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Veterinary symbol.
Occupation type
Activity sectors
Veterinary medicine
Fields of
Veterinary clinics, veterinary hospitals
Related jobs
Surgeon, doctor

A veterinarian (American English) or a veterinary surgeon (British English), often shortened to vet, is a physician for animals and a practitioner of veterinary medicine. The word comes from the Latin veterinae meaning "draught animals". "Veterinarian" was first used in print by Thomas Browne in 1646.[1]


A typical animal hospital in North Smithfield, Rhode Island

Most veterinarians look after dogs, cats, or other 'domesticated' animals. Many careers are open to those with veterinary degrees. Those working in clinical settings often practice medicine in a limited field such as "companion animal", pet medicine (small animals such as dog, cat, and pocket pets), production medicine or livestock medicine. Production medicine includes specialties in dairy cattle, beef cattle, swine, sheep, and poultry, equine medicine (e.g., sport, race track, show, rodeo), laboratory animal medicine, reptile medicine, or ratite medicine. Veterinarians may choose to specialize in medical disciplines such as surgery, dermatology or internal medicine, after post-graduate training and certification.

Some veterinarians pursue post-graduate training and enter research careers, and have contributed advances in many human and veterinary medical fields, including pharmacology and epidemiology. Research veterinarians were the first to isolate oncoviruses, Salmonella species, Brucella species, and various other pathogenic agents. Veterinarians were in the fore-front in the effort to suppress malaria and yellow fever in the United States, and a veterinarian was the first to note disease caused by West Nile Virus in New York zoo animals. Veterinarians determined the identity of the botulism disease-causing agent; produced an anticoagulant used to treat human heart disease; and developed surgical techniques for humans, such as hip-joint replacement, limb and organ transplants.

Like physicians, veterinarians must make serious ethical decisions about their patients' care. For example, there is ongoing debate within the profession over the ethics of performing declawing of cats and docking or cropping tails and ears, as well as "debarking" dogs and in the housing of sows in gestation crates.

Education and regulation

A veterinarian gives an injection to a goldfish

Veterinary schools are frequently state supported institutions. Because of such arrangement, preference is often given to in-state students, and a restricted quota is placed on out-of-state students. The admission criteria for one state might be significantly different than that of another state, depending on the number of position available, and the number of in-state applicants available. Because of this, veterinary school admission can be much more competitive than entry into medical school in some states, and yet much less competitive than other states. Ratio of applications to students accepted varies tremendously between each school, mostly due to the variation in the schools residency requirement. Options are available for students to apply to over seas school, but graduates are often not regarded as highly if post-graduate training is desired. Entry into veterinary school in the US often require taking one of the three following tests: GRE, MCAT, or VCAT.[2][3]

Prerequisites for admission include the undergraduate studies listed under veterinary medicine and extensive veterinary and other animal-related experience (typically about 1000 or more hours combined). In the United States the average veterinary medical student has an undergraduate GPA of 3.5 and a GRE score of approximately 1350. In the U.S. and Canada, veterinary school lasts for four years just like human medicine programs, with at least one year being dedicated to clinical rotations. After completion of the national board examination, some newly-accredited veterinarians choose to pursue residencies or internships in certain (usually more competitive) fields.

Demographics of veterinary students has changed significantly over the last 20 years. The ratio of male to female students prior to the 1980s was dominated by men. Veterinary graduates in recent years are predominantly women.

Veterinary titles are not always consistent. US graduates are awarded a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) or the less common Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris (VMD) degree, the latter if they are a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. In Great Britain and Ireland, a qualified veterinary surgeon holds a Bachelor's Degree (e.g., BVSc or BVM&S). In continental Europe and other regions adhering to the Bologna regulations of university education, the graduate is awarded a Master's Degree (MVM), or a degree of Licentiate of Veterinary Medicine, that allow them to practice clinically. In these regions, the Doctorate (Dr. med. vet. or DVM) is a postgraduate title that requires the writing of an original scientific research dissertation. This discrepancy can sometimes cause confusion when comparing the North American degrees to those of other regions.

There is some reciprocal international recognition of veterinary degrees. For example:

Veterinarians graduating from AVMA (North American accredited universities), (e.g. Glasgow, Edinburgh, Royal Veterinary College, Sydney, Massey, Murdoch, Melbourne,University College Dublin etc.) may work in the USA or Canada after passing the NAVLE, a veterinary licensing exam taken by all American and Canadian veterinarians. Graduates from these Universities are granted a BVS or BVSc degree which has been accredited in the US and Canada and is entirely equivalent to the DVM and VMD degrees.

Non-AVMA accredited university graduates must also sit a week long Clinical Proficiency Examination in order to work in the USA or Canada.

