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Wikipedia:Articles for creation/2006-06-06

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by (talk) at 22:22, 5 June 2006. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.


see atomic radius


Owlim is a high-performance semantic repository with support for OWL reasoning and rule extensions. OWLIM uses the TRREE engine for forward-chaining of entailment rules. The reasoning framework is analogous to the R-entailment, which is an extension of the D-entailment, defining the standard RDF(S) semantics. OWLIM is a specific configuration for the Sesame RDF database and counts on it for various sorts of features and infrastructure, including, but not limited to, an extensive set of RDF and query language parsers. Since Sesame is one of the most mature and popular semantic repositories, this allows for very easy adoption of OWLIM. OWLIM v.2.8.3 is packaged as a Storage and Inference Layer (SAIL) for Sesame (v.1.2.2-1.2.4) named OWLIMSchemaRepository; it implements the RdfSchemaRepository interface. OWLIM is an open-source Java library available under LGPL license. In OWLIM, reasoning and query evaluation are performed in-memory by the TRREE engine. At the same time OWLIM implements a robust persistency and backup strategy. The efficiency of TRREE allows OWLIM to manage millions of explicit statements even on desktop hardware. The upload and query evaluation are fast even for huge ontologies and knowledge bases, as demonstrated through a number of benchmarks. The major limitation of OWLIM is the relatively slow delete operation. The easiest way to use OWLIM is in the so-called embedded mode, i.e. as a Java library. The distribution of OWLIM contains a RMI factory (CustomFactory) that provides RMI access to the SAIL layer of the repository.



-- 12:59, 5 June 2006 (UTC)Michele[reply]

GURPS Y2K (ISBN 1556344066) is a 128-page soft-bound book compiled by Sean Punch and published in 1999 by Steve Jackson Games as a supplement for the GURPS role-playing game system. It was intended as the definitive third-edition sourcebook on Y2K millenialism, disaster movies and post-apocalyptic campaigns of several flavors, including realistic, superheroic and Biblical.

See also: List of GURPS books.

[Category:GURPS|Y2K] (change single-brackets to double-brackets when creating) 13:42, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Dr. James J. Hartway

Dr. James J. Hartway, Distinguished Professor of Music at Wayne State University, and Director of the Division of Composition and Theory, joined the faculty in 1971.

Hartway received Bachelor of Arts and Master of Music degrees from Wayne State, and a Ph.D. degree in music from Michigan State University. His principal composition teachers have been H. Owen Reed and Ruth Shaw Wylie.

As a professional composer, Hartway has received sixty commissions from major musical organizations and educational institutions; and, has composed eighty-eight works. He has been asked to create pieces for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, the American Artist Series, the Meadow Brook Music Festival, the American Guild of Organists, the Michigan Opera Theater, the Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit, the Scarab Club, Printemps Musicale des Alizés, the Detroit Chamber Winds and Strings, the Verdher Trio, and various other chamber music groups and soloists; and, he has served as composer-in-residence for the Chamber Music Conference and Composers Forum of the East in Bennington, Vermont.

Hartway's original compositions have been recorded, choreographed, and performed throughout the United States and in Canada, South America, Europe, Scandinavia, Japan, China, and Africa. He is the proud recipient of an Arts Foundation of Michigan Award and has received a Resolution of Tribute from the Michigan Senate. He has been an annual winner of the ASCAP Standard Panel Award for his compositions since 1978. In October of 1992 Professor Hartway received Wayne State University's highest honor by being elected a lifetime member of the Academy of Scholars and has since served as President of the Academy. In 1997 he was made Distinguished Professor of Music by the Wayne State University Board of Governors, and in 2003 Hartway received the WSU Board of Governors Faculty Recognition Award. He has been named the Detroit Music Awards “Outstanding Classical Composer” three times, and his “Affair of the Harp” CD was the Detroit Music Awards “Outstanding Classical Recording” for 2005.

Brazilian Death Metal band formed at middle 2001.

They have some few recordings since than, like their first Demo at 2002, a rehearsal recording session, and a 2004 EP called "The Hacked Up and Buried EP" which has the song "Greed Killing", a Napalm Death cover. After that, they launched their first album "Blunt Force Trauma" in 2005 via Madness Music.

It's works is basically a traditional Death Metal music, with influences from Morbid Angel, Malevolent Creation, Napalm Death and even Hypocrisy, and also some black metal bands like Emperor, Old Man's Child and Dimmu Borgir. But, despite of all, they encountered an exclusive sounding, with very personal style, something rare to find out these days.

