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I reverted the edit that deleted the link to libertarianism. Conservatism has a strong individualist tradition, so unless there's a valid explanation for deleting it, I think it should remain. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 05:01, 15 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Terribly obese with partisanship towards the liberals. Conservative's have more defined views and you know it. (talk) 06:42, 27 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Social Dominance Orientation Should be Deleted

It references sources that are not able to be checked online. Specifically they are:

Pratto, F., Sidanius, J., Stallworth, L.M., & Malle, B.F. (1994). Social dominance orientation: A personality variable predicting social and political attitudes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 67(4), 741-763. Sidanius, J. (1993). The psychology of group conflict and the dynamics of oppression: A social dominance perspective. In W. McGuire & S. Iyengar (Eds), Current approaches to political psychology (pp. 183-219). Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Without being able go to a university library and dig up these 15 year-old studies, it is not possible to verify the validity of these studies. For example, did they use a large enough sample size to be statistically accurate? Often these psychological studies, especially from that long ago, do not.

I therefore am going to delete that section from the article, pending a good explanation for why it should remain. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:02, 11 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Going to the library is acceptable, Wikipedia:Verifiability#Burden_of_evidence. Cretog8 (talk) 17:41, 11 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Well, somebody should go and check these sources. The Social Dominance Orientation section makes some strong assertions, so it had better have some strong evidence to back it up. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:34, 11 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
It would be good if someone checked, but I'm going to assume good faith that they're described correctly. On the other hand, they're about 15 years old, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if there's more recent research. Cretog8 (talk) 18:41, 11 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
At the very least, it should be noted that Prof. Felicia Pratto is a liberal. If this were flipped and a conservative researcher had discovered bad things about liberals, it would be absolutely fair to note this bias. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 22:27, 14 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Stop talking about this and change the "article." Pompous windbagery at it's finest! (talk) 06:46, 27 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]


"but classical liberals are less suspicious of big government than conservatives"

What kind of nonsense is that ?? Libertarians are not suspicious of big government? This website's a joke (talk) 20:14, 19 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

What? Your point makes no sense. Assume Good Faith, yes, but are you confusing Liberals and Libertarians? This page is a reference to conservatism as the right-leaning portions of the political spectrum, including Libertarianism, and to a more extreme extent, Fascism. In the same vein, the page on Liberalism is indicative of the left-leaning political spectrum, including Socialism and to a more extreme extent Communism.

Please read more into the goal of an article before you incorrectly complain about its contents. Pmo22 (talk) 17:31, 11 April 2008 (UTC)[reply]

OK... Whoever is writing all of this about less suspicion... just stop alright?... Liberals think that government should control everybody's lives and in that the entire nation to the point that nobody actually has an identity... can anybody see the connection to Communism... thought so. Mistinis (talk) 20:38, 20 April 2008 (UTC)Mistinis[reply]

Liberals DO NOT belive that the govermant should control everyone's lives. Liberalism has to do with extensive human rights and equality not to control everyones lives. (Some people are crazy) Hungaryboy1 (talk) 00:10, 1 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Ummm, actually that's your opinion of what liberals want. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:58, 15 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

"Conservative government is an organized hypocrisy"

I have removed this from the article because whoever added it had misunderstood what Disraeli meant. To give the quote its context and why it has been misinterpreted, I'll give the peroration of the speech addressed to Sir Robert Peel:

"There is no doubt a difference in the right hon. gentleman's demeanour as leader of the Opposition and as Minister of the Crown. But that's the old story; you must not contrast too strongly the hours of courtship with the years of possession. 'Tis very true that the right hon. gentleman's conduct is different. I remember him making his protection speeches. They were the best speeches I ever heard. It was a great thing to hear the right hon. gentleman say: "I would rather be the leader of the gentlemen of England than possess the confidence of Sovereigns". That was a grand thing. We don't hear much of "the gentlemen of England" now. But what of that? They have the pleasures of memory—the charms of reminiscence. They were his first love, and, though he may not kneel to them now as in the hour of passion, still they can recall the past; and nothing is more useless or unwise than these scenes of crimination and reproach, for we know that in all these cases, when the beloved object has ceased to charm, it is in vain to appeal to the feelings. You know that this is true. Every man almost has gone through it. My hon. gentleman does what he can to keep them quiet; he sometimes takes refuge in arrogant silence, and sometimes he treats them with haughty frigidity; and if they knew anything of human nature they would take the hint and shut their mouths. But they won't. And what then happens? What happens under all such circumstances? The right hon. gentleman, being compelled to interfere, sends down his valet, who says in the genteelest manner: "We can have no whining here". And that, sir, is exactly the case of the great agricultural interest—that beauty which everybody wooed and one deluded. There is a fatality in such charms, and we now seem to approach the catastrophe of her career. Protection appears to be in about the same condition that Protestantism was in 1828. The country will draw its moral. For my part, if we are to have free trade, I, who honour genius, prefer that such measures should be proposed by the hon. member for Stockport than by one who through skilful Parliamentary manoeuvres has tampered with the generous confidence of a great people and a great party. For myself, I care not what may be the result. Dissolve, if you please, the Parliament you have betrayed. For me there remains this at least—the opportunity of expressing thus publicly my belief that a Conservative Government is an organised hypocrisy". (Buckle & Monypenny, Life of Disraeli. Volume I (1928), pp. 718-19.)

Disraeli was saying that Peel, elected to uphold the Corn Laws but repealed them a few years later, had betrayed the people who elected him. It was not who "personally profit from the repeal of the corn laws". Disraeli would later be the head of a Conservative Government.--Johnbull 03:24, 4 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

In fact, many MPs were voting their own financial interests. However, I have no objection to your formulation of the quote. Let's have it with your words to explain it. Rick Norwood (talk) 14:09, 15 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I do not think it should be in the article because it does not relate to conservatism as an ideology—Disraeli was not criticising conservatism but the hypocrisy of Peel's Conservative government in not pursuing Conservative policies despite being elected to do just that.--Johnbull (talk) 16:17, 15 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I think the observation of Disraeli, a major conservative, of the relationship between conservative ideology and self-interest is of major importance. It is one example of many. Since the article on patriotism mentions jingoism, I think the article on conservatism should at least mention the relationship between conservative government and the self-interest of the upper class, not only in England, but in many times and places.--Rick Norwood, 14:17, December 16, 2007.

Disraeli is not talking about self-interest. He was not a landowner and therefore he cannot have had a self-interest in the maintenance of the Corn Laws. Without a source which claims Disraeli was talking about self-interest in this regard, to include the quote in the article with the claim that he was talking about self-interest amounts to original research.--Johnbull (talk) 00:53, 24 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

If I wanted to include that in the article, I would of course quote sources. What I suggested was including the quote with your own explanation of it. Since the quote is important enough to appear in Bartlett's, it is certainly important enough to appear in this article. Rick Norwood (talk) 13:20, 24 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

For any historical quote, context is incredibly important. In this case, the context is very specific - Disraeli, a conservative, was condemning a particular conservative government for betraying the interests of the rich landed interests that had arrested it, and comparing it to a previous conservative government of a decade or so before which had done a similar thing to anti-catholic interests which had similarly supported it. The statement has little relevance to any general discussion of conservatism. As far as Bartlett's goes, it's purpose is close to the opposite of ours - its purpose is to strip quotes of their context and present them as general maxims. We should not be doing this. john k (talk) 17:12, 24 December 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Chesterton an example of conservatism?

I was correcting the punctuation and word order of the following quotation of G. K. Chesterton: "'My country, right or wrong,' is a thing that no patriot would think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying, 'My mother, drunk or sober.'" In doing so I paid closer attention to the statement it's used to demonstrate, i.e. that some conservatives wish to "expose the hypocrisy of an existing regime." Although there are situations in which this is true, isn't it a patent characteristic of liberalism? The article's example is the Chesterton quotation. According to Wikipedia, his ideas "were far too nuanced to fit comfortably under the "liberal" or "conservative" banner." I believe this point is in need of elaboration and evidence. (talk) 02:17, 17 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Read Chesterton on the subject of "niggers". Rick Norwood (talk) 13:29, 17 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Could you be less sibylline? What do you mean? David Descamps (talk) 15:03, 13 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Wrong Definition

