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2022–23 PSA World Tour Finals

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2022–23 PSA World Tour
Event name2022–23 PSA World Tour Finals
PSA World Tour standings
Year2022–23 PSA World Tour

The 2022–23 PSA World Tour is a series of men's and women's squash tournaments which are part of the Professional Squash Association (PSA) PSA World Tour from August 2022 until July 2023. The PSA World Tour tournaments are some of the most prestigious events on the men's and women's tour. The best-performing players in the World Tour events qualify for the annual Men's and Women's Finals.

Starting in August 2018, PSA replaced World Series tournaments with new PSA World Tour, comprising four new tournament-tiers: Platinum ($164,500–$180,500), Gold ($100,000–$120,500), Silver ($70,000–$88,000) and Bronze ($51,000–$53,000) each one awarding different points.

PSA World Tour Ranking Points


PSA World Tour events also have a separate World Tour ranking. Points for this are calculated on a cumulative basis after each World Tour event. The top eight players at the end of the calendar year are then eligible to play in the PSA World Tour Finals.

Ranking points vary according to tournament tier being awarded as follows:

Tournament Ranking Points
Rank Prize Money US$ Ranking Points Winner Runner up 3/4 5/8 9/16 17/32 33/48
World Championship $500,000 25045 points 3175 2090 1270 780 475 290 177.5
Platinum $164,500–$180,500 19188 points 2750 1810 1100 675 410 250 152.5
Gold $100,000–$120,500 10660 points 1750 1150 700 430 260 160
Silver $75,000–$88,000 7470 points 1225 805 490 300 182.5 112.5
Bronze $47,500–$55,000 5330 points 875 575 350 215 130 80




Tournament Country Location Rank Prize money Date Winner
CIB ZED Squash Open  Egypt Sheikh Zayed City Bronze $55,000 24–28 August 2022 Egypt Youssef Soliman
QTerminals Qatar Classic  Qatar Doha Platinum $187,500 4–10 September 2022 England Mohamed El Shorbagy
Open de France  France Nantes Bronze $55,000 12–17 September 2022 France Victor Crouin
CIB Egyptian Open  Egypt Cairo Platinum $300,000 19–25 September 2022 Egypt Ali Farag
Oracle Netsuite Open  United States San Francisco Silver $80,000 30 September–4 October 2022 England Mohamed El Shorbagy
U.S. Open  United States Philadelphia Platinum $181,377 8–15 October 2022 Peru Diego Elías
Grasshopper Cup  Switzerland Zürich Gold $107,500 18–23 October 2022 Egypt Mostafa Asal
Robertson Lodges New Zealand Open  New Zealand Mount Maunganui Silver $77,500 8–13 November 2022 England Mohamed El Shorbagy
MARIGOLD Singapore Open  Singapore Kallang Gold $110,000 15–20 November 2022 England Mohamed El Shorbagy
Malaysian Open  Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Bronze $52,500 22–26 November 2022 Egypt Mazen Hesham
Everbright Securities International HK Open  Hong Kong Hong Kong Platinum $170,000 28 November–4 December 2022 Egypt Mostafa Asal
Hong Kong Football Club Open  Hong Kong Hong Kong Bronze $55,000 6–10 December 2022 Egypt Marwan El Shorbagy
Houston Open  United States Houston Gold $110,000 11–15 January 2023 Egypt Mostafa Asal
J.P. Morgan Tournament of Champions  United States New York City Platinum $180,000 18–26 January 2023 Peru Diego Elías
Sturbridge Capital Motor City Open  United States Bloomfield Hills Silver $80,000 1–5 February 2023 Peru Diego Elías
Pittsburgh Open  United States Pittsburgh Silver $80,000 8–12 February 2023 Peru Diego Elías
Oxford Properties Canadian Open  Canada Calgary Bronze $55,000 13–17 February 2023 Wales Joel Makin
Squash on Fire Open  United States Washington, D.C. Bronze $50,000 22–26 February 2023 France Victor Crouin
Black Ball Squash Open  Egypt New Cairo Gold $110,000 2–7 March 2023 England Mohamed El Shorbagy
GillenMarkets Canary Wharf Classic  England London Gold $110,000 12–17 March 2023 New Zealand Paul Coll
OptAsia Championships  England London Gold $108,500 21–26 March 2023 Egypt Karim Abdel Gawad
British Open  England Birmingham Platinum $179,000 9–16 April 2023 Egypt Ali Farag
PSA World Championships  United States Chicago W.C. $500,000 3–11 May 2023 Egypt Ali Farag
Manchester Open  England Manchester Silver $76,000 17–21 May 2023 Egypt Ali Farag
El Gouna International  Egypt El Gouna Platinum $180,000 26 May–2 June 2023 Egypt Ali Farag