It is formed by some experienced metal musicians as:

Ulysses Carvalho - Bass guitar and Vocals. Thales Carvalho - Guitar. Carlinhos Eigenheer - Guitar. Amaury Welastevil - Drums.

Their official site is only in portuguese, but it's very easy to find some MP3 there. http://www.gammoth.cjb.net They also got a page at http://www.myspace.com/gammoth with more MP3 to download.


Their official site is only in portuguese, but it's very easy to find some MP3 there: http://www.gammoth.cjb.net

They also got a page at http://www.myspace.com/gammoth with more MP3 to download.

[ [Saltby - origin of the placename] ]


Moving back above the Belvoir escarpment, about five miles south east of Harby lies the village of Saltby. The first recorded name Saltebi in 1086 moved through Saultebi in 1200 to the present Saltby first recorded in 1345. Again there is a degree of ambiguity in this name. Cox suggests that it could derive from the Old Norse personal name Salt, or from the Old English Salt that has the same meaning as it does in Modern English. It could also stem from the Old Norse Saltr meaning salty. In considering the meaning of this name it is important to take into consideration the fact that in the area there are several mineral springs and there are salt deposits in the rock bed underlying this area. Cox tells that there is a stream known as Saltbeck that drains from the Saltby area that has been found to contain mineral and salt deposits. There is also a major Chalybeate (medicinal containing beneficial salts and minerals) spring in Saltby. All of this evidence tends to suggest that the idea of the name deriving from the Old Norse personal name Salt is unlikely. It seems much more probable that the name is a compound of the Old English Salt and the Norse affix By, or the Norse Saltr and By, both of which give the meaning to the name ‘the farmstead at the salty spring’. Cox also suggests that it may have been the case that salt was produced in evaporation ponds in the village, and this activity could have given the name to Saltby, he does however point out that there is no conclusive evidence of this. Whatever the case, the name suggests that the salt deposits and springs at Saltby were an important aspect of the village and can probably be considered the reason that it came into existence and was called Saltby.


Martin Yonga

Born in 1989 in Nairobi, Kenya. he goes to Strathmore School

Giles (Louis) Colclough

While in Year 11 at Eastbourne College, Giles Colclough was invited to take part in the second round of the National Maths Olympiad Competition. 1500 high achievers across the land participated in this prestigious event and Giles was awarded a distinction for reaching the top 50 of this elite and talented group.



An "up-or-down vote" refers to the act of directly voting on an amendment or bill in Congress. This is opposed to tabling, recomitting, etc... which would be other ways of dealing with the bill. The "up-or-down vote" is prefered because it results in a quick and easy decision. This is also sometimes refered to a "clean vote"


C-span congressional dictionary: http://www.c-span.org/guide/congress/glossary/upordownvote.htm 14:15, 5 June 2006 (UTC) aj[reply]

Northvia, an instrumental post rock band, formed in the fall of 2002 when Thomas Lloyd (Guitar) and Rob Colclasure (Drums) met in Tallahassee, Fl. Soon after Rick Arnow (Bass) and John Garner (Guitar) joined the group when they first performed in February of 2002. After recording two EP's in Hattiesburg, MS (S/T, Your Detached and Self Obsessed) in 2003 and 2004, Rick Arnow left the band and was replaced by Rob’s brother William Colclasure (Bass). Citing influences ranging from Radiohead to Samuel Barber, Northvia has developed their own niche in the post-rock genre. In 2005 they recorded their first full length album Sleeping in Ariports which has yet to have been released.


http://www.northvia.com http://www.tallahassee.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/99999999/ENT05/51212009/1061 http://www.somewherecold.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=67&page=1 http://www.splendidezine.com/review.html?reviewid=1084028121650255 http://www.adequacy.net/review.php?reviewID=4524 http://www.adequacy.net/review.php?reviewID=5618

The name Kline, is synonymous with wealth, as the Kline Family is estimated to be worth millions of dollars. The families fortune, stems mainly from real estate, located on the East and West coasts of the United States of America. Some family holdings, include 50 thousand units in California and Washington states, residential and commercial buildings in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and land in Michigan, Arizona, Texas, Mexico, and Canada. 


