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Chronological list of saints and blesseds in the 19th century

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A list of 19th-century saints:

Name Birth Birthplace Death Place of death Notes
Blessed Didacus Joseph of Cadiz 1743 Cádiz, Spain 1801  
Joseph Pignatelli 1737 Saragossa, Spain 1811  
Blessed Giles Mary of St. Joseph 1729   1812  
Blessed Emily Bicchieri 1238   1314  
Blessed Peter Ou     1814  
Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions     1815  
Francis Bianchi 1743   1815  
John Gabriel Taurin Dufresse 1750   1815   Bishop of Sichuan Province
Blessed Joseph Tchang Ta-Pong 1754   1815  
Blessed Joseph Yuen     1815  
Julie Billiart 1751 Cuvilly, Picardy, France 1816 Namur, Belgium
John Lantrua of Triora 1760   1816  
Clement Mary Hofbauer 1751   1820  
Blessed Francis Regis Clet 1748   1820  
Elizabeth Ann Seton 1774 New York City 1821 Emmitsburg, Maryland
Antonio Galvao 1739   1822  
Blessed Thaddeus Lieu     1823  
Vincent Strambi 1745   1824   Bishop of Macera
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerick 1774   1824  
Blessed Elisabeth Canori Mora 1774   1825  
Joan Antidea Thouret (Jane Antide) 1765   1828  
Blessed Dominic Lentini 1770   1828  
Blessed Vincent Romano 1751   1831  
Bartholomea Capitanio 1807   1833  
Francis Isidore Gagelin 1799   1833  
Paul Tong Buong     1833  
Peter Tuy     1833  
Andrew Hubert Fournet 1752   1834  
Peter Liu Wenyuan     1834  
Blessed Peter Lieou     1834  
Andrew Trong van Tran 1814   1835  
Joseph Marchand     1835  
Magdalena of Canossa 1774   1835  
Blessed Catherine Jarrige 1754   1836  
Blessed Nunzio Sulprizio 1817   1836  
Caspar Del Bufalo 1786   1837  
Claudine Thevenet 1774   1837  
Francis Xavier Can     1837  
Jean-Charles Cornay 1809   1837  
Blessed Anna Maria Taigi 1769   1837  
Anthony Peter Dich     1838  
Bernard Due     1838  
Domingo Hanh Van Nguyen 1772   1838  
Domingo Nicolas Dat Dinh 1803   1838  
Dominic Henares     1838  
Dominic Uy, Francis Xavier Mau, Augustin Mot, Stephen Vihn, and Thomas De     1838  
Dominic Van Honh Dieu     1838  
Francis Jaccard     1838  
Ignacio Delgado y Cebrian 1761   1838   Bishop of East Tonkin
James Nam     1838  
Joan Elizabeth Bichier des Ages 1773   1838  
Jose Uyen Dinh Nguyen 1775   1838  
Joseph Canh     1838  
Joseph Peter Uyen     1838  
Joseph Vien Dinh Dang 1786   1838  
Michael My     1838  
Paul My, Peter Duong, and Peter Truat     1838  
Peter Dumoulin-Borle, Peter Vu Dang Khoa, Vincent Nguyen The Diem, and Companions     1838  
Peter Duong     1838  
Peter Tu Van Nguyen and Jose Canh Luong Hoang     1838  
Peter Tu     1838  
Peter Tuan     1838  
Peter Yi Ho-yong 1802   1838  
Thomas Dien     1838  
Vincent Diem     1838  
Vincent Yen     1838  
Blessed Joseph Fernandez     1838  
Blessed Marie Rivier 1768   1838  
Andrew Dung Lac An Tran 1795   1839  
Anne Pak A-gi 1783   1839  
Augustine Moi     1839  
Augustine Nyou Tjin-kil (Yu Chin-gil) 1790   1839  
Augustine of Huy     1839  
Barbara Han A-gi 1791   1839  
Cecilia Ryou So-Sa 1760   1839  
Columba Kim Hyo-im 1813   1839  
Dominic Doan Xuyen     1839  
Dominic Tuoc     1839  
Elizabeth Chong Chong-hye 1796   1839  
Francis Ch'oe Kyong-Hwan 1804   1839  
Jacques Honore Chastan 1803   1839   priest and martyr
Joachim Hao Kaizhi     1839  
John Baptist Yi Kwang-nyol     1839  
Joseph Chang Song-jib 1785   1839  
Julietta Kim Yuridae 1783   1839  
Laurent Imbert 1796   1839   Bishop of Capsa
Lucy Pak Hui-sun 1800   1839  
