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List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1827)

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Franz Schubert's compositions of 1827 are mostly in the Deutsch catalogue (D) range D 896–936,[1] and include:



Legend to the table
column content
1 D '51 Deutsch number in the first version of the Deutsch catalogue (1951)[2]
2 D utd most recent (utd = up to date) Deutsch catalogue number;[3] the basic collation of the list is according to these numbers – whether or not the possibility to adjust the sorting according to the content of other columns is available depends on the device with which the table is displayed.
3 Op.
Opus number (Op.; p indicates Post. = posthumous) and date of first publication (pbl; between brackets; when there is more than one date the earlier dates indicate partial publications). The column sorts to Opus number, then (earliest of) the publication date(s)
4 AGA Alte Gesamt-Ausgabe = Franz Schubert's Werke: Kritisch durchgesehene Gesammtausgabe. Indicates genre/instrumentation:[4]
5 NSA NGA/NSA/NSE = New Schubert Edition, also indicates genre/instrumentation:[5]
6 Name unique name, with, if available, a link to the relevant encyclopedia article; sorts by name with initial definite ("Der", "Die", "Das", ...) or indefinite ("Ein", "A", ...) articles, and numbers, moved after the expression they qualify: e.g. "Die Hoffnung, ..." sorts as "Hoffnung, Die, ..." – "Thirty Minuets ..." sorts as "Minuets, 30, ...".
7 Key / incipit incipit mostly for songs[6] (linking to lyrics and their translation, for instance at The LiederNet Archive, when available),[7] other compositions by key, except for Schubert's stage works: type of composition in brackets.
8 Date (presumed) date of composition, or, for copies and arrangements, date of Schubert's autograph. Sorts to earliest possible date of completion, unlike the chronology of the Deutsch catalogue that generally collates according to earliest date associated with the composition: e.g. Schubert started the composition of his 3rd String Quartet on 19 November 1812 and completed it on 21 February 1813 – in the Deutsch catalogue the composition is grouped with other compositions from 1812: when using the sort function of the 8th column the composition is grouped with compositions completed in 1813
9 Additional info may include:
  • Information about the text (lyrics,[6][7] libretto) of vocal compositions: e.g., "Text by [text author]", "Text: [standard lyrics]", "... from [literary work]"; "other settings: D ..." indicates Schubert's other settings of the same text; for fields starting with "Text ..." this column sorts by text author (last name, first name—or pen name when such name is more established), then incipit of the lyrics (alternatively, when the incipit is rarely used, title of the work)
  • Information about the authenticity of the composition: the work is without doubt Schubert's unless when marked as "Doubtful", "Spurious?" or "Spurious" (in the last case columns 3–8 give no further information about the composition)
  • Forces needed for performance ("For ..."):
    • may be omitted when the type of composition makes the instrumentation clear (e.g. String Quartet → two violins, viola and cello), and, for vocal music, when the setting is for voice and piano
    • "s", "a", "t" and "b" refer to a single soprano, alto, tenor and bass singer respectively, while "S", "A", "T" and "B" to choral parts for the same types of singers (see SATB).
  • Specifications regarding movements (e.g. "Allegro – Minuet – Rondo") or sections (e.g. "No. 1 ...")
  • Information about the completeness of the extant work: the work is considered complete as extant unless when marked "Sketch", "Incomplete", "Unfinished", "Fragment" or "Lost"
  • Information about versions (e.g. "Two versions: ...")


Compositions by Franz Schubert listed in the Deutsch catalogue for 1827
AGA NSA Name Key / incipit Date Additional info
896 896 IV, 14 Fröhliches Scheiden Gar fröhlich kann ich scheiden fall 1827–
early 1828
Text by Leitner; Sketch
896A IV, 14 Sie in jedem Liede Nehm ich die Harfe fall 1827–
early 1828
Text by Leitner; Sketch
896B IV, 14 Wolke und Quelle Auf meinen heimischen Bergen fall 1827–
early 1828
Text by Leitner; Sketch
897 897 148p
VII, 2
No. 5
VI, 7 No. 4 Notturno (Piano Trio, D 897) E major 1828? Adagio
898 898 99p
VII, 2
No. 3
VI, 7 No. 3 Piano Trio No. 1 B major 1828? Allegro moderato – Andante un poco mosso – Scherzo – Rondo
899 899 90
XI No. 2 VII/2, 5 & Anh. Impromptus Nos. 1–4 C minor – E major – G major – A major summer–
fall 1827?
