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List of long-period comets

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The following list is of comets with very long orbital periods, defined as between 200 and 1000 years. These comets come from the Kuiper belt and scattered disk, beyond the orbit of Pluto, with possible origins in the Oort cloud for many. For comets with an orbital period of over 1000 years, see the List of near-parabolic comets.

Comet designation Name Eccentricity Semimajor axis (AU) Period (years) Inclination (°) Perihelion distance (AU) Absolute magnitude Last perihelion Next perihelion
C/1811 W1 Pons 0.9809 82.881 755 31.2554 1.5817 1811/11/11 2566
C/1840 U1 Bremiker 0.9659 43.453 286 57.9043 1.48 1840/11/14 2126
C/1843 D1 Great Comet of 1843 0.999914 64.267 513 144.3548 0.005527 1843/02/27 2356
C/1846 J1 Brorsen 0.990414 66.1131 538 150.6809 0.63376 1846/06/05 2384
C/1853 G1 Schweizer 0.989286 84.8136 781 122.1955 0.908693 1853/05/10 2634
C/1855 G1 Schweizer 0.965185 63.0052 500 128.5764 2.193526 1855/02/05 2355
C/1855 L1 Donati 0.98578 39.9131 252 156.8707 0.567564 1855/05/30 2107
C/1857 O1 Peters 0.980414 38.1315 235 32.7565 0.746843 1857/08/24 2092
C/1861 G1 A. E. Thatcher 0.983465 55.6819 415 79.7733 0.9207 1861/06/03 2276
C/1861 J1 Great Comet of 1861 0.98507 55.0827 409 85.4424 0.822384 1861/06/12 2270
C/1874 Q1 Coggia 0.962822 45.4028 306 34.1267 1.687985 1874/07/18 2180
C/1882 R1-A Great September Comet of 1882 0.999899 76.7327 669 142.0112 0.00775 1882/09/17 2551
C/1882 R1-B Great September Comet of 1882 0.999907 83.3441 759 142.0111 0.007751 1882/09/17 2641
C/1882 R1-C Great September Comet of 1882 0.999915 91.1882 874 142.0105 0.007751 1882/09/17 2756
C/1882 R1-D Great September Comet of 1882 0.99992 96.8625 952 142.0093 0.007749 1882/09/17 2834
C/1885 R1 Brooks 0.982264 42.2389 275 59.097 0.749149 1885/08/10 2160
C/1886 H1 Brooks 0.996783 83.8679 768 33.8679 0.269803 1886/06/07 2654
C/1887 B2 Brooks 0.983694 99.9721 999 104.2738 1.630145 1887/03/17 2986
C/1894 G1 Gale 0.989884 97.176 958 86.9666 0.983032 1894/04/13 2852
C/1898 F1 Perrine 0.980454 56.035 419 72.5292 1.095261 1898/03/17 2317
C/1905 F1 Giacobini 0.9 36 220 40 1.11 1905/04/04 2125
C/1906 V1 Thiele 0.979 56 420 56.35 1.2122 1906/11/21 2300
C/1930 F1 Wilk 0.992194 61.723 485 67.1409 0.48181 1930/03/28 2415
C/1931 O1 Nagata 0.979203 50.3391 357 42.2957 1.046903 1931/06/11 2288
C/1932 G1 Houghton-Ensor 0.972127 45.0052 302 74.2776 1.254431 1932/02/28 2234
