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Anne Rice

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Anne Rice
OccupationNovelist, Author
GenreGothic, Horror, Erotica, Christian fiction, Mystery, Romance, Fantasy

Anne Rice (born Howard Allen O'Brien on October 4, 1941) is a best-selling American author of gothic, erotic, and religious-themed books from New Orleans, Louisiana. She was married to poet and painter Stan Rice for 41 years until his death from cancer in 2002. Her books have sold nearly 100 million copies, making her one of the most widely read authors in modern history.[2][3][4][5]

Early years

Rice spent most of her early life in New Orleans, Louisiana, which forms the background against which most of her stories take place. She was the second daughter in a Catholic[6] Irish American family; Rice's sister, the late Alice Borchardt, also became a noted genre author. About her unusual given name, Rice said: "My birth name is Howard Allen because apparently my mother thought it was a good idea to name me Howard. My father's name was Howard, she wanted to name me after Howard, and she thought it was a very interesting thing to do."

Rice became "Anne" on her first day of school, when a nun asked her what her name was. She told the nun "Anne," which she considered a pretty name. Her mother, who was with her, let it go without correcting her, knowing how self-conscious her daughter was of her real name. From that day on, everyone she knew addressed her as "Anne."[7][8]

In 1958, when Rice was 16, her father moved the family to north Texas, taking up residence in Richardson. Her mother had died three years before of alcoholism. Rice met her future husband, Stan Rice, while they were both students at Richardson High School. Rice graduated from Richardson High School, in 1959 and then began college at Texas Woman's University in Denton and later North Texas State College. She then relocated with Stan to San Francisco for a year where Anne attended San Francisco State University and obtained a B.A. in Political Science. During this time she also worked as an insurance claims examiner. Anne returned to Denton to marry Stan. He became an instructor at San Francisco State shortly after receiving his M.A. there, and Anne lived and worked in the San Francisco Bay Area from 1962 to 1988, experiencing the birth of the Hippie Revolution first hand as they lived in the soon to be fabled Haight-Ashbury district. "I'm a totally conservative person," she later told the New York Times (November 7, 1988). "In the middle of Haight-Ashbury in the 1960s, I was typing away while everybody was dropping acid and smoking grass. I was known as my own square." She would not return to New Orleans until 1989.

Anne's daughter Michele was born on September 21, 1966, and died of leukemia on August 5, 1972. She returned to the Catholic Church in 1998 after several years of describing herself as an "atheist." She announced she would now use her life and talent of writing to glorify her belief in God but has not expressly renounced her earlier works. Her son Christopher Rice was born in Berkeley, California, in 1978 and is a best selling author.[9]

On January 30, 2004, having already put the largest of her three homes up for sale, Rice announced her plans to leave New Orleans. She cited living alone since the death of her husband as the reason. "Simplifying my life, not owning so much, that's the chief goal", said Rice. "I'll no longer be a citizen of New Orleans in the true sense." Rice had left New Orleans prior to the events of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, and none of her former New Orleans properties were flooded. She remains a vocal advocate for the city and related relief projects.[10]

After leaving New Orleans, Rice settled in Rancho Mirage, California, allowing her to be closer to her son, who lives in Los Angeles.[11]

Writing career

She completed her first book, Interview with the Vampire, in 1973 and published it in 1976. This book would be the first in Rice's popular Vampire Chronicles series, which now includes over a dozen novels, including 1985's The Vampire Lestat and 1988's The Queen of the Damned. Along with several non-series works, Rice has written three novels in the Lives of the Mayfair Witches sequence. Additionally, Rice wrote three erotic novels under the pseudonym "A. N. Roquelaure."

In October 2004, Rice announced in a Newsweek article that she would henceforth "write only for the Lord." Her subsequent book, Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt, she calls the beginning of a series chronicling the life of Jesus. The second volume, Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana, was published in March 2008. On July 28th, 2010; Anne Rice denounced her belief from religion saying 'For those who care, and I understand if you don't: Today I quit being a Christian ... It's simply impossible for me to ‘belong’ to this quarrelsome, hostile, disputatious, and deservedly infamous group. For ten years, I've tried. I've failed. I'm an outsider. My conscience will allow nothing else.' Then, on the 29th she stated “My faith in Christ is central to my life. My conversion from a pessimistic atheist lost in a world I didn't understand, to an optimistic believer in a universe created and sustained by a loving God is crucial to me," Rice wrote. "But following Christ does not mean following His followers. Christ is infinitely more important than Christianity and always will be, no matter what Christianity is, has been or might become.”

