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Treaty of Gulistan

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Russia-Persia borders before and after the treaty

Gulistan Treaty of 1813 (also written Golestan, Gulestan, and Golistan), was a peace treaty between imperial Russia and Persia, signed on October 24 in the village of Gulistan in Karabakh at the end of the first Russo-Persian Wars (1804-1813). (29 Shawal 1228 on the Islamic Lunar Calendar).

Iran officially sees this and the succeeding Turkmanchai treaty as one of Iran's most humiliating treaties ever signed. The treaty is also regarded by Iranians as the main reason why Fath Ali Shah is seen as one of Iran's most incompetent rulers in memory.

The treaty was set up by Sir Gore Ouseley of Great Britain who served as the mediator, and was signed by Haji Mirza Abol Hasan Khan from the Iranian side in 11 chapters.

By this treaty:

  1. "Russia by this instrument was confirmed in possession of all the khanates -- Karabagh, Gandja, Shekeen, Shirvan, Derbend, Kouba, and Baku, together with part of Talish and the fortress of Lenkoran. Persia further abandoned all pretensions to Daghestan, Georgia, Mingrelia, Imeretia, and Abkhazia." [1]

These lands include:

    1. All the cities, towns, and villages of Georgia, including all the villages and towns on the coast of the Black Sea, such as:
    2. Megrelia,
    3. Abkhazia,
    4. Imeretia,
    5. Guria;
    6. Almost all the cities, towns and villages of Azerbaijan, including:
    7. Baku (now capital of Azerbaijan Republic),
    8. Shirvan,
    9. Derbend,
    10. Karabakh,
    11. Ganja,
    12. Sheki,
    13. Guba,
    14. part of the khanate of Talysh;
  1. Iran loses all rights to navigate the Caspian Sea, and Russia is granted exclusive rights to station its military fleet in the Caspian Sea.
  2. Both countries agree on the establishment of free trade, with Russians having free access to conduct business anywhere in Iran.
  3. Russia in return promises to support Abbas Mirza as heir to the Persian throne after the death of Fath Ali Shah. (which did not happen)

Some historians believe that Russia's annexation of the Transcaucasus territories delivered their population from constant Iranian and Ottoman invasions on the Caucasus nations and led to peace and relative economic stability. Others think that the peoples of Caucasus were deprived of their right for self-determination and forcefully integrated with the Russian Empire, especially the Shiite people of Caucasus, who have strong cultural ties with Persia. But in fact two empires divided spheres of influence in the Caucasus and annexed the local kingdoms and khanates which were independent since 1747.


  1. ^ John F. Baddeley, "The Russian Conquest of the Caucasus", Longman, Green and Co., London: 1908, p. 90
  • H. Pir Nia, Abbas Eghbal Ashtiani, B. Agheli. History of Persia. Tehran, 2002. p.673-686. ISBN 964-6895-16-6

See also