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Terrorism against Israel in 2001

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Terrorism against Israel: Pre-2000 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005

This page is a partial listing of incidents of terrorism against Israel in 2001.

Note: This compilation includes only casualties of the violence. Attacks which did not result in death or injury are not included.

Total Death Toll in 2001: 201 or 203

MDT stands for Monthly Death Toll and the number after denotes how many Israeli were killed by terrorist attack this month.

January (MDT: 6)

  • January 14: a settler murdered.
  • January 17: a 16 year old Israeli youth seduced by a Palestinian woman and murdered by her accomplices.
  • January 23: Mordehai Dayan, 27, & Etgar Zeitouny, 34, both of Tel Aviv, abducted from a restaurant where they had been peacefully eating and shot to death in Tulkarm.
  • January 25: an Israeli killed in a shooting attack in Atarot (a suburb of Jerusalem).
  • January 29: an Israeli killed in a drive-by shooting north of Jerusalem.

February (MDT: 13)

  • February 1: two Israelis—Dr. Shmuel Gillis, 42, from Karmei Tzur, and another individual—murdered in different places in the West Bank while driving in their cars. Dr. Gillis left behind a wife and five children.
  • February 11: an Israeli, Tzahi Sasson, 35, of Kibbutz Rosh Tzurim, shot dead while driving between his home and Jerusalem. He left behind a wife and three children.
  • February 26: a body of an Israeli found. Autopsy and invistigation revealed it was most likely he was killed by terrorists.

March (MDT: 8)

  • March 1: an Israeli killed in a suicide bombing in a service taxi.
  • March 4: 3 elderly Israelis killed in a suicide bombing in downtown Netanya. Hamas claimed responsibility.
  • March 19: a settler killed in a gunfire attack while driving.
  • March 26: an 10-months old settler babygirl, Shalevet Pas, killed by deliberate sniper fire in Hebron.
  • March 28: two Israelis killed in a suicide bombing. Hamas claimed responsibility.

April (MDT: 7)

  • April 1: An Israeli woman stabbed to death on a Haifa street.
  • April 21: a mutilated body of an Israeli found near Ramallah, terrorists suspected.
  • April 22: a Kfar-Saba doctor of American origin killed by a suicide bomber. 60 people are wounded, Hamas claimed responsibility.
  • April 22: 3 people were injured when a bomb exploded at Check Post Junction in Haifa.
  • April 23: In Or Yehuda, a car bomb wounded eight Israelis who were transported to the Sheba Medical Center.
  • April 27: Two persons were injured and hospitalized after being injured by a bomb detonated at the gate of Moshav Netzer-Hazani in southern Gaza.
  • April 27: Simcha Ron was murdered by terrorists affiliated with the Omar el-Muktar organization at Kfar Ba'aneh where his body was found the following morning.
  • April 28: An Israeli woman was stabbed to death in Karmiel, Galilee.
  • April 28: Netzer Hazani was bombarded by mortar fire from the Gaza Strip; five were wounded and transported to hospital.
  • April 28: A Romanian guest worker was stabbed to death in a taxi near Shoresh while riding from the Tel Aviv Central Bus Station to Jerusalem.
  • April 29: A suicide bomber detonated his car bomb alongside a school bus near Shavei Shomron. There were no injuries to the children on the school bus due to its armor plating.
  • April 30: A 30-year-old female resident of the Shomron community of Ganim was stabbed in her home community by an Arab and hospitalized.
  • April 30: A guerrilla placed a bomb under the car of a couple in Rafiach Yam. The bomb detonated prematurely, wounding the car owner and his wife. The terrorist died from his bomb.

