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Wikipedia:Wikipediholism test

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Shreshth91 (talk | contribs) at 16:11, 22 April 2006 (→‎Top 20 scores: *no comments*). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

If you're not sure whether you are a wikipediholic, you should take this test. The point value of answering 'yes' to each question is listed in parentheses at the end of the question. The higher the result, the more likely it is that you are a wikipediholic. New questions and modifications are of course welcomed—good questions are those that measure current addiction (e.g., "have you edited a page in the last week", not "have you ever edited a page"), on the hypothesis that Wikipediholicism can be cured, or at least controlled to some degree.


Don't want it to take that long? Then use the automated version!

The Test

Where/When/How You Use Wikipedia

  1. Do you typically use Wikipedia at least once a week? (0.5)
  2. Do you typically use Wikipedia at least once a day ? (1)
  3. Do you typically use Wikipedia for more than an hour a day? (1.5)
  4. ...more than two hours? (2)
  5. ...more than four hours? (4)
  6. ...more than six? (6)
  7. ...more than ten? (10)
  8. Have you ever ridden a tricycle? (12)
  9. Have you used Wikipedia for a full twenty-four hour stretch? (25)
  10. ...more than twenty-four? (25 plus 1 for each hour over 24 hours)
  11. ...without breaks to eat? (50)
  12. ...or drink? (75)
  13. ... or to sleep? (100)
  14. ...or to go to the toilet? (100)
  15. Did you answer No to the previous question because you edit Wikipedia on the toilet? (101)
  16. Did you answer Yes to question #14 because you wear a youth or adult diaper? (150)
  17. Is more than 60% of your time online spent at Wikipedia? (10)
  18. ...more than 70%? (20)
  19. ...more than 80%? (30)
  20. ...more than 90%? (40)
  21. ...more than 95%? (50)
  22. ...more than 99.9%? (59.9)
  23. ...100%? (100)
  24. ...or less than 10%? (-10, how can you?!!)
  25. Do you hook up to Wikipedia over a wireless Internet connection? (2)
  26. Do you edit Wikipedia articles while over such a connection? (4)
  27. Is that connection in a restaurant? (6)
  28. Are you on a date in this restaurant? (100)
  29. Did you pick that restaurant because of that? (Another 5)
  30. ...Do you ever go to other restaurants? (8 if no, -2 if yes)
  31. ...Do you edit Wikipedia while waiting for your meal? (Another 8)
  32. ...During your meal? (Another 20)
  33. ...While eating? (Another 25)
  34. ...One hand on the keyboard, and one on your food? (50)
  35. ...One foot on the food and two hands on the keyboard? (Another 100!)
  36. ...Four limbs on the keyboard and your head in your food? (125)
  37. Do you stop eating to edit Wikipedia and then throw your meal away, because it is spoiled? (another 50 - you're a junkie)
  38. Do you have a PSP? (1)
  39. If you do, do you have 2.0 or higher? (Score 1 if you have 2.0, 5 if you have anything above it)
  40. If you have 2.0 or higher, do you have wi-fi? (1)
  41. If you do, do you use the browser? (2)
  42. If you use the browser, do you use Wikipedia on it? (5)
  43. Are you on Lufthansa flight 411D which just added wireless access to the Internet during flight? (25)
  44. Are you eating your meal on said flight while taking this test or writteing an article? (50)
  45. Did you choose this flight over another because of the access to Wikipedia? (100 plus a point for every $10 more you paid for this flight than the one you would have taken)
  46. Do you think you're using a significant portion of Wikipedia's bandwidth? (5)
  47. Have you ever edited an article on Wikipedia while paying long distance charges to connect to the Internet? (5)
  48. Do you make edits while drunk or under the influence of other intoxicating substances and find that nobody reverts your changes? (1)
  49. Have you ever edited Wikipedia while taking a bath because you found it made the experience even more relaxing? (5)
  50. Have you not answered an e-mail or instant message on time because you were addicted to Wikipedia? (5)
  51. From how many locations or PCs did you visit Wikipedia the past 30 days? (1 per machine)
  52. Have you ever browsed Wikipedia while on the phone with your significant other? (5)
  53. Have you broken some sort of rule just to visit Wikipedia? (6)
  54. Do you use the shortcut keys when using Wikipedia? (3)
  55. Do you hit alt-x (or its equivalent on your keyboard) more than any other shortcut key? (3)
  56. Do you edit Wikipedia on a laptop? (1)
  57. Did your laptop's fan go on by itself while you were at Wikipedia? (2)
  58. Did your laptop melt (or show serious signs of melting) while you were editing Wikipedia? (100 bonus points and a new computer fan)
  59. Do you actually have a home, or do you just live on Wikipedia? (100, and a spot on CNN tomorrow night)
  60. ...Did you realize that you receive 100 points if you either actually have a home or just live on Wikipedia (5)
  61. ...Have you tried to get in touch with an admin to demand your spot on CNN tomorrow night? (1)
  62. ...Have you taken this quiz so many times that you no longer want that spot on CNN tomorrow night? (10)
  63. ...Are you disappointed that the last three follow-up questions were worth 85 points less than the original question (.235711131719, and add 1 bonus point if you noticed that the last three questions were only 84 points less than the original question)
  64. Were you happy to see that the last question had a weird score so that it was easy for you to find it when you went back to edit it to add a question mark? (3)
  65. Did you not add the question mark, but add this question, just so you could make other people feel guilty for not adding the question mark (5)
  66. ...and then purposely not add a question mark on the question preceding this one? (2, but that's just dumb)
  67. Did you have to switch your mousing hand because your shoulder/arm was in terrible pain? (3)
  68. ...and did you have to switch back because you screwed up the other arm too? (5)
  69. Do you feel guilty about not having so much time to edit Wikipedia? (5)
  70. Do you work on Wikipedia in almost zero light because of an electricity cut? (20)
  71. Did you immediately just try to think of ways to get on Wikipedia with no electricity after you read the last question? (17)
  72. Do you save offline copies of long pages (i.e., WP:AN, WP:RFAR) or the mailing list so you can read them later when you are offline? (5)
  73. Do you talk with your friends about Wikipedia for more than 2 hours a day? (5)
  74. Has your constant Wikipedia use scared off your friends? (25)
  75. Your family? (55)
  76. Your cat? (75, and $20 to go get a life)
  77. Are you currently in a Wikipedia cult/clan? (20, 50 more if you have clan wars with other encyclopedia clans.)
  78. Did anyone in your clan/cult tragically die in a clan war? (125 and a free grave plus $50 off the cost of the headstone.)