Political Conservatism does not mean the favor of slow, gradual change. It means small or "conservative" government interference, where as liberal means much or liberal government interference. I don't know why this definition is spread around and regurgitated. This definition is often associted with the GOP in the U.S. It's simply not true. For instance, the GOP's favor of Second Amendment rights is a conservative political stance, but the GOP's pro-life stance is a liberal stance because it involves government interference. The Democrat Party favors the legalization of drugs, which is a conservative stance, but endorses the limiting of Second Amendment rights, which is a liberal stance. Libertarianism is the most conservative political ideology (except for, perhaps, anarchism) and fascism (and, hence totalitarinism) is the most liberal. Chenzo23 (talk) 00:48, 29 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The definition of conservatism as meaning small government is peculiar to the United States and (more recently) some other English speaking countries. Bismarck was highly conservative yet he introduced state socialism/welfare state yet no one denies he was a conservative, yet under your definition he would be, bizarrely, a liberal. Can the conservative doctrine of Joseph de Maistre, for example, be really reduced to "small government"? Your post showed awareness of America only. And as for the definition of liberalism as "big government" (and fascism and totalitarianism as the most liberal!) that is even more US-centric and wide of the mark.--Johnbull (talk) 02:47, 29 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Political conservatism means limits, so a limited government. Belgian conservatives (long long time ago. No more conservative party there), with Charles Woeste who once said «J’ai peur de l’état et je hais le Césarisme» [I fear the state and I hate Cæsarism] and Auguste Beernaert « Il faudra réduire le gouvernement au strict nécessaire » [We will have to reduce the government to the strict necessity], wanted that limited government. (Quotes from the "Biographie Nationale")David Descamps (talk) 07:33, 29 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Chenzo23 is right on target. A "Conservative" government "conserves" its resources and only gets involved when absolutely necessary. Whereas a "Liberal" government is quite "liberal" with its resources and gets involved in all sorts of things. The problem most people have with the word "Conservative", is that they apply the definition of individual, personal, social conservatism to government and think that personally conservative individuals in government should apply their personal conservative values to public policy, which often requires an extremely liberal use of government resources to implement them. The United States was founded by a group of Libertarians who created a Conservative government to interfere as little as possible with individual liberties.
In a word, balderdash. Conservativism does not mean, nor has never implied "limited government interference," as if liberalism favored "unlimited government interference." Do you have any idea at all how blantantly biased that sounds? Conservatism" is so named because they are trying to "conserve" the status quo. The generally wish to keep things as tradition upholds. Whether this is done through small or large amounts of government interference truly depends on the society in which the conservative movement exists, and the amount of government "interference" varies from issue to issue. You think the pro-life stance, for instance, can be upheld with no government interference? On the contrary, the way things are now would require large amounts of government interference to make abortion illegal. (Of course, pro-life is also a biased term, but that's a topic for another board.) Even before abortion became legal, it would require large amounts of government interference to keep individuals from getting abortions if they were determined to have them. PatrickLMT (talk) 09:27, 12 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Chenzo23, you've gotten a couple of good answers, but since you ask for my thoughts on the subject: the word's "liberal" and "conservative" as they are bandied about in the current political debate are meaningless or, rather, just mean "my side" and "your side". On the other hand, if you read books written before, say, 1960, or serious scholarly books, you discover that the meaning of the words is much closer to the dictionary meaning. Liberals favor freedom, conservatives favor the status quo or the status quo ante.

The ideas that you have picked up, that liberals favor big government and conservatives favor small government, go back to the time when FDR was president. The class structure at that time was as strong as it has ever been in America. Both New York City and the state of California had police lines that only upper class people were allowed to cross. FDR was called, explicitly, "a traitor to his class". The wealth was concentrated in the hands of the few, who conspired to fix wages and prices, to bust unions and to use government power to restrict the rights of workers, people of color, and women. People in America were starving, living in "shanty towns", wandering from place to place looking for work. It was in this context that the government, under FDR, began to offer very limited help to ordinary Americans. He was called every dirty name in the book, including "Jew" and "communist".

It was never a question of "big government" vs. "small government". It was a question of big government helping the rich vs. big government helping the poor.

The political movement that actually favors small government is the libertarian movement. The Republican party in the United States wooed the libertarians, by promising small government, and by portraying the Democrats as in favor of big government. In fact, the federal government has grown in power under both parties, so that no American president in my lifetime has ever paid more than lip service to "small government" conservatism.

And political propaganda has done its best to destroy the meaning of words, in order to increase the power of government.