May (MDT: 19)

  • May 1: a settler is killed by gunfire while driving.
  • May 6: five persons were injured from a bomb explosion at a bus stop in Petah Tikvah.
  • May 8: Aryeh Arnaldo Agronyoni, 44, was shot and stabbed to death by terrorists during the night as he stood guard at Givat HaGidonim near Itamar.
  • May 9: two 14-year settler boys stoned to death.
  • May 10: two Romanian workmen killed in a bomb attack in Gaza near the Sufa Checkpoint.
  • May 13: An Israeli motorist was shot near Maale Ephraim in the Shomron.
  • May 13: A Israeli from the Shomron community of Maale Levonah was shot on the road between Sinjel and Maale Levonah.
  • May 15: an Israeli woman killed by gunfire while driving.
  • May 18: 5 Israelis killed in a suicide bombing in Netanya. Over 100 are wounded, Hamas claimed responsibility.
  • May 23: Asher Iluz, 33, from Modi'in, was shot while driving. He died of his wounds several hours later. A second victim was wounded by gunfire.
  • May 23: An 86-year-old Israeli was shot in the chest in Jerusalem. The gunfire came from Palestinian Authority-controlled Beit Jala.
  • May 25: a burnt body of an Israeli found near Tulkarm.
  • May 25: Fourteen were wounded when a suicide car bomb was detonated in Hadera adjacent to the central bus station.
  • May 27: 36 Israelis were injured by a car bomb containing mortar rockets, nails, and bullets in downtown Jerusalem.
  • May 28: Two persons were wounded in shooting attack near the community of Migdalim.
  • May 29: Israeli Gilad Zar, 41, was killed by gunfire while driving between Yitzhar and Kedumim. Fatah claimed responsibility.
  • May 29: Sara Blaustein, 53, and Esther Elvan, 20, both from Efrat, were murdered by terrorist gunfire while driving toward Jerusalem. Three others in the vehicle were wounded.
  • May 29: Two Israelis were wounded by a suicide bomber in the Gaza Strip.
  • May 30: Six people were wounded when a car bomb exploded in the city of Netanya.
  • May 31: Tzvika Shalef, aged 63, of Mevo Dotan, was shot and killed in a drive-by terrorist attack.

June (MDT: 30)

  • June 1: 21 Israeli young people killed by a Hamas suicide bombing near a disco club near the Tel-Aviv Dolphinarium.
  • June 5: 5½ -month-old Haim Yehuda Shoham was mortally wounded in a stone-throwing attack not far from his home in Shilo. He died of his wounds six days later in Hadassah Hospital.
  • June 12: Gur Pzipokatsatakis, 35, of Wadi Kelt, a monk of the Greek Orthodox community, was murdered by Palestinian terrorists in a drive-by shooting on the Maaleh Adumim road. Marwan Barghouti was sentenced to life imprisonment for his role in this murder.
  • June 13: A 41-year-old Petah Tikvah resident working on the Trans-Israel Highway was hit by gunfire originating in Palestinian Authority-controlled Tulkarm. He was transported to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba.
  • June 13: A 21-year-old female was shot twice at the entrance to Ofrah.
  • June 14: an Israeli intelligence official is killed by one of his informants.
  • June 14: Three persons were wounded by terrorist gunfire when an Israeli vehicle was attacked near N'vei Tzuf on the Abud Bypass Road.
  • June 18: Doron Zisserman, 38, from Einav, a father of 4, was murdered by a Fatah terrorist.
  • June 18: Danny Yehuda, 35, from Homesh, was murdered by a Fatah terrorist; 16-year-old Alex Briskin was wounded.
  • June 18: An Israeli was wounded in a terrorist shooting attack near Ateret.
  • June 20: Ilya Krivitz, 62, of Homesh, was killed in a shooting attack near his home.
  • June 22: two soldiers killed in a suicide explosion of a jeep that signalled for help.
  • June 25: Two people were wounded by Arab gunfire against a public bus traveling from Jerusalem to Gush Etzion.
  • June 28: Katrina Weintraub, 27, of Ganim, was murdered in a shooting attack in the Shomron.

