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Ancient Diocese of Chalon-sur-Saône

Coordinates: 46°47′N 4°52′E / 46.78°N 4.86°E / 46.78; 4.86
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Chalon Cathedral

The former French Catholic diocese of Chalon-sur-Saône (Lat.: dioecesis Cabilonensis)[1] existed until the French Revolution. After the Concordat of 1801, it was suppressed, and its territory went to the diocese of Autun.[2] Its see was Chalon Cathedral.



Julius Caesar first mentions Cabillonum in his Gallic Wars. Later it is said to be an oppidum or castrum. It was a civitas of the Burgundians. Chalon was not made a city, separate and distinct from Autun, until the fifth century, and it is probably as a consequence of this development that a bishop, Paul (I.), first appears.[3] The first Christians in the neighborhood are said to have been a priest of Lyon named Marcellus, who was imprisoned by the Roman government along with other Christians of Lyon and their bishop, Pothinus, ca. 177 in the reign of Marcus Aurelius (161-180). The rest were executed, but Marcellus, eschewing martyrdom, managed to break out of prison and escape north along the Saône river, first to Tournus and then to Chalon. There he was taken in by a pagan, whom he converted to Christianity. Leaving Chalon, Marcellus encountered the provincial governor, who invited him to a celebration in his residence. When the governor began the celebration with an appropriate sacrifice, Marcellus excused himself on the grounds that he was a Christian; the governor ordered him to participate in the sacrifice, and Marcellus refused.[4] This constituted refusal to obey a legitimate order, and, since prayer to the members of the Imperial Cult was involved, refusal constituted treason (laesa majestas) as well. The governor is said to have had Marcellus buried up to his waist on the bank of the Saône, where he died three days later. The method of death may be shocking, but Marcellus was a prison escapee, who refused a patriotic sacrifice, and disobeyed a Roman governor. Christians made him into a martyr.[5]

Bishop Flavius is credited with the foundation of the monastery of S. Pierre, just north of Chalon, in 584. It was destroyed by the Arabs in the 8th century, and rebuilt by Bishop Gerboldus, ca. 887 as a Benedictine monastery.[6] The monastery was attacked by the Huguenots in 1562 and despoiled, and the monks were driven out. King Charles IX turned the monastic buildings into a fortress in 1566 and paid the monks an annual pension in recompense.[7]

Bishop Lupus (ca. 600), in a Life otherwise devoid of facts, is credited with founding a school for the study of the scriptures.[8] By the time of Bishop Guillaume de Bellevesure (1294 – 1301), schools were to be found not just in Chalon, but also in towns and villages of the diocese.[9]

Cathedral and other establishments


The original cathedral of Chalon was dedicated to Saint Étienne.[10] In 541 King Childebert presented the cathedral with relics purported to be those of Saint Vincent of Saragossa, in whose honor the name of the cathedral was changed. That cathedral was destroyed by the Arabs in the 8th century, and rebuilt by Charlemagne. It was in that church that the Council of 813 was held. In 1310 extensive repairs were necessary, and Bishop Robert de Decize taxed every curé in the diocese the sum of its first year's income upon entry into office to pay for the works. This tax was imposed for ten years. Bishop Nicolas de Vères completed two vaults of the choir in 1386. Bishop Hugues d'Orges erected the third vault, and Bishop Jean d'Arsonval the fourth and fifth, with contributions from the Chapter and the people. The consecration took place in 1403 by Bishop Olivier de Matreuil.[11] The cathedral was severely damaged by the Huguenots in 1562.[12]

The cathedral was served by a Chapter, which was composed of dignities and canons. There were seven dignities at Chalon: the Dean, the Cantor, the Treasurer (who were elected by the whole Chapter), and the four Archdeacons (who were appointed by the bishop).[13] There were once thirty canons, but the number was reduced to twenty in 1218. In 1327 the number was set at twenty-five.[14] In 1648 there were twenty-four canons.[15] In 1772 the number was twenty.[16] All the cathedral chapters in France were abolished by the Constituent Assembly on 13 February 1790.

There was also a Collegiate Church in the city of Chalon, dedicated to Saint George.[17] Saint George had originally been a parish church, under the control of the monastery of Saint Pierre. It escaped the fire which destroyed most of the town during the siege of 834, but in 1323 it became a collegiate church with twelve canons. It was served by a Chapter composed of a Dean, a Cantor, a Sacristan, and thirteen prebends. The bishop has the right to confirm the election to vacant canonries. One of the canons was assigned the task of being the priest of the parish.[18]

The abbey of Saint Marcellus (Marcel) was founded by King Guntram of Burgundy (561–592), where he completed a church in 577, and in which he was buried. The abbey was ruined by the Arabs in the 8th century, and again in the 10th century. When the Counts of Chalon became abbots commendatory, it recovered its prestige and financial status. The counts ceded their rights to the Abbey of Cluny, when then became one of their priories.[19] Peter Abelard spent his final months at the priory of St. Marcel, where he died on 21 April 1142.[20] His body was interred there for a time, but secretly moved to the nunnery of the Paraclete and the care of Abbess Héloïse.