Top 16 Men's PSA World Tour Standings 2022–23[1]
Rank Player Tournaments
United States
United States
New Zealand
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United Kingdom
United States
1 Peru Diego Elías 16 DNP 675 DNP 1100 490 2750 700 DNP 1150 DNP 1810 DNP DNP 2750 1225 1225 DNP DNP 700 260 260 1810 780 DNP 1100 18785
2 Egypt Ali Farag 12 DNP 410 DNP 2750 DNP 1810 260 DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP 300 DNP DNP 430 700 430 2750 3175 1225 2750 16990
3 England Mohd. El Shorbagy 15 DNP 2750 DNP 410 1225 1100 DNP 1225 1750 DNP 1100 DNP 1150 250 DNP DNP DNP DNP 1750 430 260 410 1270 DNP 1100 16180
4 Egypt Mostafa Asal 12 DNP 1100 DNP 1100 DNP 250 1750 DNP 700 DNP 2750 DNP 1750 410 DNP DNP DNP DNP 260 700 DNP DNP 1270 DNP 1810 13850
5 Egypt Marw. El Shorbagy 18 DNP 675 575 675 805 1100 1150 DNP DNP 215 675 875 700 1810 DNP 805 DNP DNP 430 260 260 675 475 DNP 410 12570
6 New Zealand Paul Coll 14 DNP 250 DNP 1810 DNP 675 430 805 260 DNP 1100 DNP DNP 1100 300 DNP DNP DNP 260 1750 DNP 1100 780 DNP 675 11295
7 Egypt Mazen Hesham 17 DNP DNP DNP 675 490 410 DNP DNP 430 875 675 575 700 675 805 300 DNP DNP 430 430 700 1100 780 DNP 675 10725
8 France Victor Crouin 18 575 1810 875 410 DNP 250 DNP 490 430 DNP 675 DNP 430 675 DNP DNP 575 875 DNP 260 260 675 290 300 675 10530
9 Egypt Tarek Momen 15 DNP 1100 DNP 675 DNP 675 430 DNP 430 575 DNP DNP DNP 675 490 182.5 DNP DNP 1150 430 DNP 675 780 490 410 9167.5
10 Egypt Youssef Soliman 19 875 410 DNP 250 182.5 675 260 DNP DNP DNP 675 350 430 410 300 490 DNP DNP 260 160 1150 410 177.5 182.5 410 8057.5
11 Wales Joel Makin 15 DNP 250 DNP DNP DNP 675 430 DNP 700 350 DNP DNP DNP 250 DNP 300 875 DNP 700 1150 430 250 475 490 410 7735
12 Egypt Karim Abdel Gawad 7 DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP 260 260 1750 675 2090 805 250 6090
13 Colombia Miguel Á Rodríguez 15 DNP 675 DNP DNP 300 410 160 182.5 260 215 250 DNP DNP 1100 300 300 350 DNP DNP DNP DNP 250 475 DNP 250 5477.5
14 Egypt Fares Dessouky 11 DNP 410 DNP 675 DNP 410 700 DNP 160 DNP DNP DNP DNP 675 490 DNP DNP DNP 430 DNP DNP DNP 290 300 410 4950
15 Switzerland Nicolas Müller 17 DNP 250 DNP 250 DNP DNP 430 DNP 260 350 250 130 260 410 DNP DNP 215 DNP 160 260 260 410 177.5 300 250 4622.5
16 France Grégoire Marche 17 DNP 250 130 410 DNP 250 260 DNP 260 DNP DNP DNP 430 250 300 182.5 DNP DNP 260 160 260 250 290 112.5 152.5 4207.5