What you do on Wikipedia


  1. Do you edit articles? (.1)
  2. Did you edit a page before creating an account? (1)
  3. Do you start new articles? (2)
  4. Do you comment on articles or engage in discussions ? (2)
  5. Do you request that articles be created, improved, expanded, deleted, etc.? (1)
  6. Do you fulfill such requests? (2)
  7. Have you requested a new software feature, or reported a bug, in the last few weeks? (2)
  8. Have you ever wished the Wikipediholism RFE was fulfilled? (5)
  9. Do you make redirect pages? (1)

Special pages

  1. Do you click on "Random Page" at least once a day (or just because you're bored)? (2)
  2. When you click 'Random Page' do you, more often than not, find an article you have Edited? (3)
  3. ...Written? (10)
  4. Have you ever gotten the same random page twice in a row? (30)
  5. ...Three times in a row? (60, and add 25 more for each random page you have gotten in a row)
  6. Do you wander on WP looking for something to contribute to? (5)
  7. ... do you do this often just because you get bored? (3 more, and the Boredom Award)
  8. Were you awake enough by this question to notice the 3 missing questions by number 70? (11.8)
  9. Did you actually just go back to check if there were missing questions? (5)
  10. Did you just spend more than 5 minutes looking by number 70 only to find out there aren't any missing questions? (10)
  11. Did you know there couldn't be any missing questions because of the use of a "#" in edit mode? (25, and an IT job with Microsoft)
  12. ...Then, did you realize that there is no more question 70? (10)
  13. Do you check Recent Changes almost every day? (2)
  14. Do you check Recent Changes more than ten times a day? (5)
  15. Do you have Recent Changes bookmarked? (1)
  16. Do you have Recent Changes set as your start page? (11)
  17. Do you manage to get the same change on Recent Changes twice? (2)
  18. ... or is it because you have two windows on at the same time? (5 plus the Master Nerd Prize)
  19. Do you check your Watchlist almost every day? (1)
  20. Do you check your Watchlist more than ten times a day? (4)
  21. Do you have your Watchlist bookmarked (favorite)? (1)
  22. ...Did you just bookmark your Watchlist so you could get the extra point? (7, plus the
  23. Do you have your Watchlist set as your start page (home)? (8)
  24. ...Did you just set Watchlist as your homepage so you could get the extra point (15)
  25. Do you have more than 50 items in your watchlist? (1)
  26. ...More than 100? (5)
  27. ...More than 500? (10)
  28. ...More than 1,000? (20)
  29. ...More than 10,000? (50)
  30. Do you have several start pages (examples galeon, mozilla) with Recent Changes in at least three idioms? (3 points more)

