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Category talk:American bowling players

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What's wrong with the Bowling Industry? (or, more appropriately what's RIGHT with it..?)


An "Industry"... is a lot like an "Individual".

Within each we may find,

   Good morals, Solid Intentions, High Ideals, Integrity, Etc. - or, the opposite may be the case. 

Whatever you truly intend, is what you will become. (Like it or not...)We become - what we think about. Do the right things, and good things will come back to you... we're all taught that, right?

Look at what has happened to The Sport of Bowling and our Industry over the past 2 decades. Now look at the overall intention of those guiding and molding our future. What do you see?

Here's my own personal story;

Over the past 20 years, I've invented (and developed,) an entire product line (that deals with ball dynamics control via grip modulation), but due to the unethical behavior of several infringers, I have been unable to find the correct avenue, to bring my (industry-saving) technology to its true potential. I also have several other bowling inventions, but unfortunately, my industry experiences have been anything but fruitful.

Can you direct me to even one entity of honest intent? I have so much to offer to the Bowling World, but it seems there is nothing to be realized, but theft and dishonesty.

(Please don't try & convince me I'm wrong - just name 1 who will show me the money!)

I know what I have. (A specific vision... THEY can't even begin to imagine.)

When a Pro sports team is floundering, what do they do? They draw up huge contracts & import - "fresh talent". That's exactly what we need around here!

Now, who's ready ?

www(dot)perfectagrip(dot)com A.G.

                                Is it any real wonder WHY - we are, where we are? 
                                Feel free to elaborate - or give a similar story.
                                         Better yet, offer a solution!