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Draft:Albert Hofmann Institute for Physiochemical Sustainability

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Albert Hofmann Institute for Physiochemical Sustainability
TypeResearch institute
PurposeResearch and promotion of sustainable well-being
  • Vlotho, Germany
Eugenio Rossi
Martin Prechtl
JD Rolfes (Managing Director)
Simon Niemann
Parent organization
Akademie zur Förderung physiochemischer Nachhaltigkeit e.V.

The Albert Hofmann Institute for Physiochemical Sustainability (AHI) is a research institute located in the town of Vlotho, Germany.[1] Founded on January 1, 2020, by JD Rolfes, the institute is dedicated to the research and promotion of sustainable well-being. AHI's mission extends beyond traditional scientific research to encompass a holistic approach that integrates academic excellence with social responsibility.[2]



The AHI was founded on January 1, 2020, in Vlotho, Germany, by theoretical chemist and climate justice activist JD Rolfes. The institute's inception marked a significant milestone in the pursuit of advancing sustainable well-being through interdisciplinary research and innovation. Initially conceived as an independent research institution, the AHI later transitioned to become a dependent research institute of the Akademie zur Förderung physiochemicher Nachhaltigkeit e.V. (Academy for the Promotion of Physiochemical Sustainability) on October 10, 2021.

Albert Hofmann


At the heart of the AHI's founding principles lies the profound influence of Albert Hofmann, a chemist whose groundbreaking discoveries continue to shape scientific inquiry and societal discourse. Best known for his synthesis of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in 1938, Hofmann's contributions to the fields of chemistry, pharmacology, and consciousness studies have left an indelible mark on the scientific community. However, beyond his scientific achievements, Hofmann's holistic worldview and unwavering commitment to social responsibility serve as guiding beacons for the AHI's mission and values.

Hofmann's journey into the realms of psychedelics and consciousness exploration epitomizes the interdisciplinary spirit and intellectual curiosity that underpin the AHI's research endeavors. His groundbreaking self-experimentation with LSD in 1943, which led to the discovery of its psychoactive properties, not only revolutionized our understanding of the mind but also underscored the profound interconnectedness between science, spirituality, and human experience. Moreover, Hofmann's subsequent advocacy for the responsible and therapeutic use of psychedelics reflects a deeply ethical stance that resonates with AHI's commitment to promoting sustainable well-being for individuals and communities worldwide.

By drawing inspiration from Albert Hofmann's legacy, the AHI seeks to transcend disciplinary boundaries and forge new pathways for scientific inquiry and social change. In honoring Hofmann's vision of a more harmonious relationship between humanity and the natural world, AHI aspires to catalyze transformative advances in sustainable living, holistic health, and ecological stewardship. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, community engagement, and visionary leadership, AHI endeavors to build upon Hofmann's legacy and chart a course towards a more resilient and equitable future for generations to come.

Principles and Mission


The AHI is dedicated to advancing sustainable well-being through a holistic approach grounded in research and application. Central to the AHI's mission is the translation of knowledge into action, providing opportunities and spaces for individuals to practice and embody sustainable principles in their daily lives. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, AHI seeks to empower individuals and communities to enact meaningful change and foster a more harmonious relationship with the natural world.

Physiochemical Sustainability


Physiochemical sustainability is a core concept of the AHI’s research and mission. It encompasses the preservation of the natural regenerative capacity of systems to ensure the long-term well-being of individuals and communities. Rooted in the principles of physiochemistry, which explores the intricate interplay between the physiological, chemical, and biological aspects of living organisms, AHI's approach to physiochemical sustainability extends beyond traditional environmental concerns to encompass the holistic well-being of both humans and the environment.

At the heart of physiochemical sustainability is the recognition of the intrinsic link between human health and the health of the environment. The AHI's research explores the complex interactions between human physiology, biochemistry, and the environment, seeking to identify strategies for enhancing resilience and promoting well-being at both individual and planetary levels. The AHI aims to develop holistic solutions that address the root causes of environmental degradation and at the same time promote sustainable living practices.

Approach to Knowledge & Community Engagement


The AHI's philosophy is also reflected in its approach to knowledge. The institute recognizes that knowledge is not confined to traditional academic domains but encompasses a broad spectrum of experiential, embodied, and cultural insights. AHI endeavors to break down barriers to knowledge acquisition and dissemination, fostering a culture of inclusivity and collaboration. By integrating diverse perspectives and interdisciplinary methodologies, AHI seeks to enrich its research endeavors and promote a more nuanced understanding of sustainable well-being.

The AHI is deeply committed to fostering community engagement, facilitating discussions, and promoting knowledge sharing. The institute serves as a hub for education and the dissemination of valuable insights aimed at enhancing sustainable well-being. Looking ahead, the AHI envisions a future where its research and initiatives contribute to meaningful advancements in sustainable living and societal well-being.

Research and Organizational Structure


At the AHI, research activities[3] are organized into distinct departments, overseen by directors who guide the institute's scientific endeavors and strategic initiatives. The AHI generally operates with a multi-, inter-, trans- and metadisciplinary approach, fostering collaboration across these departments to advance its research agenda. Research activities are further guided by the institute's Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), which provides valuable insights and guidance to ensure the rigor and relevance of AHI's scientific endeavors.

Departments and Directors:

  • Synthesis & Analysis (Director: Martin Prechtl)
  • Psychoholistics (Director: Eugenio Rossi)
  • Interpresence (Director: Simon Niemann)
  • Theory & Praxis (Director: JD Rolfes; Managing Director)



AHI is a dependent research institute of the Akademie zur Förderung physiochemicher Nachhaltigkeit e.V. (Academy for the Promotion of Physiochemical Sustainability, Academy).[4] Established with the aim of promoting physiochemical sustainability, the Academy serves as the legal entity behind AHI, providing institutional support and strategic guidance. Through its affiliation with the Academy, the AHI leverages collaborative networks and resources to amplify its impact and advance its mission of promoting sustainable well-being on a global scale.


  1. ^ "AHI - About Us". 10 May 2022.
  2. ^ https://kazi-njemanews.com/eacop-paps-work-to-lessen-climate-change-effects-in-kikuube/;
  3. ^ https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acscatal.3c00132; https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/su/d3su90036c; https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2024/cy/d3cy01635h; https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781119870647.ch36
  4. ^ "AHI - Academy". 10 May 2023.