The Spell

[[ The Spell - Novel written by Alan Hollinghurst. (Born. 1954) Also wrote The Swimming-Pool Library & The Line Beautiful. Gay love story written in the post AIDS 1990's, Set in and around Dorset and London. The main character Álex' a 30 something professional falls for 23 year old 'Dan' who introduces Alex to the gay scene of London, drugs and House-music.

Published by Vintage UK / Fiction


Amazon.uk.co http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Hollinghurst 14:52, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The name Kline, is synonymous with wealth, as the Kline Family is estimated to be worth millions of dollars. The families fortune, stems mainly from real estate, located on the East and West coasts of the United States of America. Some family holdings, include 50 thousand units in California and Washington states, residential and commercial buildings in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and land in Michigan, Arizona, Texas, Mexico, and Canada. 

In 1989, the family sold 60 thousand units of its Coastal Realty operations, to Coldwell Banker, to form Coldwell Bankers entire Western Sector.


Disproportionate Share Program (DSH)

The Medicaid disproportionate share program (DSH) was created in the early 1980s to provide payments to hospitals to help cover the costs of uncompensated care. Though various local, state and federal programs also provide hospitals with payments to cover uncompensated care, the Medicaid program is the largest subsidy program that issues these types of payments. In 1998, more than $15 billion in Medicaid DSH payments were issued to hospitals.

The purpose behind the DSH program was to provide hospitals with enough compensation to offset the hospitals costs for serving the uninsured and low-income populations. In this way, the program seeks to continue to encourage hospitals to provide health services for these individuals.


"The Medicaid DSH Program And Providing Health Care Services to the Uninsured: A Look at Five Programs", March 2001, The Health Policy Center of The Urban Institute, 2100 M Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037 14:55, 5 June 2006 (UTC)MKV[reply]

[ [ neverlands ] ]

iv been there

Village Prodromi

The beautiful traditional village of Prodromi is located at 35 degrees 15 minutes North and 23 degrees 45 minutes East at 1757 feet in the municipality of Pelekanou - Paleochoras of Chania Crete (coordinates are taken from Google earth).

The name of the village in 18th century was "Peroudo Vrisi". The current name is from the church of Agios Ioannis Prodromos It is a nice community unspoiled from tourist exploitation surrounded by natural mountain view beauty of Cretan earth.

The area is covered with picturesque hills and beyond them steep mountain-sides in a magnificent landscape. There are protected considerable archaelogical places like the area of Lissos which is a magnificent location that hosts a Temple devoted to Asklipio (god of medicine) and a natural spring with curing water, a Roman grave yard and one of the first Byzantine Churches in the province of Selino at Chania. Yrtakina is an ancient city from the prehistoric period with a castle made by Giant Rocks.

Main production is based on Olive Oil, Splendid wine from dry rocky fertile ground, and diary products from naturally grown goats and sheep.

Main church is Agios Charalambos located near the nice neighbourhood of “Halliliana”. At the name day the friently local population organizes a big celebration

The village had no modern road till recently and till today can be reached with a narrow modern asphalt covered road only from one side leading to the near by city of Paleochora. The north approach to the village requires a 4X4 ofF road car or any other durable car. This has protected the area, which kept its calm and unspoiled environment.


Source for Name: Wikipedia Munisipalities of Chania. Coordinates from Google. Descriptions from general knowledge about the area and the site http://www.crete.tournet.gr/en/Gerani/Prodromi-ar-698-en.jsp the site http://www.holiday.gr/page.php?page_id=719 and the site http://www.west-crete.com/ger/beaches.htm finally the site http://www.crete.gov.gr/contents.asp?id=107&category=113 has some information for the area by the local government office. 15:16, 5 June 2006 (UTC) Yannis Yeorgaroudakis. His origin is from the village. can be reached at yyannis@gmail.com 15:16, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The Matrimonial Causes Act is the legislation governing matrimonial matters and the financial consequences thereof. It sets out the one ground for divorce, that being that the marriage has broken down irretrievably. To prove this, one may rely on of the five facts below; usually one will suffice but, in rare circumstances, one or more facts may be used. These are:

(i) unreasonable behaviour on the part of the other spouse; (ii) two years' separation with the other party's consent; (iii) adultery; (iv) five years' separation, without consent; (v) or desertion.