Rick Norwood (talk) 13:44, 29 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Very educational, but Chenzo has a point. In the US, 'conservative' has certainly come to be identified with 'spending conservatively'. Having this article limit the definition to 'limited change' misses the full range of meanings the word has come to have. Insisting that 'conservative' only ever means the first definition would *kinda* be like defining 'gay' as happy and bright, ignoring the word's now predominant association with people who have a particular sexual orientation. (I'm using some hyperbole, but it's true nevertheless) Regardless of the way the word acquired this particular shade of meaning, under NPOV it should really be addressed. 'Liberal' and 'conservative' are such widely applicable words - like 'Functionalism', 'Structuralism', or 'Postmodernism', their meaning varies too widely according to the word's context and the person who is using it for any succinct definition, such as the one on this page, to be rightly given. --NZUlysses (talk) 23:30, 22 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The link to Fiscal Conservatism basically argues that the way it is used here (i.e. limited taxes) is wrong. So which one is it, limited government involvement or balanced budget ? (talk) 00:25, 1 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you Johnbull and Chenzo you have it right... you would not believe some people... some actually think that Conservatism is anarchy... :P right?

Wrong definition for Britain

The use of the word 'Conservatism' in British politics was firmly attached, originally, to the preservation of the link between the state and the Church of England: more specifically, the retention of laws preventing Catholic Succession. As this is fundamentally based on a belief that protestantism represents progress and independence, whereas Roman Catholiicism represents loss of national independence and regression, Britain's original Conservatives were therefore, in their own view, actually conservators of revolution/progress achieved, progressives opposing a certain type of conservatism, their use of the word therefore in some ways verging on the cryptic/ironic/colourful/'tongue-in-cheek.' No doubt the Party has attracted hordes of following, and even leading active members, totally ignorant of this original history and meaning, resulting in a deeply misleading and confusing state of affairs, historically, and in terms of fundamental character, but one which Wikipedia surely need not add to? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:40, 9 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

History of Conservatism

I'm not sure why a recent edit removed references to older conservatives. It is standard to use the word in discussing history, especially the history of Greece, Rome, and China. It seems that some people want to change the meaning of the word. This seems counterproductive. In every culture, there are people who support the old ways, the traditions, the old religion, and the importance of family. In all times and places, modern historians identify such people as conservatives. Rick Norwood (talk) 13:55, 10 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

What about reformation? How can you source the POV you wrote earlier? I've never read that protestant reformation was conservative…Usually, it is said that protestant reformation lead to French Revolution. David Descamps (talk) 18:27, 10 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Self identified Conservative Christians trace their beliefs to Martin Luther and the protestant reformation, which took place in the 16th Century. The French Revolution took place two hundred years later, in the 18th century. Not only did the two events take place in different centuries, they took place in different countries. The protestant reformation was largely German (also Swiss and English). The French remained Catholic. The French Revolution was a liberal, overthrowing the monarchy. Both were anti-Catholic, but that is just about the only thing they had in common. The protestant reformation wanted to replace the Roman church by Bible believing Christianity; the French revolution wanted to replace the Catholic church by atheism. Rick Norwood (talk) 15:51, 11 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Come on… you're showing off your ignorance. Large parts of France became protestant during reformation, resulting in wars. France regained catholic faith because of Counter-Reformation which was really conservative. It is not because conservatives in USA are mainly protestant that reformation was conservative. And you're mixing political philosophy with some psychological bias or with radical fundamentalism. David Descamps (talk) 10:55, 12 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

What a strange response. I'm certainly aware of the Huguenots. I'm also aware that they were slaughtered, and that, as I said, France remained Catholic. You have not offered any evidence for your claim that "protestant reformation lead to French Revolution." And to suggest that, because I know what "Conservative Christians" mean when they so identify themselves, that makes me a radical fundamentalist is absurd. Rick Norwood (talk) 13:48, 12 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