Bold – Players qualified for the final
(*) – Winners of Platinum's tournaments automatically qualifies for Finals.
(‡) – Withdrew one day before PSA World Tour Finals due to an injury.

Final tournament Country Location Prize money Date 2022–23 World Tour Champion
Men's PSA World Tour Finals  Egypt EDNC SODIC, New Cairo $202,500 20–25 June 2023 Egypt Mostafa Asal




Tournament Country Location Rank Prize money Date Winner
CIB ZED Squash Open  Egypt Sheikh Zayed City Bronze $55,000 24–28 August 2022 Egypt Nour El Tayeb
South Western Open  United States Houston Gold $110,000 6–11 September 2022 Egypt Nouran Gohar
Open de France  France Nantes Bronze $55,000 12–17 September 2022 Belgium Nele Gilis
CIB Egyptian Open  Egypt Cairo Platinum $300,000 19–25 September 2022 Egypt Hania El Hammamy
Oracle Netsuite Open  United States San Francisco Silver $80,000 30 September–4 October 2022 United States Amanda Sobhy
U.S. Open  United States Philadelphia Platinum $181,377 8–15 October 2022 Egypt Nouran Gohar
Grasshopper Cup  Switzerland Zürich Gold $107,500 18–23 October 2022 Egypt Nour El Sherbini
Barfoot & Thompson New Zealand Open  New Zealand Mount Maunganui Silver $77,500 8–13 November 2022 New Zealand Joelle King
MARIGOLD Singapore Open  Singapore Kallang Gold $110,000 15–20 November 2022 New Zealand Joelle King
Malaysian Open  Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Bronze $52,500 22–26 November 2022 Belgium Nele Gilis
Everbright Securities International HK Open  Hong Kong Hong Kong Platinum $170,000 28 November–4 December 2022 Egypt Hania El Hammamy
Corcoran Carol Weymuller Open  United States New York City Bronze $51,250 11–15 January 2023 England Georgina Kennedy
J.P. Morgan Tournament of Champions  United States New York City Platinum $180,000 18–26 January 2023 Egypt Nour El Sherbini
Cleveland Classic  United States Pepper Pike Silver $75,000 1–5 February 2023 England Georgina Kennedy
DAC Pro Squash Classic  United States Detroit Silver $82,500 7–11 February 2023 United States Olivia Fiechter
Cincinnati Gaynor Cup  United States Cincinnati Silver $75,000 12–16 February 2023 Egypt Nouran Gohar
Squash on Fire Open  United States Washington, D.C. Bronze $50,000 22–26 February 2023 Belgium Tinne Gilis
Chestnut Hill Classic  United States Philadelphia Bronze $51,250 2–6 March 2023 United States Olivia Fiechter
Black Ball Squash Open  Egypt New Cairo Gold $110,000 2–7 March 2023 Egypt Nouran Gohar
Canadian Women's Open  Canada Toronto Bronze $51,250 26–30 March 2023 United States Amanda Sobhy
British Open  England Birmingham Platinum $179,000 9–16 April 2023 Egypt Nour El Sherbini
PSA World Championships  United States Chicago W.C. $500,000 3–11 May 2023 Egypt Nour El Sherbini
Manchester Open  England Manchester Silver $76,000 17–21 May 2023 Egypt Nour El Tayeb
El Gouna International  Egypt El Gouna Platinum $180,000 26 May–2 June 2023 Egypt Nouran Gohar