Magdalene Ho Kye-im 1771   1839  
Magdalene Pak Pong-son 1795   1839  
Nicholas The and Augustine Hue     1839  
Peter Thi 1763   1839  
Peter Yu Taech'oi     1839  
Protasius Chong Kuk-bo 1798   1839  
Thomas Du     1839  
Blessed Francis Man     1839  
Agatha Kwon Chin-I 1819   1840  
Agatha Yi 1822   1840  
Andrew Chong Hwa-Gyong 1807   1840  
Anthony Kim Song-U 1794   1840  
Anthony Nam-Quynh 1768   1840  
John Baptist Con     1840  
John Baptist Thanh     1840  
Joseph Hien Quang Do 1775   1840  
Joseph Nghi, priest and martyr, and Companions     1840  
Joseph Nien Vien     1840  
Luke Loan     1840  
Mary Yi In-dok 1818   1840  
Paul Ho Hyob 1795   1840  
Paul Khoan Khan Pham and Companions     1840  
Paul Ngan     1840  
Peter Hieu     1840  
Peter Hong Pyong-ju and Paul Hong Yong-ju     1840  
Peter Tu     1840  
Stephen Min Kuk-ka 1787   1840  
Theresa Kim 1795   1840  
Blessed John-Gabriel Perboyre     1840  
Marcellinus Champagnat 1789   1840  
Blessed Stephen Bellesini 1774   1840  
Thomas Toan     1840  
Agnes Le Thi Thanh 1781   1841  
Peter Chanel 1803   1841  
Dominic Trach     1842  
Giuseppe Benedetto Cottolengo 1786   1842  
Peter Khanh 1780   1842  
Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice 1762   1844  
Blessed Peter Francis Jamet 1762   1845  
Andrew Kim Taegon 1821   1846  
Anthony Mary Gianelli 1789   1846   Bishop of Bobbio
Charles Hyon Song-mun 1797   1846  
Mary Magdalen Postel 1756   1846  
Teresa Kim Im-i 1811   1846  
Matthew Gam Van Le 1812   1847  
Vincentia Gerose 1784   1847  
Blessed Dominic Barberi 1792   1849  
Blessed Lodovico Pavoni 1784   1849  
Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher 1811   1849  
Vincent Pallotti     1850  
Blessed William Joseph Chaminade 1761   1850  
Augustine Schoeffler 1822   1851  
Blessed Anne Mary Javouhey 1779   1851  
Blessed Emilie Tavernier Gamelin 1800   1851  
Emily de Rodat 1787   1852  
John Louis Bonnard 1824   1852  
Rose Philippine Duchesne 1769   1852  
Blessed Theresa-Eustochium Verzeri 1801   1852  
Gaspard Bertoni 1777   1853  
Philip Minh     1853  
Blessed Maria Rafols 1781   1853  
Joaquina Vedruna de Mas 1783   1854  
Joseph Luu     1854  
Andrew Nam-Thuong     1855  
Andrew Thong Kim Nguyen 1790   1855  
John Baptist Mazzucconi 1825   1855  
Blessed Francisca Ana Cirer Carbonell 1781   1855  
Blessed Michael Ghebre (Mikael Gabra)     1855  
Agnes Cao Guiying 1833   1856  
Augustus Chapdelaine 1814   1856  
Emily de Vialar 1797   1856  
Laurence Bai Xiaoman     1856  
Lawrence Huong Van Nguyen 1802   1856  
Blessed Lawrence PeMan     1856  
Blessed Lawrence Salvi 1782   1856  
Blessed Rosalie Rendu 1786   1856  
Dominic of Savio 1842   1857  
Jose Diaz Sanjurjo 1818   1857   Bishop of Central Tonkin
Michael Hy-Dinh-Ho 1808   1857  
Paul Tinh     1857  
Peter Van     1857  
Blessed Caterina Cittadini 1801   1857  
Agatha Lin 1817   1858  
Dominic (Ha Trong) Mau 1808   1858  
Francis Trung Van Tran 1825   1858  
Melchor Garcia Sampedro 1821   1858  
Blessed Benedicta Cambiagio Frassinello 1791   1858  
Blessed Lawrence Wang 1811   1858  
Nimatullah Youssef Kassab Al-Hardini 1808   1858  
Emmanuel Phung     1859  
John Mary Vianney 1786   1859  
Paul Hanh     1859  
Paul Loc Van Le 1830   1859  
Peter Quy and Emmanuel Phung     1859  
John Neumann 1811   1860   Bishop of Philadelphia
Joseph Thi Dang Le 1825   1860  
Justin de Jacobis 1800   1860   Bishop of Massawa
Martyrs of Damascus     1860  
Peter Francis Neron 1818   1860  
Blessed Elisabetta Vendramini 1790   1860  