Return to Roman Catholicism

In 2005, Newsweek reported, "[Rice] came close to death last year, when she had surgery for an intestinal blockage, and also back in 1998, when she went into a sudden diabetic coma; that same year she returned to the Roman Catholic Church, which she'd left at 18.".[12] Her return has not come with a full embrace of the Church's stances on social issues; Rice remains a supporter of equality for gay men and lesbians (including marriage rights), as well as abortion rights and birth control.[13] Rice has written extensively on the matter.

In the Author's Note from Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt, Rice states:

I had experienced an old fashioned, strict Roman Catholic childhood in the 1940s and 1950s… we attended daily Mass and communion in an enormous and magnificently decorated church … Stained glass windows, the Latin Mass, the detailed answers to complex questions on good and evil—these things were imprinted on my soul forever…

I left this church at age 18... I wanted to know what was happening, why so many seemingly good people didn’t believe in any organized religion yet cared passionately about their behavior and value of their lives… I broke with the church violently and totally... I wrote many novels that without my being aware of it reflected my quest for meaning in a world without God. [14]

In her memoir Called Out of Darkness, Rice also states:

In the moment of surrender, I let go of all the theological or social questions which had kept me from [God] for countless years. I simply let them go. There was the sense, profound and wordless, that if He knew everything I did not have to know everything, and that, in seeking to know everything, I’d been, all of my life, missing the entire point. No social paradox, no historic disaster, no hideous record of injustice or misery should keep me from Him. No question of Scriptural integrity, no torment over the fate of this or that atheist or gay friend, no worry for those condemned and ostracized by my church or any other church should stand between me and Him. The reason? It was magnificently simple: He knew how or why everything happened; He knew the disposition of every single soul. He wasn’t going to let anything happen by accident! Nobody was going to go to Hell by mistake. [15]

Exit from organized religion

On July 29, 2010, Rice publicly renounced her dedication to her Roman Catholic faith, while remaining committed to Christ, on her Facebook page:

"For those who care, and I understand if you don’t: Today I quit being a Christian. I’m out. I remain committed to Christ as always but not to being “Christian” or to being part of Christianity. It’s simply impossible for me to “belong” to this quarrelsome, hostile, disputatious, and deservedly infamous group. For ten years, I’ve tried. I’ve failed. I’m an outsider. My conscience will allow nothing else." [16]

A few hours later she added the following:

“In the name of Christ, I refuse to be anti-gay. I refuse to be anti-feminist. I refuse to be anti-artificial birth control. I refuse to be anti-Democrat. I refuse to be anti-secular humanism. I refuse to be anti-science. I refuse to be anti-life. In the name of Christ, I quit Christianity and being Christian. Amen.” [16]

She reaffirmed her faith in Christ with stance of non-adherence to organized Christianity an hour or so later:

"My faith in Christ is central to my life. My conversion from a pessimistic atheist lost in a world I didn't understand, to an optimistic believer in a universe created and sustained by a loving God is crucial to me. But following Christ does not mean following His followers. Christ is infinitely more important than Christianity and always will be, no matter what Christianity is, has been, or might become." [17]

Subsequently, in an interview, Rice further clarified her statements:

My commitment to Christ remains at the heart and center of my life. Transformation in Him is radical and ongoing. That I feel now that I am called to be an outsider for Him, to step away from the words, "Christian" and "Christianity" is something that my conscience demands of me. I feel that my faith in Him demands this of me. I know of no other way to express how I must remove myself from those things which seek to separate me from Him. [18]

In an August 7, 2010 interview with the Los Angeles Times, she elaborated on her view regarding being a member of a Christian church: "I feel much more morally comfortable walking away from organized religion. I respect that there are all kinds of denominations and all kinds of churches, but it's the entire controversy, the entire conversation that I need to walk away from right now."[19] In response to the question, "[H]ow do you follow Christ without a church?" Rice replied: "I think the basic ritual is simply prayer. It's talking to God, putting things in the hands of God, trusting that you're living in God's world and praying for God's guidance. And being absolutely faithful to the core principles of Jesus' teachings.[19]

Personal quotes

Excerpts from Anne's Profession of Faith

In 1998 I returned to the Catholic Church…

I realized that the greatest thing I could do to show my complete love for Him was to consecrate my work to Him—to use any talent I had acquired as a writer, as a storyteller, as a novelist—for Him and for Him alone...

Thence began my journey into intense Biblical study, intense historical research, and intense effort to write novels about the Jesus of Scripture, the Jesus of Faith, in His own vibrant First Century World...


Excerpts from Essay On Earlier Works

My vampire novels and other novels I’ve written... are attempting to be transformative stories… All these novels involve a strong moral compass. Evil is never glorified in these books; on the contrary, the continuing battle against evil is the subject of the work. The search for the good is the subject of the work…

Interview with the Vampire... is about the near despair of an alienated being who searches the world for some hope that his existence can have meaning. His vampire nature is clearly a metaphor for human consciousness or moral awareness. The major theme of the novel is the misery of this character because he cannot find redemption and does not have the strength to end the evil of which he knows himself to be a part. This book reflects for me a protest against the post World War II nihilism to which I was exposed in college from 1960 through 1972. It is an expression of grief for a lost religious heritage that seemed at that time beyond recovery...