Church councils at Chalon


A council of the church was held at Chalons c. 470, under the leadership of the Metropolitan, Bishop Patiens of Lyon, to elect a successor to the deceased Paul of Chalon. In the midst of party strife, the bishops fastened on Joannes and made him bishop.[21]

In 579 a council was summoned at Chalon by King Guntram to deal with Bishop Salonius of Embrun and Bishop Sagittarius of Gap, who had already been condemned in the second synod of Lyon on charges of adultery and homicide.[22]

In 603 a council was held at Chalon, in which, at the instigation of Queen Brunhilda of Austrasia, Bishop Desiderius of Vienne was deposed and exiled.[23]

Around the year 650 thirty-eight bishops met in council at Chalon, among whom was Bishop Gratus of Chalon. The council produced some twenty decisions (canons). Bishops Agapius of Digne and Bobo of Valence were degraded from the episcopal order for disregarding church canons.[24] In 674 Bishop Desideratus (Diddo) of Chalon and the deposed bishop Bobo of Valence attacked Autun and seized Bishop Leger, their enemy, who had led a revolt of the Burgundian nobility against Ebroin, Mayor of the Palace of Neustria. They blinded him on orders of Ebroin, and held him in a monastery for two years, at which point they cut off his ears and cut out his tongue; after two more years, they killed him.[25]

In 732 Chalons was captured and held by the Arabs of Spain, led by Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi, Governor-General of al-Andalus, until after their defeat by Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours.

A provincial council of Tertia Lugdunensis was held at Chalon in 813. It produced sixty-six canons.[26] Among the most important was the requirement of the establishment of a school in each cathedral, in which reading and writing and the scriptures would be taught.[27]

In 875 an assembly of bishops, led by Archbishop Remigius of Lyon, took place at Chalon at the church of S. Marcellus for the consecration of Adalgerius as Bishop of Autun. They then met and confirmed the properties belonging to the monastery of Tournus. Gerboldus Bishop of Chalon was present.[28]

In 887 nine archbishops and bishops, Bishop Stephen of Chalon among them, met at the church of Saint Marcellus outside the walls of Chalon, to deal with property issues of churches and villas involving the bishop of Langres.[29]

In 894 three bishops, headed by Bishop Gualo of Autun and including Ardradus of Chalon, met at the church of S. John the Baptist outside the walls of Chalon, to settle the case of the monk and Deacon Gerfredus of Autun, who had been accused of poisoning Bishop Adalgarus of Autun. Gerfredus was able to demonstrate his innocence by taking an oath and receiving holy communion, and was purged of the charge by all of the bishops.[30]

On 31 October 915 seven bishops met under the presidency of Austerius, Archbishop of Lyon, at the church of S. Marcellus outside the walls of Chalon to deal with the case of Roculsus, Count of Mâcon, who was threatened with excommunication for his refusal to respect various properties belonging to the church. They also dealt with a dispute between two priests over a parish church which was being usurped.[31] Bishop Ardradus participated.

A council was held at Chalon by the papal Apocrisiarius Aldebrannus (Hildebrand) in 1065, to adjudge the ownership of the church of Spinola. The Bishop of Chalon Guido (Wido) was present.[32]

A council was held at Chalon by Cardinal Peter Damiani, the Papal Legate, and thirteen bishops in 1063 in the reign of Pope Alexander II. Bishop Drogo of Mâcon had violated the privileges of the monastery of Cluny, and Abbot Hugh had gone to Rome and complained. The council found in favor of Cluny, and Bishop Drogo was compelled to beg pardon.[33]

In 1115 a council was held at Tournus in the diocese of Chalon, presided over by Archbishop Guy of Vienne, the Papal Legate, at which Bishop Gualterius was present. The issue was a conflict between the two Collegiate Churches of Besançon, Saint John and Saint Stephen. Pope Paschal II had previously committed the case to Archbishop Guillaume of Besançon, who was unable to bring the two parties to agreement.[34]

Black death


In July 1348 the bubonic plague reached Chalon. The mortality rate, at least in some sections of the diocese, is recorded at fifteen times the normal death rate.[35]

Religious Orders


Bishop Cyrus de Thiard de Bissy was particularly favorable to the religious orders. He brought the Franciscans to Chalon in 1598, the Capuchins in 1604, the Carmelites in 1610, and the Dominicans in 1621.[36] Efforts to bring the Jesuits to Chalon also began in the time of Bishop Cyrus, but the impetus came from the town council, which was eager to upgrade the quality of the Collège de Chalon. In 1608 the project was discussed, but the stumbling block was financial. The establishment of a Jesuit college in Autun kindled local patriotism, led by the Sieur de Pontoux who was serving as Mayor, and a committee of lawyers was appointed to try to obtain a royal brevet, which, succeeded, but this second project also failed for financial reasons. In 1618 yet another attempt was made under a new mayor, Sieur Mathieu, who convinced the town council to begin by consulting the Jesuit Provincial in Dijon, Fr. Ignace Armand. The Provincial sent an agent to Chalon to preach a series of sermons, and also to investigate the situation. Their conclusion was that the revenues were inadequate. Then, in 1618, it was learned that the Baron de Huxelles was willing to resign his benefice of the Priory of Saint-Marcel, and the town officials considered whether it could be handed over to the Jesuits. But the Baron's brother intervened, and one of the town councilors was opposed, and the project failed. In 1626 the Marquis de Huxelles inspired the convocation of a general assembly of the burghers and citizens of Chalon to provide the needed funds, but an opposition party proposed the introduction of the Oratorians instead, and nothing was accomplished. It was even questioned whether the assembly was legitimate. When the Prince de Condé obtained the government of Burgundy, he visited Chalons in December 1632, and ordered the Mayor to convoke an assembly, which he would attend personally. The opposition party, however, was able to speak to the Prince during a banquet given by Bishop de Neuchèze, which seriously upset the Prince, who left Chalon immediately. In June 1634, a new set of town officials was able to convince the Jesuit Provincial in Dijon, Fr. Filleau, as well as the Prince, that the arrangements were all in order, and on 26 June 1634 the contracts were finalized and the Jesuits placed in possession of the Collège de Chalon. They maintained the college until their expulsion from France in 1762.[37] In 1784 King Louis XVI handed over the Collège de Chalon to the priests of the Congrégation-Saint-Joseph. In February 1791, the oath of allegiance to the Civil Constitution of the Clergy was demanded, and the priests of the Collège de Chalon refused to take the oath, bringing about their dismissal. Agents of the municipality took their place.[38]