You said that reformation didn't take place at the same place of French revolution. (both had implications on the whole of Europe) Now you said that French protestants were simply slaughtered, this is a nice shortcut. Between Edict of Fontainebleau and Edict of Nantes, there is some years… Perhaps I didn't offered any evidence, but I didn't write any claim on main page, on the contrary of you. Perhaps you would find some similarities between Monarchomachs and the tyrannicide theory used in 1789. Perhaps this book of Dale K. Van Kley will give you a light : The Religious Origins of the French Revolution: From Calvin to the Civil Constitution, 1560-1791. David Descamps (talk) 17:05, 12 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
I'm not at all sure what I wrote that you are objecting to, or what point you are trying to make. Rick Norwood (talk) 13:41, 13 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]
You wrote that conservatism is based or comes from Protestant Reformation. That is not correct. You wrote that conservatism is just a bias that some people have in every culture and every epoch. That is not correct. This page is about conservatism, a political philosophy that mainly comes from reaction to progressivist French Revolution based on Enlightement ideology. So mainly from Edmund Burke, not Cicero, not Martin Luther. Even if lots of conservative protestants think it is from Martin Luther (but that point of view should be written in this article as it is : a point of view) or even if Cicero can be considered as a conservative (but this is anachronistic). I think you have a (legitimate for me) problem with the american meaning of the word Liberalism and you try to make that point here, look at your speech about "conservative propaganda to lure libertarians" (I think you mix also conservatism with neoconservatism). I also do think that the use of the word liberal in US is wrong, but it is not here that you will change that. This seems counterproductive to me. David Descamps (talk) 15:24, 13 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

The article has been edited so many times that I can no longer tell which parts I wrote and which parts other people wrote. I don't think I ever said that conservatism was a 'bias' or that conservative propaganda tries to 'lure' libertarians. That doesn't sound like me. But that is not important, the only important thing is that the article be correct.

One strand of conservatism, modern political conservatism, can be traced back to Burke and to reaction to the French Revolution. But the word is commonly used in other ways. If one reads history, one finds the word often applied to Cicero, Confucius, and many others who valued family and stability above individualism and freedom. Burke's ideas were not original with him -- few ideas can be traced to a single source.

Of course Martin Luther was not a conservative -- he was a revolutionary -- but the people who currently identify themselves as "conservative Christians" (not only in the US, but also in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Australia and many other places) consider themselves to be followers of Martin Luther. Thus the revolutionary ideas of one generation become the conservative ideas of later generations.

I tend to place a great value on the dictionary meaning of words -- standard dictionaries, especially the Oxford English Dictionary -- are the only defense against propagandists spinning words to mean anything they want them to mean. Without common meaning, communication becomes impossible. I don't have an OED handy, but Webster's Seventh New Collegiat Dictionary defines conservative as "1 a: an adherent or advocate of political conservatism b cap: a member or supporter of a conservative political party 2 a: one who adheres to traditional methods or views b: a cautious or discreet person." This article places its greatest emphasis on definition 1, but should also include definition 2. Rick Norwood (talk) 13:54, 14 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

This page is about the political philosophy : the first definition in the Webster dictionary (1a), not the second. There is a disambiguation page to deal with other meanings. David Descamps (talk) 10:52, 15 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

You are correct -- I withdraw the view expressed in my final paragraph. Rick Norwood (talk) 14:27, 24 February 2008 (UTC)[reply]

It's the economy stupid

This article focuses almost exclusively on social values. What about the economic values of conservatism?

The wedding of conservatism and economic liberalism came much later, primarily in the US during the administration of FDR, when "that man in the White House" put the welfare of the American people above the rights of businessmen. At this point, the economic liberals in America split off from the social liberals and, looking for a home, joined the God, King, and Country conservatives. For more on this subject, see Conservatism in the United States.
By the way, it looks as if the future will bring more political bed-hopping, as the conservatives, because of their suspicion of foreigners and foreign ways, put Americanism above the rights of businessmen to go multi-national. As this happens, according to The World is Flat, economic liberals will return to the liberal camp. Rick Norwood (talk) 12:41, 13 March 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Dont centre around America there is conservatism elsewhere in the world as well. Hungaryboy1 (talk) 00:25, 1 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]


Why is RWA and SDO discussed here? They don't seem like legitimate topics under this category. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 23:02, 16 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Huh? Rick Norwood (talk) 12:16, 18 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Psychological research

The entire section "psychological research" does not belong in this article, since the subjects of these studies were present day Americans, and this article is about conservatism as a general political philosophy. If the section belongs anywhere, it is in Conservatism in the United States. Rick Norwood (talk) 21:04, 22 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Agreed that it does not belong. It's amazing to see that "impartial" Wikipedia considers conservatives to basically have psychological deficiencies. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:17, 10 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Rick Norwood,

1) The psychological section contains the following sentence: “For instance, a meta-analysis by Jost, Glaser, Kruglanski, and Sulloway in 2003 analyzed 88 studies, from 12 countries, with over 22,000 subjects, …” I understand the sentence to mean that conservatives from other countries have also been studied. How did you reach the conclusion that only Americans participated in all the studies?