In the United Kingdom and some Commonwealth nations, a veterinary surgeon is an animal practitioner regulated by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966. This legislation restricts the treatment of animals in the UK to qualified veterinary surgeons only, with certain specific exceptions, including physiotherapy, chiropractic, osteopathy, under the supervision of a veterinary surgeon. Various alternative medicine therapies (such as homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine) can only be performed by a veterinary surgeon.

Median salary for small animal exclusive veterinarians who do not own their practice ranges from $70,000 to $91,000 USD. Owning a practice can earn a vet a median salary from $55,000 to $151,000 USD depending on experience and type of practice owned.[4] The mean salary for new graduates in 2008 was $48,328 USD, but this included nearly 40% going on to advanced study programs. New small animal vets made just under $65,000 USD on average.[5]

The economic outlook for newly graduated veterinarians is clouded by the high debt carried by many graduates, as the cost of veterinary medical education rises. As in other medical fields, new veterinarians tend to concentrate in urbanized areas[citation needed] and economic competition is limiting post-graduate opportunities in private practice. On the other hand, veterinarians are able to set-up successful new practices in established markets by providing special services such as an emergency and critical care clinics for pets and mobile veterinary clinics or by obtaining advanced training and certification in specialty fields of medicine. More than 3,800 veterinarians in the USA currently work at veterinary schools where they participate in research and teach vet students; teaching is another career path for a veterinarian.

There is some concern about the decreasing number of new veterinary graduates pursuing careers in the livestock industry. The majority of today's veterinary students grew up in urban or suburban areas, providing limited, if any, exposure to livestock medicine or farm animals prior to veterinary school. Livestock medicine, once based on serving many family farms such as those depicted in the James Herriot series, is increasingly specialized, as farms are decreasing in number but increasing in individual size. Today's livestock veterinarian is more likely to work in a one-species discipline, perhaps as a full-time on-site veterinarian for one specific farm, than to work in the charming pastoral settings so common only one generation ago. This change in livestock medicine has brought improvements to the health and efficiency of food production. However, without regular exposure to this growing field of veterinary practice, students are less likely to pursue this line of profession. The concern is that as the baby-boomer generation of large animal veterinarians retires, there will not be enough young veterinarians to continue its work. Veterinary schools are aware of this issue, and most now expect a pre-veterinary background which includes large animal experience. Some veterinary schools are doing more to encourage the acceptance of students planning a career in production medicine by providing an alternate admissions process (e.g., Michigan State University's "Production Medicine Scholars Program") and specific scholarships.[6]

How to become a veterinarian

The first step is to learn what a veterinarian does. Many large animal veterinarians will let a high school or college student accompany them on their work day. Small animal veterinarians are often willing to take volunteers. Working with animals can be dangerous, and a signed release might be required. Most veterinary schools require or expect animal experience and veterinary experience. Animal experience can be had working on farms, kennels, and veterinary clinics. Veterinary experience can be acquired observing veterinarians or working in veterinary facilities. Most students have a combined veterinary and animal experience of at least 500 hours. Any time spent working with animals or a veterinarian needs to be documented. In high school, a student should expect to complete all electives in biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics, if available. In college, one needs to complete one year of general chemistry, one year of organic chemistry, one year of biology, one year of physics, and at least college trigonometry. Some schools require one course of biochemistry, embryology, and an animal science course. Each veterinary school requires different pre-vet courses, and usually a student will apply to only one or two veterinary schools due to residency requirements in the United States. Depending on the school applied to, the student may be expected to take one of the 3 tests (GRE, MCAT, or VCAT) after one to three years of college. It is good to get exposure to all species of animals, if possible. In veterinary school, one is expected to treat and handle all species of animals. Veterinary school is rigorous, and physically and mentally demanding. A student should be able to handle at least 15 to 18 hours of a science curriculum before entry into the professional program. It frequently takes a veterinarian 1 to 3 tries at applying to a school before gaining acceptance. GPA is important, but of equal importance is maturity, life experience, and commitment to the profession. Undergraduate major is not important, as long as the prerequisite courses are completed.

Skills Required of a General Practice Veterinarian

In many respects a veterinarian is similar to a pediatrician. Animals cannot talk, and much of the clinical history is obtained from the owner or client; as a pediatrician would obtain from a child's parents. Excellent people skills, and communication skills are required.

What can not be obtained from the clinical history, is acquired with the fingers, eyes, and smell. The ability to listen with a stethescope and palpate with the fingers and hands will reveal much of the physical findings. The sense of smell is also important, in detecting the fruity odor of the ketotic cow's breath, or the urea from the breath of a cat in renal failure.

What can not be revealed by the history and exam is further supported by diagnostic tests like blood work, urinalysis, and fecal exam. Veterinarians are well trained in laboratory medicine and parasitology.