For piano; Nos. 1–2 publ. 1827
900 900 (1897) XXI, 3
No. 16
VII/2, 5 Anh. Allegretto, D 900 C minor 1821 or
For piano; Fragment
901 901 (1827) XVI
No. 37
III, 4
No. 58
Wein und Liebe Liebchen und der Saft der Reben before
June 1827
Text by Haug; For ttbb
902 902 83
XX, 10
IV, 4 Drei Gesänge: 1. L'incanto degli occhi (Die Macht der Augen) – 2. Il traditor deluso (Der getäuschte Verräter) – 3. Il modo di prender moglie (Die Art ein Weib zu nehmen) 1. Da voi, cari lumi (Nur euch, schöne Sterne) – 2. Ahimè, io tremo! (Weh mir, ich bebe!) – 3. Orsù! non ci pensiamo (Wohlan! und ohne Zagen) 1827
Text by Metastasio, from Attilio Regolo II, 5 (No. 1, other version: D 990E) and Gioas re di Giuda II (No. 2); For b and piano
903 903 81,3
No. 11
III, 3 No. 37
IV, 4
Zur guten Nacht Horch auf! Es schlägt die Stunde January
Text by Rochlitz; For vocal soloist, TTBB and piano
904 904 81,1
XX, 4
No. 287
IV, 4 Alinde Die Sonne sinkt ins tiefe Meer January
Text by Rochlitz
905 905 81,2
XX, 4
No. 288
IV, 4 An die Laute Leiser, leiser, kleine Laute January
Text by Rochlitz
906 906 (1832) XX, 8
No. 514
IV, 14 Der Vater mit dem Kind Dem Vater liegt das kind in Arm January
Text by Bauernfeld
907 907 86
XX, 8
No. 501
IV, 4 Romanze des Richard Löwenherz Großer Taten tat der Ritter fern im heiligen Lande viel March
Text by Scott from Ivanhoe transl. by Müller, (K. L.) M. [wikisource:de] (Ch. 17); Two versions: 2nd, in AGA, is Op. 86
908 908 82,1
IX, 2
No. 17
VII/1, 3 No. 1
Anh. No. 1
Eight Variations on a theme from Hérold's Marie C major February
For piano duet
909 909 96,2
XX, 8
No. 515
IV, 5 Jägers Liebeslied Ich schieß' den Hirsch im grünen Forst February
Text by Schober
910 910 (1833) XX, 8
No. 516
IV, 14 Schiffers Scheidelied Die Wogen am Gestade schwellen February
Text by Schober
911 911 89
XX, 9
IV, 4 Winterreise:
—Part I—
1. Gute Nacht – 2. Die Wetterfahne – 3. Gefror'ne Tränen – 4. Erstarrung – 5. Der Lindenbaum – 6. Wasserflut – 7. Auf dem Flusse – 8. Rückblick – 9. Irrlicht – 10. Rast – 11. Frühlingstraum – 12. Einsamkeit
—Part II—
13. Die Post – 14. Der greise Kopf – 15. Die Krähe – 16. Letzte Hoffnung – 17. Im Dorfe – 18. Der stürmische Morgen – 19. Täuschung – 20. Der Wegweiser – 21. Das Wirtshaus – 22. Mut – 23. Die Nebensonnen – 24. Der Leiermann
—Part I—
1. Fremd bin ich eingezogen – 2. Der Wind spielt mit der Wetterfahne – 3. Gefror'ne Tropfen fallen – 4. Ich such' im Schnee vergebens – 5. Am Brunnen vor dem Tore – 6. Manche Trän' aus meinen Augen – 7. Der du so lustig rauschtest – 8. Es brennt mir unter beiden Sohlen – 9. In die tiefsten Felsengründe – 10. Nun merk' ich erst, wie müd ich bin – 11. Ich träumte von bunten Blumen – 12. Wie eine trübe Wolke
—Part II—
13. Von der Straße her ein Posthorn klingt – 14. Der Reif hat einen weißen Schein – 15. Eine Krähe war mit mir aus der Stadt gezogen – 16. Hie und da ist an den Bäumen – 17. Es bellen die Hunde – 18. Wie hat der Sturm zerrissen – 19. Ein Licht tanzt freundlich vor mir her – 20. Was vermeid' ich denn die Wege – 21. Auf einen Totenacker hat mich mein Weg gebracht – 22. Fliegt der Schnee mir ins Gesicht – 23. Drei Sonnen sah ich – 24. Drüben hinterm Dorfe steht ein Leiermann
(Part I
(Part II
Text by Müller, W.; Two versions for Nos. 7, 10, 11, 22 and 23; Music of No. 19 partly based on D 732 No. 11
912 912 151p
No. 28
III, 4
No. 59
Schlachtlied, D 912 Mit unserm Arm ist nichts getan 28/2/1827 Text by Klopstock, from Oden (other setting: D 443); For TTBBTTBB
913 913 139pII
No. 1
III, 1 Nachtgesang im Walde Sei uns stets gegrüßt, o Nacht! April 1827 Text by Seidl; For ttbb and four horns
914 914 (1897) XXI, 4
No. 36a
III, 4
No. 60
Frühlingslied, D 914 Geöffnet sind des Winters Riegel April 1827 Text by Pollak; Music reappears in other setting D 919); For ttbb
915 915 (1870) XI No. 12 VII/2, 5 Allegretto, D 915 C minor 26/4/1827 For piano
916 916 (1961) III, 4
Anh. II No. 4
Das stille Lied Schweige nur, süßer Mund May 1827 Text by Seegemund; For ttbb; Sketch
916A IV, 14 Liedentwurf, D 916A C major May 1827? Sketch without text
916B (1978) VII/2, 5 Anh. Piano piece, D 916B C major summer–
fall 1827?