Blessed Emmanuel Ruiz and companions 1804   1860  
Gaetano Errico 1791   1860  
Blessed John Nepomucen 1777   1860  
Blessed Peter Friedhofen 1819   1860  
Etienne-Theodore Cluenot 1802   1861  
Eugene of Mazenod 1782   1861  
Ignatius Delgado, Vincent Liem, Francis Gil, and companions 1745   1861  
John Hoan     1861  
Jose Khang Duy Nguyen 1832   1861  
Joseph Khang     1861  
Joseph Zhang Wenlan, Paul Chen Changpin, John Baptist Luo Tingying, and Martha Wang Luo     1861  
Matthew Dac Nguyen     1861  
Theophane Venard 1829   1861  
Trinh Doan     1861  
Valentine Berrio-Ochoa     1861  
Blessed Mancius of the Holy Cross     1861  
Blessed Pierre Bonhomme 1803   1861  
Bénilde Romançon 1805   1862  
Dominic Mao Trong Ha and Companions     1862  
Dominican Martyrs of Vietnam 1856   1862  
Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows     1862  
Peter Dung Van Dinh     1862  
Peter Thuan     1862  
Vincent Duong     1862  
Blessed John Peter Neel and companions 1832   1862  
Lucy Yi Zhenmei     1862  
Michael Garicoits 1797   1863  
Blessed Jacques-Désiré Laval 1803 Croth, France 1864 Port Louis, Mauritius
Madeleine Sophie Barat 1779   1865  
Maria Micaela Desmaisieres 1809   1865  
Blessed Adolf Kolping 1813   1865  
Blessed Paula Cerioli 1816   1865  
Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions     1866  
Bartholomew Chong Mun-ho 1801   1866  
Francis Maria of Camporosso 1804 Camporosso 1866 Genoa Called Padre Santo
John Baptist Chon Chang-un 1810   1866  
John Baptist Nam Chong-Sam 1816   1866  
Joseph Cho Yun-ho 1847   1866  
Mark Chong Ui-bae 1794   1866  
Peter Cho Hwa-so     1866  
Peter Ch'oe Hyong 1813   1866  
Simeon Berneux 1814   1866  
Henri Dorie 1839   1866  
Antoine Daveluy 1818   1866  
Mary de Mattias 1805   1866  
Blessed Peter Ryou Tiyeng-Rioul 1816   1866  
Thomas Son Cha-son 1838   1866  
John Yi Yun-il 1822   1867  
Paul Chong Hasang and Companions 1839   1867  
Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos 1819   1867  
Peter Julian Eymard, priest, founder of Congregation and Servants of the Blessed Sacrament 1811   1868  
Blessed Marie-Dominique Brun Brabantini 1789   1868  
Blessed Mary of Saint Euphrasia Pelletier 1796   1868  
Narcisa de Jesus Martillo Moran 1832   1869  
Anthony Mary Claret 1807   1870  
Clelia Barbieri 1847   1870  
Blessed Edmund Bojanowski 1814   1871  
Kuriakose Elias Chavara 1805   1871   Founder of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate and Congregation of the Mother of Carmel
Blessed Francisco Palau 1811   1872  
Blessed Wincenty Lewoniuk and companions     1874  
Catherine Laboure 1806   1876  
Maria Rosa Molas y Vallve 1815   1876  
Blessed Frederick Albert 1820   1876  
Blessed Marie-Therese Haze 1782   1876  
Placide Viel 1815   1877  
Blessed Mariam Bawardy 1846   1878  
Blessed Mother Mary of Jesus (Emilie d'Oultremont d'Hooghvorst) 1818   1878  
Blessed Pius IX 1792   1878   Pope
Bernadette Soubirous     1879  
Blessed Anthony Chevrier 1825   1879  
Jeanne Jugan 1792   1879  
Blessed Margaret Bays 1815   1879  
Blessed Marie-Therese of Jesus 1797   1879  
Blessed Marcantonio Durando 1801   1880  
Blessed Pauline von Mallinckrodt 1817   1881  
Paula Frassinetti 1809   1882  
Blessed Annunciata Cocchetti 1800   1882  
Blessed Martha Le Bouteiller 1816   1883  
Blessed Mercedes de Jesús Molina 1828   1883  
Luigi Scrosoppi 1804   1884  
Blessed Marie De Jesus Deluil-Martiny 1841   1884  
Adolphus Ludigo-Mkasa     1885  
Bruno Seronkuma     1885  