The general practice veterinarian spends 1/3 to 1/2 of his or her time in surgery. Animal neutering operations are done in most veterinarians' offices. Many veterinarians also perform orthopedic procedures, bone setting, dentistry and trauma surgery. Surgery requires good hand and eye coordination, and fine motor skills.

Occupational or Species Specializations

Small Animal Medicine

Usually encompasses mainly dogs and cats and other household pets such as gerbils and other small animals.

Large Animal Medicine

Usually referring to vets that work with large farm animals and equine species.

Feline Medicine

A veterinarian who specializes solely in cat-related medicine.

Mixed Practice

Generally refers to a veterinarian who treats both.

Laboratory Animal Medicine

A veterinarian working in a university or industrial laboratory responsible for the care and treatment of laboratory animals of any species. This often involves bovine, porcine, feline, canine, rodents, and even exotic animals. Their responsibility is not only for the health and well being of the animals, but they are also responsible for enforcing humane and ethical treatment of the animals in the facility.

Equine Medicine

A veterinarian specializing only in horses.

Dairy Medicine

A large part of dairy medicine is nutrition, herd management, and reproduction.

Porcine Medicine

Essentially herd medicine in the management of swine herds. Focuses on nutrition, reproduction, and minor field surgery.

Poultry Medicine

A veterinarian responsible for the health of flocks of poultry. The field often involves extensive training in pathology, epidemiology, and nutrition of birds. The veterinarian treats the flock and not the individual animals.

Food Animal Medicine

This field usually encompasses porcine, bovine, and ovine medicine.

Zoo and Wildlife Medicine

Refers to exotic animals and wildlife, including wolves, black bears, grizzly bears, and wild birds.

Surgical and Medical Subspecialties

As opposed to human medicine, general practice veterinarians greatly out number veterinary specialists. Most veterinary specialists work at the veterinary school, or at a referral center in large cities. As opposed to human medicine, where each organ system has its own medical and surgical specialties. Veterinarians often combine both the surgical and medical aspect of an organ system into one field. The specialties in veterinary medicine often encompasses several medical and surgical specialties that are found in human medicine. Within each veterinary specialties, one will often find a separation of large animal medicine from small animal medicine. Some veterinary specialties are evolving, some are limitted only in the teaching universities, and some are practiced only in the field.


A specialty limited to teaching in hospitals and schools. Most veterinarians practices anesthesiology in their own office.

Animal Behavior and Psychotrophic Pharmacology

A relatively new specialty, with an increase interest in modulating abnormal animal behavior.

Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery

Manages cardiac and conductance disorders. Also performs cardiothoracic surgery for the treatment of congenital and acquired heart diseases.

Chiropractic Medicine

Veterinary chiropractic is the adaptation of principles of manipulative and chiropractic medicine to animals. Some veterinarians have dual degree in chiropractic medicine and veterinary medicine.

=== Dentistry === too! A very important but often neglected area of animal health. There is much for veterinarian to learn about restorative dentistry, and endodontics. There is much more for pets owners to learn about preventive dental care - and knowledge of the specialty.

Dermatology and Dermatopathology

As in human medicine, veterinary dermatologists are often the specialist in dermatopathology. Dermatology in animals ecompasses much of the field of Allergy and Immunulogy, which is a separate entity in human medicine.


Important in teaching institution and referral centers. Each species of animals have their own unique endocrine disorders. Endocrine function of animals often varies between breeds of animals of the same species.

Emergency Medicine and Critical Care

Also cover the field of emergency or trauma surgery. The veterinarian is trained in medicine, surgery, and critical care of the severely injured or ill animal.

Epidemiology and Public Health

Important in the studies to improve herd health, prevent transmissible diseases, and to keep the food supply safe from zoonotic diseases.

Equine Surgery

Encompasses diagnosis and surgical treatment of horses. Including intestinal disorders and orthopedic surgery.

Food Animal Surgery

This is a specialty mainly present in teaching hospitals. Most large animal veterinarian also perform surgery in the field and in their clinics.

Infectious Diseases and Foreign Animal Diseases

A very important specialty in the control of infectious diseases in the herds, and the spread of economically important foreign animal diseases. Specialists in this field work in the regulatory agencies, and teaching institutions.

Internal Medicine

As opposed to human medicine, where an internist is often considered a primary care physician of adults; a veterinary internal medicine specialist, is a specialist. The specialty in the United States require 2 years or more of residency training. They are trained to manage complex medical conditions, and often work at teaching universities and hospitals.

Neurology and Neurologic Surgery

Veterinary neurologists are both surgeon and neurologist in practice. This is different than in human medicine, where neurologists are the medical side of the specialty, and neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeons focus on the surgical side.