Who you are

  1. Do you have a user account on Wikipedia? (1)
  2. Do you have a user account on several Wikipedias? (3)
  3. Have you learned a new language or improved in one you already knew for the primary purpose of being able to read the Wikipedia in that language? (15)
  4. ...Or for some other reason, such as picking it up where you left it x-many years ago? (2)
  5. Do you have your own Wikipedian page on Wikipedia? (2)
  6. Do you forget to think twice before you say something to real people but re-check a hundred times what you have typed in before posting your comment in a talk page? (5)
  7. Do you have a PhD that you use to contribute to Wikipedia? (30)
  8. Have you ever publicly declared that you've quit Wikipedia but found yourself lingering about anyway? (7)
  9. Are you an ambassador for Wikipedia? (2)
  10. Are you an ambassador for more than one Wikipedia? (2 points more)
  11. Have you ever requested to be a sysop? (2)
  12. Are you a sysop? (2)
  13. At what age did you become a sysop...
  14. ...25+ (0)
  15. ...21-25 (12.5)
  16. ...16-20 (25)
  17. ...11-15 (50)
  18. ...less than 11 (100)
  19. ...in my mother's womb (1000)
  20. Do you actually have sysop powers on more than one Wikipedia? (2 points more for each one)
  21. Have you ever requested to be a bureaucrat? (3)
  22. Are you a bureaucrat? (3 points more)
  23. At what age did you become a bureaucrat...
  24. ...25+ (0)
  25. ...21-25 (12.5)
  26. ...16-20 (25)
  27. ...11-15 (50)
  28. ...less than 11 (100)
  29. ...in my mother's womb (1000)
  30. Are you a steward? (15 points)
  31. Did you translate the Wikipedia software? (3)
  32. Did you program part of it? (100)
  33. Have you ever created a new article with over five internal links to articles that you have edited at some point or another? (2)
  34. Were all these articles ones that you not only edited, but created? (2)
  35. Did you read the last question and think it should be negative two points for creating walled gardens? (plus 2 for knowing the term and minus 1 for spite of others' more numerous contributions)
  36. Have you in your impatience for others to edit an article, brought an article all the way from a substub or stub to featured article status? (10)
  37. Have you argued with your sock puppets on talk pages? (5)
  38. ...and lost? (12)
  39. Have you ever been the first to update a biography article with the date of the person's death after hearing its announcement on the news? (2)
  40. ...have you cursed other Wikipedians because, no matter how fast you are, the article is always already updated with the breaking news? (3)
  41. Are you on the arbitration committee? (15, why are you reading this? Go arbitrate!)
  42. Are you on the Mediation Committee? (10)
  43. Are you a member of Esperanza? (5)
  44. Do you help out on the reference desk on a regular basis? (10)


  1. Do you vandalize while under an IP? (–50)
  2. Do you vandalize while logged in? (–250)
  3. Are you Wikipedia is Communism? (–1000. That's it, you lose.)
  4. Are you Willy on Wheels? (-10000000Thanks for telling us)
  5. Have you ever made nonsensical edits to pages that no one will ever see anyway just because you can? (1)
  6. Have you ever reverted those changes out of guilt? (3)
  7. ... and then reverted them back (and maybe back again) to increase your edit count? (6)

User pages

  1. Have you ever edited another user's userpage (not for vandalism)? (2)
  2. Does your talk page have an archive? (5, plus 1 for each archive after the first)
  3. Did you use Wikipedia to memorize pi? (3.14 plus 31.4 if you memorized more than 30 digits by ONLY using Wikipedia)


  1. Do you run a 'bot? (1 for each)
  2. Is your 'bot running right now? (2 for each)
  3. Did you properly request 'bot status before running it? (5)
  4. Have you written a 'bot? (2 for each)
  5. Is it GPL'd on sf.net? (10)
  6. Has a sysop ever requested your (human) account be flagged as a 'bot? (10)

  1. Can you memorise the 'Bold text' wiki markup? (1)
  2. Can you memorise the 'Italic text' wiki markup? (1)
  3. Can you memorise the 'Internal link' wiki markup? (1)
  4. Can you memorise the 'External link' wiki markup? (1)
  5. Can you memorise the 'Level 2 headline' wiki markup? (1)
  6. Can you memorise the 'Embedded image' wiki markup? (1)
  7. Can you memorise the 'Media file link' wiki markup? (1)
  8. Can you memorise the 'Mathematical formula' wiki markup? (1)
  9. Can you memorise the 'Ignore wiki formatting' wiki markup? (1)
  10. Can you memorise the 'Your signature with timestamp' wiki markup? (1)
  11. Can you memorise the 'Horizontal line' wiki markup? (1)
  12. Can you memorise the 'Insert redirect link' - not shown - wiki markup? (1)
  13. If you are the administrator of your own website, did you like Wikipedia's markups so much that you implemented the same markups on your site? (50)
  14. Did you notice that the toolbar is actually a question? (50)

