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Forever Charmed

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"Forever Charmed"

Forever Charmed is the last episode produced and aired of the eight seasons of the WB's Charmed. As the second part of the double-episode series finale in the last season of Charmed, it originally aired on May 21, 2006 and was seen by over four million households, a peak for the twenty-two series episodes in the 2005-2006 season.

The episode involves time travel, nostalgic family visitations and a reprise of various important historical background situations, as well as a glimpse of the future to other progeny of the Charmed Ones.


After the cataclysmic battle that demolished the Halliwell Manor in the ending of the prior episode (i.e. Part I), Piper and Leo go to Phoebe’s condo where the Book of Shadows has been safeguarded since the forces of evil invaded the manor. While she and Leo look for some kind of solution that will let them bring the sisters back, Billie goes to Magic School where she confronts Dumain, revealing Christy is dead. Dumain suggests she project herself back into the past and save Christy.

Piper and Leo arrive at Victor’s and Piper breaks the news of Paige and Phoebe's deaths. Victor reveals he knows about the cupid Coop and Piper realizes in a sudden moment of clarity that Coop can help them—he has a ring which allows him to travel in time to see past loves. She summons Coop and asks to borrow his ring so she can go back in time. Coop agrees, but warns it doesn’t always work as desired and is left with Victor and his grandchildren.

Leo goes with Piper. Piper tries to key on Phoebe, but instead they go to 1975, where they meet a young Victor and Patty in bed, when Piper was three and Phoebe hasn’t been born yet—leaving one to believe it was the night that she was conceived. Later, they try to explain things to her parents, without giving away too much, and finally have to reveal that Paige and Phoebe are dead and that they grew up to become the famous-across-history Charmed Ones.

Patty suggests that they get Grams, saying that (at least in theory) they can create a three-generation Power of Three. Piper tries to key on Grams, but instead ends up 50 years in the future. An aged Piper and Leo have been waiting for them to show and even baked cookies anticipating their second time travel overshoot. Their future geriatric selves give some advice to the time travelers and soothe their nerves since now they know they succeed.

The old Piper and Leo reveal that Piper needs to focus on who she wants to get to with her heart, not her head, and they must work together to get rid of the Hollow. They try again and visit the Manor again at a time to see Grams talking with a young Piper from the other room before they reveal themselves. After young Piper leaves, they introduce themselves and Grams faints. Piper reveals that Patty is dead to Patty at that time.

Dumain helps Billie get ready to project herself into the past. When he mentions she has to focus on the time of the existence of the Triad, she suspects something is up and finally realizes she’s been manipulated. Dumain tells her go back and ask Christy, so she’ll understand.

While Patty tries to wake Grams, Leo points out that he could be taken away again by the Angel of Destiny if they reset and reconstruct the events around and on the day of the great battle. Grams wakes up, Piper makes introductions and tells her she must help save the Charmed Ones as a part of the Power of Three. Grams is excited that her granddaughters became the Charmed Ones, and readily agrees to help.

Meanwhile, Billie projects herself back into the past at the Manor, just at the time as the past Billie and Christy arrive. She tries to warn them against fighting, but past-Billie sends present-Billie flying into the wall and goes on to fight the Charmed sisters side by side with Christy as before. The battle starts to play out as before, but then Piper, Grams, and Patty arrive off to one side to cast a spell which drives the Hollow out of all five of them. The present-Billie and present-Piper merge with their past selves in the past timeline, and then Billie and Christy teleport out before they can be overwhelmed since they no longer have the magic boosting aid of the Hollow.

The Angel Of Destiny arrives to take Leo back again, punctuating that things are back where they started; three sisters vs. two, but at least the Hallow is out of it. Then, the future Wyatt and Chris appear, revealing that someone has screwed up their future.

Billie and Christy walk down the street together. Billie tries to tell Christy that Dumain and the Triad are using them. Even after Billie tells Christy that Dumain tried to get her to save the Triad first, Christy doesn’t seem to care. Staying true to her programming, she goes off to Magic School on her own. A disillusioned Billie realizes that her sister has become a killer.

Chris and Wyatt explain that Wyatt lost his powers in the middle of a demon fight and cast a spell that brought them back to the present. This clue allows Piper to figure out that Billie and Christy stole Wyatt’s power at that point in the future using the Hollow. With the end of the Hollow, the magic and events no longer coincide. To add confusion, Coop arrives and Wyatt recognizes him as “Uncle Coop,” and then Chris and Wyatt take their grandmother Patty to see the present Victor while Grams stays with the Charmed Ones to plot and plan. Victor is confused and finally Patty finds out they’re separated when Paige is mentioned.

Christy tells Dumain that Billie has abandoned them, but believes there’s a way to revive the Triad without her. Grams is working on a potion, when Paige's husband Henry arrives. When Grams finds out that Henry is a mortal, she isn't very pleased, considering that Patty married a whitelighter (Paige's father). Coop insists on confessing his love to Phoebe, but Phoebe can’t handle it, believing that it's a forbidden love, and goes to talk to her sisters after giving him the ring back in emotional distress. Opportunistically monitoring the situation, Dumain shimmers in to grab Coop and the ring.

Billie shows up and asks to talk. She explains that the Triad and Christy have been manipulating her all along, and asks forgiveness for what she's done. Future-Chris and Wyatt show up and reveal that Dumain is involved. Phoebe calls for Coop, who can’t respond, and Chris and Wyatt reveal that Coop was sent so Phoebe could fall in love with him, and it wasn’t a forbidden love. They explain that in the future they’re as one and all she has to do is think about him to summon him. She does so and he appears, in great pain. He reveals Dumain took his ring and they plan to go back in time.