An important aspect of food animal medicine, and herd medicine. Specialists in this area include veterinarians and animal scientists. Most large animal veterinarians are also excellent nutritionists. Nutritionists also work in the pet food industry in quality assurance and research.


Covers the diagnosis and management of malignancies in animals. As animals are considered to be a part of the family, curative and pallative care is often demanded when malignacies develop. The best of chemotherapy, radiation oncology, and surgical oncology is now available for animals.

Orthopedic Surgery

Most veterinarian perform some orthopedic procedures in their offices. Specialists in the field perform complex internal fixation and external fixations, including joint replacement in the small animals. Some equine surgeons also practice limited internal fixation in horses.


Specializes in the diagnosis of eye diseases, and surgery of the eye and eyelids.


As animals metabolize drugs in many different ways,veterinary clinical pharmacologists are important in the study of drug use in animals.


A specialist often found in teaching hospitals and universities. All veterinarians practice parasitology in their offices.

Pathology and Hematology

A very broad field that covers multiple species, organ systems, domestic and foreign animal diseases. The veterinary pathologists perform necropsies (autopsies), collect specimens, and read pathological slides. They assist clinicians in the diagnosis of illnesses and seek causes of deaths in animals.

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Important in the recovery of neurosurgical and orthopedic patients. A relatively new field with application in both small animals and equine medicine. Animal physical therapy is used to relieve pain, restore mobility, strength, and function so as to further enhance the ability of animals following injury, surgery, neurological problems, or orthopedic conditions. As a new growing profession, animal physical therapists are evidenced based healthcare professionals that often work with the owner, veterinarian, and sometimes other healthcare professionals to help animals achieve maximal performance. One of the small animals seen in animal physical therapy are canines. This branch of animal physical therapy is known as canine physical therapy.

Radiology and Radiation Oncology

This specialty involves the interpretation of imaginging modalities, including X-rays, MRI, CT scans, ultrasounds, echocardiograms, and doppler devices. Also administers radiation treatment for malignancies and endocrine diseases.

Soft Tissue Surgery

Encompasses all aspect of surgery with the exception of orthopedics.

Involves the study and treatment of reproductive disorders. Reproduction is an economically important aspect of bovine, porcine, ovine, and equine practices.

Urology and Nephrology

Specialist in the treatment and surgery of kidney and bladder diseases.

Regulatory medicine

Some veterinarians work in regulatory medicine, ensuring a nation's food safety, e.g. the USDA FSIS, or work by protecting a country from imported exotic animal diseases. e.g. the USDA APHIS. The emerging field of conservation medicine involves veterinarians even more directly with human health care, providing a multidisciplinary approach to medical research that also involves environmental scientists.


A U.S. Army veterinarian inoculates a chicken with an anti-mite solution at a medical assistance visit to a nomadic village in Paktya, Afghanistan.

Public health medicine is an option for veterinarians. Veterinarians in government and private laboratories provide diagnostics and testing services. Some veterinarians serve as state epidemiologists, directors of environmental health, and directors of state or city public health departments. Veterinarians are also employed by the US Agriculture Research Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, United States Environmental Protection Agency, National Library of Medicine, and National Institutes of Health. The military also employs veterinarians in a number of capacities — caring for pets on military bases, caring for military working animals, controlling various arthropod-borne diseases, or as food safety inspectors. There are several U.S Senators who are veterinarians, including Wayne Allard (R) Colorado, and John Ensign (R) Nevada.

Well-known depictions of a veterinarian at work are in James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small, made into a BBC series. Dr. Dolittle is a series of children's books, one of which was turned into a 1967 movie. The movie was remade in 1998 with Eddie Murphy as Dr. Dolittle.

US-based cable network Animal Planet, with animal-based programming, frequently features veterinarians. Two notable shows are Emergency Vets and E-Vet Interns, set at Alameda East Veterinary Hospital in Denver, Colorado.

The character Steve Parker in Neighbours is a vet.


Small animal veterinarians typically work in veterinary clinics or veterinary hospitals, or both. Large animal veterinarians often spend more time traveling to see their patients at the primary facilities which house them (zoos, farms, etc).

As opposed to a human doctor's office, which only have exam rooms, a veterinarian's office is more like a hospital with a full pharmacy. Waiting rooms are available often with separate areas for dogs, cats, and exotics. Laboratory to include microscope, parasitology preps, chemistry analyzer, and blood count capability. A full surgery with orthopedic and general surgery packs, and general anesthesia equipment. A kennel for hospitalizing sick animals, and to quarantine infectious ones. An X-ray machine with a dark room for processing films. And finally, a full dispensary pharmacy with oral and systemic drugs.

In comparison to human medicine, veterinarians charge only a fraction for the services rendered.