How Wikipedia Has Affected You

Sleep Patterns

  1. Are you not getting enough sleep because of time on Wikipedia? (9)
  2. Are you sleeping during the day (as of 8 AM) because you edited Wikipedia overnight? (5 points)
  3. When you wake up in the night and can't get back to sleep due to some nagging worry do you get up and start working on Wikipedia so that you will get tired and have something relaxing to fill your mind when you go back to bed? (2)
  4. ...add an additional (4) if it works.
  5. Do you lose sleep because you think you may have misspelled a word like "mispelled" on some talk page? (5)
  6. Have you ever dreamed about Wikipedia? (3)
  7. Have you ever dreamed about other Wikipedians? (5)
  8. Do you wake up in the night in a cold sweat wondering whether your latest submission was truly written from the NPOV? (6)
  9. Do you edit articles in your dreams while sleeping? (17)
  10. Do you edit articles in your dreams while awake (daydreaming)? (20)
  11. Do you curse out loud upon waking and realizing that you have to make all those edits over again? (2 points more)
  12. Or are the edits actually still there...? (100 bonus points, plus the Randi prize)
  13. Have you edited before 6.30 am? (6)
  14. ...until 2 am? (1)
  15. ...until 4 am? (2)
  16. ...until 6 am? (4)
  17. ...until 8 am or later? (7)
  18. After reading the last question, did you give yourself 14 points since it is always 2, 4, 6, or 8 AM somewhere? (3 points for cleverness :) )
  19. ...or did you just assume it meant UTC? (1)
  20. ...even though you are not in a UTC timezone yourself (3)
  21. Do you wake up to find yourself editing Wikipedia? (80)
  22. Do you edit Wikipedia at night (i.e. after midnight) consuming drinks to keep you up? (2)
  23. Do you hold Wikipedia Nights, that is, nights when you intentionally go to bed late, after spending n hours editing Wikipedia? (5)
  24. Do you get people to join you in such an event? (10)
  25. Do you hold Wikipedia Break Nights, that is, nights when you intentionally try and tear yourself away from Wikipedia to go to bed early, for the sake of your health/career/relations with your significant other/etc? (15)
  26. Do you still find yourself on past midnight, anyway? (20)
  27. Do you hold LAN Wikipedia nights, where you and friends edit like crazy all night long? (9)
  28. ...and continue in the morning, sacrificing school/work/etc. to continue editing? (100 points just 'cause you deserve it)

Social Life

  1. Do you talk in Wikipedia markup code? (2)
  2. Do you type in wiki markup code? (10)
  3. ...a repore in wiki markup code? (30 and a bad grade)
  4. Do you have no social life becuase you're too tired from editing on Wikipedia? (10)
  5. Have you ever told someone about your countless edits? (5)
  6. Do you have a Wikipedia T-shirt? (10 points; T-shirts sources )
  7. Is something you have thought was important, such as social life, career or studies, suffering because you spend so much time on Wikipedia? (10)
  8. Do you judge people you know in "real life" partly on the basis of their Wikipedia contributions? (6)
  9. Do you judge people you know in "real life" fully on the basis of their Wikipedia contributions? (30)
  10. Do you think quality of contributions to Wikipedia is an important criterion in choosing a partner for a close relationship? (15 and a crash course in dating)
  11. Do you argue that contributions to Wikipedia are "productive" or "useful" - unlike "wasting time" playing games or watching football? (8)
  12. Have you ever phoned another Wikipedian? (1)
  13. Have you ever met another Wikipedian in "real life"? (2)
  14. Have you ever had sex with another Wikipedian? Sock puppet accounts don't count. (10)
  15. Do you live with another Wikipedian? (35)
  16. Are you engaged with another Wikipedian? (25)
  17. Have you married another Wikipedian? (30)
  18. ...did you divorce him/her because of disagreement on wikipedia policies? (35)
  19. ...did you reconcile with him/her? (25)
  20. Have you told your significant other something on Wikipedia while on the phone? (10)
  21. Was he or she impressed? (7.5)
  22. ...Or bored? (-5)
  23. Are you dating a non-Wikipedian? (-40 if yes.)
  24. Do you have NPOV issues with the negative score attributed to the previous question? (5)