Top 16 Women's World Tour Standings 2022–23[2]
Rank Player Tournaments
United States
United States
United States
New Zealand
Hong Kong
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United Kingdom
United States
1 Egypt Nouran Gohar 10 DNP 1750 DNP 1810 DNP 2750 DNP DNP DNP DNP 1100 DNP 1810 DNP DNP 1225 DNP DNP 1750 DNP 1810 2090 DNP 2750 18845
2 Egypt Nour El Sherbini 9 DNP DNP DNP 1100 DNP 1810 1750 DNP DNP DNP 1810 DNP 2750 DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP 430 DNP 2750 3175 DNP 1100 16675
3 Egypt Hania El Hammamy 9 DNP DNP DNP 2750 DNP 410 1150 DNP DNP DNP 2750 DNP 1100 DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP 1150 DNP 675 1270 DNP 1100 12355
4 New Zealand Joelle King 14 DNP DNP DNP 410 490 1100 DNP 1225 1750 DNP 1100 DNP 1100 300 300 DNP DNP DNP 700 DNP 1100 1270 300 250 11395
5 Belgium Nele Gilis 16 350 DNP 875 410 DNP 410 DNP 490 430 875 675 DNP 410 182.5 300 DNP DNP 350 DNP DNP 410 780 805 1810 9562.5
6 Egypt Nour El Tayeb 12 875 1150 DNP 410 DNP 1100 430 DNP 1150 DNP 675 DNP 675 300 DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP DNP 780 1225 410 9180
7 United States Amanda Sobhy 12 DNP 700 DNP 1100 1225 675 DNP DNP 700 DNP DNP DNP 675 300 DNP DNP DNP DNP 700 875 1100 780 182.5 DNP 9012.5
8 England Georgina Kennedy 14 DNP 430 DNP 250 DNP DNP 430 DNP 260 DNP DNP 875 675 1225 805 490 DNP DNP 430 DNP 675 780 490 675 8490
9 United States Olivia Fiechter 14 DNP 430 DNP 675 DNP 250 430 DNP 260 575 DNP 575 250 490 1225 182.5 DNP 875 DNP DNP 410 475 DNP DNP 7102.5
10 Egypt Salma Hany 17 575 430 DNP 250 DNP 675 430 182.5 260 DNP 250 215 250 DNP 490 490 DNP DNP 260 575 410 475 DNP 675 6892.5
11 Egypt Rowan Elaraby 14 DNP 700 DNP 250 DNP 675 700 DNP 430 DNP 410 DNP 410 DNP 300 300 DNP DNP 260 DNP 675 475 182.5 410 6177.5
12 Wales Tesni Evans 14 DNP DNP 350 675 DNP 410 700 805 160 350 DNP DNP DNP 300 182.5 DNP DNP DNP 260 DNP 250 475 300 675 5892.5
13 Belgium Tinne Gilis 13 DNP DNP 575 410 DNP 410 260 490 430 DNP DNP DNP 250 DNP 182.5 DNP 875 DNP 430 DNP 410 475 DNP 675 5872.5
14 United States Olivia Clyne 15 DNP 260 DNP 410 182.5 410 DNP 182.5 160 DNP DNP DNP 410 805 490 805 DNP 575 DNP 350 250 290 DNP 250 5830
15 England Sarah-Jane Perry 14 DNP DNP DNP 675 DNP 410 260 300 430 DNP 675 DNP 410 182.5 DNP 182.5 DNP DNP 430 DNP 675 475 182.5 250 5537.5
16 United States Sabrina Sobhy 16 DNP 260 DNP 250 300 675 DNP 300 700 DNP DNP 130 410 182.5 182.5 DNP 350 DNP 260 350 410 475 DNP 250 5485

Bold – Players qualified for the final
(*) – Winners of Platinum's tournaments automatically qualifies for Finals.
(‡) – Withdrew from the PSA World Tour Finals due to an injury.

Final tournament Country Location Prize money Date 2022–23 World Tour Champion
Women's PSA World Tour Finals  Egypt EDNC SODIC, New Cairo $202,500 20–25 June 2023 Egypt Nouran Gohar

See also