In April 1635 Bishop de Neuchèze entertained in the episcopal palace for six days Zaga Christos, the (purported) twenty-two-year-old son of the Emperor of Ethiopia, who was on his way to the French Court.[39]

In 1635 a pestilence struck Chalon and all of Provence. The house of the Franciscans in Chalon was very severely hit, and they were helped by a Capuchin, Fr. Mathias de Beaune, who had been sent after an appeal from the magistrates of Chalon. The unhappiness of the population was increased by the end of the siege of Dôle, which let loose on the countryside numbers of marauders who burned villages and robbed everyone and everything. In the same year the government demanded the registration of all adherents of the Protestant religion, and with the agreement of the Prince of Condé and Bishop de Neuchèze this was begun. Feeling ran so high in Chalon that the 'temple' of the Huguenots was burned to the ground.[40]

The end


In 1790 the Civil Constitution of the Clergy abolished (suppressed) more than fifty 'redundant' dioceses in France, as part of an effort to align the ecclesiastical dioceses in France with new political divisions called 'departements'. Chalon-sur-Saône became part of the 'Departement de Saône-et-Loire', with its headquarters at Autun, and was part of the 'Metropole du Sud-Est' with its headquarters at Lyon. On 15 February 1791 the 'electors' of Saône-et-Loire chose Jean-Louis Gouttes as their 'Constitutional Bishop'. He was executed during the Reign of Terror on 26 March 1794, shortly after Religion had been abolished in France and replaced by Reason.[41]

On 29 November 1801, Pope Pius VII reestablished the dioceses of France, but Chalon was not one of them. Chalon remained part of the diocese of Autun, with Lyon as its Metropolitan. In 1853, the Bishop of Autun was granted the title of Bishop of Autun-Châlon-sur-Saône-Mâcon, in memory of the suppressed dioceses, and on 8 December 2002, as part of a general reorganization of the ecclesiastical map of France, Pope John Paul II created a new archdiocese at Dijon, and made the diocese of Autun-Châlon-sur-Saône-Mâcon-Cluny its suffragan.



To 1000

[Donatien c. 346][42]
  • Paul (I.) L'Ancien (c. 460s)
  • Paul II. L'Jeune (dead before c.470)[43]
  • Iohannes (I.)[44]
  • ? Tranquillus c. 484[45]
  • Sylvester (c. 486–526)[46]
  • Desiderius (Didier) (c. 530 or 531)[47]
  • Agricola (c. 532–580)[48]
  • Flavius (580–c. 595)[49]
  • Lupus (c. 601–602)[50]
  • Wandelin 603[51]
  • Antestis (attested 614)[52]
  • Gebderinus (641)[53]
  • Gratus (attested c. 650)[54]
  • Desideratus (Diddo) (666)[55]
  • ? Amblacus[56]
  • Hucbertus (attested 779)[57]
  • Fova (Faof) (c. 813–c. 838)[58]
  • Godescalc c. 853–c. 860
  • Gerboldus (Gerebald) (c. 864–c. 885)[60]
  • Warnulf ? 885
  • Stephanus (886–889)[61]
  • Ardradus (889–c. 925)[62]
  • ? Axoranus[63]
  • ? Stacteus[64]
  • Durandus (I.)
  • Hildebodus (attested 948, 949, 954)[65]
  • Frotgairius 961
  • Radulfus (Raoul) 977–986[66]

1000 to 1300

  • Lambert 1017
  • Gottfried I. 1017–1040
  • Hugo I. 1040
  • Guido (Guy I.) 1044–c. 1058
  • Achardus (Aicard) c. 1058–1072[67]
  • Roclinus (Rodericus) (1072–c. 1078)[68]
  • Walter (I.) (1080–1121)[69]
  • Gothaud (Jotsald) (1121–1126)[70]
  • Gautier de Sercy c. 1128–c. 1156
  • Peter (I.) c. 1158–c. 1173
  • Engilbert c. 1175–1183[71]
  • Robert (I.) 1185–1215
  • Durand (II.) (1215?–1231)[72]
  • Guillaume de La Tour (1231 – 25 March 1245)[73]
  • Alexandre de Bourgogne-Montaigu (1245–1261)[74]
  • Thibaud (1261–1264)[75]
  • Guy de Sennecey (1264 – 12 October 1269)[76]
  • Ponce de Sissey (1269 – 14 September 1273)[77]
  • Guillaume du Blé (1273 – September 1294)[78]
  • Guillaume de Bellevesure (1294 – 1301)[79]