The Rest of the [Electronic/Real] World

  1. Did you scoff at this header because Wikipedia is the world? (2)
  2. Did you stop using your expensive CD-ROM encyclopedia and use this one instead? (2)
  3. Did you throw away that encyclopedia? (2)
  4. Or did you keep that encyclopedia to cite as a source in Wikipedia articles? (10)
  5. Do you promote Wikipedia, in person or by mentioning it on Usenet, IRC, forums or message boards, web pages, mail signatures etc.? (2 if occasional, 5 for practically every day, 10 if so often that others are fed up hearing about it)
  6. Do you find yourself writing regular text using Wikipedia link and layout conventions? (3)
  7. Do you subscribe to Wikipedia-L or any other Wikipedia mailing list? (2)
  8. Do you actually read that mailing list? (2)
  9. Do you find yourself refreshing the mailing list, hoping that something new has arrived? (5)
  10. Or do you have an automatic notifier, and laugh because you only have to refresh whenever the notifier tells you to? (7)
  11. If you have one, did you make it yourself specifically for the Wikipedia mailing lists? (10)
  12. If you use a dial-up modem, is your phone bill larger than before you discovered Wikipedia? (2)
  13. Did you buy a second monitor so you could have Wikipedia on one and Google/other on the second? (10% of the cost of the second monitor in USD)
  14. Did you realize that the above monetary unit is both irrelevant and a product of Systemic bias? (20)
  15. If you have a web page, do you proudly display your score from this test on it? (5)
  16. Have you ever thought about editing a normal webpage (3)
  17. ...Did you notice that your user page could be called your web page, and are displaying the score there?(30)
  18. Have you ever looked for the edit button? (5)
  19. Have you ever instinctively reached for the edit link to correct an unfortunate wording while reading a newspaper or book? (4)
  20. Do you classify links as internal and external on other sites (of course wrongly!) based on the color in your Wikipedia skin? (2)
  21. Have you made "Wikipedia" the name of a MUD character? (5 points)
  22. When people ask you questions, is your answer invariably a wiki link? (3)
  23. Do you use terms like "dab", "lk", "sp", "revert", "blanking", "content", "NPOV", "vanity page", or other terms in their Wikipedia sense in unrelated contexts? (2 points)
  24. Have you ever wanted to edit someone else's Summary notes? (1)
  25. Have you ever wanted to edit your own Summary notes? (2)
  26. Have you ever wanted to preview your Summary notes? (4)
  27. Are you surprised when you click on a normal link and it doesn't take you to a Wikipedia article? (1)
  28. Are all of your bookmarks Wikipedia related?(8)
  29. Have you installed the Wikipedia Firefox Extension? (5)
  30. Have you installed the extension but found you never ever use it because you know all the details of Wikimarkup by heart anyway? (10)
  31. Have you installed it, realized it doesn't work as intended, and fixed it on your computer? (3)
  32. ...did you submit the fix back to the mycroft project? (10)
  33. ...are you upset that they still haven't posted your fix? (2)
  34. Did you just realize said extension existed, stop the test to install it, and continue where you left off? (4)
  35. Do you have the Wikipedia widget on your Dashboard? (5)
  36. Have you ever signed a real email with ~~~~? (1)
  37. Have you ever bought a CD, movie, video game, book or other media product so you can write the article, scan the cover and upload it to Wikipedia ? (5)
  38. ... and have you paid full price or even bought it costlier from a second-hand retailer for it? (5 for full price, 10 for more expensive)
  39. Have you joined a Wikipedia(ns) community on a non-Wikipedia website? (3)
  40. Have you ever considered running a wiki version of your school's site? (2)
  41. Have you ever done so, as above? (5)
  42. When you applied for community service, did you volunteer to "revert vandalism"? (5)
  43. If you have an account on the Thefacebook, did you let your friends use your "wall" as a wiki (complete with "reverting" features)? (before the August 2, 2005 update) (3)
  44. Do you refuse to use Facebook or MySpace, stating that your User: page is better than that crap? (8)
  45. Do you take out library books to help you write or edit articles on subjects you know very little of? (4)
  46. Do you have a microsoft word or notepad file filled with Wikipedia templates? (4)
  47. Do you not have to because you have all your templates on userpage subpages? (5)
  48. Do you just know all of the Wikipedia templates?(10)
  49. Have you committed a crime because someone got between you and Wikipedia? (713 and a life sentence)
  50. Have you ever broken out of prison after you commited a crime to get back to Wikipedia? (714 and a death sentence)
  51. Do you have nightmares about vandalism? (7)
  52. Do you have more Wikipedia articles open than pictures of your spouse/family? (3 points for each one)
  53. Have you listed your work on Wikipedia on your curriculum vitae or resumé? (3)
  54. Do you try to provide edit summaries when filling out forms on non-Wiki web sites? (5)
  55. Have you ever travelled more than two miles/three kilometres out of your way just to take a photo for a wikipedia article? (2)
  56. ...more than 10 miles/16 km? (4)
  57. ...more than 25 miles/40 km? (10)
  58. ...to another country? (75)
  59. Have you ever wanted to edit an chat/irc message you just sent? (5)
  60. Was that in a wikipeda-related channel? (3)
  61. Have you set up a local MediaWiki installation to keep notes and essays just because you're so used to Wiki Markup? (2)
  62. Did you notice that the above question is somewhere else in the test? (1.23456789)
  63. Did you lie on the above question and are surprised now because it wasn't? (-2.23456789)
  64. Was one of your reasons for setting up the local Wiki so that you could rewrite Wikipedia articles? (5)
  65. Have you ever tried to transclude a template into a word document? (5)
  66. ...successfully?! (without copy and paste) (100)
  67. Have you ever submitted an assignment for work or school that cited Wikipedia? (5)
  68. Did it cite an article that you had edited? (10)
  69. That you created? (20)
  70. Have you written your Wikipedia username as your name on homework assignments? (10)
  71. ...did you say yes to the above question because your username is your real name? (7)
  72. Did you add the above question to get your score above 400? (.0005)