C/1932 P1 PeltierWhipple 0.976369 43.8914 291 71.7195 1.037198 1932/09/01 2223
C/1932 Y1 Dodwell-Forbes 0.972386 40.9498 262 24.5025 1.130788 1932/12/30 2194
C/1935 A1 Johnson 0.991304 93.2783 901 65.4251 0.811148 1935/02/26 2836
C/1936 O1 Kaho-Kozik-Lis 0.994389 92.3905 888 121.9417 0.518403 1936/06/15 2824
C/1937 P1 Hubble 0.972499 71.0395 599 11.5806 1.953657 1936/11/14 2535
C/1940 O1 WhippleParaskevopoulos 0.980843 56.4926 425 54.6906 1.082228 1940/10/08 2365
C/1941 B1 Friend-Reese-Honda 0.981221 50.1552 355 26.2756 0.941864 1941/01/20 2296
C/1952 H1 Mrkos 0.982816 74.6448 645 112.0282 1.282696 1952/06/08 2597
C/1955 L1 Mrkos 0.989361 50.2321 356 86.5016 0.534419 1955/06/04 2311
C/1961 T1 Seki 0.991812 83.1862 759 155.707 0.681129 1961/10/10 2720
C/1963 A1 Ikeya 0.993377 95.446 932 160.6487 0.632139 1963/03/21 2895
C/1963 R1 Pereyra 0.999946 93.7963 903 133.5821 0.005065 1963/08/23 2866
C/1964 N1 Ikeya 0.984643 53.5099 391 171.92 0.821752 1964/08/01 2355
C/1965 S1-A IkeyaSeki 0.999915 91.6 880 141.8642 0.007786 1965/10/21 2845
C/1973 H1 Huchra 0.972977 88.2336 829 48.329 2.384337 1973/03/11 2802
C/1974 O1 Cesco 0.979579 67.2323 551 173.1585 1.372951 1974/05/12 2525
C/1975 T2 Suzuki-Saigusa-Mori 0.985653 58.4127 446 118.2332 0.838047 1975/10/15 2421
C/1979 S1 Meier 0.973197 53.4299 391 67.084 1.432081 1979/10/17 2370
C/1979 Y1 Bradfield 0.98792 45.1 303 148.6024 0.54526 8.4 1979/12/21 2282
C/1983 H1 IRAS-Araki-Alcock 0.98987 97.86 968 73.2526 0.9913399 1983/05/21 2951
C/1984 U2 Shoemaker 0.970905 41.7429 270 13.8812 1.21451 1985/01/03 2255
C/1985 T1 Thiele 0.983297 78.8565 700 139.0692 1.31714 1985/12/19 2685
C/1986 E1 Shoemaker 0.94678 67.5284 555 159.809 3.593864 1986/03/11 2541
C/1987 B2 Terasako 0.995125 80.6195 724 40.8543 0.39302 1986/12/24 2710
C/1992 Q2 HelinLawrence 0.965365 58.8554 452 106.8481 2.038458 1993/03/15 2445
C/1992 W1 Ohshita 0.99721 80.2191 719 115.1232 0.664134 1992/11/01 2711
C/1994 E1 Mueller 0.968171 55.0218 408 145.1425 1.75129 1993/11/28 2401
C/1995 Q2 Hartley-Drinkwater 0.966518 56.4229 424 168.0075 1.889153 1995/08/02 2419
C/1997 O1 Tilbrook 0.98422 86.96 811 115.8024 1.371807 8 1997/07/13 2808
C/1998 K1 Mueller 0.94511 62.2 491 35.6361 3.41659 8 1998/09/01 2489
C/1998 K5 LINEAR 0.98669 72.39 616 9.92714 0.9635469 16.1 1998/07/17 2613
C/1999 L3 LINEAR 0.97437 77.59 683.5 166.09928 1.988917 8.8 2000/01/04 2683/06/01
C/2000 J1 Ferris 0.951 51 370 98.78 2.5417 14.2 2000/05/11 2370
C/2001 S1 Skiff 0.9295 53.2 388 139.1322 3.749 5.9 2001/06/02 2389
C/2002 Q2 LINEAR 0.977 56 420 96.76 1.3029 16.4 2002/08/17 ~2450