One would generally petition for divorce, by completing the standard divorce petition form. The person who completes the divorce petition is known as the 'petitioner'. This is then sent to the court who, after sealing it (stamping it), will send a copy to the respondent (spouse not petitioning for divorce). The respondent will, in theory, then read the divorce petition and complete the accompanying 'acknowledgement of service' form. Once this is received by the court, the petitioner must then complete an affidavit in support of their petition, confirming the facts of the petition to be true. The facts, based on the paper evidence, are then considered by a judge who decides whether the fact relied upon has been proved. If this be the case, the judge will give a date for pronouncement of decree nisi, the provisional decree of divorce. Six weeks and a day after, upon application from the petitioner, the court will grant decree absolute, the final decree of divorce, formally ending the parties' marriage. This will also affect any inheritance under a will.

Although perhaps sounding complex, divorce proceedings are very straightforward these days. Divorces are rarely contested in themselves and, in most cases, it is not even necessary to attend court; everything is dealt with on paper.

Financial aspects of the marriage are somewhat more complex however. These do require court attendances and solicitors' costs can increase dramatically. This area of the law is far more complex and will not be set out here. However, the key factors the court will consider and give credit for when attempting to divide the matrimonial assets in a fair way will be, as set out in section 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973:

(a) the income, earning capacity, property and other financial resources that each of the parties has or is likely to have in the foreseeable future; (b) the financial needs, obligations and responsibilities which each of the parties has or is likely to have in the foreseeable future; (c) the standard of living enjoyed by the family before the breakdown of the marriage; (d) the age of each party and the duration of the marriage; (e) any physical or mental disability of either party; (f) the contributions which each of the parties has made or is likely in the foreseeable future to make to the home; (g) the conduct of each of the parties, but only if it would be inequitable to disregard it.


Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, s.25 15:23, 5 June 2006 (UTC) 15:23, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Wes Sims coach)

Wes Sims, of Garden City, MI is one of the most celebrated [[people[[ in GC's history. He has guided both his roller hockey and softball teams to much success. In fact, he has one a championship in [[roller hockey[[. He will one day be inshrined into the GC Walk Of Fame


Hutton, Somerset

The village of Hutton, in the county of Somerset, is four miles from Weston-super-Mare and the Bristol Channel. It is bordered to the north by the Hutton moors and to the south by pastures and woodland which are part of the Western seaboard of the Mendip hills. These woods and fields are part of the Mendip Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (the AONB). The settlement was recorded in the Doomsday Book of 1086, and the earliest known buildings are the 13th century church and the adjacent manor house of Hutton Court, the first written reference to which was in the early 14th century.


The History of Hutton. 16:02, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

the best superhero's ever


1. Superman- The man of steel himself. the first and truest super hero to date has been around since the 30's has spond multiple tv sieres and 5 feature films. if you hold a picture of his trademark "S" any where in the world people will know what the "S" means.

2. Spiderman- Never has a super hero been so human. Spiderman was the first super hero to ever have any real life problems. his popularity holds the highest of status in the marvel univers even if his character does not. spidermen is to marvel as superman is to DC.

3. Batman- The second great superhero. In the scariest place on earth this dark knight prowels the streets hopeing that one has to suffer as he had. Where superman fights for truth and justice Batman does what he does for a stange thirst for vengence. He is the first hero that has been the guy to get dirt on his hands.

4. Wolverine- "I'm the best at what I do, and what I do is not very nice." this guy is the definition of Bad Ass Mother F**ker. never has a hero scratched his way to the top faster than this runt. working with the X-men, Alpha flight, The Avengers and who can forget about his solo missions. His signature hunt is what makes this animalone of the best of all time.

[Kristian Rothaermel]

Kristian Rothaermel was a competitor on Spike TV's reality show The Ultimate Fighter 3. He was defeated in the 4th episode by Micheal Bisping of Liverpool, England. Kristian competed on Team Shamrock.

Kristian Rothaermel is the head instructor for NOLABJJ, a New Orleans area gym offering instruction in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, mixed martial arts , no holds barred fighting, and self defense. He is a student Leonardo Xavier.

Kristian has competed in over 40 M.M.A., N.H.B., and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu matches such as: ο The Ultimate Fighter 3 ο 2003 Free Style Fighting Championship (VII) Light-Heavy Weight Champion. ο Absolute champion in the 2003 FreeStyle Fighting Championship Submission Tournament. ο May, 2003 'Renegades' N.H.B. Tournament in Corpus Christy, TX. ο April, 2003 'Renegades' N.H.B. Tournament in Houston, TX. ο 2003 Smack Down Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Tournament in Houston, TX. ο Extreme Challenge. ο I.F.C. ο Texas Vale-Tudo 6 & Party Slam 9


www.theultimatefighter.tv www.nolabjj.com 16:07, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

[Kristian Rothaermel]

Kristian Rothaermel was a competitor on Spike TV's reality show The Ultimate Fighter 3. He was defeated in the 4th episode by Micheal Bisping of Liverpool, England. Kristian competed on Team Shamrock.

