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Radical 145

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← 144 Radical 145 (U+2F90) 146 →
(U+8863) "clothes"
Cantonese Yale:yi1
Jyutping:ji1, ji3
Japanese Kana:イ, エ i, e
ころも koromo
Sino-Korean:의 ui
Japanese name(s):衣偏 koromohen
Hangul:옷 ot
Stroke order animation

Radical 145 meaning "clothes" is 1 of 29 Kangxi radicals (214 radicals total) composed of 6 strokes.

In the Kangxi Dictionary there are 607 characters (out of 49,030) to be found under this radical.

Characters with Radical 145

seal script character
strokes character
without additional strokes 衣 衤
2 additional strokes
3 additional strokes 衦 衧 表 衩 衪 衫 衬
4 additional strokes 衭 衮 衯 衰 衱 衲 衳 衴 衵 衶 衷 衸 衹 衺 衻 衼 衽 衾 衿 袀 袁 袂 袃 袄 袅 袆 袇
5 additional strokes 袈 袉 袊 袋 袌 袍 袎 袏 袐 袑 袒 袓 袔 袕 袖 袗 袘 袙 袚 袛 袜 袝 袞 袟 袠 袡 袢 袣 袤 袥 袦 袧 袨 袩 袪 被 袬 袭 袮袯 袰
6 additional strokes 袱 袲 袳 袴 袵 袶 袷 袸 袹 袺 袻 袼 袽 袾 袿 裀 裁 裂 裃 裄 装 裆 裇 裈 裉
7 additional strokes 裊 裋 裌 裍 裎 裏 裐 裑 裒 裓 裔 裕 裖 裗 裘 裙 裚 裛 補 裝 裞 裟 裠 裡 裢 裣 裤 裥 裦 裧
8 additional strokes 裨 裩 裪 裫 裬 裭 裮 裯 裰 裱 裲 裳 裴 裵 裶 裷 裸 裹 裺 裻 裼 製 裾 裿 褀 褁 褂 褃 褄 褐
9 additional strokes 褅 褆 複 褈 褉 褊 褋 褌 褍 褎 褏 褑 褒 褓 褔 褕 褖 褗 褘 褙 褚 褛 褜 褝
10 additional strokes 褞 褟 褠 褡 褢 褣 褤 褥 褦 褧 褨 褩 褪 褫 褬 褭 褮 褯 褰 褱 褲 褴
11 additional strokes 褳 褵 褶 褷 褸 褹 褺 褻 褼 褽 褾 褿 襀 襁 襂 襃 襄 襅 襔
12 additional strokes 襆 襇 襈 襉 襊 襋 襌 襍 襎 襏 襐 襑 襒 襓 襕 襖
13 additional strokes 襗 襘 襙 襚 襛 襝 襞 襟 襠 襡 襢
14 additional strokes 襜 襣 襤 襥 襦 襧 襨
15 additional strokes 襩 襪 襫 襬 襭 襮
16 additional strokes 襯 襰 襱 襲
17 additional strokes 襳 襴 襽
18 additional strokes 襵 襶 襷
19 additional strokes 襸 襹 襺 襻 襼


  • Fazzioli, Edoardo (1987). Chinese calligraphy : from pictograph to ideogram : the history of 214 essential Chinese/Japanese characters. calligraphy by Rebecca Hon Ko. New York: Abbeville Press. ISBN 0-89659-774-1.

See also