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sight-size method.

Illusion Training

Another traditional method incorporates the use of illusions and is most often taught in conjunction with advanced compositional theory. The artist that creates illusions to fool the viewer into believing an image is accurate, need not copy exactly what is seen. This allows the artist to experiment with many options and retain what appears to be a realistic image. Rather than mimic a single style, artist skilled at the use of multiple illusions often study the technical execution and compositions of a wide variety of old masters This allows each student to pursue their own individual vision. Students of these ateliers exhibit a wide range of personal styles and increasing amounts of creative experimentation.

The modiste

The Atelier of Léon Bonnat (1846-1855), one of the more liberal instructors, stressed simplicity in art above high academic finish, as well as overall effect rather than detail. Bonnat's students exhibited a wide range of styles and included: Gustave Caillebotte, Suzor-Coté, Georges Braque, Thomas Eakins, Raoul Dufy, Marius Vasselon, Fred Barnard, Aloysius O'Kelly, and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.[2]

Titian (1516–1518)

Although individual students study a wide range of old masters, many study the painting techniques and compositional skills of the High Renaissance, Mannerist and Baroque styles, including Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Rubens, El Greco.

Country:  Serbia
Subdivision: Bor District, Majdanpek municipality
Location: 7 km from Donji Milanovac
Coordinates 44° 26′ 29" N 22° 10′ 30" E

Area code: 030
Postal code: 19220
License plates: BO

|latd = 44|latm= 49|lats =14|latNS = N |longd = 20|longm = 27|longs =44|longEW = E|coordinates_display=3

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