Kristian Rothaermel is the head instructor for NOLABJJ, a New Orleans area gym offering instruction in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, mixed martial arts , no holds barred fighting, and self defense. He is a student Leonardo Xavier.

Kristian has competed in over 40 M.M.A., N.H.B., and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu matches such as: The Ultimate Fighter 3, 2003 Free Style Fighting Championship (VII) Light-Heavy Weight Champion, Absolute champion in the 2003 FreeStyle Fighting Championship Submission Tournament, May, 2003 'Renegades' N.H.B. Tournament in Corpus Christy, TX, April, 2003 'Renegades' N.H.B. Tournament in Houston, TX, 2003 Smack Down Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Tournament in Houston, TX, Extreme Challenge, I.F.C., Texas Vale-Tudo 6 & Party Slam 9.


www.theultimatefighter.tv, www.nolabjj.com 16:20, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

((Olha, Manitoba))


Olha website

( 16:39, 5 June 2006 (UTC))[reply]

Shri Narayana Rao Melgiri

Distinguished lawyer from Northern Karnataka, India. Social reformer and public advocate. Grandfather of Shri Sudha Murthy of Infosys and Shri Jaishree Deshpande of the Deshpande Foundation.


http://www.hindu.com/2005/08/29/stories/2005082908390500.htm 16:43, 5 June 2006 (UTC)JK[reply]

Fetch It Rover is a search engine for business owners and service providers intended for people who use their services. Fetch It Rover gives users access to business owners in their area, not just on a national basis.

Fetch It Rover (FetchItRover.com) offers free customizable business Web pages. Users can upload logos and photos, create and change content and even add video. Business owners enter keywords for a quick search by users. Fetch It Rover gives users an opportunity to view 55 industry specific Web sites like: Video Auto Finder, Video Service Finder, Video Restaurant Finder and more.

In addition, Fetch It Rover gives users access to 3,000 professional videographers and writers through its partnership with GoLookInside.com, the World's largest video production company. Any person or company can hire these professionals to create custom commercials for $799.

Fetch It Rover offers free VoIP service and much more.


FetchItRover.com, GoLookInside.com, VideoAutoFinder.com

This is pure advertising

A crazy kid who look like he would do stupid things. Like drugs


GoLookInside.com is the World's Largest Video Production Company. It employs over 3,000 professional videographers and writers to create custom videos.

GoLookInside.com was founded in 2004 by Skye Winslow, a television veteran of 25 years.

GoLookInside.com videotapes at the client's location, provides a professionally written script, edits, adds music and graphics, encodes and hosts the video on its server for a year.

GoLookInside.com is the only production company that close captions every video is produces.


GoLookInside.com, FetchItRover.com

More advertising 17:27, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

GoLookInside.com is the World's Largest Video Production Company. It employs over 3,000 professional videographers and writers to create custom videos for $799.

GoLookInside.com was founded in 2004 by Skye Winslow, a television veteran of 25 years.

GoLookInside.com videotapes at the client's location, provides a professionally written script, edits, adds music and graphics, encodes and hosts the video on its server for a year.

GoLookInside.com is the only production company that close captions every video is produces.



Yet more advertising


Matthew Thomas Winner, Legedend and all round nice guy!!! Matthew Thomas was born in scotland where he moved to become a well recognised member of the adelaide comunity helping out at many socal events and evenings all you had to do was ask the finew people of adelaide about him and they would instantly tell you how great he is!!!


Matthew 0 Thomas Winner, Legedend and all round nice guy!!! Matthew Thomas was born in scotland where he moved to become a well recognised member of the adelaide comunity helping out at many socal events and evenings all you had to do was ask the finew people of adelaide about him and they would instantly tell you how great he is!!!



"The First Indian Hip-Pop Diva"

Shakit is a young female singer-songwriter drawing from her rich ethnic heritage she mixes traditional South Indian music with RnB and Pop Music.