2) You state, “…the subjects of these studies were present day Americans,…” How do you know the 88 studies only included “present day” research? Could some of the studies used in the meta-analysis come from decades ago?

3) What do you mean by the term “political philosophy”?

a. We are in agreement that this article is about conservatism as a political philosophy, as long as you are using the second meaning and understandings found in wikipedia. The second wikipedia meaning states that a political philosophy is “a general view, or specific ethic, belief or attitude, about politics that does not necessarily belong to the technical discipline of philosophy.” The fields of knowledge that studies world-views, beliefs, or attitudes are cultural studies, psychology, and sociology.

b. The first meaning for “political philosophy” in wikipedia states a, “Political philosophy is the study of fundamental questions about the state, government, politics, liberty, justice, property, rights, law and the enforcement of a legal code by authority in a given system: what they are, why (or even if) they are needed, what makes a government legitimate, what rights and freedoms it should protect and why, what form it should take and why, what the law is, and what duties citizens owe to a legitimate government, if any, and when it may be legitimately overthrown—if ever.” If you meant this by the term “political philosophy,” then you believe that political philosophy died out in the late 1970s. The last conservative political philosophers were Friedrich Hayek and Leo Strauss. If this is your position then I have a question. How do you explain the changes in conservatism over the last 30 years?

4) Perhaps this article should change the word “political philosophy” to “ideology.” From my perspective, the word ideology describes this article better than political philosophy. Ideology would remove any confusion caused by difference in meaning between the older and newer usage of the term “political philosophy”.

5) Psychology has studied conservatism (and liberalism) for well over 100 years. In the United States, Wolfe wrote about the difference between conservatism, radicalism and the scientific method.(1) At this time, conservatism was associated with anti-science and anti-intellectualism.(2) After WWII, the study of the psychological factors that contribute to fascism began with the work of Theodor Adorno. Adorno developed the F-Scale that identified authoritarian personality characteristics, which subsequent scientists have confirmed, refined, expanded over the last 50 years, in many different countries. Adorno’s F-scale identified several characteristics linked to conservative cognition and behavior. Santo F. Camilleri applied factor analysis to the F-Scale in 1959. The Milgram experiment confirmed authoritarian submission in conservatives, and some liberals. In the 1960s, the term used in psychology to identify characteristics highlighted in the F-Scale changed to “authoritarian personality,” which gained popularity outside personality psychology. Diane Baumrind’s child development parenting styles identifies an “authoritarian” parenting-childrearing style. F-Scale also correlates with racism through of stereotyping. Moreover, Neurobiology has also identified differences in between how liberal and conservative brains work. Indeed, a recent neurocognitive study correlated between conservatism and liberalism, supported through brain imaging that “conservatives show more structured and persistent cognitive styles, whereas liberals are more responsive to informational complexity, ambiguity and novelty.”

Daniel Oneofshibumi (talk) 20:55, 9 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Sources: 1) Wolfe, A.B. (1923) Conservatism, Radicalism, and Scientific Method: An Essay on Social Attitudes. New York: Macmillan. 2) Hofstadter, R. (1966). Anti-Intellectualism in American Life (Paperback). New York: Vintage Books.

Your points are well taken. Rick Norwood (talk) 21:09, 9 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]


There is a cristism part on the liberalism page some one should make one for this page.Hungaryboy1 (talk) 00:29, 1 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Please note, just under your remark in Talk: Liberalism, Wikipedia policy on "criticism sections". Rick Norwood (talk) 13:51, 1 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

