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Attorney General's Office of Indonesia

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Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia
Jaksa Agung Republik Indonesia
since 23 October 2019
Cabinet-level official
AppointerPresident of Indonesia
Term lengthran concurrently with the President who appointed them to the office
Formation19 August 1945
as a department within the Ministry of Justice
22 July 1960
as a standalone institution
First holderGatot Taroenamihardja

The Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian: Kejaksaan Agung Republik Indonesia) is the competent authority to advise the Government of Indonesia on matters of law.[1] It serves as the central organization for the Indonesian Public Prosecution Service (Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia). The Attorney General's Office is seated in the national capital Jakarta.

The Office is headed by the Attorney General of Indonesia, who have the authority to represent the government at the Supreme Court of Indonesia and is a Cabinet-level official. The Office is not part of any justice portfolio or the Judiciary, however, as the cabinet has its own Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia) with a separate Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia) that focuses on more technical matters and regulatory role making rather than executing the Supreme Court's order.

The Attorney-General also functions as a Solicitor General. Thus, the Attorney-General can represent the Government in the Supreme Court. The Attorney-General has the power to indict and prosecute alleged criminals. The term of office of the Attorney General was determined by the Constitutional Court of Indonesia in 2010 to be concurrent with the term of office of the President of Indonesia.[2] The current Attorney General of Indonesia Sanitiar Burhanuddin, who assumed office in October 2019.



The Attorney-General's Office headed the entire Indonesian Public Prosecution Service, with a nation-wide jurisdiction. Subordinated directly under it is the Office of the High Prosecutors, based in the provincial capital, with province-wide jurisdiction.[3][4][5]

Leadership elements

  • Attorney General (Jaksa Agung), heads the Indonesian Public Prosecution Service, guide the Service's duties and authorities.
  • Vice Attorney General (Wakil Jaksa Agung), assists the Attorney General, represents the Attorney General in their absence, and execute other duties tasked by the Attorney General.