July (MDT: 10 or 11)

  • July 2: Rabbi Aaron Ovidyan, 41, the father of four, shot and murdered by Arab terrorists near Baka el-Sharqiya.
  • July 2: Yair Har Sinai, 51, of Sussia, was shot to death in a terror attack near his home town.
  • July 2: Avi Romano, of Har Bracha, was shot and wounded in a shooting attack on a public road.
  • July 2: A car bomb exploded Yahud. Several minutes later, a second bomb exploded in the same city. Six persons were treated for injuries resulting from the attacks.
  • July 4: an Israeli civilian executed in Tulkarm.
  • July 4: Eliyahyu Ne'eman, aged 36, father of three, of Petah Tikva, was murdered in a shooting attack near Baka el-Garbiya.
  • July 8: Avital Lehman, 18, from Eli, was shot by Arab terrorists in her shoulder and back while on southbound intercity bus #178 bus.
  • July 9: two Israeli soldiers killed by an explosive device.
  • July 12: Yechezkel Mualem, 49, of Kiryat Arba, was murdered at Lapid Junction, the eastern entrance to Kiryat Arba. Shmuel Ben-Basset was wounded in the attack.
  • July 12: Erez Shmuelian, 25, his wife, and their infant daughter were shot near the entrance to the community of Har Bracha.
  • July 12: David Cohen, 31, a resident of Betar Illit, was shot and critically wounded.
  • July 13: an Israeli settler shot and killed.
  • July 16: Two persons were murdered and ten injured when suicide bomber blew himself up outside the Binyamina train station.
  • July 19: two Israeli soldiers were killed and about 30, mostly civilians, injured in a suicide bombing on a civilian train station. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
  • July 24: Uri (Yuri) Gushtzin, 18 years old, of Pisgat Ze'ev neighborhood of Jerusalem, was shot and stabbed to death by Palestinian terrorists in Palestinian Authority-controlled Ramallah.
  • July 25: Two Israelis were wounded by terrorist gunfire near Morag.
  • July 26: an Israeli youth killed while driving with his father near Jerusalem.
  • July 26: A bus driver was wounded in a bomb attack near Einav.
  • July 29: An Israeli was wounded when a bomb exploded in an underground parking lot in Jerusalem.
  • July 31: Haim Ezer, 18 years old, was stabbed in Petach Tikvah by three residents of the Israeli Arab community of Kfar Kassam.
  • July 31: Five Israelis were wounded when Arabs fired on two vehicles in the Kiryat Sefer area.

August (MDT: 30)

  • August 5: Techiya Bloomberg, 5 months pregnant with the her sixth child, was murdered by Palestinian terrorist gunfire. Her husband Shimon and daughter Tzipi, 14, were both seriously wounded, sustaining permanent disabilities. Another child and a hitch-hiker were wounded.
  • August 5: A terrorist using a M-16 fired at people in front of the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv. More than eight people were wounded.
  • August 6: Yitzhak Snir, 51, was shot in the back 5 times and killed in Amman, Jordan. He was a partner in a Jordanian-Israeli firm.
  • August 7: An Israeli Arab from Taibeh was killed in Arab terrorist shooting attack near Kalkilya.
  • August 7: Zohar Shurgi, 40, of Moshav Yafit was killed in a shooting attack.
  • August 9: 15 people (including an American tourist, a Brazilian tourist, and 7 children aged 16 years old and younger) were killed and 130 were injured in the Sbarro pizzeria bombing in Jerusalem. Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
  • August 9:Aliza Malka, 17, was killed and four others were wounded in a terrorist shooting attack near Kibbutz Meirav in the Gilboa region.
  • August 12: 21 people were wounded when a suicide bomber blew himself up inside the Wall Street Cafe in Kiryat Motzkin. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.
  • August 15:Yitzhak Nedam was wounded by Arab gunfire near Maale Adumim.
  • August 17: an Israeli was wounded by terrorist gunfire while driving in the Hevron Hills.
  • August 18: Andrew Raibi, 20, and Ruth Shapira, 6, were wounded by terrorist gunfire while riding on a number 45 bus at Pisgat Ze'ev/Hizme Junction in northern Jerusalem.
  • August 20: Hader el Hatib, an Israeli Arab aged 26, was killed in a terrorist shooting attack.
  • August 22: Two people were wounded when terrorists fired at a garbage truck.
  • August 23: Tzviel Yehuda Meshulam, age 11, and his brother Matanel, age 21, were shot by Arab terrorists.
  • August 25: Yaniv and Sharon Ben-Shalom were killed by Arab terrorists; their two children (aged 8 and 18 months) and Doron Saviri, a relative, were wounded. Saviri died of his wounds the following day.
  • August 25: 3 Israeli soldiers killed in an attack against an Israeli outpost. The DFLP claimed responsibility. 3 Israeli civilians killed by gunfire while driving near Jerusalem.
  • August 26: an Israeli was invited to an Arab village and then killed.
  • August 27: Rabbi Meir Lizenberg, father of five children, was shot and killed in a roadside ambush between Elon Moreh and Itamar in Samaria.
  • August 27: Uri Mizrahi, 58 years of age, of Gilo, a suburb of Jerusalem, was wounded by terrorist gunfire originating in Beit Jala.
  • August 27: Ben Dansker, 50, of Efrat, was wounded in terrorist shooting attack near Beit Shemesh.
  • August 27: A motorist was wounded in a shooting attack near Kedar.
  • August 28: Haim Meidar of Hashmonaim was shot by terrorists.
  • August 29: Oleg Sodnikov, 35, of Ashdod, was shot to death by terrorists.
  • August 30: Amos Tajuri, 60, of Modi'in, was murdered, shot point-blank in the back of the head, at a restaurant in Arab Na'alin near Kiryat Sefer