916C (1978) VII/2, 5 Anh. Piano piece, D 916C C minor summer–
fall 1827?
917 917 115p,1
XX, 9
No. 543
IV, 14 Das Lied im Grünen Ins Grüne, ins Grüne June 1827 Text by Reil [de]
918 918 (1868)
II, 17 Der Graf von Gleichen (Opera in two acts) started
Text by Bauernfeld; For ssssttbbbbbbSATB and orchestra; Music for Nos. 1–20f (sketches); No. 13 partly based on D 260 and No. 20c on D 102; Completions of No. 1 publ. in 1868, as "Morgengesang im Walde", and of No. 14 in 1962; Act I: Nos. 1–11 – Act II: Nos. 12–22
919 919 (1897) XXI, 4
No. 36b
IV, 14 Frühlingslied, D 919 Geöffnet sind des Winters Riegel spring
Text by Pollak; Music based on other setting D 914
920 135p
No. 14
No. 4
III, 3 No. 38 Ständchen, D 920, a.k.a. Notturno Zögernd leise July 1827 Text by Grillparzer; For a, choir and piano; Two versions: choir TTBB in 1st, and SSAA in 2nd (which was D 921, publ. as Op. posth. 135)
922 922 106,1
XX, 9
No. 544
IV, 5 Heimliches Lieben O du, wenn deine Lippen mich berühren September
Text by Klen(c)ke [de]; Two versions: 2nd is Op. 106 No. 1
923 923 165p,5
XX, 9
No. 545
III, 2b No. 24
IV, 14
Eine altschottische Ballade Dein Schwert, wie ist’s von Blut so rot September
Text by Herder after "Edward, Edward" from Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry; For male voice, female voice and piano; Three versions: 1st is Op. posth. 165 No. 5 – 2nd for voice and piano – 3rd publ. in 1971
924 924 91
No. 7
VII/2, 7a Twelve Grazer Waltzes Various keys September
For piano
925 925 (1828) XII
No. 24
VII/2, 7a Grazer Galopp C major September
For piano
926 926 106,2
XX, 9
No. 546
IV, 5 Das Weinen Gar tröstlich kommt geronnen fall 1827–
early 1828
Text by Leitner
927 927 106,3
XX, 9
No. 547
IV, 5 Vor meiner Wiege Das also, das ist der enge Schrein fall 1827–
early 1828
Text by Leitner
928 928 (1870) IX, 1
No. 7
VII/1, 4 March, D 928, a.k.a. Kindermarsch G major 12/10/1827 For piano duet
929 929 100
VII, 2
No. 4
VI, 7 No. 2
& Anh.
Piano Trio No. 2 E major started
Nov. 1827
Allegro – Andante con moto – Scherzando – Allegro moderato; Shortened version, in AGA, is Op. 100
930 930 104p
No. 2
III, 2a
No. 15
Der Hochzeitsbraten Ach liebes Herz, ach Theobald November
Text by Schober; For stb and piano
931 931 (1835) XX, 9
No. 548
IV, 14 Der Wallensteiner Lanzknecht beim Trunk He! schenket mir im Helme ein! November
Text by Leitner
932 932 (1832) XX, 9
No. 549
IV, 14 Der Kreuzzug Ein Münich steht in seiner Zell November
Text by Leitner
933 933 (1835) XX, 9
No. 550
IV, 14 Des Fischers Liebesglück Dort blinket durch Weiden November
Text by Leitner
934 934 159p
No. 5
VI, 8 No. 8 Fantasy, D 934 C major December
For violin and piano; Reuses music of D 741
935 935 142p
XI No. 3 VII/2, 5 & Anh. Impromptus Nos. 5–8 F minor – A major – B major – F minor December
For piano; 7th Impromptu reuses music of D 797
936 936 (1892) XVII
No. 15
III, 2a
No. 16
Kantate für Irene Kiesewetter a.k.a. Cantate zur Feier der Genesung der Irene Kiesewetter Al par del ruscelletto chiaro 26/12/1827 for ttbbSATB and piano duet



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