1300 to 1500

  • Robert de Decize (25 May 1302 – September 1315)[80]
  • Berthaud de La Chapelle de Villiers (1315–1333)
  • Hugues de Corrabeuf (15 March 1333 – 30 April 1342)[81]
  • Pierre de Chalon (26 June 1342 – 6 November 1345)[82]
  • Jean Aubryot (21 March 1346 – 1351)[83]
  • Renaud (3 January 1352 – 2 October 1353)[84]
  • Jean de Mello (2 October 1353 – 8 February 1357)[85]
  • Joannes Germain (8 February 1357 – 18 June 1361)[86]
  • Jean de Saint-Just (18 June 1361 – 1369?)[87]
Jean de Salornay[88]
  • Geoffroy de Saligny (18 June 1369 – 13 April 1374)[89]
  • Nicolas de Vères (12 May 1374 – 8 November 1386)[90]
Guillaume de Saligny (1386–1387)[91]
  • Olivier de Martreuil (29 January 1387 – 1405) (Avignon Obedience)[92]
  • Jean de La Coste (6 April 1405 – 10 March 1408) (Avignon Obedience)[93]
  • Philibert de Saulx (10 March 1408 – 14 April 1413) (Avignon Obedience)[94]
  • Jean d'Arsonval (14 April 1413 – 27 August 1416)[95]
  • Hugues d'Orges (3 September 1416/16 January 1417 – 19 January 1431)[96]
  • Jean Rolin (26 January 1431 – 20 August 1436)[97]
  • Jehan Germain (20 August 1436 – 2 February 1461)[98]
  • Jean de Poupet (27 May 1461 – 14 July 1480)[99]
  • André de Poupet (14 July 1480 – 11 December 1503)[100]

From 1500

  • Jean de Poupet de La Chaux, O.S.B. (11 December 1503 – 28 December 1531)[101]
  • Antoine de Vienne (23 February 1532 – February 1552)[102]
  • Louis Guillart (16 October 1553 – 4 September 1560)[103]
  • Antoine Herlaut (14 April 1561 – 28 September 1573)[104]
  • Jacques Fourré, O.P. (16 November 1573 – 20 January 1578)[105]
  • Pontus de Thiard de Bissy (17 March 1578 – 1594)[106]
  • Cyrus de Thiard de Bissy (24 January 1594 – 3 January 1624)[107]
  • Jacques de Neuchèze (7 October 1624 – 1 May 1658)[108]
  • Jean de Meaupeou (21 April 1659 – 2 May 1677)[109]
  • Henri-Félix de Tassy (31 January 1678 – 11 November 1711)[110]
  • François Madot (16 March 1712 – 7 October 1753)[111]
  • Louis-Henri de Rochefort D'Ailly (1 April 1754 – 13 June 1772)[112]
  • Joseph-François D'Andignè de La Chasse (7 September 1772 – 7 December 1781)[113]
  • Jean-Baptiste du Chilleau (1781 – 15 November 1815)[114]

