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Geologic time scale

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Dragons flight (talk | contribs) at 23:45, 22 October 2004 (rv DanielCD. The timing of the appearance of the first vertebrates is disputed, Some papers argue for Cambrian vertebrates.). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

A timeline of geologic periods in accordance with the dates and nomenclature proposed by the International Commission on Stratigraphy.

(not shown to scale)

Years Ago3,6 Epoch Period/Age4,5 Era Eon Major Events
Present day Holocene Quaternary Cenozoic Phanerozoic End of ice age and rise of modern civilization
11430 Pleistocene Extinction of many large mammals. Evolution of fully modern humans
1.81 million Pliocene Tertiary Neogene  
5.33 million Miocene
23.0 million Oligocene Paleogene
37.2 million Eocene Appearance of first "modern" mammals
55.8 million Paleocene  
65.5 million*   Cretaceous Mesozoic Dinosaurs reach peak, become extinct. Primitive placental mammals
146 million Jurassic Marsupial mammals, first birds, first flowering plants
200 million Triassic First dinosaurs, Egg-laying mammals, breakup of Pangea into Gondwana and Laurasia
251 million* Permian Paleozoic Permian extinction event- 95% of life on Earth becomes extinct
299 million Carboniferous1 Pennsylvanian Abundant insects, first reptiles, coal forests
318 million Mississippian Large primitive trees, first land vertebrates
359 million Devonian First amphibians, clubmosses and horsetails appear, progymnosperms (first seed bearing plants) appear
416 million* Silurian First vascular land plants, first jawed fish
443 million* Ordovician Invertebrates dominant; first land plants
488 million* Cambrian Major diversification of life in the Cambrian explosion
542 million* Ediacaran Neoproterozoic Proterozoic2 First multi-celled animals
630 million*,8 Cryogenian Possible snowball Earth period, Rodinia begins to break up
850 million Tonian First acritarch radiation
1.0 billion Stennian Mesoproterozoic Formation of Rodinia
1.2×109 Ectasian  
1.4×109 Calymmian
1.6×109 Statherian Paleoproterozoic First complex single-celled life
1.8×109 Orosirian Transition to oxygen atmosphere
2.05×109 Rhyacian  
2.3×109 Siderian
2.5×109   Neoarchean Archaean2
2.8×109 Mesoarchean
3.2×109 Paleoarchean
3.6×109 Eoarchean Simple single-celled life
3.8×109   Hadean2,7 4.1×109 - Oldest known rock;
4.4×109 - Oldest known mineral;
4.57×109 - Formation of Earth

1) In North America, the Carboniferous is subdivided into Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Periods.

2) The Proterozoic, Archean and Hadean are often collectively referred to as Precambrian Time, and sometimes also as the Cryptozoic.

3) Dates are slightly uncertain with differences of a few percent between various sources being common. This is largely due to uncertainties in radiometric dating and the problem that deposits suitable for radiometric dating seldom occur exactly at the places in the geologic column where we would most like to have them. Dates with an * are radiometrically determined based on internationally agreed to GSSPs. The dates quoted above are according to the International Commission on Stratigraphy 2004 time scale. All dates given are for the end of the interval in question.

4) Paleontologists often refer to faunal stages rather than geologic Periods. The Stage Nomenclature is quite complex. See Harland for an excellent time ordered list of faunal stages. Also see the article on GSSPs.

5) In common usage the Tertiary-Quaternary and Paleogene-Neogene-Quaternary Periods are treated as equivalents to the Mesozoic and Paleozoic Periods. The term 'Period|Age' (e.g. 'Neogene Period|Age') is sometimes used instead of 'Period'.

6) The time shown in the "Years Ago" column is that of the end of the interval named beside it.

7) Hadean was sometimes called Priscoan.

8) The GSSP for the base of the Ediacaran, ratified in 2004, is a climatic/geochemical marker rather than biostratigraphic. It represents the end of a widespread glaciation event.

The following five timelines show the geologic time scale to scale. The first shows the entire time from the formation of the Earth to the present, but this gives little space for the most recent eon. The second timeline shows an expanded view of the most recent eon. In a similar way, the most recent era is expanded in the third timeline, the most recent period is expanded in the fourth timeline, and the most recent epoch is expanded in the fifth timeline.

GelasianCalabrian (stage)ChibanianLate PleistocenePleistoceneHoloceneQuaternary

Horizontal scale is Millions of years (above timelines) / Thousands of years (below timeline)


See also



When used in formal writing, specific geological and historical periods and events are capitalized. Some examples: the Silurian Period, the Ice Age, the Neolithic, the Archean; however, when not specific, some historical events remain uncapitalized, as in ice ages.