Dumain is talking with the Triad in the past, when present-Dumain and Christy arrive (using Coop's ring) to warn them that the Charmed Ones might try to get the Hollow. The Charmed Ones and Billie arrive a moment later. The Charmed Ones destroy the Triad again with vanquishing potions. Piper blows up present-Dumain, and then blows up past-Dumain just as he tries to shimmer out of danger. The Halliwells explain that Billie sent them back, and Paige orbs the ring off Christy's finger. Christy accuses Billie of betraying her. Billie begs Christy one more time to renounce evil. Instead, an enraged Christy launches a huge fireball at Billie and the Halliwells. With no other choice, Billie deflects it back, vaporizing Christy. Realizing her entire family is gone (her parents having been murdered by demons), Billie immediately collapses in tears while the sisters comfort her. All the Halliwells are reunited at the Manor and Wyatt has his powers back. They reveal Billie has gotten back her own way and needs some time alone. The Angel of Destiny arrives again with Leo and reveals that this reality was how the battle was supposed to end, and now it’s all worked out. Leo pulls Piper into an embrace where they passionately kiss and begin making out. Victor and Patty arrive with the children and Coop reveals he can take everyone back to their own proper times and Chris says if they arrive just before they left, they won’t remember what they’ve learned. A family reunion takes place in the sun room of the Halliwell manor, with the young Wyatt and Chris (played by Combs' son, Finley Donoho), the two boys as young men, Victor Bennet, Grams and Patty.

Later, Piper comes down with the Book of Shadows. She says that they should write down stuff they want future generations to know so it will be passed down to them just like it was to them. Phoebe is the first one to write in the book and writes how over the last eight years, so much was gained and lost and that her life was really just beginning after finding out her true love was Coop. A flash of the future is shown where Phoebe and Coop are married and have two daughters while Phoebe is pregnant with their third. Billie is seen babysitting the two girls, showing that she and the sisters are once again friends and allies. She continues working at the Bay Mirror and ends up writing a best selling book on finding love.

Paige writes about her and Henry's lives. Henry continued his job as a parole officer. He and Paige had 3 children ( a son, Henry Jr. and twin girls) and Paige set out to accomplish her Whitelighter duties and help future generations of witches come into their powers.

Piper writes down how Paige could pass on all that she learned about being a witch to not only her or Phoebe's kids, but to future witches and Whitelighters as well. In a flash of the future, Piper and Leo are sending their kids off to school and they now have a daughter who is assumed to be Melinda. Piper ends up opening her own restaurant, a dream she has always had, after the kids are old enough to take over the demon fighting, and Leo goes back to teaching at Magic School where he remains until he retires.

As Piper is reciting her passage, it goes over to where she is now an old lady, reading the passage to her granddaughter. Piper's last message in the book is "Though we've certainly had our struggles and heartaches over the years, we're a family of survivors and we will always be which is why we've truly been charmed." Her granddaughter asks her to read it again, but Piper says she needs to go rest and says she can read it herself because it will be hers one day. Piper and Leo (who is now just as old) head upstairs while their granddaughter flips through the Book.

As they go upstairs, pictures hanging on the wall are seen. The pictures are of Wyatt as a toddler, young Wyatt and baby Chris playing on the floor, Piper and Leo from their wedding, Grams, Patty reading to young Piper, Leo reading to Wyatt and Chris, adult Wyatt and Chris, Victor and Patty and the final picture is of Piper, Paige, and Phoebe sitting on the couch, all three of them smiling happily.

The episode ends with the rest of the grandchildren coming into the house and the granddaughter looking at the Book waves her hand, closing the Manor door, showing that she inherited telekinesis and administers the power the same way Prue did. The final shot of the series is of the Manor where the Triquetra flashes on the screen before cutting to the credits.

  • It should be noted that in the episode 12 Angry Zen, the Zodiac Master Rooster, while helping Billie learn to harness her projection power, stated that Billie went back in time and saw Christy as she was before. Meaning, he could've known the whole time that Christy had been swayed by demons and was in fact evil, or that she was the threat the sisters had to face.*

Main guest stars


  • Christy Jenkins - Main agent of Dumain and so the Triad, eventually killed by a deflected fireball by her sister Billie.
  • Dumain - both his future and past selves are blown up by Piper
  • The Triad - vanquished by the Charmed Ones using potions


  • Penny Halliwell - A witch and grandmother of the Charmed Ones
  • Patty Halliwell - A witch and mother of the Charmed Ones
  • Coop - A Cupid, Phoebe's love, and revealed as her final husband.
  • Wyatt Halliwell - Piper and Leo's first son, most powerful witch/whitelighter. All the demons wanted to turn him evil in fear of his power.
  • Chris Halliwell - The second son of Piper and Leo, not as powerful as his brother, but powerful as he is of the Charmed lineage.


Production Details

Main cast

Guest Stars


Of the previous main characters in the show, Prue Halliwell, Cole Turner, Andy Trudeau and Darryl Morris did not appear in the episode. As executive producer Brad Kern explained, Darryl and Andy could not be fitted into the plot, while bringing back Prue would have centered the episode on her instead of on the main cast.[1] However, according to the commentary on the DVD, his reasons for not asking Shannen to return were for "various reasons." While acknowledging criticism for not using photographs of Shannen Doherty in the episode, Kern pointed out a Screen Actors Guild rule that the use of an actor's photograph in a television episode in which the actor does not appear still entitles the actor to a full episodic fee, thus showing one photograph of Doherty would have resulted in one of the returning previous main characters not being able to be afforded.[2] As for Cole's absence, Kern explained that the budget cuts along with Julian McMahon's busy schedule did not allow for either a reprisal or a photo of Cole.

External links


  1. ^ Charmed Magazine #12, p. 60.
  2. ^ Charmed Magazine #18, p. 49.