"The First Indian Hip-Pop Diva"

Shakti is a young female singer-songwriter drawing from her rich ethnic heritage she mixes traditional South Indian music with RnB and Pop Music.

What is Sequence Annotation? When an organism is first sequenced – so that we know its entire DNA string, our knowledge about the genetics of that organism (number of genes, what they do, what organisms it is related to and how related, etc etc) is initially ZERO. Sequence annotation means identifying (usually tentatively) what is actually contained in a genome sequence; I.e marking certain bits as genes, certain bits as binding sites, etc…

Why Sequence Annotation? This is one of the main areas in which bioinformatics is at the forefront – the reason for sequencing an organism is so that we can learn a lot more about that organism; annotation is the first (and major) step.

How Sequence Annotation? Various ways, all of which (obviously, if you think about it) use a computational technique (ranging from straightforward to sophisticated AI) to predict a categoiy or function from a DNA pattern.

Sources 17:47, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]


B.I.F formed in early 2005 , are the unknown talented bassplayers from the united kingdom their band consists of 2 bassplayers and other musicians for different songs YOU BETTER WATCH OUT B.I.F IS TAKING OVER!!!!!!

International School of Prague

International School of Prague is school situated in Prague, Czech Republic, and has been banned from editing on Wikipedia recently. 


Clearly they wrote some nonsense on the site.

Don Steinbrunner

He was a retired Cleveland Browns player who died in combat in the Vietnam War, like Pat Tillman.




http://www.profootballhof.com/history/general/war/vietnam/page1.jsp 18:18, 5 June 2006 (UTC)Ben Gonnella[reply]

Quad Play is an expression used by service operators describing a consumer package including both fixed line and mobile telephony, data and video. Offering triple play or quad play on a broadband connection requires the use of IPTV and IP Telephony (Voice over IP, VoIP).


http://www.iptv-news.com/content/view/360/64/ 18:27, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]


  poohead is an awesome word   sweet  CHEESE!!!!!!

A word meaning upset, disappointed or let down It also has various other definitions but no one regularly uses them

Also its a really annoying phrase used by a certain CJH






Jwhwlao Daimalu is considered as a hero of the ancient golden period of the Bodos.Today,he is remembered as the cause of Bodo people's tragedy because it is believed the he had cursed the Bodos for the deeds of some people who betrayed him.A statue of Jwhwlao Daimalu carrying his bow and arrows can be seen pointing his hand to the sky near the national highway of India in the Kharigao village of Kokrajhar District


Jwhwlao Daimalu was a senior official during the reign of King Iragdao.It is said that brave Daimalu along with his troops had defeated the King of Burma and had brought white elephants as a token of victory.

The Curse

It is believed that Lord Shiva had appeared in Daimalu's dream.Lord shiva had asked Jwhwlao for his needs for super natural powers.Given any of five fingers of the Lord to choose from Jwhwlao grabbed all of the fingers of Lord Shiva.The consequence of this is that jwhwlao got all the powers in the five fingers but then Lord Shiva cursed him that he was so greedy to be betrayed by his own blood. Daimalu had become very powerful as time passed by and by.The collegues of Daimalu were then becoming jealous of the bravery and power of daimalu;he could defeat two elephants at a moment.So the collegues somehow made the king to go against daimalu and thus Jwhwlao was put to prison.But no one could kill him because of the blessings of Lord Shiva.Then the officials brought Daimalu's step mother to meet Daimalu and they somehow managed to bring the step mother to their side.The step mother was able to find out that Daimalu can be killed only if they pour liquid metal into his ear.Thus the officials were able to kill Daimalu.But Daimalu,just before his death cursed that bodos will never prosper.


http://www.bodoland.org/language4.htm ( 19:18, 5 June 2006 (UTC))[reply]

Ed Cresdee is a boy from Earth and i am very clever!!! woohoo

( 19:36, 5 June 2006 (UTC))[reply]

NOTE: there is an article called "Bet HaShitta" which has a badly mispelled title. I do not know how to change the actual title of an article, so I am resubmitting it, with the "Bet HaShitta" text so that an article under the appropriate title, "Beit Hashita" can be created.