Leadership support elements

  • Deputy Attorney General on Advancement (Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Pembinaan), which oversee planning, procurement and construction, organization management, human resources, finances, state assets management, legal opinions, legal drafting, international cooperation, public service, and other technical supports. The office is assisted by several subordinate units:
    • Guidance Affairs Secretariat (Sekretariat Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Pembinaan);
    • Bureau of Planning (Biro Perencanaan);
    • Bureau of General Affairs (Biro Umum);
    • Bureau of Human Resource (Biro Kepegawaian);
    • Bureau of Finance (Biro Keuangan);
    • Bureau of Facilities (Biro Perlengkapan); and
    • Legal and Foreign Cooperation Bureau (Biro Hukum dan Hubungan Luar Negeri).
  • Deputy Attorney General on Intelligence (Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Intelijen), which oversee intelligence of investigations, security, promotion to prevent and repress crime, travel bans, and public peace and order. The office is assisted by several subordinate units:
    • Intelligence Affairs Secretariat (Sekretariat Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Intelijen);
    • Directorate on Ideology, Political, Defense, and Security Affairs (Direktorat Ideologi, Politik, Pertahanan, dan Keamanan);
    • Directorate on Social, Cultural, and Public Affairs (Direktorat Sosial, Kebudayaan, dan Kemasyarakatan);
    • Directorate on Economic and Financial Affairs (Direktorat Ekonomi dan Keuangan);
    • Directorate on Strategic Development Security Affairs (Direktorat Pengamanan Pembangunan Strategis); and
    • Directorate on IT and Intelligence Production (Direktorat Teknologi Informasi dan Produksi Intelijen).
  • Deputy Attorney General on General Criminal (Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Tindak Pidana Umum), which oversee pretrials, additional investigations, indictments, legal actions, executions of court orders and sentencing, examinations and observations over paroles and other legal actions of general crimes. The office is assisted by several subordinate units:
    • General Criminal Affairs Secretariat (Sekretariat Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Tindak Pidana Umum);
    • Directorate on Crimes Against Persons and Property (Direktorat Tindak Pidana Terhadap Orang dan Harta Benda);
    • Directorate on Crimes Against State Security, Public Order, and Other General Crimes (Direktorat Tindak Pidana Terhadap Keamanan Negara, Ketertiban Umum, dan Tindak Pidana Umum Lainnya);
    • Directorate on Crimes Involving Narcotics and Other Addictive Substances (Direktorat Tindak Pidana Narkotika dan Zat Adiktif Lainnya); and
    • Directorate on Terrorism and Transnational Crimes (Direktorat Tindak Pidana Terorisme dan Lintas Negara).
  • Deputy Attorney General on Special Criminal (Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Tindak Pidana Khusus), which oversee investigations, pre-indictments, additional investigations, indictments, legal actions, executions of court orders and sentencing examinations and observations over paroles and other legal actions of special crimes. The office is assisted by several subordinate units:
    • Special Criminal Affairs Secretariat (Sekretariat Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Tindak Pidana Khusus);
    • Directorate on Investigation (Direktorat Penyidikan);
    • Directorate on Prosecution (Direktorat Penuntutan);
    • Directorate on Extraordinary Legal Actions, Executions, and Examinations (Direktorat Upaya Hukum Luar Biasa, Eksekusi, dan Eksaminasi); and
    • Directorate on Grave Violation of Basic Human Rights (Direktorat Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia Berat).
  • Deputy Attorney General on Civil and State Administrative (Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Perdata dan Tata Usaha Negara), which oversee law enforcement, legal assistance, legal opinions, and other legal actions toward the state or the government, which includes state institutions, central and regional government institutions, state- and regional-owned enterprises in civil and state administration cases, in order to secure and restore national assets and wealth, protect state and government honor, and provide public legal assistance. The office is assisted by several subordinate units:
    • Civil and State Administrative Affairs Secretariat (Sekretariat Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Perdata dan Tata Usaha Negara);
    • Directorate on Civil Affairs (Direktorat Perdata);
    • Directorate on State Administrative Affairs (Direktorat Tata Usaha Negara); and
    • Directorate on Legal Consideration (Direktorat Pertimbangan Hukum).
  • Deputy Attorney General on Military Criminal (Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Pidana Militer), which oversee technical cooperation for the purpose of indictments of military personnel with the military prosecutors (Oditurat), as well as on the civil-military judicial connection affairs. The office is assisted by several subordinate units:
    • Military Criminal Affairs Secretariat (Sekretariat Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Tindak Pidana Militer);
    • Directorate on Military Justice Enforcement (Direktorat Penindakan);
    • Directorate on Prosecution (Direktorat Penuntutan); and
    • Directorate on Executions, Extraordinary Legal Actions, and Examinations (Direktorat Eksekusi, Upaya Hukum Luar Biasa, dan Eksaminasi)
  • Deputy Attorney General on Supervision (Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Pengawasan), which oversee planning, execution, and control of oversight over the Service's performance and internal finances, and oversight duties over certain matters by the Attorney General's orders. The office is assisted by several subordinate units:
    • Oversight Affairs Secretariat (Sekretariat Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Pengawasan);
    • Inspectorate I oversees the Education and Training Agency, as well as the High Prosecutors' Office of Aceh, North Sumatra, Riau, Yogyakarta, West Kalimantan, and West Nusa Tenggara;
    • Inspectorate II oversees the Deputy Attorney General on Intelligence and on Special Criminal Affairs, as well as the High Prosecutors' Office of South Sumatra, Jambi, West Sumatra, Jakarta, Central Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara, and Papua;
    • Inspectorate III oversees the Deputy Attorney General on General Criminal Affairs and on Civil and State Administrative Affairs, as well as the High Prosecutors' Office of West Java, East Kalimantan, Riau Islands, Lampung, Gorontalo, and Maluku;
    • Inspectorate IV oversees the Research and Development Center, Legal Information Center, Data, Crime Statistics, and Information Technology Center, and Asset Recovery Center, as well as the High Prosecutors' Office of Central Java, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, South Kalimantan, Bali, and Bangka-Belitung;
    • Inspectorate V oversees the Deputy Attorney General on Guidance Affairs, as well as the High Prosecutors' Office of East Java, North Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Bengkulu, Banten, and North Maluku; and
    • Inspectorate on Finance, oversees the financial affairs in all units.
  • Education and Training Agency (Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan), which oversee prosecutors' professional education and training.
  • Advisors to the Attorney General (Staf Ahli), who advice the Attorney General over matters of expertise.
  • Central Agencies (Pusat), which consists of:
    • Law Enforcement Policy Strategy Center (Pusat Strategi Kebijakan Penegakan Hukum);
    • Legal Information Center (Pusat Penerangan Hukum);
    • Data, Crime Statistics, and Information Technology Center (Pusat Data, Statistik Kriminal, dan Teknologi Informasi); and
    • Asset Recovery Center (Pusat Pemulihan Aset).

List of attorney generals of Indonesia

Attorneys General Term in Office
Portrait Name Term start Term end Term length
Gatot Taroenamihardja 19 August 1945 22 October 1945 65 days
Kasman Singodimejo 8 November 1945 6 May 1946
Tirtawinata 22 July 1946 1951
Soeprapto 1951 1959
Gatot Taroenamihardja


1 April 1959 22 September 1959
Goenawan 31 December 1959 1962
Kadaroesman 1962 1964
Agustinus Michael Suthardio 1964 1966
Soegih Arto 1966 1973
Ali Said 4 April 1973 18 February 1981
Ismail Saleh 18 February 1981 30 May 1984
Hari Suharto 4 June 1984 19 March 1988
Sukarton Marmosujono 19 March 1988 29 June 1990
Singgih 3 August 1990 14 March 1998
Soedjono Chanafiah Atmonegoro 20 March 1998 15 June 1998
Andi Muhammad Ghalib 15 June 1998 14 June 1999