September (MDT: 13 or 14)

  • September 1: Uri Hadari was wounded by gunfire at Rantis Junction.
  • September 2: An Israeli was wounded by gunfire while traveling in a vehicle between Nataf and Abu Gosh.
  • September 3: Ron Schechner was shot twice in the chest, by Arab terrorists while traveling near Ziff Junction.
  • September 4: border policeman Natan Sandaka, 21, and twenty others are wounded when a suicide bomber detonated on HaNeve'im Street in Jerusalem about 200 meters from Bikur Holim Hospital.
  • September 6: Lt. Erez Merhavi, 21, of Moshav Tarum, was killed and Lt. Limor Vishnia, 21, of Kibbutz Ein HaNatziv was wounded, in a drive-by terrorist shooting attack on the road between Kibbutz Bahan and Erez, near Baka el-Garbiya while off-duty driving to a wedding. Fatah and the Tanzim claimed responsibility.
  • September 7: Raanan Harel was wounded by terrorist gunfire at Givon HaHadasha.
  • September 9: Yaakov Hatzav, 42, and Sima Franco, 24, were killed and three other teachers in the same vehicle were wounded while traveling on Route 90, the Jordan Valley Road.
  • September 9: Morel (Moshe) Derfler, 45, Yigal Goldstein, 44, and Daniel Yifrach, 19, were killed and 85 people wounded when a suicide bomber blew himself up at the Nahariya train station.
  • September 9: A suicide bomber detonated a car bomb at Beit Lid Junction. 20 persons were wounded.
  • September 11: an Israeli soldier and an Israeli border police serviceman killed in an attack on a border police base.
  • September 12: an Israli woman killed while driving.
  • September 15: Meir Weishaus, 23, was murdered and a second person wounded in drive-by terrorist shooting attack in Jerusalem.
  • September 16: an Israeli soldier killed while arresting Palestinian terrorist leaders.
  • September 19: Two people in the community of Oranit were wounded when a bomb was detonated near their vehicle. [1]
  • September 20: Sarit Amrani, 26, was murdered and her husband Shai, 32, was wounded in a terrorist shooting attack at Tekoa Junction. Their three children who were in the vehicle at the time of the attack escaped physical injury. Fatah claimed responsibility. [2]
  • September 26: Tzvia Pinhas, 62, of Moshav Maor, was murdered by an Islamic Jihad terrorist. [3]
  • September 28: an Israeli woman was killed in a shooting attack in Jordan Valley.