One thing which unites [my books] is the theme of the moral and spiritual quest. A second theme, key to most of them, is the quest of the outcast for a context of meaning, whether that outcast is an 18th century castrato opera singer, or a young boy of mixed blood coming of age in ante-bellum New Orleans, or a person forced into a monstrous predatory existence like the young vampire, Lestat…

In 1976, I felt that the vampire was the perfect metaphor for the outcast in all of us, the alienated one in all of us, the one who feels lost in a world seemingly without God. In 1976, I felt I existed in such a world, and I was searching for God. I never dreamed that the word, vampire, would prevent people from examining this book as a metaphysical work. I thought the use of the word was a powerful device...

The entire body of my earlier work reflects a movement towards Jesus Christ. In 2002, I consecrated my work to Jesus Christ. This did not involve a denunciation of works that reflected the journey. It was rather a statement that from then on I would write directly for Jesus Christ. I would write works about salvation, as opposed to alienation.[21]

Amazon.com reviews

On amazon.com Rice has written reviews on some of her favorite artists, recordings, books and films. Her reviews cover artists such as violinists Hilary Hahn and Leila Josefowicz, books from scholars such as Prof. Ellis Rivkin, N.T. Wright (the Bishop of Durham), films such as The Nun's Story starring Audrey Hepburn and The Bourne Supremacy starring Matt Damon.[22] For Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet, Rice wrote:

"This is one of the greatest productions of Shakespeare I've ever seen... [Branagh] delivers Shakespeare's glorious lines in a way that makes them clear, and brings them to life with incalculable power... This is one of those feasts for the eyes and ears like Amadeus or Immortal Beloved, or the Red Shoes."[22]


Rice maintains a very active presence on Facebook using her page to initiate discussion and encouraging feedback on her views and postings. She often will respond to questions that are posted directly for her. Her page has over 130,000 fans and every day it continues to grow.[23]



In 1994, Neil Jordan directed a relatively faithful motion picture adaptation of Interview with the Vampire, from Rice's own screenplay. The movie starred Tom Cruise as Lestat, Brad Pitt as the guilt-ridden Louis and was a breakout role for young Kirsten Dunst as the deceitful child vampire Claudia.

A second film adaptation, Queen of the Damned, was released in February 2002. Starring Stuart Townsend as the vampire Lestat and singer Aaliyah as Akasha, Queen of the Vampires, the movie combined incidents from the second and third books in the series: The Vampire Lestat and The Queen of the Damned. Produced on a budget of $35 million, the film only recouped $30 million at the domestic(US) box office.[24]

A 1994 film titled Exit to Eden, based loosely on the book Rice published as Anne Rampling, starred Rosie O'Donnell and Dan Aykroyd. The work was transformed from a love story into a police comedy, possibly due to the explicit S&M themes of the book. The film was a box-office failure, and Rice publicly dissociated herself from it.

A film version of Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt was planned but later cancelled.


In 1997, she wrote a television pilot entitled Rag and Bone starring Dean Cain and Robert Patrick, which featured many of the common themes of her work.

The Feast of All Saints was made into a miniseries in 2001 by director Peter Medak.

Plans to adapt Rice's Lives of the Mayfair Witches trilogy into a twelve-hour miniseries to be aired on NBC were dropped after a change of studio head and subsequent loss of interest in the project.


In 1997, a ballet adaptation of Interview with the Vampire, premiered in Prague.

On April 25, 2006, the musical Lestat, based on Rice's Vampire Chronicles books, opened at the Palace Theatre on Broadway after having its world premiere in San Francisco, California in December 2005. With music by Elton John and lyrics by Bernie Taupin, it was the inaugural production of the newly established Warner Brothers Theatre Ventures.

Despite Rice's own overwhelming approval and praise,[25] the show received mostly poor reviews by critics and disappointing attendance. Lestat closed a month later on May 28, 2006, after just 33 previews and 39 regular performances.


Anne Rice's books have been adapted over the years into comics. Below is a list of known adaptations and issue runs; along with publisher and year.

Fan fiction

Rice has an adamant stance against fan fiction based on her work, releasing a statement on April 7, 2000, that prohibited all such efforts.[26] This caused the removal of thousands of "fanfics" from the FanFiction.Net website.


Cradle of Filth briefly includes Lestat in the song "Libertina Grimm" as "Count Lestat", and also in their original album The Principle of Evil Made Flesh in the song Eve the Art of Witchcraft where they mention the Savage Garden.

