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List of World Congresses and Presidents

World Congresses and Presidents [1]
Nr. IPSA Location President From
25. IPSA 2018 Brisbane  Australia 2018-2020
24. IPSA 2016 Poznań  Poland 2016-2018 İlter Turan Istanbul Bilgi University  Turkey
23. IPSA 2014 Montréal  Canada 2014-2016 Aiji Tanaka Waseda University  Japan
22. IPSA 2012 Madrid  Spain 2012-2014 Helen Milner Princeton University  United States
21. IPSA 2009 Santiago  Chile 2009-2012 Leonardo Morlino University of Florence  Italy
20. IPSA 2006 Fukuoka  Japan 2006-2009 Lourdes Sola University of São Paulo  Brazil
19. IPSA 2003 Durban  South Africa 2003-2006 Max Kaase International University of Bremen  Germany
18. IPSA 2000 Quebec  Canada 2000-2003 Dalchoong Kim Yonsei University  South Korea
17. IPSA 1997 Seoul  South Korea 1997-2000 Theodore J. Lowi Cornell University  United States
16. IPSA 1994 Berlin  Germany 1994-1997 Jean Leca Sciences Po (FNSP), Paris  France
15. IPSA 1991 Buenos Aires  Argentina 1991-1994 Carole Pateman UCLA, Los Angeles  United States
14. IPSA 1988 Washington DC  United States 1988-1991 Guillermo O’Donnell CEBRAP, São Paulo/Notre Dame  Brazil
13. IPSA 1985 Paris  France 1985-1988 Kinhide Mushakoji UN University, Tokyo  Japan
12. IPSA 1982 Rio de Janeiro  Brazil 1982-1985 Klaus von Beyme University of Heidelberg  Germany
11. IPSA 1979 Moscow  Russia 1979-1982 Candido Mendes SBI, Rio de Janeiro  Brazil
10. IPSA 1976 Edinburgh  Scotland 1976-1979 Karl Deutsch Harvard University  United States
9. IPSA 1973 Montréal  Canada 1973-1976 Jean Laponce University of British Columbia  Canada
8. IPSA 1970 Munich  Germany 1970-1973 Stein Rokkan University of Bergen  Norway
7. IPSA 1967 Brussels  Belgium 1967-1970 Carl Joachim Friedrich Harvard University  United States
6. IPSA 1964 Geneva   Switzerland 1964-1967 Jacques Freymond IUHEI, Geneva   Switzerland
5. IPSA 1961 Paris  France 1961-1964 Norman Chester Nuffield College, Oxford  United Kingdom
4. IPSA 1958 Rome  Italy 1958-1961 Jacques Chapsal FNSP, Paris  France
3. IPSA 1955 Stockholm  Sweden 1955-1958 James K Pollock University of Michigan  United States
2. IPSA 1952 Hague  Netherlands 1952-1955 William A Robson London School of Economics  Great Britain
1. IPSA 1950 Zurich   Switzerland 1949-1952 Quincy Wright University of Chicago  United States
B Paris  France