See also



  1. ^ Older spelling Chalons-sur-Saône.
  2. ^ Chalons-sur-Saône (Diocese) [Catholic-Hierarchy][self-published source]
  3. ^ Courtépée, p. 214.
  4. ^ H. Quentin (1908), Les martyrologues historiques du Moyen-Age, Paris, 1908, pp. 179-180; 284.
  5. ^ Besnard, pp. 451-456. While Besnard affirms the historical existence of Marcellus, he argues (along with others) that the Acts of the martyr Marcellus are unreliable.
  6. ^ Courtépée, p. 225.
  7. ^ Gallia christiana IV, p. 961.
  8. ^ Acta Sanctorum Januarius III, p. 392: satagebat quoque erga quotidianae eruditionis profectum, et instituta divinorum voluminum schola auditoribus suis caelestis eloquii copiam ministrabat. Batault, p. 9.
  9. ^ Pierre de Saint-Julien (1581). De l'Origine des Bourgongnons et antiquité des estats de Bourgogne (in French). Paris: N. Chesneau. p. 466.
  10. ^ Besnard, pp. 461-466.
  11. ^ Courtépée, pp. 216-217.
  12. ^ E. Fyot (1934-1935), "Les spoliations commises par les Calvinistes en 1562 dans la cathédrale Saint-Vincent de Chalon," in: Mémoires de la Société d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de Chalon-sur-Saône 25 (Chalon-sur-Saône, 1934-1935), pp. 124-140.
  13. ^ Gallia christiana IV, p. 861. The Archdeacons were: Cabilonensis, de Bressia, de Trenorchio, and de Oscarensi. Longnon, p. xli.
  14. ^ Courtépée, pp. 217-218.
  15. ^ Ritzler-Sefrin, V, p. 132 note 1.
  16. ^ Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 136 note 1.
  17. ^ Adrien Martinet, "Note sur le sceau de la collégiale de Saint Georges de Chalon sur Saône," Mémoires de la Société éduenne des lettres, sciences et arts (in French). Vol. 28. Autun: Dejussieu. 1896. pp. 35–40.
  18. ^ Pouillie general p. 1-2. Courtépée, pp. 223-225.
  19. ^ Canat de Chizy, pp. vi-vii.
  20. ^ Jeffrey E. Brower; Kevin Guilfoy (2004). The Cambridge Companion to Abelard. Cambridge University Press. p. 18. ISBN 978-0-521-77596-0.
  21. ^ Karl Joseph von Hefele (1895). A History of the Councils of the Church: From the Original Documents. Vol. IV. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark. p. 18.
  22. ^ J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus IX (Florence 1763), pp. 919-922.
  23. ^ J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus X (Florence 1764), pp. 493-494. Hefele, IV, pp. 434, 463.
  24. ^ Mansi, Tomus X, pp. 1189-1198. Hefele, p. 463.
  25. ^ Juedin, Ddd ij. Jean Baptiste Pitra (1846). Histoire de Saint L'eger: évêque d'autun et martyr, et de L'église des Francs au septième siècle (in French and Latin). Paris: Waille. pp. 377–382.
  26. ^ J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XIV (Venice 1769), pp. 91-108.
  27. ^ Léon Maître (1866). Les écoles épiscopales et monastiques de l'Occident depuis Charlemagne jusqu'à Philippe-Auguste (768-1180) (in French). Paris: Dumoulin. pp. 15–17. Batault, p. 6. Mansi, p. 94, Canon III: Oportet ut episcopi scholas constituant in quibus et litteras solertia disciplinae et Sacrae Scripturae documenta discantur...
  28. ^ Gallia christiana IV, p. 876. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XVII (Venice 1772), pp. 299-302. Archbishop Remigius died on 28 October 875.
  29. ^ J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XVIII (Venice 1773), pp. 51-52.
  30. ^ Mansi, XVIII, pp. 127-128.
  31. ^ Mansi, XVIII, pp. 325-326. Jean Sirmond (1629). Concilia antiqua Galliae tres in tomos ordine digesta (in Latin). Vol. Tomus III. Paris: Sebastian Cramoisy. pp. 571–572.
  32. ^ J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XIX (Venice 1774), pp. 843-844. Guido's (Guy) presence creates a problem, since the dates usually assigned to his episcopacy are 1044–c. 1058, while Hildebrand did not become Apocrisiarius (Archdeacon) until 1059.
  33. ^ Mansi (ed.), Tomus XIX, pp. 1025-1028.
  34. ^ J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Tomus XXI, pp. 139-144.
  35. ^ Ole Jørgen Benedictow (2004). The Black Death, 1346-1353: The Complete History. Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK: Boydell Press. pp. 105–106. ISBN 978-1-84383-214-0.
  36. ^ Du Tems, IV, p. 588.
  37. ^ Perry, pp. 457-465.
  38. ^ Batault, pp. 159-162.
  39. ^ Perry, p. 465.
  40. ^ Perry, p. 466.
  41. ^ Paul Pisani (1907). Répertoire biographique de l'épiscopat constitutionnel (1791-1802) (in French). Paris: A. Picard et fils. pp. 317-320.
  42. ^ Donatianus was a bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne, not Chalon-sur-Saône. Neither medieval list of the bishops of Chalon-sur-Saône mentions him: Duchesne, II, p. 191 (who begins the series of bishops with Paul (I.). Besnard, pp. 467-468.
  43. ^ Paul is mentioned as deceased in a letter of Sidonius Apollinaris of c. 470. He was the immediate predecessor of Iohannes. Duchesne, II, p. 192 no. 2.
  44. ^ Ioannes served as bishop for eight years. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 862-863.
  45. ^ His name occurs only in an ecclesiastical calendar of Pope John VIII (872-882). Gallia christiana IV, pp. 863.
  46. ^ Silvester was present at the Council of Epaona (517), and Lyon (c. 518–523). He may have tonsured Caesarius of Arles in 486. Gregory of Tours says that his tenure lasted for forty-two years. C. De Clercq, Concilia Galliae, A. 511 – A. 695 (Turnhout: Brepols 1963), pp. 35, 40. Duchesne, II, p. 193 no. 4.
  47. ^ Desiderius: Gallia christiana IV, pp. 864-866. Duchesne, II, p. 193 no. 5.
