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User:Donald Trung/Hanlin Academy (Nguyễn dynasty)

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The Hanlin Academy (Vietnamese: Hàn lâm viện; Hán-Nôm: 翰林院) of the Nguyễn dynasty was an academic and administrative institution of higher learning, as an agency of its government it was in charge of drafting the emperor's books and documents, oversee the festivities and rituals of the mandarins, issue subpoenas (thư trát dùng) used in diplomatic affairs, and other related documents.[1] The Hanlin Academy was also incharge of sacrifices (tế tự), erecting steles (dựng bia), honours (tuyên dương), and accolades (khen thưởng).[1]


Under previous dynasties[edit]

Under the Nguyễn dynasty[edit]


The term Hàn lâm viện[edit]


Academy members[edit]

Some of the more famous academicians of the Hanlin Academy were:

Before the Nguyễn[edit]

During the Nguyễn dynasty period[edit]


  1. ^ At the age of 16 Nguyễn Hữu Dật was promoted to the rank of Văn chức, which is equivalent to the being a member of the Hanlin Academy. This was due to the Nguyễn lords separating their institutions from Đàng Ngoài in 1558. The Nguyễn lords avoided the seem like they were usurping the emperor's power, so they did not establish a Hanlin Academy in Đàng Trong, so in lieu of having a Hanlin Academy they promoted esteemed members to the position of Văn chức.


  1. ^ a b Huỳnh Công Bá và Huỳnh Văn Nhật Tiến (2014), Định chế hành chính và quân sự triều Nguyễn (1802-1885), NXB Thuận Hóa, pages: 209-210. (in Vietnamese).
  2. ^ Thái Mai Đặng (1978). Thơ văn Lý-Trần. Khoa học xã hội.
  3. ^ "Cao Xuân Dục - Tác giả Hán Nôm cuối thế kỷ XIX". 2021-06-15. Archived from the original on 19 October 2016.


Category:Government of the Nguyễn dynasty Category:1907 establishments in Vietnam

Sources to use[edit]

Infobox draft page[edit]