14 June 1999 20 October 1999
Marzuki Darusman 29 October 1999 1 June 2001
Baharuddin Lopa 6 June 2001 3 July 2001


4 July 2001 9 July 2001
Marsillam Simanjuntak 10 July 2001 9 August 2001


10 August 2001 14 August 2001
Muhammad Abdul Rachman 14 August 2001 21 October 2004
Abdul Rahman Saleh 21 October 2004 9 May 2007
Hendarman Supandji 9 May 2007 24 September 2010


24 September 2010 26 November 2010
Basrief Arief 26 November 2010 20 October 2014
Andhi Nirwanto


21 October 2014 20 November 2014
Muhammad Prasetyo 20 November 2014 21 October 2019


21 October 2019 23 October 2019
Sanitiar Burhanuddin 23 October 2019 Incumbent 4 years, 358 days
Died in office

Buildings of the attorney general's office

The Hoggerechtshof te Batavia building (left) next to the Paleis van Daendels overlooking the Waterlooplein. Currently, both structure were within the Finance Ministry complex.

The Attorney General's Office began at a time when the authority to prosecute and to adjudicate were unseparated. Its first office were shared with the first Supreme Court building complex in 2-4 Lapangan Banteng Timur street, nearby the Waterloosplein (now Lapangan Banteng, Jakarta). The building were previously used as the Hoggerechtshof te Batavia (an appellate court named the High Court of Batavia, now High Court of Jakarta), and currently it is occupied and managed by the Ministry of Finance, who also occupied and managed the Paleis van Daendels building next door.[6]

The Hoggerechtshof building that were designed by architect Ir. Tramp and completed in 1825 during governor general Du Bus' tenure, were initially used as the headquarters of the Governors General of the Dutch East Indies. Then on 1 May 1848, the building were used by the recently established Departement van Justitie (Department of Justice), which oversaw the court system and the administration of justice in the colony. Sometimes later, the classical style building with six pillars on the front were fully used as the Hoggerechtshof, which included the prosecutor's office.[6]

Throughout the early Indonesian independence period, the prosecutor's office remained attached to the court in Jakarta, which through the Government Edict No. 9/1946, established Jakarta — and by extension the Hoggerechtshof building — as the seat of the Indonesian Supreme Court. Through the 1947 Act on the Organization and Authority of the Supreme Court and the Attorney General's Office (Indonesian: Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1947 tentang Susunan Organisasi dan Kekuasaan Mahkamah Agung dan Kejaksaan Agung), it reaffirmed the relation between the supreme court and the attorney general's office.[7]

Main building of Attorney General's Office of Indonesia after the 2020 Fire.

Later with the promulgation of the 1961 Public Prosecution Service Act (Indonesian: Undang-Undang Nomor 15 Tahun 1961 tentang Ketentuan Pokok Kejaksaan), the attorney general's office were separated from the supreme court. In 1968 during the tenure of Attorney General Soegih Arto, the Office were moved out from the Supreme Court building to a site in 1 Sultan Hassanuddin street in Kebayoran Baru, which is its current site.[8]

On 22 August 2020, the main building of the Attorney General's office complex caught on fire.[9] The old building was demolished and was rebuilt. It was completed in late 2022.[10]


  1. ^ "indonesia.go.id". Archived from the original on 2012-09-24. Retrieved 2016-05-17.
  2. ^ Global Legal Monitor
  3. ^ "PERPRES No. 15 Tahun 2021 tentang Perubahan Kedua atas Peraturan Presiden Nomor 38 Tahun 2010 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia [JDIH BPK RI]". peraturan.bpk.go.id. Retrieved 2021-12-21.
  4. ^ "PERPRES No. 29 Tahun 2016 tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan Presiden Nomor 38 Tahun 2010 Tentang Organisasi Dan Tata Kerja Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia [JDIH BPK RI]". peraturan.bpk.go.id. Retrieved 2021-12-21.
  5. ^ "PERPRES No. 38 Tahun 2010 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia [JDIH BPK RI]". peraturan.bpk.go.id. Retrieved 2021-12-21.
  6. ^ a b ASH. "Dari Warisan Kolonial ke Tanah Bekas". hukumonline.com (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2022-03-01.
  7. ^ "UU No. 7 Tahun 1947 tentang Susunan dan Kekuasaan Mahkamah Agung dan Kejaksaan Agung [JDIH BPK RI]". peraturan.bpk.go.id. Retrieved 2022-03-01.
  8. ^ "Sejarah Gedung Utama Kejagung Diresmikan Soegih Arto, Terbakar Di Era ST Burhanuddin - REQnews.com". www.reqnews.com (in Indonesian). 2020-08-22. Retrieved 2022-03-01.
  9. ^ Media, Kompas Cyber (2020-10-24). "5 Temuan soal Kebakaran Gedung Kejaksaan Agung, dari Penyebab hingga Tersangka Halaman all". KOMPAS.com (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2022-03-01.
  10. ^ Toriq, Ahmad (23 December 2022). "Ini Penampakan Hasil Pembangunan Gedung Kejagung Usai Kebakaran 2020". Detik. Retrieved 20 August 2023.