  48. ^ Bishop Agricola (He signs himself as Agroecola) was present at the councils of Orléans (538), Orléans (541), Orléans (549), Paris (552), and Lyon (570). De Clercq, Concilia Galliae, A. 511 – A. 695, pp. 128 and 130; 143 and 146; 158; 168; 202. Duchesne, II, p. 193 no. 6. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 866-867.
  49. ^ Flavius (or Flavus) took part in the Council of Mâcon (581), Lyon (583), Valence (585), and Mâcon (585). In 591 he took part in the baptism of Chlothar II. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 867-868. Duchesne, II, p. 194 no. 7. De Clercq, pp. 229, 233, 236, 248.
  50. ^ Lupus was one of seven recipients of a letter of Pope Gregory I in June 601, requesting assistance for missionaries being sent to England. A ninth century life of Lupus survives. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 868-870. Duchesne, II, p. 194 no. 8. Acta Sanctorum: Januarius Tomus III (Paris: Victor Palme 1863), pp. 391-394.
  51. ^ Gallia christiana IV, pp. 870-871.
  52. ^ Antestis was present at the Council of Paris in 614. Duchesne, II, p. 194 no. 9. De Clercq, p. 281.
  53. ^ Gebderinus (or Gelionus) is stated to have been the predecessor of Gratus. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 871.
  54. ^ Gratus took part in the Council of Chalon-sur-Saône in c. 650. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 871-872. Duchesne, II, p. 194 no. 11. De Clercq, p. 308 (who assigns the date of c. 647–653 to the council).
  55. ^ Desideratus signed a privilege in 667. He may have participated in the deposition of Leodegarius of Autun in 675. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 873-874. Duchesne, II, p. 194 no. 12.
  56. ^ The editors of Gallia christiana (IV, p. 874) are hesitant, especially as to a date. Duchesne omits him.
  57. ^ Bishop Hucbertus received a diploma from Charlemagne dated 30 April 1779, confirming the privileges of the Basilica of Saint Marcellus. Gallia christiana IV, Instrumenta, p. 225. Duchesne, II, pp. 194-195 no. 13.
  58. ^ Bishop Fova (Favvo, Faova, Facova, Faof, Eaof) took part in the Council of Villa-Theodonis of 4 March 835 in which Bishop Ebbo was deposed. He was also present at the Conventus Carisiacensis called by Louis the Pious on 4 September 1838. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 874-875. J.D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XIV (Venice 1769), p. 660, 740.
  59. ^ The name Milo is found only in an old copy of the rules for the choir of the Cathedral of Chalon. Gallia christiana IV, p. 835.
  60. ^ Girbaldus: Gallia christiana IV, pp. 876-877. Duchesne, II, p. 195 no. 16.
  61. ^ Stephanus was present at the Council of Chalon on 18 May 886, which may be the same as the Council of Chalon held on 18 May 887. J.D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XVIII, pp. 49-52. Gallia christiana IV, p. 878. Duchesne, II, p. 196 no. 17.
  62. ^ Ardradus presided over a synod held in Chalon in 894, to try the monk Gerfredus for the murder of Bishop Adalgarius of Autun. Mansi, Tomus XVIII, pp. 127-128. He subscribed a charter in 912 in favor of St. Étienne de Dijon. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 878-879. Duchesne, II, p. 196 no. 18. Both place his death in 920.
  63. ^ Gallia christiana IV, pp. 879-880
  64. ^ Gallia christiana IV, pp. 879-880
  65. ^ Hildebodus (Holdeboldus, Childebodus, Gildeboldus) held a synod at an uncertain date between 944 and 949. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 880-881.
  66. ^ Gams, p. 533 column 1.
  67. ^ Achardus: Gallia christiana IV, pp. 884-885.
  68. ^ Roclinus was sometimes carelessly read as 'Rodinus', failing to separate the 'c' and the 'l'. He was present at a council held by Cardinal Gerardus, Bishop of Ostia and Papal Legate, on 2 March 1072. Roclinus was the recipient of a letter from Pope Gregory VII written on 4 December 1073, concerning King Philip of France, advising Roclinus to warn the king to grant installation to the newly elected bishop of Mâcon gratis and without incurring the sin of simony. Roclinus is attested as late as 1077. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 885-887. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XX (Venice 1775), pp. 47-48. P. Jaffé and S. Loewenfeld, Regesta pontificum Romanorum I (Leipzig 1885), p. 601 no 4807.
  69. ^ A man named Frotger had been elected bishop, but he was rejected by Pope Gregory VII, who named Gualterius instead, who was elected unanimously by the Cathedral Chapter. He received a letter from Pope Calixtus II, written from Mâcon on 14 January 1120. P. Jaffé and S. Loewenfeld, p. 792 no. 6806. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 887-891.
  70. ^ Jotsaldus had been Dean of the Cathedral Chapter. Gallia christiana IV, p. 892. Du Tems, IV, p. 578.
  71. ^ Engilbert (Engebertus) participated in the III Lateran Council in 1179. He resigned the diocese in 1183 and became a Carthusian monk, and then Prior of Val S. Pierre. J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XXII (Venice 1778), p. 466. Du Tems, IV, p. 578. Gams, p. 533 column 1.
  72. ^ Elected in 1215 or 1216, Durandus was in office in January 1217, when Pierre de Courtenay, Comte d'Auxerre et Tonnerre, swore him allegiance for some properties in the diocese. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 898-901.
