Maho Girls PreCure! is the thirteenth television anime series in Izumi Todo's Pretty Cure franchise, produced by Asahi Broadcasting Corporation and Toei Animation. The series follows a girl named Mirai Asahina and a magician named Riko, who both attend Magic School whilst also becoming the Maho Girls Pretty Cure to fight off the evil Dokuroxy. The series began airing on February 7, 2016, replacing Go! Princess PreCure in its initial timeslot. The opening theme song is "Dokkin Mahōtsukai PreCure!" (Dokkin♢魔法つかいプリキュア!, Surprising Maho Girls PreCure!) by Rie Kitagawa while the ending theme is "Cure Up RaPaPa! ~Hohoemi ni Naru Mahō~" (CURE UP↑RA♡PA☆PA!~ほほえみになる魔法~, Cure Up RaPaPa! ~Magic That Turns Into Smiles~), performed by Rie Takahashi and Yui Horie.