Beit Hashita, a kibbutz between Afula and Bet She'an, Israel founded December 4, 1928 by members of "Kvuzat Hahugim" and members of "Tnuat Hamahanot Haolim" from Haifa and Jerusalem. The kibbutz was named after the biblical town of the same name. Many of the member families of the kibbutz are secular, therefore the kibbutz is defined as a secular kibbutz. Eleven kibbutz members fell during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, the largest number as a percentage of the population than any other town in Israel. Kibbutz Beit Hashita served as the basis for the 1981, English language book, Kibbutz Makom, describing the kibbutz society. The kibbutz has been privatized and today has a population of approximately 1,000.


The kibbutz is 50 meters below sea level.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bet_HaShitta 19:41, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

the lutari is the latest neopet pet! It features characteristics of a seal!File:Lutari.jpg

Nick Churnovic:Mayor of Crest Hill

Nick Churnovic

Nick Churnovic (Born February 5 year unknown) Is the current mayor of the city of Crest Hill, IL. He has done many things for the city like making it expand and giving it a slogan. He has been the mayor since 2005.

centrafrique air express

ir express


Created by Canadian filmmaker Mark Kenneth Woods, the first 6 episodes of the GLBT themed TV show started airing on OUT TV in July 2005. Another 6 episodes followed in mid 2006. Filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, the sketch comedy show blends politics and pop culture with humour and style. The series stars Mark Kenneth Woods, Cotton, Michael Venus, Dickey Doo and includes guest stars Lady Bunny, Amanda Lapore, Candis Cayne, Lady Miss Kier and others. The full 12 episodes first season was released on DVD in North America in September 2006 via MKW Productions.


http://www.markkennethwoods.com/hovshow.html http://www.outtv.ca/prog/houseofvenus.asp

Mark Kenneth Woods64.180.177.42 20:01, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Richard Brophy is a British expatriate living in the United States. He garnered attention in 2006 as a victim of America's flawed immigration system, with his parents and siblings being deported back to Great Britain, and him being left free in the United States.

Richard entered the US on September 4, 2002, on an R2 nonimmigrant visa. He is now in the process of seeking an F1 nonimmigrant student visa. He attends Eastern Michigan University.



Darren Holmes207.69.137.42 20:09, 5 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The Railroaders Memorial Museum in Altoona, PA

The Railroaders Memorial Museum is dedicated to all the people who participated over the years to the success of the railroad in the United States, since 1849, when the Pennsylvania Railroad created the city of Altoona, PA.]]

The Railroaders Memorial Museum, Altoona, Pennsylvania

The Railroaders Memorial Museum is dedicated to all the people who participated over the years to the success of the railroad in the United States, since 1849, when the Pennsylvania Railroad created the city of Altoona, PA.


Eastglen Blue devils



Cain and Abel (C+A) Baseball League is a 3 on 3 baseball league established in 2003. Once a small group, the league has grown over it's 4 year history, and is now a storied program. The season starts in late March, and usually goes through September each year. Each season usually consists of about 40 games, and ends with a World Series. Cain and Abel Field, founded in 2004, is a glorious patch of land that was found and rejuvenated by some of the league members. It is an old ballfield located just next to the Rouge River in the confines of Hines Park.

It was started by a group of kids from the Metro Detroit area.

Members inclued Zac and Pat Steffas, Steve Fideler, Frankie Herr, Kegan Schildberg, Brendon Dillon, Jimmy Racien, Will Stork, Bryan Hodges and sometimes Ronnie Reace.

It has been roomered that as of May of 2006 Frankie has decided to leave the glorious baseball leauge.


www.freewebs.com/cabaseball06 20:34, 5 June 2006 (UTC)Steve Fideler[reply]

Written as a short story by Robert Heinline in the forties or early fifties, it tells of people who ask their computer "what the meaning of life is." No computer, no matter how smart they got, could answer the question and just said "insuficient data." This went on for thousands and thousands of years until the human race and all the galaxies had died out, BUT the computers had all merged and joined and were so big and powerful they occupied all of sub-space. This one giant computer had no more reason "to be" except for one, and that was to answer the age old question, "what is the meaning of life?" It thought about it for thousands more years and then one day made a decision and said "LET THERE BE LIGHT"


Allanjanssen 20:35, 5 June 2006 (UTC)Allan w Janssen[reply]



John Toll



Well what i think is that road surf-BLAH!