  73. ^ Guillaume de la Tour was transferred to the diocese of Besançon on 25 March 1245. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 901-904. Eubel, I, pp. 137, 152.
  74. ^ Alexander de Montaigu: Gallia christiana IV, pp. 904-906. Eubel, I, p. 152.
  75. ^ Theobaldus: Gallia christiana IV, pp. 906-907. Eubel, I, p. 152.
  76. ^ Guido: Gallia christiana IV, pp. 907-909. Eubel, I, p. 152.
  77. ^ Pontius: Gallia christiana IV, pp. 909-910.Eubel, I, p. 152.
  78. ^ Guillaume de Oblato: Gallia christiana IV, pp. 910-913. Eubel, I, p. 152.
  79. ^ Guillaume de Bellevevre (or Bellevesvre) was still Episcopus-electus in December 1294. Since the See of Lyon was vacant, he was confirmed by the Bishop of Autun, Hugues d'Arcy. Pierre de Saint-Julien (1581). De l'Origine des Bourgongnons et antiquité des estats de Bourgogne (in French). Paris: N. Chesneau. pp. 465–468. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 913-915.
  80. ^ Robert de Decize: Gallia christiana IV, pp. 915-917. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica, I, p. 152 with note 2 (giving the year of decease as 1314).
  81. ^ Mémoires de la Société d'archéologie de Beaune (in French). Beaune. 1952. p. 106.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  82. ^ Juenin, p. 414.
  83. ^ A native of Dijon, Jean Aubryot was elected bishop of Chalon at the end of 1345 or the beginning of 1346. He made his solemn entry into his diocese on the eve of Pentecost 1346. On 21 June 1351 Jean was appointed President of the Chambre des Comptes in Paris. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 919-921. Eubel, I, p. 152.
  84. ^ Reginaldus (Reynaud) was transferred to the diocese of Chalons-sur-Marne by Pope Innocent VI on 2 October 1353. Gallia christiana IV, p. 921. Eubel, I, pp. 152, 175.
  85. ^ Jean de Mello (or Merlou, Marlou, Marlo), the son of Guillaume Seigneur d'Epoisses, took possession of the diocese of Chalon in 1354. He was transferred to the diocese of Clermont on 8 February 1357. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 921-922. Eubel, I, pp. 152, 192.
  86. ^ Joannes Germain had been Dean of the Chapter of Auxerre. He became bishop of Chalons with the patronage of Queen Joanna of France, the widow of Philip of Burgundy. He was transferred to the diocese of Auxerre by Pope Innocent VI on 18 June 1361. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 922-923. Eubel, I, pp. 120, 152.
  87. ^ The date of death of Jean de Saint-Just is unknown. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 923-924. Eubel, I, p. 152.
  88. ^ The editors of Gallia christiana (IV, pp. 922-923) have no information on his alleged episcopacy at all. Du Tems (p. 582) says Jean de Salornay occupied the episcopal seat for about a year. Eubel (p. 152) ignores him.
  89. ^ Geoffrey was a Canon of Mâcon and a professor of Civil and Canon Law at the University of Avignon. He became Auditor causarum contradictarum (judge) at the Papal Curia in Avignon. He was transferred to the diocese of Bayeux on 14 April 1374. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 924-925. Du Tems, IV, p. 582. Eubel, I, pp. 125, 152.
  90. ^ Nicolas had been Archdeacon of Sens. He was a Councilor and secretary of King Charles V of France. He took possession of Chalon on 17 December 1374. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 925-926. Du Tems, IV, p. 582. Eubel, I, p. 125.
  91. ^ Guillaume de Saligny's episcopacy is contested by the editors of Gallia christiana, and he is omitted entirely by Eubel, I, p. 152.
  92. ^ Olivier was the brother of Bishop Itier of Poitiers. He had been Dean of Autun and Canon of Viviers, and then Bishop of Viviers (1385–1387). Gallia christiana IV, pp. 925-926. Du Tems, IV, p. 583. Eubel, I, p. 153.
  93. ^ A doctor of law, Jean de la Coste had been Canon and Cantor at Bayeux, and was Referendary of Pope Benedict XIII. He was appointed to Chalon by Benedict XIII of the Avignon Obedience. He took possession of the diocese of Chalon on 1 August 1405. He was transferred to the diocese of Mende on 10 March 1408 by Benedict XIII. Eubel, I, pp. 153, 342.
  94. ^ Philibert was appointed to Chalon by Benedict XIII. He was transferred to the diocese of Amiens on 14 August 1413 by John XXIII. He died in 1418. Eubel, I, pp. 85, 153.
  95. ^ Jean d'Arsonval a Canon of Tours, Chartres, and the Saint-Chapelle in Paris; he was the confessor of the Dauphin. On 14 April 1413 he was appointed Bishop of Chalon by John XXIII, who did not recognize the authority of Benedict XIII, who had been deposed by the Council of Pisa; hence the overlapping dates with Philibert. Gallia christianaIV, p. 929. Eubel, I, p. 153.
  96. ^ Hugues d'Orges, a doctor of theology (Paris), had been a Canon of Chalon and Archdeacon of Châlons-sur-Marne. He was elected bishop of Chalon by compromise on 3 September 1416, and confirmed on 16 January 1417 by the Bishop of Autun, Ferricus de Grancey. He was transferred to the diocese of Rouen on 19 January 1431 by Pope Martin V. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 929-930. Du Tems, p. 583. Eubel, I, p. 153.
  97. ^ Rolin had been Archdeacon of Autun. He was transferred to the diocese of Autun on 20 August 1436. He was named a cardinal by Pope Nicholas V on 20 December 1448. He died on 22 June 1483. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica II, pp. 11 no. 5; 80; 112.