POV flag

It occurs to me that the recent POV flag could have either of two meanings. It could be a claim that the way in which the research is reported is biased, that the research does not in fact make the claims made here. Or it could mean that the research is invalid because the researchers themselves were biased, even though what they said is accurately reported here. How to respond to the flag depends on which meaning is intended. Rick Norwood (talk) 14:19, 1 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Unfortunately there's simply no way to know, since none of these sources can be found online. I've seen lots and lots of psychological studies that are invalid. Either the sample size is too small (because the researchers aren't properly trained in statistics) or the data quality is suspect. That's why it's always important to actually look at original studies rather than relying on 3rd party reports of those studies. Maybe these cited studies are valid, or maybe not. But just because a study has appeared in a journal doesn't mean it's free from the sample size or data quality issues I mentioned. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:56, 14 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Also, Felicia Pratto doesn't seem to be the most impartial researcher when it comes to proving conservatives have "Social Dominance Orientation." A quick glance with a search engine reveals Pratto's other works have titles such as "The bases of gendered power" and "When race and gender go without saying." So she's hardly an objective academic. So, it's pretty amazing that a 14 year-old unverifiable study by someone with a prejudiced agenda would be acceptable in a Wikipedia article. If it were flipped around, and an arch-conservative researcher had published an unverifiable study in 1994 showing that liberals have psychological issues, it would be swiftly deleted. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 22:15, 14 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I cannot help but contrast the two comments above. First, says "there's simply no way to know" but, discovering that Felicia Pratto is a woman, he concludes she is "someone with a prejudiced agenda". Would he be as quick to accuse a Black researcher writing on civil rights of having a "prejudiced agenda"? Also, he has moved from the reasonable "important to actually look at original studies" to a thought experiment about an "unverifiable study".

We need input from a sociologist, who has read the original article and confirm or deny the existence of follow up studies. Science consists of what is replicable. Rick Norwood (talk) 13:45, 15 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

I registered finally, so I don't have to be a number anymore. :) No, my criticism has absolutely nothing to do with Pratto being a woman, but rather with my research into the other things she has written. Quick work with a search engine reveals that she has a very strong point of view and, presumably, did not conduct this Social Dominance Orientation study of conservatives with an objective, impartial point of view. It is highly likely that she instead went into the study with a conclusion already in mind and merely found the evidence to support her view.
Now, this alone does not invalidate her work. It's important also, as I said, to consider the data quality and things like the sample size used and whether it was truly a representative sample. I agree that an expert (one WITHOUT an agenda, hopefully) needs to chime in on the study. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Johnnyb1 (talkcontribs) 14:49, 15 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Conservatism and social dominance theories

I'm moving the discussion from the top of the page to the bottom.

There have been any number of follow-up studies, all confirming the original results. Here is a recent book on the subject, from a major university press, which has had good reviews. It is international in scope, and has a quite good discussion of the relationship between political conservatism and the patronage system. I'll add it to the references.

Social Dominance: An Intergroup Theory of Social Hierarchy and Oppression by Jim Sidanius and Felicia Pratto

Rick Norwood (talk) 19:11, 11 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

It would help make the case to have material from different authors. There's related conceptual stuff at Social Dominance Theory and Social dominance orientation, but not real criticism there. I'm honestly surprised and a bit disturbed by that. Cretog8 (talk) 14:14, 15 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Here's one recent paper, which by its abstract seems critical of the theory (so, by implications, application of the theory): "Group domination and inequality in context: evidence for the unstable meanings of social dominance and authoritarianism", by Lehmiller & Schmitt; link to abstract Cretog8 (talk) 14:23, 15 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Studies like this can certainly be used to play "gotcha!". Most liberals I know (which means American liberals, because those are the ones I talk to) are baffled about how conservatives can still believe the things they believe (creationism, global warming is a hoax, Sadam Hussain masterminded 911, George Bush is a great president who cut government spending and decreased the power of the federal government, the war in Iraq fights terrorism and we are winning). Social Dom theories provide one explanation. But that has nothing at all to do with the question we should ask: is the theory correct?

For that, we need comments from a professional sociologist, who keeps up with the journals and with current research. In short, we need an expert. Rick Norwood (talk) 13:13, 16 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Dang, I can't find the WP policy I'm thinking of. In any case, I'm pretty sure that part of that policy was that it doesn't actually matter whether the theory is true. It matters whether it's notable, and verifiable--in the sense that you can verify there's people putting forward the theory, not verify the theory itself. I think it's somewhat notable, since the overall idea of psychological differences between conservatives and liberals comes up in the popular media periodically. It does really look like it's getting undue weight, though. Cretog8 (talk) 18:21, 16 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Here is the key distinction as I understand it. If a belief is widely held, Scientology being a good example, then in the article on Scientology you report that belief in as neutral manner as possible, while making it clear that the article is about a belief, not a known fact. On the other hand, in the main article religion, you would not go into much detail about the beliefs of Scientologists.