What You Know/Think About Wikipedia

  1. Do you think Wikipedia will be better than every other Encyclopedia soon? (3)
  2. Do you think it is already better than every other Encyclopedia? (2)
  3. Do you know who Jimbo Wales is? (10)
  4. ...if you don't, did you just look for his article? (5)
  5. ...has he ever talked to you on your user page? (5)
  6. ...or are you Jimbo Wales? (0.01)
  7. ...if you are him, were you disappointed that it was only worth 0.01 points? (9.99)
  8. Do you know where the Wikimedia Foundation is based? (10)
  9. Have you ever thought about the social impact of Wikipedia? (10)
  10. Do you believe that nearly all of your success in your workplace/school comes from information gained on Wikipedia? (4)
  11. Do you consider Wikipedia to be the closest thing to a precursor for “The computer” in Star Trek? (5)
  12. Do you honor Wikipedia like it is king? (45)
  13. Did you know the above question is really an easy 45 points? (.28219 E1)
  14. Have you ever written a book about wikipedia? (110)
  15. ...And written an article about that book? (10)
  16. ...And has someone ever corrected that article besides you after they read the book (2)
  17. ...And are you really mad about the fact that you wrote an entire book about wikipedia yet only got 100 points? (5)

Test Meta-Questions

  1. Have you cheated on this test? (20)
  2. Were you surprised that the last question was worth 20 points? (2.5)
  3. Did you ever ask yourself why this test is so, well, like above? (-10, experienced user; -1 regular user; +1, newbie)
  4. Did you immediately think of ways to improve this test, or adjust the scores so that they neatly add up to 100? (3.141592653589793238462643383279502)
  5. ...such as changing the score of the previous question to π? (1.61803399)
  6. ...do you remember when the scores actually added up to 100 and laugh now that there are more questions than that on the test? (17.30)
  7. ...Did you find it funny that the past three scores were also important mathematical numbers? (6.67E-34)
  8. Did you totally reorganize this test, because you were sick of using automated tests and wanted to fix counting it by hand once and for all? (55)
  9. Have you edited this test to get a better score? (15)
  10. Have you ever noticed that someone has added a new question to the test, and immediately checked to see if the total still adds up to 476 what it used to add up to? (4)
  11. Is this page on your watchlist? (2)
  12. Have you "Wikified" the Wikipediholic test? (2 points)
  13. ... and taken it again? (4 points)
  14. Did you notice that there is a different number of questions in the automated version? (2)
  15. Did you take both tests and compare the scores and see which one gives you more points? (4)
  16. Have you added questions to this test just so that you could get an extra two points next time you take it? (2)
  17. Have you ever edited the point value on a question so you could remain in denial about your affliction? (8)
  18. Conversely, have you ever edited the point value on a question so you could claim bragging rights? (12)
  19. Are you annoyed that there are now over 200 questions and a possibility of about 3000 points? (5)
  20. Have you ever clicked back in order to score a question because you forgot it? (1)
  21. Did you realize you've just read with an academic interest a list of 100+ questions taking notes about your score on one of your system's text editors wasting roughly 300 seconds of your life? (2)
  22. ...or did you create an automated version of this test so you wouldn't have to add up your score? (Bonus score of 100)
  23. Were you annoyed to find out you didn't have to be adding up your score manually? (2)
  24. Were you then relieved to find that the automated version wasn't working? (2)
  25. ...But then did you check back again and find that it had been fixed? (1)
  26. Did you read through all of these questions without keeping total and find relief that there was an automated page? (1)
  27. ... did you go through it all over again? (2)
  28. Do you ignore the fact that the open nature of this quiz prevents your score from ever being objective? (2)
  29. Have you ever taken this quiz more than once simply to correspond with the most recent version? (2)
  30. Did you do this test with a calculator or paper because you did not know there was an automated version? (10)
  31. Did you know that there was an automated one, but you decided to do it on paper or calculator anyway? (calculator:40;paper:70)
  32. Did you know that that the last question was easy, because the automated one is told before this question? (score:the answer to life, the universe and everything)
  33. on the last question, did you have to go and look up what the answer is? (-44 (the answer plus 2 more)
  34. If you totaled your score with a calculator, did you check by adding again from bottom to top? (0.01)
  35. ...if so, did you do so in fear that you might be challenged on your statement of score at some future ArbCom hearing? (23)
  36. Upon seeing the top 20 scores at the bottom there, did you go back into the test to see if you could squeeze more points from it in order to get into the table? (15)
  37. ...did you realize that since this test is dynamic and ever-changing, it really doesn't matter? (1)
  38. ...and did you not care? (5)
  39. Did you delay taking this test because you were too busy editing another Wikipedia article(s)? (5)
  40. Have you ever not updated your user page Wikipediholic test score because it had decreased? (50)
  41. Did you purposely allow your score to decline by a point so that you could add 50 points to it by answering yes to the last question? (-51 to be mean because that is just sad)
  42. Have you wanted to move this page to conform to Wikipedia's naming conventions? (5)
  43. ...have you done so? (15)
  44. Have you ever checked all the positive score boxes, just to see how many points are possible? (5)
  45. ...do you know the number off the top of your head? (5)
  46. ...can you name it now? (40)
  47. ...are you going to do this after you finish? (2)
  48. Have you ever thought about cheating and saying that you have 2000+ points just to get on the Top 20? (-3 000 000)