Dionysius Sebuggwao     1885  
Mary Di Rosa 1813   1885  
Blessed Louise Therese de Montaignac de Chauvance 1820   1885  
Blessed Ludovico of Casoria 1814   1885  
Blessed Maria del Transito Cabanillas 1821   1885  
Blessed Thérèse Couderc 1805   1885  
Achilleus Kewanuka     1886  
Ambrose Kibuka     1886  
Anatole Kiriggwajjo     1886  
Andrew Kaggwa     1886  
Athanasius Badzekuketta     1886  
Gonzaga Gonza     1886  
Gyavire     1886  
James Buzabalio     1886  
John Maria Muzeyi     1886  
Joseph Mukasa     1886  
Luke Banabakiutu     1886  
Mary-Joseph Rosello 1811   1886  
Matiya Mulumba (Mathias Murumba)     1886  
Mbaga Tuzinde     1886  
Mugagga     1886  
Mukasa Kiriwawanyu     1886  
Noe Mawaggali     1886  
Pontian Ngondwe     1886  
Blessed Kizito     1886  
Blessed Maria Encarnacion Rosal 1820   1886  
Carl Lwanga and companions, Martyrs of Uganda     1887  
John Mary Mzec     1887  
Maria Soledad (Maria Desolata) 1826   1887  
Blessed Clare Bosatta of Pianello 1858   1887  
Blessed Mary Catherine of Saint Rose (Constantia Troiani) 1813   1887  
John Bosco 1815   1888  
Blessed Ann Michelotti 1843   1888  
Blessed Francis Faa of Bruno 1825   1888  
Blessed Giacomo Cusmano 1834   1888  
Blessed Giovanni Antonio Farina 1803   1888  
Blessed Marie-Therese Scherer 1825   1888  
Paula Montal Fornes 1799   1889  
Damien of Molokai (Damien Joseph de Veuster) 1840   1889  
Blessed Gaetana Sterni 1827   1889  
Blessed Marie-Therese de Soubiran 1835   1889  
Blessed John Henry Newman 1801 London, England 1890 Edgbaston, England Cardinal-Deacon of San Giorgio in Velabro
Blessed Arnold Rèche 1838   1890  
Blessed Innocent of Berzo 1844   1890  
Blessed Maria Repetto 1807   1890  
Blessed Marie Anne Blondin 1809   1890  
Blessed Tommaso Maria Fusco 1831   1891  
Antonio Maria Pucci 1819   1892  
Blessed Augusto Czartoryski 1858   1893  
Blessed Ferdinand Mary Baccilieri 1821   1893  
Charles of Mount Argus (John Andrew Houben) 1821   1893  
Blessed Mary Joseph Naval Girbes (Josepha Naval Girbés) 1820   1893  
Agostina Livia Pietrantoni 1864   1894  
Conrad Birndorfer of Parzham 1818   1894  
Caterina Volpicelli 1839   1894  
Blessed Joseph Benedict Dusmet 1818   1894  
Blessed Marie-Henry Dominic 1829   1894  
Blessed Victoria Rosoamanarivo 1848   1894  
Joseph Marello 1844   1895   Bishop of Acqui
Blessed Salvator Lilli and 7 companions 1853   1895  
Blessed Sigmund Felix Felinski 1822   1895   Bishop of Warsaw
Vincentia Maria Lopez y Vicuña 1847 Cascante, Spain 1896 Madrid, Spain
Blessed James Berthieu 1838   1896  
Blessed Zefirino Agostini 1813   1896  
Teresa of Jesus Jornet e Ibars 1843   1897  
Therese de Lisieux (Therese of the Child Jesus) 1873   1897  
Blessed Giuseppe Tovini 1841   1897  
Sharbel Makhluf 1828   1898  
Marie-Eugenie of Jesus 1817   1898  
Blessed Kaspar Stanggassinger 1871   1899  
Blessed Maria Droste zu Vischering 1863   1899  
Blessed Angela Truszkowska, foundress of the Felician Sisters 1825   1899  
Alberic Crescitelli     1900  
Gregory Grassi, Francis Fogolla, and companions     1900  
Leonard Murialdo 1828   1900  
Modeste Andlauer and Rémy Isoré     1900  
Blessed Alberic of Crescitelli 1863   1900  
Blessed Anna Rosa Gattorno 1831   1900  
Blessed Anthony Fantosat     1900  
Blessed Eugenia Ravasco 1845   1900  
Blessed Franciscan Martyrs of China     1900  
Blessed Leo Ignatius Mangin and Paul Denn     1900  
Blessed Luigi Monti 1825   1900  
Blessed Marie Helene Stollenwerk 1852   1900  
Blessed Rafaela Ybarra de Vilallonga 1843   1900  

See also