan, which reports deputy Milagros Romero Bastarrachea saying something rather different than your ref:

En espera de que publiquen cambio
Pocos pendientes en el matrimonio igualitario estatal
Apenas el gobernador Mauricio Vila Dosal publique en el Diario Oficial del Estado las recientes reformas a la Constitución aprobadas para permitir el matrimonio igualitario, la ciudadanía podrá hacer uso de estos derechos, se podrán casar personas del mismo sexo e inscribir los concubinatos que existan en esas mismas condiciones, afirmó ayer Milagros Romero Bastarrachea, diputada sin partido, como una de las promoventes de estos cambios.
... Sobre lo que sigue de estas reformas promovidas por las diputadas sin partido Silvia López Escoffié y Milagros Romero, esta última declaró que solo falta esperar que el gobernador lo publique en el Diario Oficial y a partir de eso ya entra en vigor, “la gente puede hacer uso del derecho que se aprobó ayer (por el pasado miércoles), tanto de casarse como de inscribir su concubinato”.
También, continuó la legisladora, a partir de su publicación el gobierno del Estado tiene 180 días naturales para que se ajusten todas las leyes secundarias, por ejemplo en todo lo referente a las prestaciones que les da derecho este cambio, como el seguro social, ver por su pareja si contrae Covid-19 y no era familiar, en fin, ajustar todas las normas legales que se requieran.
... Milagros Romero comentó que lo que quedó pendiente y puede ser parte de la actualización de las leyes secundarias, pero eso ya le tocará a los nuevos diputados que integrarán la LXIII Legislatura a partir de la próxima semana, son las reformas que en ese mismo sentido presentó el Poder Judicial del Estado como complemento del matrimonio igualitario.— DAVID DOMÍNGUEZ MASSA
“El Tribunal Superior del Estado metió una iniciativa, que no se alcanzó a aprobar ahorita, con cambios al Código de la Familia y otros temas relacionados con el matrimonio igualitario, creo que ahora en esta Legislatura que está por iniciar lo retomarán y, ahí mismo incluirán los cambios que vengan y sobre eso terminarán de completar todo el espectro de leyes”, manifestó.
“Pero que no quepa la menor duda de que apenas se publique en el Diario Oficial entran en vigor los cambios aprobados, así lo dice la ley, y tampoco se requiere reglamento alguno porque es un cambio a una definición en la Constitución y punto, y con eso se aplica a todo lo demás”, afirmó.

We'll soon see if his interpretation/expectation is correct. — kwami (talk) 04:42, 28 August 2021 (UTC)[reply]


  1. ^ En espera de que publiquen cambio, Diario de Yucatán, 27 agosto 2021, Merida

Ah, looks like the have 180 days to amend state law.[3]kwami (talk) 04:56, 3 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Can someone please resolve this? Kwami, you keep removing references to the constitutional change in Yucatan, which removes all context of what has happened in Yucatan, what is pending, and what Mexican media are actually reporting. It's like you didn't even read my edit, which adjusted for the context you said was needed. YOU are the one engaging in an edit war with your constant undoings here, removing all context and information from the Yucatan section. Before you undo this edit, seek some other consensus or comment from other editors. This is ridiculous. Robsalerno (talk) 00:25, 14 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Please look up WP:EDITWAR. You don't seem to know what the term means.
If you weren't insisting on falsifying information, you'd have an easier time of it. I tried compromising with you, violating CRYSTAL to do so, but you rejected the compromise. We do not know that SSM is legal in Yucatan, so we cannot say SSM is legal in Yucatan. That's pretty elementary. Reports are that it is being legalized, but per CRYSTAL we can't report that it *is* legal until it is. The governor could order licenses to be issued -- he could have done that before the constitution was changed -- but he hasn't. Congress has 180 days to legalize SSM, and maybe they will -- but are you really going to insist that a future political decision is already in force? Who knows who might get stubborn and drag their heels, in which case it goes back to the federal SC to straighten out. We just don't know what will happen, and we can't say it has happened until it has actually happened.
Here is the evidence I myself would accept for a claim that SSM is freely available in Yucatan:
  • The governor orders the clerks to start issuing SSM licenses
  • The legislature passes legislation legalizing SSM
  • People start getting married without an amparo.
If any of those things were to happen, I'd be happy to change my stance. But until they do, you're trying to read the future. — kwami (talk) 03:16, 14 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]


I am unable to find references indicating promulgation or publication of the act passed by congress. If neither has happened Sonora should be listed along with Querétaro as pending. Andrew1444 (talk) 12:58, 28 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

There was a news story about a couple getting married in Sonora.[4] But no confirmation that they were able to register it. Maybe they just thought they could? If that hasn't gone through, then I agree Sonora should go back to 'pending'. — kwami (talk) 22:20, 28 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]


Change the colour of the state. It should be green like Yucatan. Amparos are still needed for same-sex marriage there. The sources:

- Today: https://www.alertaqronoticias.com/2021/10/05/amparos-para-matrimonios-igualitarios-seguiran-hasta-que-se-publique-la-ley/


- 5 days ago: https://www.eluniversalqueretaro.mx/politica/en-pausa-ley-sobre-los-matrimonios-igualitarios-aun-esta-en-el-congreso-de-queretaro

- One week ago: https://www.diariodequeretaro.com.mx/local/urge-rectora-a-publicar-la-nueva-ley-de-matrimonios-igualitarios-7260732.html



Aleqc (talk) 00:01, 6 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]

It hardly seems worth the effort, when it will just change back in a few days. But if that doesn't happen, agreed, we should correct the map. — kwami (talk) 01:31, 6 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]

You should correct the map:


"NO HAY PRISA". They want to hear religious groups, something that hasn't been done in any other state. Yucatan has already started to change the secondary laws. Meanwhile, Querétaro is, as we say in Spanish, 'dando largas'. Aleqc (talk) 03:01, 21 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]

The map is located at Wikimedia Commons. (CC) Tbhotch 03:48, 21 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Fixed. I figured this would be done within a week. Striped as before, because AFAIK it's still available in some municipalities. — kwami (talk) 06:10, 21 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Querétaro update:

Today was the dateline for the publication of the law by the governor. It didn't happened, so the legislative power will publish soon the new law. We are still waiting.


https://plazadearmas.com.mx/bodas-gay-y-les-dieron-las-10/ Aleqc (talk) 22:57, 11 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]

¡Por fin! Local lawmakers have said that the new law will be completely legal tomorrow. So the map can be changed.

https://elqueretano.info/trafico/publican-diputados-ley-de-matrimonios-igualitarios/ Aleqc (talk) 16:56, 12 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Concubinage -- form of civil union?

Since Queretaro also legalized concubinage, does this not qUalify as legalizarion of a form of "other types of partnership" or perhaps even "civil unions?" I don't want to make an edit without a consensus. Andrew1444 (talk) 22:05, 26 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]


Durango is now highlighted green indicating a court order for legalization. A court order is not indicated on any Wikipedia page, nor can I find any source to verify this ruling. Please provide references and make the appropriate change to the text of this page. Andrew1444 (talk) 13:38, 24 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]