  1. Are you underage? (25)
  2. If so, are you between 16 and 18? (3, pretty obvious)
  3. ...between 14 and 16? (25)
  4. ...between 10 and 13? (50)
  5. ...between 5 and 10? (200)
  6. ...4 or younger? (1000)
  7. ...over 18 but under the legal drinking age thereby qualifying (5 for cleverness)
  8. Did you donate money to Wikipedia? (3)
  9. Do you have an urge to edit this nonexistent article? (1)
  10. Did you immediately try to edit the above nonexistent article? (10)
  11. Did you get irked to find out that the above nonexistent article was not a wiki link? (3)
  12. Did you not get irked because you read the source of this page first? (4)
  13. ...or because you've seen this question before? (1)
  14. ...or did you actually Start the nonexistent article? (2)
  15. Did you edit this page to make the nonexistent article link fit the scheme you are using? (5)
  16. Have you ever cheered out loud when you look at the updates on the Wikipedia Awareness Statistics? (5)
  17. Do you think your score is too high and maybe you'll do something about it after "a few more edits"? (6)
  18. Or are you so proud of it that you retake the test every month to see how more addicted you've become? (10)
  19. Have you ever seen a user box you created on someone else's user page (5)
  20. ...have you ever seen two user boxes that you have created on someone else's user page? (10)
  21. ...three user boxes by you on the same page? (20 and you've got user box skills)
  22. Have you ever seen some of your work from Wikipedia published in a newspaper or other form of press? (50 points for every time you have seen something)
  23. Do you have something you should be doing, and are procrastinating by reading all of these questions? (20)
  24. Were you extremely addicted early on? [Score above 300 before the first 3 months using Wikipedia] (39.93)
  25. Have you mastered a foreign language just by using Wikipedia? (100 points for each language)
  26. Do you delight in the fact that people add questions that point out loopholes in other questions and thus allow you to rack up more points? (just 1)
  27. When you see vandalism in real life, do you think "These must be the type of people that vandalize Wikipedia"? (2)

Bonus questions

NOTE: Because the following questions may be redundant or may not provide a good measure of current addiction, these questions have low point values. Be warned that a couple of people have added questions with values as high as 50. So, you may be able to squeeze as many as 150 points out of these last few questions.

  1. Do you vigorously complain that articles are not from the NPOV? (.25)
  2. Have you ever requested an image of a chemical compound? (.25)
  3. Do you know what Larry Sanger did? (.25)
  4. Have you ever argued with Larry Sanger? (.35)
  5. Do you use your real name as your user name? (.75)
  6. ...or some obscure nickname (ScrofulousToad, Airigance 99, etc.)? (.05)
  7. Have you edited/created pages in three or more different language Wikipedias? (.3)
  8. ...FIVE or more different language Wikipedias? (.5)
  9. Have you used a web translation tool to translate an other-language article on your favourite topic, decide that it is incoherent rubbish and replaced it with a web translation tool version of "your" article? (.5)
  10. Have you ever removed outdated questions from this test? (.75)
  11. Have you ever neglected to maintain personal hygiene in favor of Wikipedia? (1)
  12. Have you ever broken up with a significant other, because they didn't think the Wiki was "all that"? (1.15)
  13. Have you ever had an edit conflict -- with yourself? (.05)
  14. Did you add up your score for this test with a calculator? (.5)
  15. ...Or did you do it by hand? (.75)
  16. Do you read non-Wikipedia webpages using red hyperlinks by default and click on them, thinking "I could write an article on that!"? (.15)
  17. Do you create your own Wikipedia words (like "Wikidicted?") (.5)
  18. Are you upset that you wrote the article Wikipediaddiction and someone said it sounded "like the grammar and speech patterns of a Wikipedian?" (.01)
  19. ...it got deleted by VfD? (.01)
  20. When reading the "Series of Unfortunate Events" novels by Lemony Snicket, do you just KNOW that the mysterious acronym VFD stands for "Votes for Deletion?" (.25)
  21. Have you created a page full of red links, and then made a decision to put everything else on hold until you could (a) either fill in all the (red) blanks or (b) until your body could take it no further or (c) your computer couldn't? (1)
  22. Have you found yourself thinking, when viewing the "added features" to a DVD, whether you could use this material on Wikipedia? (3)
  23. ...then wondered how to properly cite this source? (15)
  24. ...and did it correctly? (50)
  25. ...went ahead and added the material without providing a source? (-20)
  26. Have you added RAM to your machine so you could ...copy more text to the clipboard? (.1)
  27. ...Edit long pages? (.1)
  28. ...Load pages faster? (.1)
  29. ...Open multiple pages at the same time? (.15)
  30. ...while transwikiing content? (.05)
  31. ...to read talk and article at the same time? (.05)
  32. ...to copy content to or from other articles? (.05)
  33. ...to keep an eye out for vandalism while writing new articles? (.1)
  34. Do you have other pages open right now editing them? (.25)
  35. Do you use tabbed browsing to open multiple wiki pages at the same time? (.05 for each page)
  36. Have you edited Wikipedia pages during intermittent power outages? (.5)
    1. Are you considering the purchase of an uninterruptible power supply solely because you 'lost a good edit' while doing so? (.5)
  37. ...Did you actually buy it? (.5)
  38. ...The best one you could afford? (.5)
  39. Are you eager to add questions to this list? (.01)
  40. Are you proud to be a Wikipediholic? (.01)
  42. On a non-Wikipedia site, have you ever referred to alternate accounts as "sock puppets"? (.01)
  43. ...Did you just discover for the first time that alternate accounts are not called "sock puppets" on non-Wikipedia sites by reading the line above? (.01)
  44. Do you sometimes perspire (Sweating) profusely when editing talkpages? (.1)
  45. When you type a URL for a non-Wikipedia website into your web browser's address bar, do you habitually start typing "en.wikipedia.org" and correct yourself? (.25)
  46. Do you keep track of every vandal you catch? (3)
  47. Do you use an internet browser to contribute? (.000001)

