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Democrat in name only

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DINO stands for Democrat In Name Only, a disparaging term for a member of the modern-day United States Democratic Party whose words and actions are thought to be too fiscally or socially conservative. The term "Fox News liberal" has also been used in this context.

The term was created as an analogous opposite to the acronym RINO (Republican In Name Only), which refers to more liberal members of the United States Republican Party. The acronym is a pun on the popular English-language shortening of the word dinosaur.

"DINO" is used by more ideological (politically speaking) members of the Democrats to challenge fellow party members for their maverick or moderate positions. In some cases, the platform of the member in question is not even necessarily close to the opponents—they just do not necessarily follow the party line in every case. Many (but not all) of the DINOs are conservatives from the Southern states which were predominantly Dixiecrat before they switched en masse to the Republican Party. Unlike those who switched parties, these DINOs are content to remain "Democrats."

Putative DINOs

Democrats who have been accused of being DINOs include:

Conservative Democrats of the Past

Representatives (not a complete list):

Thomas G. Abernethy (D-MS)

George W. Andrews (D-AL)

Jack T. Brinkley (D-GA)

Goodloe E. Byron (D-MD)

Earle Cabell (D-TX)

Robert R. Casey (D-TX)

William V. Chappell Jr. (D-FL)

William M. Colmer (D-MS)

W.C. Daniel (D-VA)

W.J. Bryan Dorn (D-SC)

Thomas N. Downing(D-VA)

Walter Flowers (D-AL)

John J. Flynt (D-GA)

Phil Gramm (D-TX)*

F. Edward Hebert (D-LA)

Bill Hull (D-MO)

Richard H. Ichord (D-MO)

John Jarman (D-OK)*

Paul C. Jones (D-MO)

Marvin Leath (D-TX)

William Lipinski (D-IL)

Larry McDonald (D-GA)

James R. Mann (D-SC)

John O. Marsh (D-VA)

Bill Nichols (D-AL)

Masten O'Neal (D-GA)

Otto Passman (D-LA)

W.R. Poage (D-TX)

Graham B. Purcell (D-TX)

John R. Rarick (D-LA)

Paul G. Rogers (D-FL)

Jim Santini (D-NV)*

David E. Satterfield III (D-VA)

Richard C. Shelby (D-AL)*

Robert L.F. Sikes (D-FL)

Bob Stump (D-AZ)*

James Traficant (D-OH)

Joe Waggonner (D-LA)

Albert Watson (D-SC)*

Richard C. White (D-TX)

Jamie L. Whitten (D-MS)

John Bell Williams (D-MS)

* - Eventually switched affiliation to Republican.

Senators (not a complete list):

James B. Allen (D-AL)

Harry Flood Byrd(D-VA)

Harry Flood Byrd Jr. (D-VA)*

James O. Eastland (D-MS)

Spessard L. Holland (D-FL)

Frank Lausche (D-OH)

Richard B. Russell (D-GA)

John C. Stennis (D-MS)

Herman E. Talmadge (D-GA)

Strom Thurmond (D-SC)**

Richard C. Shelby (D-AL)***

A. Willis Robertson (D-VA)

* - Harry Flood Byrd Jr. switched affiliation to Independent, 1970.
** - Strom Thurmond switched affiliation to Republican, 1964.
*** - Richard C. Shelby switched to the Republican Party in 1994 when it gained the majority in Congress.

Fox News Liberals

The similar term Fox News liberal is used among Democrats and liberals in the U.S. to refer to those commentators and politicians who hold themselves out as liberals and/or Democrats, yet do one or more of the following:

  • They often agree with their conservative and/or Republican opposite numbers on TV talk shows or in legislative bodies on various issues and positions.
  • They show no hesitation to distance themselves from and criticize their fellow Democrats and liberals, especially to predominantly conservative audiences;
  • They present weak arguments in favor of liberal/Democratic positions, and refuse to debate or easily succumb to conservative/Republican arguments.
  • They base arguments on dubious claims made by conservatives and Republicans, thereby suggesting that those are valid liberal/Democratic positions.

The term is similar to Democrat In Name Only (DINO). It is based on the belief, held by many on the left, that the Fox News Channel has a conservative/Republican bias, and that many of the Fox News commentators who claim to be liberal are straw men hired to ineffectively present liberal viewpoints.

The term was first applied in 2004 to Alan Colmes, the liberal co-host to conservative Sean Hannity on the Fox News show Hannity & Colmes. Liberal viewers have long found Colmes' quiet, deferential style infuriating, particularly in contrast to the outspoken Hannity; and Colmes himself has sometimes taken more right-leaning positions, such as supporting Rudy Giuliani for mayor of New York City and defending Mississippi Senator Trent Lott after the latter made racially suspect remarks at the 100th birthday party for the late Sen. Strom Thurmond. It hasn't helped Colmes with his liberal critics either that he has also defended Fox's "fair and balanced" slogan as accurate, or that he has been praised by prominent conservatives such as Newt Gingrich and was once chosen as the favorite liberal by posters on a Free Republic forum. Liberal commentator Al Franken lambasted Colmes in his popular book Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, accusing him of refusing to ask tough questions during debates and neglecting to challenge alleged erroneous claims made by Hannity or his guests.

Susan Estrich, Ed Koch, and Pat Caddell are also noted as examples of Fox commentators noted primarily for their links to past Democratic campaigns, have also been called Fox News liberals for exhibiting similar tendencies and appearing to care more that the conservatives like them and that they continue to appear on television than defending liberalism and the Democratic Party. In Zell Miller's case the label is almost certainly a misnomer since Miller for his entire career as a public official always presented himself a moderate or conservative Democrat.

The 2004 documentary Outfoxed claimed to show that the Fox producers purposely choose unthreatening liberal commentators, both in the interviews with former producers for the network who spoke anonymously and an interview with a former commentator who recalled how he was let go by Fox early in what was supposed to be a long-term arrangement after challenging the case for the 2003 invasion of Iraq too forcefully.

See also

Conservative Democrats

See also