Mitsuki Koyama

Mitsuki Koyama is a character in the manga Full Moon wo Sagishite. She is an ill 12 year old girl with a throat cancer (in the anime its say she has a throat tumor) however also gifted with a beautiful singing voice. She is an orphan who both grew up in the Orphanage school and with her grandmother. he grandmother was very strict and didn't want her to fulfill her dreams of being a singer. She refuses to also have herself operated becuase of the risk of her losing her voice Mitsuki is very much inlove with her Childhood friend Eichi who is an inspiring astronomist and they both promised while they were young that they would fulfill their dreams together. her a famous pop singer and him a artronomist. Eichi soon left to study in the US One day 2 Angels of death called Shinigami named Meroko and Takuto came to visit her. She was not supposed to see them but she was able toFile:Http://www.animecubed.com/galleries/fullmoonwosagashite/fmws017.jpg.shtml Apparently Mitsuki is to die in 1 year becuase of her tumor. Becuase of this Mitsuki decided to pursue her dream of going to be a signer however even if she passed an audition she cant enter becuase she was only 12. Takuto moved by her will to be a signer made it possible for her to transform into a healthy 16 year old (with blond hair) so that she can pursue her dreams of a singing career. Also there was a prophecy that there will be one person who should prevent her from dying. Her pop-star name is Full Moon and in the viz manga Meroko and Takumi called her Mickey as her nickname


Dark Angel, the being who created the Anime club at Arundel High. Formerly known as... "Jason".




this charachter was invented in 1990 to inspire 16 year olds going to israel for the first time to emigrate there. the cartoon boasting superhuman strength and an unncany ability to have answers to every question and therefore show perspective 'aliyah' making teenagers tojoin the army and live in Israel hapilly ever after. the cartoon was withdrawn later that year due to a lack of effect on the clever teenagers...

Pepper Parks is in the HWA.


( 21:55, 5 June 2006 (UTC))[reply]

Dr Tun Lin Moe (b 1964) was born in Lewe, a town near new capital of Nay Pyi Daw, Mandalay Division, Burma. His parents are U Moe Kyaw and Daw Thein Thein Tin. His father was a rice-miller. He has two younger brothers and two younger sisters. All of them resided in his hometown, Lewe. He grew up in his home town. After graduating from the State High School of Lewe in 1980, he undertook bachelor of agriculture study program between 1981 and 1986 at Yezin Agricultural University, Yezin, Pyinmana. In 1989, he left Burma for Thailand. He received a Master of Arts in Business Communication and Management from The University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce in 1992 and a Ph.D. in Development Administration from the National Institute of Development Administration in 2003 in Thailand. He was appointed as a postdoctoral fellow at Asian Institute of Technology from January to December 2005. He is now currently associated as visiting researcher at Karlsruhe University.


Function: The Circulatory System involves the transporting of cells and their waste products along with related chemicals throughout the body, and transports oxygen and nutrients to all cells, and removes their waste and carbon dioxide.

Organs Included: Cardiac muscle (heart), blood vessels (arteries and veins)

Process: The functioning of the circulatory system revolves around the heart.

The heart acts as a double pump to move the oxygenated blood to throughout the body and deoxygenated blood back to the lungs. Oxygenated blood is carried away from the heart by the arteries, while deoxygenated blood, along with the carbon dioxide (CO2) produced as a by-product from the cellular respiration carried out by the cells is carried back by the veins. The circulatory system is also an important factor in transporting hormones, proteins, and other substances from the digestive system throughout the body.

The heart consists of four chambers. The left and right atrium and left and right ventricle. The blood enters the heart from the body deoxygenated from the superior and inferior vena cavas into the right atrium. When the atrium contracts, it sends the blood through a one way valve (tricuspid valve) into the right ventricle. The right ventricle then contracts, sending the blood through the Pulmonary valve to the lungs to be oxygenated. The blood then re-enters the heart into the left atrium, and then is pumped into the most powerful chamber, the left ventricle through the Mitral valve. The left ventricle pumps the blood through the Aortic valve and out through the aorta to all parts of the body.

Blood consists of two parts: the cells and the plasma. Plasma consists of water, metabolites, wastes, hormones, ions, and proteins. Oxygen is carried by the blood bound to molecules of iron in hemoglobin. The hemoglobin is carried in the red blood cells. The blood also contains white blood cells, which are part of the immune system. The final important part of the blood are the platelets. The platelets are coiled protein fibers that are released into long, narrow fibers by a chemical signal released into the blood by damaged cells. The fibers become caught at the damage site and begin to form a clot. The resulting clot is the scab you see after a cut or scrape.

                                            BY:Yahoo  BY: Pearls Marichalls