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Planetary science > Earth science (Geosciences) > Physical Geography

Outline of China | China: Natural environment > Geography of China > Provinces

Planet Earth


Astronomy: geocentrism, Heliocentrism;

Special relativity, Photosynthesis; Electromagnetic radiation (Electromagnetic Spectrum), gravitational wave,

See: Space observatory: Kepler spacecraft (2009), International Astronomical Union (IAU)

Earth and celestial sphere


EARTH: …; Terrestrial /Geographical globe.

EARTH'S ROTATION: Axis; Sidereal day (23h56m), Solar day (24h00m), Lunar day (24h50m).

EARTH'S REVOLUTION: Earth's orbit (Eccentricity, Axial tilt, Precession; Obliquity of the ecliptic, Orbital speed, Orbital plane); Arctic Circles and Polar night; Solstices and Equinoxes; Perihelion and Aphelion; Sidereal year (365.256d), Tropical year (Solar ~), Lunar year (), ...

CELESTIAL SPHERE: Apparent motion of the Sun in the sky during a day /a year; celestial equator, ecliptic; Star, constellation; Celestial /Astronomical globe.

MAKING UP: Parallels and Meridians; latitudelongitudeelevation;

TIME 1: Solar time;

MAP: Map projection, map (See: Cartography);


Horizontal coordinates:

Equatorial coordinates: List of stars; TIME 2: Sidereal time

Ecliptic coordinates: Zodiac (黄道带);

Earth's cosmic environment


EARTH-MOON SYSTEM: Moon, Lunar theory; Lunar phase (new moonfull moon);

SOLAR SYSTEM: Sun, Eclipse (Solar eclipse, Lunar eclipse); Planets (); Moon ();

GALAXY: Milky Way;

PROBE: NASA's New Horizons probe,

Tide, seasons and geographical zones


OCEANIC TIDE: high ~ & low ~, flood ~ & ebb ~, slack water/~, tidal streams/current.

FOUR SEASONS: spring (vernal), summer (estival), autumn (autumnal) and winter(hibernal); Other seasons.

FIVE GEOGRAPHICAL ZONES: North Frigid ~, North Temperate ~Torrid ~ /Tropical ~ /Tropics, South Temperate ~, South Frigid ~;

Calendar and time


CALENDAR: Solar ~ (Gregorian ~), Lunar ~ (/Rural ~, /Traditional ~, /Former ~), Lunisolar ~s; Solar terms, intercalary months;

TIME 3: Time (Second, Minute, hour), Fourth dimension; World time: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), Universal Time (UT), Royal Observatory, Greenwich; Time zones. See also: A Brief History of Time!

Earth's physical properties, structure and history


PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: Shape, Size, Mass, Density, Gravity, Pressure, Temperature, Thermal sources, Magnetism;

STRUCTURE: Surface ~ (Geomorphology), Interior ~ (Crust, Mantle, Core; Outer ~/ Inner ~), Spheroidal ~ (Global Change);

HISTORY: Geology, Quaternary

Physical geomorphology


Landform: Loess (Cave), Desert (Qanat /Karez /Kariz), Oasis, Plain, etc.

MOUNTAIN: planation surface, weathering crust;

RIVER: (source, mouth), estuary, delta, lake, drainage (drainage basin), watershed (小流域), catchment; flood.

COAST: tide, tidal range, tide table; intertidal zone /foreshore /seashore /littoral zone; mudflat /mud flats /tidal flats (salt pans, marshes, barren zones) /coastal wetlands; tidal current limit, tidal limit.

Geomantic Science In Chinese "风水", 百度百科



Global Positioning System (GPS), Remote Sensing (RS), Remote Sensing Satellite and Data, ArcGIS (DEM),

See: Techniques and tools used in physical geography.

Quaternary Geology


Geology: Geologic time scale; Quaternary = Pleistocene + Holocene; Palaeogeography: /fossils, /paleomagnetism /Wilson cycle, etc.

Sedimentology: Facies > Deep sea deposit, loess, lake sediment, Ice core, etc.

Proxy: rockssedimentice sheetstree ringscoralsshells and microfossils (Sporopollen, Foraminifera, etc).

Paleoclimatology: Glacier, Glacial period & Interglacial, Stadial & interstadial; Marine Isotope Stage (MIS); Younger Dryas (YD), Holocene climatic optimum (HCO), Global cooling (NIA), Little Ice Age (LIA), etc.

Key Words: Climate, Monsoon (East Asian Monsoon), etc.

Quaternary see level change


Sea: sea level rise, sea level change;

Ocean: Pacific Ocean, ocean current.

Environmental Archaeology


Environmental archaeology, Field archaeology (the Archaeologist), Stone Age, Neolithic Age; Rock/Parietal art (Painting), Mural (Wall painting)

Key Words: Liangzhu culture, Journals:



In Lab: Geochronology, 14C AMS; Grain size (scales, GSA); Environmental magnetism (MM); Clay, Clay minerals, XRD; Chemical element, Geochemistry, XRF.

In Field: abc

See also: Earth system science (ESS), Geospheres, Earth science.

ROCK; Earthquake, Volcanism,

WATER, Ocean circulation, abbreviated as THC; called Ocean conveyor belt, Great ocean conveyor, global conveyor belt!

See also: WPWP, SST, ENSO, Cryosphere (Ice), Water cycle (hydrological cycle or the H2O cycle), etc.

AIR; Climate change: solar variation (Solar cycle), non orbital factor.

Asia Monsoon, regional response.

LIFE (Plants+Animals);

SOIL; Soil formation processes, regolith, etc.

HUMAN ACTIVITY; Human impact on the environment (Causes and Effects): human activity

Global warming, Greenhouse effect, Greenhouse gases: O3 (), NH4 (), CO2 (), N2O (); H2O, CO2, etc.

Hemispheres: Northern ~ & Southern ~ (海陆分布、冬夏半年、热量交换、动力/越赤道气流、洋流等)

See also: Earth day (Since 22 April, 1970, Denis Hayes), Population Bomb, Paris Agreement, etc.


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