C/2003 H2 LINEAR 0.94293 38.18 235.9 72.218 2.17853 14.2 2003/05/17 2239/05/01
C/2003 K1 Spacewatch 0.947 40 250 129.81 2.086 14.4 2002/12/20 2250
C/2003 S4-A LINEAR 0.895 36.9 224 40.71 3.874 12.3 2004/05/30 2230
C/2003 S4-B LINEAR 0.904 40 253 40.43 3.84 12.4 2004/05/23 2250
C/2004 DZ61 Catalina (CSS)LINEAR 0.956027 45.786 309.81 66.80929 2.01333 12.4 2004/05/26 2314/04/01
C/2004 HV60 Spacewatch 0.94 50 ? 92.6 3.07 13 2003/12/15 too uncertain to determine
C/2004 K3 LINEAR 0.9809 57.7 438 111.9279 1.10334 16.9 2004/06/30 2440
C/2005 H1 LINEAR 0.89687 46.24 314.4 81.5121 4.7686 9.8 2004/10/28 2319/04/01
C/2005 N4 Catalina (CSS) 0.9604 58.2 444 116.6298 2.30373 14.2 2005/07/02 2450
C/2005 O1 NEAT 0.9297 51.1 365 155.981 3.5909 6.3 2005/05/17 2370
C/2005 P3 SWAN 0.98768 42.7 279 89.708 0.52578 14.2 2005/08/09 2285
C/2006 S5 Hill 0.973002 97.430 961.7 10.13138 2.630434 9.6 2007/12/09 2969/08/28
C/2007 D2 Spacewatch 0.97771 56 420 178.618 1.2457 15.4 2006/11/24 2425
C/2007 E1 Garradd 0.980218 65.001 524.06 174.394 1.2858628 13.7 2007/05/23 2531/06/01
C/2007 H2 Skiff 0.9717 50 150 52.19 1.4105 15.9 2007/02/17 2360
C/2007 K5 Lovejoy 0.9766 49 340 64.884 1.1491 12 2007/05/01 2350
C/2007 T5 Gibbs 0.91362 46.88 320.98 45.61521 4.049254 10 2008/05/24 2328/05/01
C/2008 H1 LINEAR 0.9465 51.6 371 75.492 2.76026 10.4 2008/03/16 2380
C/2008 J5 Garradd 0.97288 72.4 616 93.271 1.96384 10.6 2008/04/01 2625
C/2008 X3 LINEAR 0.95654 43.77 289.6 66.4751 1.90213 11.8 2008/10/10 2298
C/2009 B2 LINEAR 0.9443 41.8 270 156.873 2.32762 13 2009/03/07 2279
C/2009 E1 Itagaki 0.985073 40.177 254.67 127.4534 0.5997215 13.5 2009/04/07 2263/12/01
C/2009 F5 McNaught 0.972 80.2 718 84.9905 2.24534 10.2 2008/11/04 2726
C/2009 K4 Gibbs 0.9628 41.6 268 34.8248 1.5489 13.8 2009/06/19 2280
C/2010 D4 WISE 0.88947 64.67 520.1 105.65965 7.14822 8.4 2009/03/30 2519/05/01
C/2010 DG56 WISE 0.97644 67.54 555 160.41734 1.591452 14.3 2010/05/15 2565
C/2010 F1 Boattini 0.9476 68.4 566 64.936 3.58752 6.3 2009/11/10 2575
C/2010 F3 Scotti 0.91327 62.8 497.7 4.64758 5.44669 9.8 2010/08/04 2508
C/2010 G2 Hill 0.9794077 96.19 943.41 103.745293 1.9807735 9 2011/09/02 2955/02/01
C/2010 J1 Boattini 0.9538 36.72 222.5 134.3849 1.69566 11.4 2010/02/04 2232
C/2010 KW7 WISE 0.97425 99.84 997.7 147.06087 2.570441 12.3 2010/10/11 3008
C/2010 L4 WISE 0.9647 80.1 717 102.818 2.8255 12.8 2010/02/23 2726
C/2011 KP36 Spacewatch 0.872862 38.4077 238.03 18.985920 4.883081 7.3 2016/05/27 2254/06/05
