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Talk:Nikos Sideris

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In fact "0 citations on Scholar" is incorrect (and an English language database is hardly the best approach to assess notoriety for a Greek author).

Try clicking again here: http://scholar.google.it/scholar?hl=en&q=%22Nikos+Sideris%22&btnG=&as_sdt=1%2C5&as_sdtp=

And you will see:

La question macédonienne pendant la guerre civile grecque C Alexopoulos - Cahiers balkaniques, 2011 - doaj.org ... longue... 65 Cf. Nikos Sideris, « Πολιτική ψυχολογία και κουλτούρα στον εμφύλιο »

Also, try to search on major Greek newspapers. Nikos Sideris is currently the No1 selling non-fiction author in Greece.

107 results in Eleutherotypia Newspaper

47 results in To Vima Newspaper

106 results in Avgi Newspaper

Article mentioning his book as a best seller

More articles mentioning his books as bests sellers