October (MDT: 14)

  • October 2: Off-duty IDF Private Liron Harpaz, 18, along with her friend Assaf Yitzhaki, 20, from Lod are killed and 13 people wounded by three terrorists who infiltrated the community of Alei Sinai. The terrorists were killed. [4]
  • October 3: Pinhas Cohen, 26 and his wife Mali, 24, were wounded terrorist gunfire in while traveling in Jerusalem between the neighborhoods of Ramat Shlomo and French Hill. [5]
  • October 3: Two persons were wounded by gunfire at the Ma’arat HaMachpela (Cave of the Patriarchs) in Hebron while attending a religious ceremony. [6]
  • October 4: 3 people were killed and 14 wounded when a terrorist opened fire in the central bus station in Afula. Fatah claimed responsibility. [7]
  • October 5: an Israeli settler killed in a machine gun ambush.
  • October 7: an Israeli farmer killed in a suicide bombing north of Jordan Valley.
  • October 17: Israeli Tourism Minister Rehavam Zeevi is assassinated by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
  • October 18: Lior Kaufman, 30, of Ramat HaSharon, was killed and two others wounded by terrorist gunfire near Mitzpei Yericho in the Judean desert. [8]
  • October 18: An Israeli was wounded while traveling between Azzoun and Karnei Shomron.[9]
  • October 22: Four people were wounded HaRechev Street in the Talpiot neighborhood of Jerusalem by a terrorist. The terrorist was killed by IDF Sgt. Ramin Rosenblatt. [10]
  • October 24: A 23 year old guard at a telephone company office in Jerusalem was wounded by in a stabbing attack perpetrated by an Arab woman. [11]
  • October 28: 4 people killed and 40 wounded when Palestinian policemen attack a crowded a bust stop in Hedera. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility. An Israeli soldier killed in the Galilee in a drive-by shooting. Tanzim claimed responsibility.
  • October 28: 4 women were killed and about 50 people wounded by a terrorist shooting attack on HaNasi Weizman Street in Hadera. [12]
  • October 28: IDF Staff-Sargent Yaniv Levy, 22, from Zichron Yaakov, was killed in terrorist shooting attack at Metzer Junction. [13]

November (MDT: 14)

  • November 2: An Israeli soldier killed in a roadblock near Ramallah. Fatah (Al-Aqsa) claimed responsibility.
  • November 4: two Israeli teenagers killed when fire opened by a Palestinian gunman in Jerusalem. 45 people are injured.
  • November 6: An Israeli is killed by three Hamas terrorists on the Gilad Road. The terrorists were killed by the IDF. [14]
  • November 9: Hadas Abutbul, 39, a mother of four children, resident of Mevo Dotan, was shot to death by terrorists near Yabed Junction. [15]
  • November 11: an Israeli man, the security coordinator of a Sharon-plain settlement killed.
  • November 14: Two workers were injured when a bomb exploded on Dahoun St. in the Kiryat Yovel neighborhood of Jerusalem. [16]
  • November 24: an Israeli soldier killed in a mortar attack in Gaza, the Hamas claiming responsibility.
  • November 27: two Israeli young women killed when the central bus station in Afula is attacked. 50 people are injured. Fatah and the Islamic Jihad claimed joint responsibility. An Israeli settler killed in a grenade attack in Gaza. Hamas claimed responsibility.
  • November 29: 3 people are killed and 9 wounded in a suicide bombing of a bus near Hedera. Both Islamic Jihad and Fatah claimed responsibility. A soldier is killed and another wounded in a shooting incident on the Green Line.

December (MDT: 37)

  • December 1: 11 young people killed by a suicide bombing in an entertainment area in Jerusalem. Hamas claimed responsibility.
  • December 2: 15 are killed and more than 40 wounded in a suicide bus bombing in Haifa. Hamas claimed responsibility.
  • December 12: a bus full of civilians is attacked by gunfire and grenades near the settlement Emmanuel. 10 killed, more than 30 wounded. Both Hamas and Fatah accepted responsibility.
  • December 25: a soldier was killed by gunfire over the Jordanian border. No group claimed responsibility.
  • December 27: Karine A, an arms-smuggling ship manned mostly by Palestinian is seized by Israeli forces.