C/2011 Q4 SWAN 0.974157 43.039 282.35 147.84307 1.112228 11.8 2011/09/21 2294/01/27
C/2011 W3 Lovejoy 0.9999294 78.7 698 134.356 0.0055538 15.3 2011/12/16 2710
C/2012 F1 Gibbs 0.965 74 630 129.3968 2.5509 13.8 2012/02/19 2645
C/2012 Y1 LINEAR 0.94687 37.95 233.8 20.9594 2.0162 15.1 2013/01/18 2246
C/2013 J6 Catalina (CSS) 0.9596 59.9 463 85.055 2.41572 12.7 2013/04/09 2475
C/2013 K1 Christensen 0.98811 79.8 713 42.3415 0.948263 18.4 2013/05/30 2725
C/2013 N4 Borisov 0.974805 48.04 333 37.03523 1.210405 10.6 2013/08/21 2346
C/2013 PE67 Catalina (CSS)Spacewatch 0.966806 55.64 415.1 116.71754 1.847072 13.3 2013/12/09 2429/01/01
C/2013 UQ4 Catalina (CSS) 0.9821538 60.572 471.43 145.25856 1.08097487 11.4 2014/07/05 2485/12/09
C/2014 G3 PANSTARRS 0.9164 56.2 421 155.8268 4.6986 5.5 2015/02/02 2436
C/2014 S3 PANSTARRS 0.977 90 900 169.321 2.049 17.7 2014/08/13 2900
C/2015 D4 Borisov 0.98907 78.8 700 77.3017 0.86168 9.4 2014/10/28 2714
C/2015 F2 Polonia 0.96844 38.36 237.6 28.6937 1.210552 14.9 2015/04/28 2252/11/29
C/2015 T4 PANSTARRS 0.973620 87.05 812.2 87.91718 2.296376 7.0 2016/06/18 2828
C/2015 X8 NEOWISE 0.9393 19.6 86.9 155.2817 1.1903 14.1 2015/10/23 2099/09/13
C/2016 A8 LINEAR 0.94635 35.06 207.6 148.21184 1.881129 10.3 2016/08/30 2224
C/2016 C2 NEOWISE 0.97563 64.00 512 38.1565 1.559751 13.8 2016/04/19 2528
A/2016 CO264 PANSTARRS 0.9380 48.7 340 129.846 3.0168 16.2 2016/08/15 2356
A/2016 EJ203 Lemmon 0.957 63 500 170.991 2.736 17.9 2016/07/05 2520
A/2016 NM56 PANSTARRS 0.85805 74.16 638.6 144.04785 10.52667 11.3 2015/10/13 2654/05/01
C/2016 R3 Borisov 0.9955 100 1000 53.067 0.4468 18.1 2016/10/10 3000
A/2016 US109 Lemmon 0.9484 36.0 216 87.166 1.8599 17.2 2016/10/11 2233
C/2017 A1 PANSTARRS 0.974 90 800 49.81 2.290 13.1 2017/05/17 2800
C/2018 E1 ATLAS 0.9504 54.5634 403.05 72.4796 2.7055 11.7 2018/4/17 2421
Used sources:
  1. MPC—List Periodic Comet Numbers[1]
  2. IAUCBAT: 200 Most Recent IAUCs[2]
  3. IAU–CBAT: Astronomical Headlines[3]
  4. PDS SBN—Planetary Data System Small Bodies Node: Periodic Comet Names and Designations[4]
  5. JPL Small-Body Database Browser[5]

See also


  1. ^ "Periodic Comet Numbers". Minor Planet Center. Retrieved 1 January 2015.
  2. ^ "Minor Planet Circulars, 200 Most Recent IAUCs". Minor Planet Center. Retrieved 1 January 2015.
  3. ^ "Astronomical Headlines". Minor Planet Center. Retrieved 1 January 2015.
  4. ^ "Periodic Comet Names and Designations". Planetary Data System Small Bodies Node. Retrieved 1 January 2015.
  5. ^ "Small-Body Database Browser". JPL. Retrieved 1 January 2015.