The question, then, is whether Dom Theory is a mainstream belief, in which case it should be reported here, or a minor belief, in which case it should at most be mentioned here and reported in its own article. As best I can tell, only a professional sociologist can tell the difference. All I have to go by is that the most important book on the subject was published by a major university press and got good reviews. Rick Norwood (talk) 19:39, 16 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

It seems like none of us currently in this conversation are qualified to do so, but here's what I'd propose: Make an article on something like Psychology of political orientation. Most of this could go there, with a brief snippet and "main article" link from here. The main trick I see is that the new article would be seen as having POV problems until more stuff is added. Cretog8 (talk) 19:44, 16 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Next go put all the "verfiable" and "notable" research from the Bell Curve on the African-American page while you're having fun with offensive statistics. (talk) 01:12, 1 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

On conservatives and the fetus

To conservatives, you are very valuable as a fetus. They care most about you before you are actually born. From the moment you are born to the moment you turn 18, military and voting age, they don't give a damn about you. To think all those frozen embryos with all those life saving stem cells are going to waste. Why? Because conservatives have this notion in their minds that they might come back to life. Might as well send the National Guard to the grocery store's frozen section. "Stand back! The clam strips may come back to life any moment!"

Note to conservatives: GET THE FUCKING HELL OUT OF POLITICS. STOP STALLING PROGRESS AND DIE FOR YOU COUNTRY. I MEAN ACTUALLY DIE. Wikipedia is not a forum Cretog8 (talk) 19:56, 27 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

maybe I can help a little....

Personally, I find this entire task daunting. There is far too much POV for anything involving politics and religion. (which is probably why you're never supposed to bring them up in polite company.) Considering that conservatism is about ideas, you're faced with the task of quantifying and organizing ideas. Then others begin to consider "actions" and begin to contribute things they think are conservative simply because people they think are conservative have done them.

Might I suggest separating out the ideas? Start with the basic ideas; I saw a very good list in the talk archives:

Basic principles of conservativism:

   * Personal responsibility
   * Everyone should be treated equally
         o No one should be discriminated against
         o No group should have higher rights or special privlidges in government programs, regulation, or judical proceedings
   * Laws should be enforced
   * Laws should be enforced equally
   * Personal freedom should be protected and enhanced
   * Citizens should be self sufficient except in cases of severe disability
   * Citizens should obey the law
   * have a strong military
   * Not help our enemy
   * Have limited government

Religious principles of conservativism:

   * Moral values of Christanity should be followed

Then, the last item... stay away from connecting it to religion. As a conservative, I have found (I know, POV!) that connecting conservatism to christianity isn't something conservatives do, but it is something liberals do to define-down conservatives. Besides, statistically it doesn't hold up... you can go to the dkospedia (daily kos's reference manual) of all places, and see that christianity (and religion in general) is spread pretty evenly across the parties. Christianity is not a conservative phenomenon.

Fascism. Any connection between fascism and conservatism is not only false, but inflammatory. The use of "Fascist" to smear conservatives in general and the current President in particular is just that - a smear. Fascism in all it classic forms (Mussoulini, Hitler, Stalin) and its current forms (Chavez, Mugabe), has always been a stepchild of the left. Socialism and communism have all bred fascism. The Nazi Party was the National Socialist Party. They were anti-smoking, pro-abortion, pro-gun control, nationalized health care, racial quotas, speech codes at universities, holistic medicine etc. Hitler was a strict vegetarian and Himmler was an animal rights activist. There was even an anti-department store movement going on at the time in Germany (think, anti-walmart) These are not people of the right; you would be perpetuating a myth to include references to fascism such as that.

I would also recommend removing those bizarre passages attempting to connect the conservative movement with racism. Trying to scientifically prove conservatives are racists is such a bizarre waste of time. Trying to assign such qualities (racist, bigot, homophobe) is not only a bigoted act itself, but is fundamentally unprovable and will always be in dispute. Why even go there?

And why remove libertarianism? I've always seen the spectrum of the right starting there. The most basic sweep of thought in this entire process is this: conservatives focus on individual identity; liberals focus on collective identity. It starts with fascism on the left and ends with libertarianism on the right. (And don't give me that poly-sci nonsense about the "circle connecting at both ends"; fascism and libertarianism are polar opposites.)

Thank you for your time. I hope I can help.

Wikitfl (talk) 07:12, 6 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]