Interpreting your score

<50 You are a clueless newbie.
50-125 You are an IP address user or are a sockpuppet.
126-225 A well-balanced attitude that may benefit by spending more time on WP.
226-325 This is the optimal, most productive range.
326-425 You are slightly over doing yourself. Take a couple of days' break.
426-725 You are addicted to Wikipedia.
726-1050 Scores in this range are commonly fatal.
1051-1500 You played a major part in creating Wikipedia or are a ghost. Good job...
>1500 Congratulations. You must be SETI@home's long-lost twin. You are now listed in Guinness Book of Records.

You can also add the following template to your user page

This user scored your score on the wikipediholic test.

Just add {{User Wikipediholic|your score}}

Top 20 scores

If you get in, along with the score,add {{Top20}} to your page. It will come out as

This user scored {{{1}}} on the Wikipediholic test.
Ranking Score User Name Comment(s)
1st 3,124(rounded) Sabertiger Must get on Wikipedia... and edit...
2nd 2800 Shreshth91 (talk) I think I'll just curl up and... make a few more edits
3rd 2343 Whopper Wow, I think I'm too addicted, I won lots of "free stuff, and got a fuzzy feeling inside
4th 2253 Moe Epsilon Life, What life?
Other things I racked up during the test:
title of a junkie, the Master nerd prize, A box of tissues, The Randi Prize, A new computer fan, Userbox skills & A life sentence in prison
5th 2031 Releeshan(talk) I think I first knew I was addicted when mold started growing on my fingers....
6th 1984.8018166435897 The Republican I did'nt know it was this serious...but I really want to stay on this list...
7th 1911.247239 zappa Revision #47893023 - 6th place and still no administrator nominations...
8th 1847.6737836535894 Pronoun All I want to say is that I really like to waste away on Wikipedia.
9th 1801 SushiGeek I'm determined to stay on this score list...this time I didn't take the automated version! :-P
10th 1656+ε Sj (denying the life sentence question)
11th 1518.94 Sceptre I retake it, and I'm doubly addicted :(
12th 1549.837611 Jaxl Took it again manually, with a TI-83 Plus calculator.
13th 1543
645 902 131 719 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 667
Alerante Tested on revision 42497455. Disclaimer: I've edited the test.
14th 1369.57264804578 IAMTHEEGGMAN Haha... 2nd time around I'm higher... by alot... (by hand)
15th 1317.50 Essjay Hand test, w/calculator, twice.
16th 1305.960002 FireFox Manual, with calculator.
17th 1118 (first three months!) Freddie Automated Version. Oh, god no. It's what I've been dreading since I first went on Wikipedia. ARGH! VANDAL!!! Come on, must put test template!
18th 940 American Patriot 1776 Automated Version. Not...addicted...not...no...must edit... VANDAL!!! VANDAL IN THE ARTICLES!!! SPEEDY DELETE!!! AHHHHHHHHGGGG!!!
19th 908 ddlamb Hand test, added up by hand for each section and with calculator for section totals. Currently residing in the Betty Ford Center for Wikipediholics.
20th 993 EinsteinMC2 (Automated Test) Read, Write, Edit, and Explore