Guitarist Steve Vai states in liner notes for his album The Elusive Light and Sound volume 1, that his song "Loveblood" was inspired by the film and the fact that he wished he was an actor so he could play the role.

Alternative rock band Concrete Blonde's song "Bloodletting (the Vampire Song)", the title track from the Bloodletting CD, is based on Rice's The Vampire Lestat.

Sting released a song on the album The Dream of the Blue Turtles entitled "Moon Over Bourbon Street", after reading Interview with the Vampire.

The Australian pop band Savage Garden found their name in The Vampire Lestat, in which Lestat describes the world as "the savage garden."

Swedish heavy metal band Tad Morose recorded a song entitled "Servant of the Bones" about the book of the same name on their 2000 album Undead.

The metalcore band Atreyu declares in the song "The Crimson", "I'm an Anne Rice novel come to life."

Punk/goth band The Damned recorded a song called "The Dog" about the child vampire Claudia from Interview with the Vampire on their 1982 album Strawberries.

The Italian band Theatres des Vampires is named after a location featured in several books of The Vampire Chronicles. Their 1999 album is called The Vampire Chronicles.

Malice Mizer, a Japanese Visual Kei rock band, uses the phrase "Drink from me and live forever" in their song "Transylvania." "Drink from me and live forever" is a phrase from the first book Interview With the Vampire.

Mexican band Santa Sabina dedicates a song to Rice's vampire character Louis: "Una canción para Louis."

Psytrance project Talamasca was named after the secret society in both the Vampire chronicles and the Mayfair Witches series. This is a solo project by the French musician Cedric Dassulle, who also calls himself DJ Lestat.

Japanese visual kei metal band Versailles first album, Noble, is subtitled "Vampires Chronicle." Furthermore, the sixth song is entitled "After Cloudia", insinuating a relationship with Claudia from the series. The lead singer, Kamijo has stated he models himself after Rice's character, Lestat de Lioncourt.

Italian gothic rock group Last Minute's first album, Burning Theater, was conceived as an unofficial soundtrack for Interview with the Vampire, including the title track and two others, all focusing heavily on the death of Claudia.


The Vampire Chronicles

New Tales of the Vampires

The Lives of the Mayfair Witches

Vampire/Mayfair crossover

In these novels the Mayfair Witches become part of the Vampire Chronicles world.

The Life of Christ

Songs of the Seraphim

Miscellaneous novels

Short fiction

  • October 4, 1948 (1965)
  • Nicholas and Jean (first ch. 1966)
  • The Master of Rampling Gate (Vampire Short Story) (1982)


Under the pseudonym Anne Rampling

Under the pseudonym A.N. Roquelaure

See also


  1. ^ AnneRice.com: Essay on Earlier Works
  2. ^ Anne Rice
  3. ^ Goodreads | Anne Rice
  4. ^ http://www.mahalo.com/Anne_Rice
  5. ^ Author Anne Rice on Conversion | PreachingToday.com
  6. ^ Husband, Stuart (November 2, 2008). "Anne Rice: interview with the vampire writer". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved September 11, 2010.
  7. ^ Interview for Called Out Of Darkness
  8. ^ Anne Rice website biography
  9. ^ Christopher Rice
  10. ^ Anne's New Orleans: Hurricane Katrina|http://www.annerice.com/NewOrleans-HurricaneKatrina.html
  11. ^ Dean, Jennifer. Q&A with Anne Rice on "Angel Time", The Press-Enterprise, 12 December 2009. Retrieved 13 December 2009.
  12. ^ "The Gospel According to Anne" by David Gates
  13. ^ "Twists of faith; Anne Rice's vision of Christianity is reflected in her new book" by Anne-Marie O'Connor
  14. ^ Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, ISBN 0-375-41201-8, pp. 305–307
  15. ^ Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, ISBN 978-0-307-268-27-3, p. 183
  16. ^ a b Anne Rice no longer Christian on publishednow.net
  17. ^ "Anne Rice leaves Christianity" on CNN's Marquee Blog
  18. ^ "Anne Rice: 'I Must Be An Outsider for Christ'" on CBN.com
  19. ^ a b Mitchell Landsberg, "Anne Rice discusses her decision to quit Christianity." Los Angeles Times. August 7, 2010.
  20. ^ Anne's Profession of Faith on annerice.com
  21. ^ Essay On Earlier Works on annerice.com
  22. ^ a b Anne Rice Amazon reviews
  23. ^ http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/annericefanpage
  24. ^ Box Office Mojo
  25. ^ Lestat on Broadway on annerice.com
  26. ^ Anne Rice. "Important Message from Anne on Fan Fiction" from the Wayback Machine's archives of AnneRice.com; updated May 5, 2000
  27. ^ Of Love and Evil on Amazon

Uncited references