  98. ^ Jehan Germain had previously been Dean of the Chapel of the Duke of Burgundy in Dijon, and (according to du Tems) owed his advancement to the patronage of the Duchess, who had sent him to study in Paris, where he obtained a doctorate. He had been Bishop of Nevers (1430–1436). He became Chancellor of the Order of the Golden Fleece. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 930-932. Du Tems, IV, pp. 583-584. Claude-Felix Bugniot (1863), "Jehan Germain, eveque de Chalon-sur-Saone (1436-1460)", in: Memoires de la Societe d'histoire et d'archeologie de Chalon-sur-Saone 4 (1863), pp. 377-401. Eubel, I, p. 369; II, pp. 112, 204.
  99. ^ Jean de Poupet, Canon of Besançon, was elected on 19 February 1461, after a troubled election in which the Duke of Burgundy, the Count of Charolais and the Parliament of Dijon intervened. He became a Councilor of the Duke of Burgundy in 1465. He resigned and was named titular Bishop of Salona on 14 July 1480. He died on 16 March 1491. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 932-934. Du Tems, IV, p. 584. Eubel, II, pp. 112, 228.
  100. ^ André de Poupet was the illegitimate son of Guillaume, seigneur de la Chaux, the brother of Bishop Jean de Poupet. He was a Doctor in utroque iure (Civil and Canon Law), and Abbot commendatory of S. Peter's in Chalon. He was named bishop by Pope Sixtus IV, who granted him a dispensation for defect of birth. He resigned and was named titular Bishop of Salona on 11 December 1503. He died in 1506. Du Tems, IV, pp. 584-585. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 934-935. Eubel, II, p. 112; III, p. 143 note 2; 289.
  101. ^ Poupet, the nephew of Bishop André de Poupet, was a Doctor in utroque iure (Civil and Canon Law) and a Canon of Chalon, as well as Abbot commendatory of the monastery of Saint Peter in Chalon. Since he was only 26 on appointment, he required a dispensation to be consecrated. He made his solemn entry into his diocese on 4 June 1504. Normand Renaud-Joly (2006), L'entrée des évêques à Mâcon et à Chalon-sur-Saône au XVIe siècle : entre rituel politique et cérémonie religieuse Université du Québec à Montréal, Maîtrise en histoire, p. 43. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica III, p. 143 with note 3.
  102. ^ Antoine, son of Louis Baron of Ruffey, was named bishop by King Francis I, but the Canons of the cathedral were not agreeable until they received a royal letter ordering them to elect none other than Antoine. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 936-937. Du Tems, IV, p. 585. Eubel, III, p. 143 with note 4.
  103. ^ Guillart was transferred to the diocese of Senlis on 4 September 1560; he resigned in 1561, having become blind. He died in Paris in 1565. Eubel, III, pp. 143, 300.
  104. ^ Herlaut: Eubel, III, p. 143.
  105. ^ Fourré: Du Tems, p. 587. Eubel, III, p. 144.
  106. ^ Pontus resigned in 1594, and died on 23 September 1605 at the age of 84. Gallia christiana IV, pp. 941-942. Eubel, III, p. 144 with note 7.
  107. ^ Cyrus Thiard de Bissy was a nephew of his predecessor. He accompanied the Cardinal de Joyeuse to Rome in 1594, and was consecrated a bishop in Rome at San Luigi dei Francesi by the Cardinal on 24 February 1594. He was again in Rome from 1598 to 1602. Du Tems, IV, p. 588. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, p. 125 with note 2.
  108. ^ Neuchèze, a nephew of Jeanne de Chantal and a cousin of Madame de Sévigné, was a Master of theology. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, p. 125 with note 3.
  109. ^ Meaupeou was a Doctor of Canon Law. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, p. 125 with note 4.
  110. ^ Tassy was the son of the first surgeon of Louis XIV. He had previously been Bishop of Digne (1676-1678). He was nominated Bishop of Chalon by King Louis XIV on 18 June 1677, and preconised (approved) by Pope Innocent XI on 31 January 1678. He died on 11 November 1711. Jean, p. 224. Ritzler-Sefrin, V, p. 132 with note 3; 184 with note 3.
  111. ^ Madot was a native of the Limousin, where he studied with the Jesuits; he completed his education at Saint-Sulpice in Paris. He was a protege of Madame de Maintenon, and had previously been Bishop of Belley (1705–1712). He was nominated to Chalon by King Louis XIV on 28 December 1711, and transferred to the diocese of Chalon by Pope Clement XI on 16 March 1712. He made his formal entry on 3 June 1712. He died on 7 October 1753. Jean, p. 225. Ritzler-Sefrin, V, pp. 116 with note 4; 132 with note 4. Louis Trénard; Gabrielle Trénard (1978). Le diocèse de Belley (in French). Paris: Editions Beauchesne. pp. 108–109.
  112. ^ Rochefort: Jean, p. 225. Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 136 with note 2.
  113. ^ Andigné died in Paris on 12 July 1806. Jean, p. 225. Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 136 with note 3.
  114. ^ Chilleau did not resign in 1790, or in 1801, but in 1815. He may have been dismissed de facto, when Pope Pius VII abolished all of the dioceses in France on 29 November 1801, in the Bull Qui Christi Domini. Chalon-sur-Saône was suppressed, but not revived. Chilleau returned from exile with Louis XVIII, who, on 12 November 1815, demanded the resignations of Chilleau and all the other bishops who had not resigned previously. On November 15, Chilleau resigned. He was then appointed Archbishop of Tours on 1 October 1817. He died on 26 November 1824. Jean, p. 226. Bauzon, I, pp. 1-105, at 100-104. Ritzler-Sefrin, VI, p. 136 with note 4.



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